Blueberry Oatmeal Bake Great for Diabetes!

by Chef Heather Casto, Contributor to All Things Healing Healing Recipes

Blueberry Oatmeal Bake (9 portions)
2 1/2 cups Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 cup Cooked Barley
1/2 cup Agave Nectar
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Ginger, fresh grated
2 Egg Whites
1 Egg
1 1/4 cups Almond Milk
1/4 cup Coconut Oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 cups Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup Walnuts, chopped

1 In a large bowl, combine the oats, barley, baking powder and salt.
2 In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites, egg, almond milk, coconut oil, ginger, agave nectar and vanilla; add to dry ingredients and stir until blended. Let stand for 5 minutes.
3 Stir in blueberries and nuts.
4 Transfer to 9in. x 9in. baking dish lightly coated with cooking spray. Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until top is lightly browned.

These ingredients are helpful because:


Blueberries are extremely rich in antioxidants. The dark purple pigment in blueberries contain a phytonutrient known as anthocyanin. This helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. Anthocyanin also enhances the vitamin C content of the berry and helps strengthen cardiovascular health, cancer and diabetes among others.


Ginger is a fantastic and natural antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. Ginger not only boosts the immune system but also hel! ps sooth e the digestive system. This is important for people with diabetes because elevated blood sugar tends to impair digestion and lead to gastrointestinal complications.


Nuts help control glucose levels and improve the bodys response to insulin. The healthy fats in walnuts promote cardiovascular health and weight lossimportant for diabetics trying to avoid serious health complications. Walnuts are exceptionally high in antioxidants, which can also lower the risk for coronary heart disease that often results from having diabetes.

Whole Grains (oats and barley)

These are complex carbohydrates loaded with fiber, which break down slowly into glucose in the body, keeping blood sugar levels in the bloodstream at a manageable level. Whole grains are a strong ally in the fight against weight gain and obesity, both of which predispose you to diabetes and a variety of complicating health problems. Oats are especially high in fiber and loaded with vitamins and minerals. They also contain saponin, which helps the pancreas regulate insulin production. Barley is perfect because it is high in soluble fiber and has the lowest glycemic index of all the grains.

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