5 Secrets to Slowing Aging

By Melanie Haiken, Caring.com senior editor

We get lots of wake-up calls that were getting older. Suddenly we cant make it up the hill without stopping for breath, or we misplace the keys or acquaintances names more often. But no whining; theres also lots we can do to slow the aging process.

We have way more control than most people think over the factors that affect aging, says Kelly Traver, a physician and professor at Stanford University and author of The Program: A Brain-Smart Approach to the Healthiest You (Atria, 2009). A few simple lifestyle changes and you can look ten years younger, feel better, and get your energy back. Lets get started!

1. Stay active

Add a sport or physical activity to your regimen. When you engage in a physical activity that requires coordination, you stimulate the connections between neurons, essentially juicing the brains circuitry, experts say. So get out the golf clubs, take a dance class, try tai chi, get that old bike out of the shed, or join a local sports team.

Have more sex. Is sex the new anti-aging secret? Some experts think so. Researchers in Scotland following a cohort of 3,500 people recently concluded that regular sex slows the aging process. Sex is good for the obvious reason: It makes you feel close to your partner and gives you that Zorba-like zest for life we all want to feel. But theres a physical effect as well. During sex, the body secretes the hormone DHEA, which has been linked to weight loss and muscle strength. Studies show DHEA production declines as we age; having regular sex may be one way to prevent that decline. For women, sex releases the hormone oxytocin, which can help moderate mood swings. For men, having sex stimulates production of testosterone, the decline of which is linked to a host of aging-related issues.

Women: What Your Sex Life Says About Your Health

5 Secrets to Slowing Aging originally appeared on Caring.com.

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