Crucial Conversation

Learn to identify and build the skills for the Crucial Conversations in your life, whether in your work or personal relationships. Our capacity to communicate is pivotal to our success or failure in every area of life. Listen as author and expert, Kerry Patterson shares his research and advice that has helped over 2 million people navigate the rough waters of high stakes discussions that both resolve problems and build relationships. The techniques and insights that Kerry shares will inspire you to a new level of communication. Learn skills that offer a new level of bonding and relatedness as well as a means to discovering innovative problem solving and thinking skills. Dont miss this crucial conversation.

Kerry Patterson is the four-time New York Times best-selling co-author of Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, Influencer, and Change Anything.

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Wendy Strgar, founder and CEO of Good Clean Love, is a loveologist who writes and lectures on Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of valuing the renewable resources of love, intimacy and family. In her new book, Love that Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy, she tackles the challenging issues of sustaining relationships and healthy intimacy with an authentic and disarming style and simple yet innovative advice.It has been called "the essential guide for relationships." The book is available on ebook. Wendy has been married for 27 years to her husband, a psychiatrist, and lives with their four children ages 13- 22 in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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