7 Creative and Effective Kitchen Tips

Get Your Pasta Right

Rule of thumb: if the pasta is tubular, it is meant to be stuffed and coated with saucedo not toss it in oil after boiling, or the sauce will slide off.

Soften brown sugar

Simple. Just pop it into the microwave for 15 seconds.Though white sugar keeps for as along as two years, brown sugar should be replaced within a year.

Make Herbalicious Honey

Infuse your honey with a sprig of fresh rosemary, lavender, sage or thyme for a sweet fragrance and a lovely flavour.

Create Cute Hooks for Your Cutlery

Drill holes into the ends of old forks and spoons. Bend the base into curves with pliers, and use them to hang your oven gloves and aprons.

Reuse that Aluminum Foil

Do you, like me, hate to throw away used pieces of aluminum foil? If so, just ball them up and use them to scrub food off your glass pans and bowlsthey work just as well as steel scrubs.

Have Your Cheese and Eat it Too

Trying to lose weight but cant bear to have bland bread? Just tie up a cup of fresh plain yogurt in a muslin cloth, and let the water seep out. After a few hours, whisk this cheesy, creamy paste with some crushed pepper, a few garlic flakes, a little salt and some chopped coriander. Makes a super-tasty, low-calorie bread-spread.

Bounty in a Bowl

Sprinkle grated carrot over any salad for a zesty look, extra flavour and a vitamin-mineral boost.

10 Tips to Simplify Kitchen Life
Feng Shui for the Kitchen

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