9 Reasons Puppies are Easier to Raise than Children

Im the mother of three darling terriers, Bella, Scuppers, and Sable, and let me tell you, some days they can be a real handful! You might imagine the potty routines and destructive abilities of a three-month-old, a two-year-old, and an eleven-year-old pup, each of which has a strong and unique personality. It takes a lot of time and attention on my part, and not a day goes by without me thinking about how much more time parenting of a child would require. Below are a few ways in which raising dogs is easier than raising children.

Potty training takes several weeks, as opposed to several years

Most puppies can be housebroken in a few weeks if their owner is consistent and knowledgeable. My Sable is only three months old, and shes almost there! Children need diaper changes over the first couple of years of life, at least. Some sources indicate that an average baby 3-6 months old requires 10-12 changes a day, for a grand total of 4015 diapers a year! And then the training can go on and onin fact, by the age of six, 10 percent of children are still occasional bed wetters. Reading this statistic, I dont feel so bad about my Scuppers continuing to wear a diaper.

Dogs are always happy to see youtheyre never in a grouchy mood

Its amazing how I might run down to the store for fifteen minutes, and even with this brief time away from home, my dogs are elated to see me. They greet me at the door with barks, jumps, and sometimes yelps of delight. On the other hand, how often does the parent of a teenager come home to a surly and silent youth whod just as soon be left alone?

You never have to worry about where they are when Friday at midnight rolls around

My dogs are indoors all the time, except when they are with me, and so I never worry that! they ar e out getting into trouble or even worse, in danger. Children are often away from their parents, and all of us who were once teenagers know thats cause for concern!

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