ByAnnie Tucker Morgan, DivineCarolineIf you grew up in the United States and thought American table manners were tough to rememberKeep your elbows off the table! Dont talk with your mouth full! Always pass the salt and pepper together!think again. Just as complicated, try eating a casual group dinnerin one of these other countries, where the slightest indiscretion with a pair of chopsticks or the position of your feet can land you in the doghouse with your host.
Afghanistan- Dinner guests are treated like royalty: theyre seated farthest from the door, theyre offered food first and expected to eat the most, and theyre always given the prime portion from each dish.
- If you drop bread on the floor while dining at a table, pick it up,kiss it, and touch it to your forehead before putting it somewhere other than the floor.
Chile- Dishes should be served from the left and removed from the right. Guests should be served first.
- Do not answer the phone at the dinner table.
- Always chew with your mouth closed, and do not talk until it is empty.
- Eat quietly and do not slurp your food.
- Eat only one helping of food, unless the host specifically encourages you to take seconds.