Will Congress Protect Polluters or Our Children?

Please note deadline to make your voice heard to stop the TRAIN Act is Tuesday, September 20th!

Imagine this scene: Some maniacs have tied your children to a train trackthen hopped on the train, released the brakes, and sent a mighty engine roaring down the track. Right for your children.

Thats whats going on in Washington DC right now.

The train is, literally, the TRAIN Act of 2011, and on Wednesday, the House will vote on a bill (HR 1705) that is designed to cripple Clean Air Act regulations and intimidate the Environmental Protection Agency. The TRAIN Act requires a committee of cabinet secretaries to re-analyze the costs of public health protections. Thats right: RE-analyze. For a third time. Because when a bill is introduced, its costs are analyzed during the comment period, and again by the White House Office of Management and Budget.

The TRAIN Act is a delaying tactic created to protect polluters right to pollute. We must take action now to stop this shameful bill.

The TRAIN ACT is busy work for politicians whose stated goal is to block any and all environmental protectionsno matter what the cost to our childrens health. Mercury, lead, arsenic, acid gasesthese are the poisons spewing from coal plants that EPA, in any administration, is required by law, under the Clean Air Act, to regulate. These are regulations that save hundreds of thousands of lives, and cut health care costs by trillions of dollars.

On top of it all, polluters and politicians want you to believe that regulations kill jobs and cripple the economy. This is absolutely untrue.

We do not have to choose between jobs and clean air. We can have both.

Tell your representatives to do their jobs. Not create busy workand blow smoke. Their job is to protect people.

Air pollution isnt just dirty. It is poisonous. As a mom, Im furiousand you should be too. Politicians can play politics with each other all they want. But they cannot play politics with my children.

Parents have a chance to make a difference, this week and next. Mothers voices will make a difference. Let Washington know that you are paying attention. Let Washington know that you want pollution to be controlled. Let Washington know that clean air saves lives.

Write to your representatives and let them know that they must stop that TRAIN speeding towards our children. Tell them to stop playing politics with our children.

PL! EASE JOIN MOMS CLEAN AIR FORCE and tell your local representatives to vote NO on the TRAIN Act.

An Interview with Dr. Philip Landigan, Mercury Expert
Mother Love is a Force of Nature
Is Your Diet Destroying the Environment?

Dominique Browning is the co-founder and leading blogger of Moms Clean Air Force, a community of moms, dads and others fighting for clean air and the health of future generations. Follow them on Twitter @ MomsCAF.

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