7 Tips For Eating to Look Younger That Actually Work

By Sara Novak, Planet Green

The day I turned 25 years old I headed straight to the store and bought loads of different ultra pricey skin creams. I was sure this would keep me wrinkle-free. By 30 my tone had changed. I began to realize that while I still wanted to look young and vibrant, youth came from the inside. The foods you eat show through your skin. Theyre what end up keeping you looking young or not so much. After all, your food is your medicine, three times a day, everyday.

As you already knew its loads of fruits and vegetables as well as other whole foods that end up doing the trick. If youre concerned with aging gracefully, start where it matters, in your diet. Here are seven foods that will keep you looking younger longer.

1. Avocado and Other Good Fats

Avocado has a lot of things going for it not the least of which is its fat content. Youll notice that as you age those with little flesh on the body, especially in the face, begin to age faster. A little flesh keeps us looking younger. Bathe yourself in good fats like olive oil and avocado. If youre concerned with cutting the fat, focus on the bad fats like lard and excessive amounts of butter.

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