7 Overpriced Foods & 11 Worth Every Penny

When it comes to the price of food, I think its extremely important to remember that a food cannot be judged by its sticker price alone. Whether or not youre actually getting any nutrition from it is far more important. Believe me, a diet consisting of daily $1.99 hamburgers and other fast foods, while appearing to be frugal, is far from it when you consider what these foods are doingor not doingto your health.

This will be a progressively increasing concern as we are virtually assured in the United States and many other countries that there will be serious inflation coming as a result of the massive devaluation of the dollar.

Processed Foods are Massive Rip-Offs

While trying to list every single food thats a complete rip-off would result in a very thick book, I firmly believe its safe to say that virtually all processed snacks and the majority of processed, pre-packaged meals are a massive waste of money. These types of foods consist mainly of fillers and additives, and very few actual nutrients. So while Funyuns made it onto Yahoo Healths list of rip-offs, I cant think of a single chip or puffed snack that doesnt belong on that list.

The same goes for virtually all breakfast cereals, whether they have cartoons on the box or not. Most cereals are frightfully high in sugar, and any nutrients they boast are in the form of suboptimal synthetic additives, or worse.

For example, iron fortified cereals can contain actual iron filings, which is a far cry from the bioavailable iron you get from iron-rich vegetables like spinach. If you havent seen this eye-opening demonstration of whats really in that fortified breakfast cereal, take a look nowyoull probably never buy another box of cereal again, and rightfully so.

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