8 Toxins Lurking in Your Fabric Softener

If you enjoy the smell of clean clothes straight out of the dryer you may be shocked to learn that smell comes at a cost. Most commercial fabric softenersdryer sheets or the liquid varietycontain many toxic chemicals. Here are eight toxins found in most fabric softeners (and eight reasons to switch to natural options.) Not sure about your natural options? Stay posted for my next blog.

1. Alpha-TerpineolThis chemical has been linked to disorders of the brain and nervous system, loss of muscle control, depression, and headaches

2. Benzyl acetateBenzyl acetate has been linked to cancer of the pancreas

3. Benzyl alcoholLinked to headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, depression, as well as disorders of the brain and nervous system

4. ChloroformChloroform is on the Environmental Protection Agencys Hazardous Waste list because it has been identified as a carcinogen and neurotoxin (toxic to the brain and nervous system)

5. Ethanolalso on the EPAs Hazardous Waste list for its ability to cause brain and nervous system disorder

6. Ethyl Acetatecauses headaches and is on the EPA Hazardous Waste list

7. Linaloolin studies, this chemical caused loss of muscle coordination, nervous system and brain disorders, and depression

8. Pentanecauses headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, and depression

The standard argument in favor of using fabric softeners is that the amount of the chemicals to which a person is exposed is insufficient to cause harm. Studies are showing that even small amounts of these toxins can have serious effects. So, think twice before you add that dryer sheet or liquid fabric softener to your laundry, particularly for children whose developing brains are more vulnerable to the effects of toxins.

Read aboute ffective natural options to use in place of harmful chemical-laden fabric softeners.

Adapted from The Brain Wash by Michelle Schoffro Cook, DNM (John Wiley & Sons)

If you missed my article on The Toxic Effects of Perfume, be sure to check it out. And, if you want to give your liver a boost to help it detoxify these toxic chemicals, check out my article, Spring Cleanse Your Liver.

Michelle Schoffro Cook, MSc, RNCP, ROHP, DNM, PhD is an international best-selling and eleven-time book author and doctor of traditional natural medicine, whose works include: The Vitality Diet, Allergy-Proof, Arthritis-Proof, Total Body Detox, The Life Force Diet, The Ultimate pH Solution, The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, and The Phytozyme Cure. Check out her natural health resources and free e-newsletter at www.WorldsHealthiestDiet.com.

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