6 Surprising Places Where Germs are Hiding

By Marlo Sollitto, AgingCare.com contributing editor

Is something in your house making your elderly parent sick? The places where bacteria, cold and fluviruses and allergens lurk in your home may surprise youand they could be the culprit that is making your family sick.


Theyre meant to help us clean the house, but in reality, sponges are among the dirtiest, most bacteria-ridden objects in the home. A sponge thats wet with food and kitchen-counter germs is an ideal breeding-ground for bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses. When you wipe down the kitchen countertop, those germs E. coli and salmonella spread all over the kitchen. Instead, use paper towels or dishcloths that can be frequently tossed into the washing machine every few days, and wipedown kitchen surfaces with a mix of bleach and water.


Vacuuming is touted as an effective way to reduce the levels of airborne allergens in the home. However, dust mites, pollen, pet dander and other allergens can get trapped in the vacuums filter. To avoid this, look for a vacuum that has HEPA filter. The medical community has used these type of filers, which can trap up to 99.9% of particles, for years.

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Whats resting on your pillow besides your head? Dust mites: the most common cause of non-seasonal allergies and asthma. Dust mites feed on flak! es of hu man skin, which can be found deep within your pillows. To lessen their effect, use zippered, dust proof pillow covers and wash them frequently.

6 Surprising Places Where Germs are Hiding originally appeared on AgingCare.com

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