3 Super-Healing Summer Iced Teas

Try one of my delicious, nutritious, and healing iced teas this summer. Enjoy!Acai Berry Blast
The acai berry in this tea makes it high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your body against the effects of aging (yes, wrinkling!) and disease. The fresh lemon juice gives your body a boost of more than 20 anti-cancer phytonutrients. Ill be discussing anti-cancer phytonutrients in an upcoming post.4 acai berry tea bags (I used Stash Acai Berry Herbal Tea for this recipe)
20 drops of liquid stevia (stevia is an herb that is naturally sweet. It is the only sweetener that doesnt raise blood sugar levels)
4-1/2 to 5 cups water, boiled
Juice of 1 lemon
IceIn a Pyrex container add the acai berry tea bags (with the paper tags removed). Allow to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Add the stevia and boiled water. Fill two large glasses (or 4 small ones) with ice and lemon juice.
Serves 2 to 4
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  • 5 Healing Herbs to Grow for Tea
  • Summer Iced Teas
  • Homemade Chai Tea Recipe
more on: Health & Wellness, Breast Cancer, Diet & Nutrition, Drinks, General Health, Michelle Schoffro Cook, Natural Remedies, Women's Health, acai, anti-cancer foods, cancer, chai, foods that fight cancer, green tea, iced tea, Michelle Schoffro Cook, The Life Force Diet

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