6 Terrible Reasons to Have a Baby

By Gwendolen Fairfax, DivineCaroline

You know youre an adult when your friends start acting like stereotypes. A friend confides that shes only getting married because shes afraid her sub-optimal fianc is her last chance. Or your married pal moves away from your hip, fun city to live in the suburbs, where they can have a yard and a laundry room. Or your college roommate, who always swore shed be a relaxed, stress-free mom, starts obsessing about tutoring her two-year-old for the SATs. Welcome to adulthood, which is more complicated, painful, and confusing than you thought it would be.Nowhere is the complexity of adulthood more pronounced than in the decision to have a baby, where formerly sane, smart women start saying things that sound like lines from aLifetime original movie. Whether or not to be parents is a decision that people make in different ways and for different reasons, but lets be honestfor every good reason to have a baby, there are somespectacularly bad reasons for doing it.1. Its Time
Perhaps your friends are starting to have kids, or you just got married and youre beginning to wonder whats next. If youre surrounded by people more or less like you who are happily breeding, you may understandably start to suspect that its what you should be doing, too, butthis should go without sayingthere is no right time to have a baby. Look around: fromfourteen-year-olds on MTV to post-menopausal miracle moms, obviously theres a pretty wide range of what people find acceptable in terms of the right time to reproduce. Its time to start a 401(k). Its time to start wearing sunscreen. There is no such universal time to start having babies.2. I Love Babies
I hate to break it to you, but babies do not stay babies forever. Theyre only babies for a hot, messy, screaming minute; eventually! they be come toddlers, and before you know it, theyre teenagers.No one has children because they love teenagers. If you have children because you love babies, you stand a very real chance of turning into Octomom.3. Its What People Do
Generations of feminists fought for todays women to have the right to control their reproductive destinies. Your life isnt scripted, and theres no need to have a family just because of some vague, undefined feeling that you need to check this milestone off a list. Popping out 2.5 kids and living in a four-bedroom house with a dogisnt a foregone conclusion anymore, and plenty of people are perfectly happy without them.
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  • Moth Ball Odor
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more on: Babies, Children, Family Life, Guidance, Love & Relationships, Relationships & Sexuality

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