10 Food Swaps to Lower Blood Pressure

By Blythe Copeland, TreeHuggerWhile blood pressure raises and lowers naturally, sustained elevation otherwise known as high blood pressure, or hypertension can damage your heart, kidneys, and even brain.More than 65 million Americans have the condition caused by stress, aging, a poor diet, not enough exercise, obesity, smoking, or just plain genetics and which can be managed in part by cutting back on sodium, according to the American Heart Association.The recommended daily allowance of sodium is no more than 2,300 mg about 1 teaspoon of table salt which adds up fast. These switches also good for those who want to maintain low blood pressure can help you cut your salt intake without sacrificing flavor.1. Say No to Pre-Packaged Frozen Dinners
Theyre quick and easy to prepare, but many frozen meals also pack a huge sodium punch as much as 1,800 mg in one dish, according to MSNBC.com and many of them dont have enough vegetables to help you meet your daily requirements. For fast meals on busy nights, freeze leftovers or try make-ahead casseroles that go from freezer to oven to table with a minimum of effort (like Emerils Mexican Chicken Tortilla version) to make sure youre getting the right nutrients.Worst case: Look for low-sodium, organic frozen meals.Related: 3 Reasons Not To Eat Frozen Food2. Trade Salt for Spices, Vinegar, or Fruit Juice
Start by adding fresh or dried herbs and spices like rosemary, basil, dill, oregano, hot peppers, thyme lemon or lime juice, flavored vinegars, and garlic in place of salt in your favorite recipes.Related: 10 Spices That Heal(Click through to the end, or click the left arrow, for a printable list.)
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