Care for Yourself, Care for the Planet (video)

When we get out of sorts, stressed, frustrated or overwhelmed, it can distract us from our true intention to care more for others and our planet. Care is a valuable and vital resource; it revitalizes and acts as a soothing tonic for the human system. Caring is a powerful motivator; it inspires us and gently revitalizes us. It comes from the depth of our being, the core of our hearts. Watch the video below and then download this free e-Book which is all about understanding care. Care Changes Lives and Our EarthDownload for free, Understanding Care: A HeartMath e-BookIn this e-book you will learn the Cut-Thru technique, the difference between care and what we call overcare, overidentification, overattachment and balanced care. Caring, like other positive emotions, increases the hearts rhythmic patterns and improves the health of your heart, nervous and hormonal systems. Care is regenerative for both the sender and receiver. Ask yourself: Is my caring adding quality to my life and our planet Earth or is it stress producing? The Cut-Thru technique will help you through this process. Increasing genuine care can change our lives and perhaps the world.

Sara Childre is President and CEO of the non-profit Institute of HeartMath. Since 1991, Sara has helped oversee and develop HeartMath trainings, educational products and scientific programs. She was appointed vice president and CFO of the institute in 1992, then president and CEO in 1998.

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