7 Subtle Signs That Youre Healthy


Its a fact of digital life that every time youre hit with a twinge of pain or a pang of discomfort, the natural impulse is to immediately google your symptoms, which will lead you to reach the eventual (and sensible) conclusion that you probably have cancer.

Relax! The good news is that you probably dont have cancer. Or AIDS, dengue fever, Lyme disease, Ebola, leprosy, or any of the other terrifying illnesses that keep WebMD in business. In fact, you may be even healthier than you think. Random pains can be distressing, but if your body displays these subtle signs of health, chances are good that youre actually doing just fine.

1. Relatively Clear, Copious Urine
If youre peeing a few times a day and its pale yellownot cloudy, dark, or super-concentratedthat means that youre adequately hydrated and your kidneys are healthy. Completely colorless urine, however, indicates that you may beover-hydrated, and while thats not as problematic as being dehydrated, it could mean that youre losingvaluable salts and electrolytes.

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