Nourishing the Collective Heart

In her last article, Sara Childre mentioned the Global Coherence Initiative, launched by the Institute of HeartMath (IHM).

I am passionate about the Global Coherence Initiative (CGI) and want to tell you more about it.

With an international membership of 34,000, GCI has developed advanced sensing technology to observe changes in the earths ionosphere and geomagnetic field that result from collective human emotional states, whether positive and coherent or negative and incoherent. Some have described it as listening in on the heart rhythms and brainwaves of our planet.

One of the questions GCI scientists ask is, What if a critical mass of people intentionally generating positive coherent emotional states could positively affect the earths energetic fields in ways that help stabilize the fields and possibly our weather patterns?

Coherence itself is not new. Human beings have always been able to achieve it under the right conditions. It is our understanding of coherence that is relatively new the result of recent investigations into its properties and benefits and how we can increase it.

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