6 Surprising Heart Attack Triggers

Clogged arteries may be the root cause of heart attacks, but theres usually something else that triggers them. Heres how to protect yourself.By Emily Main, Rodale.comHeart attacks often come without warning, and although its well documented that theyre caused by atherosclerosis (plaque buildup on arterial walls), there are certain triggers that can set off a heart attack in people who are at risk. This week, Belgian researchers published a study in The Lancet ranking various heart attack triggers according to their prevalence in people who are already at risk for cardiac problems. Heres a list of some of their more surprising findings, and some ways to protect yourself from heart attack triggers:#1: Traffic ExposureCommuters beware: Traffic exposure triggers about 8 percent of heart attacks among those who are vulnerable, according to the study, and it can affect you if youre a driver, a passenger, or even a bicyclist riding along the road. Previous research on the link between traffic and heart attacks has been inconclusive as to whether its traffic-related pollution, the stress of being in traffic, or some combination of the two that causes heart attacks. But the clear message is that getting stuck in rush-hour jams isnt good for anybody. Save your ticker and ask your boss if you can work from home one day a week. Telecommuters are healthier, past studies have shown, and they even work longer hours while still maintaining a better work-life balance than their colleagues in cubicles.#2: Physical ExertionSecond on the list of heart attack triggers was physical exertion, accounting for just over 6 percent of cases. But they werent talking about the good kind of exertion that comes from exercise. The study authors noted that people who are sedentary most of the time, and! then su ddenly engage in heavy-duty physical activity, are most at risk. The best protection against this is at least 150 minutes per week of regular exercise. But if youre already sedentary and need to, say, shovel out four feet of snow from a recent storm, be sure to warm up first, and delay the strenuous activity till later in the morning. Strenuous exercise first thing in the morning is a shock to your system and can up the risk of a heart attack.Study: Marriage keeps wives fit, but husbands flabby.
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