Ive been warning readers of the dangers of soda since I started Mercola.com, well over a decade ago. Since then, science has caught up; now definitively showing the profound health risks of this popular beverage. Here is a video I recommend watching, click here!Amazingly, as of 2005, white bread was dethroned by soft drinks as the
number one source of calories in the American diet! I keep repeating that statistic because I find it so incredible. According to recent statistics, Americans consume close to 50 billion liters of soda per year, which equates to about 216 liters, or about 57 gallons per person. That equates to a staggering amount of sugar!
Play-By-Play of what Happens in Your Body when You Drink a SodaSoda is on my list of the five absolute worst foods and drinks you can consume. The video above offers a compelling illustration of why I make this claim.In it, reporter Yunji DeNies drinks a 20-ounce glass of cola, which contains the equivalent of 16 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This is nearly
three times the maximum daily sugar intake recommended by the American Heart Association.HFCS typically contains a mixture of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose (although recent investigations have found that many brand-name sodas actually contain
65 percent fructose!).
Top 5 Reasons Not to Drink Soda
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more on: Diet & Nutrition, Drinks, Food & Recipes, Health & Wellness, diet, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Mercola, fructose, Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, soda