Guilt-Free Catch Up

Things get left behind.No, I dont mean THAT kind of left behind. I am talking about how you are busy, and I am busy and some things just dont get done. It weighs on us. It leaves us feeling like inadequate losers. Okay, that is a little strong but only a little. Overflowing to-do lists that carry over, day after day, because we cant get it all done leave us feeling heavy, drained, and overwhelmed.Today, Im giving you a free pass. It is Guilt-Free-Catch-Up Day! Take some timeas much or as little time as you can spare, and dedicate it to wiping out the dread you feel around old, incomplete tasks. What to do? Anything old that feels heavy run errands, return calls, pay bills, clean out the email inbox whatever you need to do to lighten your load.For example, sometimes my inbox gets out of control. It is where I hold things I still need to act on and normally, I start to get sort of antsy when if it gets above 25. If Im not careful, it creeps up and this morning, I had 105 emails in my inbox! Here is the problem I give up a little piece of energy every time I check email or think about someone I need to connect with electronically. The bigger the number of emails, the bigger the piece of energy lost with each physical (or mental) inbox encounter.
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