Natural Remedies For Menopausal Symptoms

You may have noticed that, although Im a gynecologist, I havent written much about menopause on Owning Pink. This is intentional. You see, Im always reluctant to write about something I havent experienced firsthand. I know men write with expertise and wisdom about childbirth and menopause, periods and vaginas, without experiencing any of these things. But Ive always dug deep within when I write, so its harder for me to write about what I havent yet experienced.But so many of you have asked for menopausal help that Im gonna go for it! So if youre experiencing menopausal symptoms, this post is my gift to you.Menopausal women are like snowflakes.Menopause really is different for every woman. Some sail through with few, if any, symptoms. Others feel like theyve been possessed. Its normal either way.How do you know if youre in menopause?The average age of menopause in this country is 51, but its important to understand that perimenopause may start much sooner and may last anywhere from 5-15 years. While menopause is technically defined as the absence of a period for a year, perimenopausal symptoms may start long before that. And its not just hot flashes women suffer through. Many also experience heavy bleeding, headaches, weight gain, hair loss, and decreased libido. What some doctors may gloss over, though, are some of the cognitive factors. For example, you may feel perpetually forgetful, depressed or altogether NUTS! (The unscientific phrase we in the medical community use is brain fog.)In addition to the premenopausal symptoms mentioned earlier, women going through menopause may suffer from:
Mood swings
A racing heart
Joint and muscle aches and pains
Vaginal dryness
Bladder control problems
Increased/decreased clitoris sensitivity and responsiveness
Fewer orgasms
Decreased depth of orgasm
Pain! or burn ing during intercourseSo what can you do about it?
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