As explained in Good Nutrition for Healthy Vegan Dogs, vegan caregivers can be confident that its possible to feed your canine friends a nutritionally-complete plant-based diet. With some basic awareness of dog nutrition and a little help from the remarkable products that are available on the current market, its easy to keep animal-based foods out of your dogs meals.Journalist and author Julia Szabo spent 11 years writing the Pets column for the Sunday New York Post, and is now the author of the Dogster.com column
Living With Dogs.
Many dog lovers firmly believe that dogs absolutely need meat to thrive. And I confess I used to be one of them until I discovered that one of the most vibrantly healthy dogs I know is a vegetarian Piggy runs at least two to three miles a day on weekdays, and on the weekends he can run easily six or seven miles a day. The most hes ever run is 30 miles in one weekend.And thats on only three legs, folks. This rescued stray from the Dominican Republic gets around without the use of his fourth limb, which was shattered when he was hit by a car. On his diet of vegan kibble, Piggy went from being a scrawny, scraggly, hairless, emaciated puppy weighing under 20 lbs, to being one of the most outgoing, charismaticdogs on the Central Park scene. Tod Emko, his vegan caregiver, describes him as 45 lbs of solid muscle.
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more on: Animal Rights, Conscious Consumer, Diet & Nutrition, Dogs, Food & Recipes, Health & Wellness, Pet Health, Pets & Animals, Vegan