Celerys reputation as a diet food in no way does justice to its culinary strengths and subtleties. Heres a vegetable about which most of us know little except that its mostly water and has practically no calories. Such characterizations damn celery with excruciatingly faint praise while its reputation for stringiness burdens it with undeserved liabilities. Happily, its what many of us have yet to discover about celery its extraordinary perfume, its delicate flavor, its nourishing, detoxifying and protective effects on both brain and body that matter so much more.Mildly salty, with light pine and citrus notes, this aromatic vegetable is a member (with parsnip, fennel and parsley) of the carrot family. Celerys outer stalks, also called ribs, surround the tender, mildly flavored innermost ribs, called the celery heart. (Note that whats known as celery root, also called celeriac, makes for great eating, but it comes from a different variety of celery plant.) Most celery is light green, but you can also find white celery (which, like white asparagus, is grown shaded from direct sunlight) and the more intensely flavored red celery. Celery seeds can be used whole or ground as a seasoning.The vegetables bold texture and crunch can bring a satisfying contrast to all kinds of dishes. And its leaves, too often discarded, are supremely edible, adding a dash of good flavor and celerys highest concentration of nutrients to salads, soups or virtually any other dish.
Nutrition Know-How
A new study published in the
Journal of Nutrition shows that
luteolin a bioactive plant compound found in celery, carrots, peppers, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary and chamomile reduces age-related inflammation in the brain and may help prevent memory loss.Celery contains
coumarins, compounds that help prevent free radicals from damaging cells. Coumarins also enhance the ! ability of certain white blood cells to eliminate harmful cells, including cancer cells.One serving of raw celery about two to three stalks, or a little more than 1 cup chopped provides 44 percent of the daily suggested amount of
vitamin K (good for blood and bones) and 14 percent of
vitamin C (an immune-system booster).Celery is a good source of
potassium, calcium and
magnesium, all associated with reduced blood pressure.The
acetylenics in celery have been shown to inhibit tumor growth.Celery contains active compounds called
phthalides, which contribute to celerys distinctive aroma and help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve circulation and aid detoxification.
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