Mom Energy Book Giveaway!

Were giving away a copy of Mom Energy: A Simple Plan to Live Fully Charged by Ashley Koff, R.D., and Kathy Kaehler! Read this excerpt and comment for your chance to win the book!


Unexpected Energy Benefits

Admit it: at some time or another, youve made the following declaration: Im so fat! Maybe even in front of your kids without realizing it. Its hard to get away from the topic of weight in our society today. From endlessly hearing about the obesity epidemic to the latest trends in losing weight and hiding fat with fashion, the subject of weight just wont quit. Its pervasive and do we need to say its also energy depleting? Hopefully this chapter has given you some ideas on ways in which you can rev your physical engine through exercise. But if the scientific benefits of exercise arent enough to motivate you, then consider the other benefits: those that entail your commitment to your children, and your positive self-image. Here what we mean by that.

Obsessively thinking about weight seems to be par for the course these days among women. Its just too easy to slip into those thoughts even when we know deep down that they are not good for us, nor helpful. Consider the shallowness of that statement as you look at your child your creation that was born from your amazing body. Every time the I feel fat statement zips through your brain, think of your beautiful children and learn to accept the body that has resulted. Granted, this doesnt imply that you cannot change your body and work toward having the body of your dreams. But dont let low-hanging comments like Im fat derail your good intentions and psyche.

You have to look at the big picture through your childrens eyes or through your own ability and rise above the lameness of statements like that. Instead, move in a direction of, Im just going to do the best I can and be honest with what the best I can means for me. How much ! will you let your muffin top really bother you? If you feel fabulous but cannot fit into a size 2 jeans, isnt that okay? Having a skinny body isnt the goal having a fully-functioning, vibrant body is.

Dont lose sight of your physical body. When you do theres a big disconnect from your neck down, and the types of problems that begin to present themselves at a very accelerated pace could be anything from knee problems to back problems to sleep issues, anxiety, overeating, boredom, and mood fluctuations. Its an overused analogy, but looking at the body as a vehicle helps you to see why TLC is important. If you rely on your car to get you places, you are going to pay attention to its service. Similarly, the body is very resilient but theres only so much it can withstand without proper maintenance. And as you age, it will inevitably start to fall apart quicker.

Theres energy in acceptance. Our youth-obsessed culture has us believing that younger is better. Giving in to that belief is draining. When you cannot accept who you are and where you are on your own spectrum of personal transformation, you cannot maximize your energy. And you cannot be the role model that your children deserve.


Excerpted from Mom Energy: A Simple Plan to Live Fully Charged by Ashley Koff, R.D., and Kathy Kaehler. Published by Hay House, Inc.

WIN THE BOOK! Enter a comment below and you will automatically be entered to win a copy of Mom Energy by Ashley Koff, R.D., and Kathy Kaehler! Winner will be announced on September 6. Good Luck!

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