9 Feng Shui Ways to Enhance Your Health and Family

By Erica Sofrina, Author of the book Small Changes, Dynamic Results! Feng Shui for the Western World.Welcome to my series on how to locate and enhance the nine key Feng Shui energy centers of your home. If family relationships are not as wonderful as you would like, or your or a loved ones health is of concern, here are nine ways to strengthen the energy center of your home that is directly connected to them.Feng Shui has many practical applications that are logical, simple and even obvious, which I have written about previously. The more mysterious and esoteric part of Feng Shui is the study of the home energy centers called the Bagua. This wisdom comes from the I Ching, or The Book of Changes.The ancient Feng Shui masters felt there were certain parts of the home that corresponded to key areas of the lives of its occupants. By working with these energy centers you could A- identify what was going on in that area of your life, and B- enhance it by putting objects there that would encourage the chi (energy) to become activated.Next: Enhance the Health and Family Areas in Your Home
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