Mojo On! Retreat Into Your WHOLE Health

Im so excited to be leading a workshop at Kripalu, a gorgeous retreat center in the Berkshires in Massachusetts in June, and for those who are considering signing up or even for those who will miss it, I wanted to share with you some snippets of what Ill be teaching.Do you need a jump start in your life? Are you feeling disconnected, both spiritually and from other people? Are you ready to ramp up your mojo, find your life purpose, get healthy, light your creative spark, and hang with me in the flesh?If so, GOOD NEWS! You can unite with other vital women, speak your truth, be UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU, get personal coaching, and light your Inner Pilot Light in the gorgeous setting of Kripalu.You could say that my workshop is a health workshop, but if you said that, youd be putting this workshop in a box and making it way too small although Im a physician, I dont think of health the way most doctors do. Which is exactly why I started, because my definition of health includes not just the body, but also mental/emotional health, work/life purpose, relationships, creativity, spirituality, sexuality, and a whole lot more! I call it whole health, aka mojo. As in GET YOUR MOJO ON, baby!So what are we going to be doing?Were gonna rock it, darling.Its only natural that you nurture the parts of yourself that come easily to you and neglect the parts you find challenging. We figure we can yank out some vital part of what makes us whole and still manage to be healthy.And then you wonder why you dont feel vital.I met a fitness buff who eats an exclusively organic, raw vegan diet, trains for triathlons, sleeps eight hours a night, takes her vitamins, follows her doctors orders, and has six-pack abs. But she lives alone, doesnt speak to anyone in her family, and isolates herself from all other people.And she feels like crap.Ive met a spiritual seeker who meditates for six hours a day, gathers with her spiritual community, follows a guru, and prays for pea! ce. But shes diabetic, hypertensive, obese, and smoking cigarettes.And she wonders why she doesnt feel enlightened.I know someone who writes books, speaks to audiences of 10,000 people, delivers a transformative message, and earns boatloads of money. But he hasnt had sex with his wife or anyone else for over four years.And he wonders why he doesnt feel juiced up.You simply must nourish the whole. What does it mean to be whole? What is whole health, exactly?In my opinion, under the umbrella of wholeness lies:
  • Authenticity (aka, your Inner Pilot Light)
  • Work/Life Purpose (how you earn your living, give back to the world, and leave your mark, whether youre employed, volunteering, or raising a family)
  • Relationships (how you interact with others, not just those whom you know personally, but your brothers and sisters across the planet)
  • Creativity (how you express yourself in ideas, vision, products, and services)
  • Spirituality (how you connect to the Divine within you and/or God/The Universe)
  • Sexuality (how you express your sensual self, not just in relationship to another person, but in how you tap into your essentially masculine or feminine power)
  • Money (how you pay not just for your survival needs but for the processes that contribute to your whole health)
  • Your Environment (where you live and how you respond to your local and global place in the world)
  • Mental/Intellectual Health (how your brain processes stimuli to energize, connect, and respond to neurotransmitters)
  • The Body/Physical Health (the physical state of your body, where your intuition, mind, physical sensations, and spirit are blessed to live)
Your Inner Pilot Light as the foundation of Whole HealthI used to think the body was the foundation upon which everything else builds. After all, its hard to focus on doing work that serves your life purpose or expressing yourself creatively or getting it on sexually if your ! body is sick. And certainly, a physically healthy body is key in the quest for wholeness.But after many years of working as a physician, witnessing how people who are ill live their lives, Ive realized that the relationship between SICK and WHOLE is complex.The way I see it, theres a spectrum of health that looks something like this:_______________________________________________SICK WELL WHOLEInstead of the body being the foundation upon which everything else is built (the way I was taught), Id argue that your authentic self is the foundation. This 100% authentic core of who you are which I call your Inner Pilot Light must be the foundation stone in order to keep your whole health balanced. Without it, youre building your whole health on shifting sands.Does your Whole Health need a makeover?The workshop Im leading at Kripalu is for anyone who needs help bolstering their whole health. Ill be playing doctor/life coach/art teacher/career counselor/spiritual leader/BFF, and well be counting on our sisters to lift us all higher so each of us can skyrocket to the stratosphere. Well be doing guided meditations, creating art, talking about our girly parts, getting in touch with our life purpose, and most importantly healing, connecting, and thriving.As my friend Tama Kieves says, It takes an intermission to find your mission. Are you ready to find yours?Do you need a boost? Are you ready to get your mojo rocking? Will you give yourself the gift of YOU?Come! Join me! Read more about the workshop here. And sign up here before space runs out. You deserve this, love. You know you do. And I cant wait to meet you in person so I can blow pixie dust beneath your mighty wings!* * * *Lissa Rankin, MD: Founder of, Pink Medicine Woman coach, motivational speaker, and author ofWhats Up Down There? Questions Youd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend and Encaustic Art: The Complete Guide ! To Creat ing Fine Art With Wax.Learn more about Lissa Rankin here.

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