Do You Long To Quit Your Job?You hate your job. You despise your job, actually. You get sick to your stomach every Monday morning and the sense of dread doesnt let up until TGIF Happy Hour. Okay, maybe you dont TOTALLY hate your job. There is that cute guy in billing, you did work hard to get where you are so far, and the money is decent, even though you deserve more. But you cant let go of that feeling that theres something more.You fantasize about quitting. You create elaborate scenarios in your head that involve telling your boss to take this job and shove it where the sun dont shine. You visualize cleaning out your office, walking out the front door, unshackling your chains, and throwing debris up in the air as you start break dancing to the perfect soundtrack that rocks you right into the life your dying to live which is
any life except this one.Just thinking about it, you feel free. You can finally breathe. You stretch your arms out to the side, throw your head back, and inhale.You know something is calling you something that would make you giggle to your toes, something you love so much you would do it for free, even though people might actually pay you to do it, something BIG. Something you were born to do. But then that voice inside your head starts shouting so loud that your fantasies fizzle faster than fireworks hitting water.
Is Fear In Change?You know the familiar dialogue in your head the one between you and the fearful, panicky part of you that I call The Gremlin that primal part of your brain that constantly thinks youre suffering from either lack or attack. As far as The Gremlin is concerned, theres never enough: not enough food, not enough love, not enough money. And if there is enough, beware because youre about to be attacked by those who want to take it away from you. According to The Gremlin, you havent evolved from cave man days! , when t here really wasnt enough moose meat to go around, and that cave bear really did nip at your heels.
Most of Us Arent Really Lacking Or Being AttackedI dont mean to diminish the real struggles people in todays economy face. Unemployment is high, and many people who lived previously comfortable lives struggle to make ends meet. Certainly, some of these people may feel that they dont have the luxury to do what they love. They would be happy just to punch a time card and pick up a paycheck at the end of the week.But you are probably not one of those people.The truth is that most of the perils of modern day people in developed countries do not put us in direct danger of lack or attack. Although financial considerations can be real, theres usually enough food to go around, and most people would not be at direct risk of death or dismemberment if they quit a job they didnt love. Most of the fears our Gremlins are cueing off are figments of our imagination, theoretical fears that exist only in our minds.