There are a few plants in Nature that are extremely concentrated with vitamins and minerals surpassing even kale and broccoli. Although micro-plants are related to dark leafy vegetables, they provide a higher level of nutrients than other foods. These micro-plants consist of blue-green algae, chlorella, spirulina, wheat grass, and barley grass. They were the very beginning source of life for this planet and they continue to nourish us well into the future.Micro-plants come in many forms and colors, harvested both from the sea and dry land, and nutritionally each one is an excellent source of two important phytochemicals, chlorophyll and lycopene. These super powerful nutrients support your bodys ability to detoxify heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins, plus they are loaded with nutrients to boost your immunity to disease. Micro-plants, commercially known as
Green Foods, contain a concentrated combination of phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, bioflavanoids, proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes, coenzymes, and fiber. This means a whole lot of nutrition in small amounts of food. Dr. Richard Schulze, author of
Get Well, refers to micro-plants as Natures blood transfusion.It may be a bit confusing to discern which micro-plant is right for you to take, but dont worry, there are products on the market that combine these Superfoods into one formula making it easy to stir into fresh juice and drink your nutrients. Individually, the more common micro-plants sold in natural foods stores include:
Next: 5 Best Micro-Plants