The Lovely Truth About Aging and Sex

Ever wonder about the twilight years of human sexuality? Listen as Joan Price, senior sexpert and author of Better Than I Ever Expected and Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex dispels the myths of aging sexuality and replaces the current medicalized notions of sexual dysfunction with a candid conversation about how sex lives and intimate relationships can change and heal us over time. Inspired by her own late life love affair, Joan offers a candid look at the challenges and surprises of re-discovering and connecting with your erotic self, which is ageless.Joan calls herself an advocate for ageless sexuality, and focuses her attention on the delights of older-life sexuality especially her spicy love affair with artist Robert Rice, who became her husband. After Better Than I Ever Expected came out, hundreds of senior readers sent her questions and comments about the problems in their own sex lives. Joans follow up guide, Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex (Seal Press, June 2011) is a self-help guide for both men and women dealing with the challenges of older-age sexuality.Listen to the radio interview to hear more of Joans thoughts on the lovely truth about aging and sex.

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Wendy Strgar, founder and CEO of Good Clean Love, is a loveologist who writes and lectures on Making Love Sustainable, a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of valuing the renewable resources of love, intimacy and family. In her new book, Love that Works: A Guide to Enduring Intimacy, she tackles the challenging issues of sustaining relations! hips and healthy intimacy with an authentic and disarming style and simple yet innovative advice.It has been called "the essential guide for relationships." The book is available on ebook. Wendy has been married for 27 years to her husband, a psychiatrist, and lives with their four children ages 13- 22 in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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