I just reread Elizabeth Gilberts memoir
Eat, Pray, Love, and I found myself tearing up when I read, The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.You see, I remember that feeling. Ill never forget that feeling.
I Am DivorcedI have two ex-husbands and a now a third husband (thank God the third times a charm). This is not something Im proud of, but its part of who I am, and each of these relationships mashed up together in the butter churner of my life to spit me out the other end as the person I am today. And Ive never been happier.But back then, when the only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying, when the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving, I couldnt imagine Id ever find joy again. I only knew I had to try, that
I couldnt give up on this little girl dream of sharing my life with someone who would let me be whole without giving up a part of myself to squeeze into a relationship that didnt quite fit.Lately, my path keeps crossing with people who are unhappy in their marriages or miserable in relationships with loved ones, and I cant help thinking that life is too short to live in pain, just because we said, I do.Dont get me wrong. Im the product of parents who were married for 40 faithful years before my father died, and I feel blessed to have been raised in such a stable home. Im hoping to offer my only daughter (to whom I gave birth with husband number 3) the same kind of stability I had. But not at any price.