Green Festival : San Francisco

Spring is in the air and its that time again Green Festival is coming to San Francisco this weekend, April 9 & 10. Its a national project of Green America and Global Exchange that will be in Chicago, Seattle, New York and Los Angeles as well throughout this year.I think what makes this festival stand out is that it is carries the true sense of inspiration that make the green community powerful. For those of you who have been before, you know that the Green Festival is one of the greatest collections of all things green, and that its done nothing but expand and grow ever since it debuted.In their own words, Green Festival says:Think ofGreen Festival as a walk through a sustainable community. It begins with finding solutions to help make our lives healthier socially, economically and environmentally. Individuals, business and community leaders come together to discuss critical issues that impact us at home and abroad. Organizations and businesses showcase programs and products that restore the planet and all that inhabit it. Neighbor-to-neighbor connections are formed and skills are shared to empower people to create positive change in the world.And the festival does just that. In years past, Ive seen speakers who were happy to talk to me after the speech and actually had time to do it, met people who believed in the products they were showing at their booths, and networked with other passionate writers. Its a festival that is about what it says its about and does it with soul.Want to hear from other people what its like? Ask the hundreds of people in Care2s own Green Festivals group.If youre in San Francisco this weekend, I highly recommend you be at the Green Festival.Let us know in the comments if youve had a good experience there, or if you know of a highlight to be on the lookout for!Image Credit:
Scott James is a new media storyteller living and working in San Francisco. He writes, edits and manages projects in the green and social! media s paces. In his free time you'll find him hunting down good coffee, camping along the coast, and spending time with his wife and their dog. You can read more of what he's thinking about on his blog.

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