9 Myths About Soul Mate Relationships

ByKelly Wallace, DivineCaroline

Myth 1: Soul mate relationships should be easy.

Relationships are not always easy. Why is it that we can spend so much time at work each and every day to bring home a paycheck yet we barely give our relationship a second thought? We expect it to run smoothly on its own without any maintenance, without any glitches, and without any problems. How silly is that?

All relationships take time, energy, work, commitment, and determination. If you want a wonderful soul mate relationship then you may need to make some sacrifices in other areas. Perhaps youll have to work less overtime, spend more time with your partner, work on communication, plan more things together, and compromise.

Think of a relationship like a garden. By following the suggestions in this book youll plant the seeds. Working on yourself and your soul mate-attracting skills is the soil. Once you find your true love you begin watering this garden and are careful to pull up any weeds that sprout. But over time what happens? You get used to being in the relationship and you stop watering it and neglect the weeds. What do you think will happen then? The garden will die. Instead, if you carefully tend to your love garden youll be rewarded with a relationship that blossoms and grows bigger over time.

Myth 2: Soul mates dont have conflict.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Any relationship without conflict is a relationship between two dead people. Youre human, hes human, and you have different personalities, stress factors, and everything else tossed into! the mix . How could you not have conflict sometimes? The key is how well you handle this.

Ive had couples come to me who are certain theyre soul mates and the beginning of their relationship was filled with joy, peace, passion and not a single argument. Then one day something shifts and someone gets ticked off or hurt and conflict makes its first appearance. That doesnt mean things are doomed, it means youre normal.

Conflict can be healthy because it forces a couple to look at their differences and understand each others perspective. It makes you look inside yourself, to acknowledge and examine your own core values and beliefs, and learn to appreciate that your partner has his own. Consider this a valuable opportunity to communicate and grow stronger as a couple.

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