Where Were You on September 11th?

The events on September 11, 2001 were tragic for New York City, Washington D.C. and the world.

This week, were taking a look at some of the impacts, memories, challenges and healing that has occurred over the last ten years since the 9/11 attacks. We are also focusing on inspiration and community.

Where were you on 9/11, when you first heard that something was happening? What was your personal experience on that day?

We want to hear your stories, your thoughts, how youve changed since the events, or even how youve dealt with grief and loss.

Please leave a comment on this post.

And if you have a longer story (500 words or less) that you would like us to consider running as a Guest Post on Care2, please send to editor@care2team.com We will feature five Care2 members stories as part of our 9/11 10th Anniversary series.

This post is part of a collective tribute for September 11th. Click here for more Care2 stories on 9/11.

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