Casual Sex? Skip the Romance

Written by Kait Smith

Ladies, how do you prefer to be approached by a man? There is surely no single answer to such a questionunless, of course, youre talking about a one-night stand, according to a new study. It claims that when it comes to casual sex,women prefer straightforward and aggressive pick-up tactics, and men are more than willing to deliver them.

Researchers say that women want dudes to forgo the small talk, ditch the quirky lines and get straight to the point, at least when it comes to potential hook-ups. Theres no room for romancewhen youre looking for a quick lay.

The experts from Kansas University who conducted this sex roles study of 1,000 people call it a caveman approach. Apparently, back in prehistoric times, relationshipswere based on raw instinct. Men picked women who looked good, and took them (picture the old clich of a caveman dragging his woman by the hair back to his lair. Sexy, right?). When translated to the modern day, it means being more assertive when approaching a woman.

The females in the study who were more likely to be sexist (and want one-night stands) verified that they tend to be attracted to this type of behavior. Which works out, according to the researchers, because men who are interested in one-night stands typically utilize these strategies when searching for their nightly hook-up. Some examples: Teasing her, isolating her from her peers, and challenging other men who are also potentially interested.

Women with negative attitudes toward other women were most likely to respond to these more aggressive tactics. Go figure.

What do you think of this caveman approach?


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