Are you doing all the right things, but still getting drained by stress overload?Diet, exercise, meditation and caring friends can all help to reduce stress. But if we dont have a way to manage and release stress as we experience it, then stress still accumulates in our body, affecting our communications, our decision-making and our health.Many years ago as a longtime meditator and a psychologist, I pondered this problem. I would often start my day in peace and joy and end my day stressed from work challenges and nerve-wracking people interactions. I couldnt wait to get back home to my meditation corner to let the stress go and nourish my heart. Somehow sandwiching stress overload between meditating twice a day made it seem legal to endure the daily stress hamster wheel until I just plain got tired of it.Often, when we find ourselves in chronic or extremely stressful situations, we go to the heart to try to see what to do. We try to connect with a deeper intelligence to guide us. I would hear the promptings of my heart to do something different, but it wasnt until I started using some of the HeartMath tools that I learned how to release a stress reaction in the moment, regain balance, and perceive a more appropriate response to the situation that prevented stress accumulation. What was different about HeartMath tools from other self-help techniques I had used is they rely on connecting with your heart to shift attitude and feeling state. The first step in this transformative process is stress awareness.Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Hans Selye, considered the Father of Stress Research, who first applied to the term stress to human attitudes and emotional states.
Next: Learn New Ways to De-Stress