Overcoming UnderDREAMing: Part 2

How to Desire More & Still Appreciate What You HaveOne of my Get Out Of Your Own Way students posted this in our private forum. With her permission, I wanted to share it because I think this is such a common way we prevent ourselves from dreaming big. InPart 1 of the Overcoming UnderDREAMing series, we tackled how to practice dreaming big so you exercise this skill like a muscle. In Part 2, well address how to be grateful and still live the mojo-full life we all deserve.

I feel like I was just getting to a place where I was feeling content and loving what is in my life, and now I feel torn. Like, darn, I knew my life wasnt perfect. Thats why Im here [taking theGet Out Of Your Own Way e-course]. But now I feel really focused on whats NOT the way I want it to be and like that has really spiraled me downward into a place where it all feels so overwhelming where do I start? There are so many actions I could take, so many areas I could work on and it all feels terrifying. I feel scared to take action in this vulnerable state. I feel scared when I look at who I really am like I dont really have any clue. I am a conglomeration of masks, and I just dont see whats underneath. I cant recognize hardly anything as authentically ME. Im afraid to take this girl out into the world because Im still not clear who she is, and I feel like that seems reckless. How can I love her if I dont know her? How do you love and appreciate what you have while simultaneously striving for improvement?Such great questions to discuss! This thread inspired an uber juicy dialogue in our private Get Out Of Your Own Way forum, where the students and I interact together every day. It turns out that many of the students struggle with overcoming underdreaming, and at the root of it lies this question:How do you dream big and still appreciate what is in the moment?
Heres how I answered them:

Once you have crossed the ! Pink Thr eshold and started dreaming big, you might find yourself feeling blue, which might tempt you to stop dreaming. So what do you do?

You start with self-love and gratitude. Instead of kicking yourself for what youre not doing well enough, love yourself for how much you ROCK. You become your biggest cheerleader. You remind yourself how awesome you are already, right now, in this very minute.

And instead of focusing exclusively on whats missing from your life, you stand simultaneously in the bounty of how much you already have. You ride the gratitude train. You list what youre grateful for every day. You notice everything thats going right in your life. You celebrate what is right here, right now.

Then you can be free to dream big and desire more. Most people are either glass half full or glass half empty people. Theyre either cheerful Pollyannas, not sweating the small stuff and focusing on the positive or theyre grumpy Scrooges who bah-humbug their way through life without ever feeling satisfied. Im asking you not to choose- to just look at the glass without judging it.

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