12 Common Diabetes Myths

By Sarah Henry, Caring.com senior editorCan eating too much sugar cause diabetes? Is there only one kind of diabetes that is dangerous? There is any number of myths about diabeteshere we debunk twelve of the most common ones.Myth #1: People with diabetes cant eat anything sweet
Despite what you may have heard, a piece of cake or a couple of cookies wont cause a health crisis. In fact, sweets can be eaten in moderation by people with type 2 diabetes, if eaten as part of a healthy meal plan and combined with exercise, according to the American Diabetes Association.Still, while avoiding sweet treats isnt mandatory, limiting them is. Sweets often contain not only empty calories but a lot of sugar, a carbohydrate that raises glucose levels considerably. For better glucose control, diabetics should have dessert only after a low-carb meal. Its important to eat that chicken breast, broccoli, and salad before dishing into some ice cream.Next: Myth #2 (click through to end for a printable version)

12 Common Diabetes Myths originally appeared on Caring.com.

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