Combat Hair Loss Naturally

Looking in the mirror had become a difficult experience for Janet. It seemed like every day her forehead receded further and her already thinning hair became thinner. Feeling like everyone might be criticizing her appearance she became embarrassed to go out and worried what might be causing her hair loss. Her husband Thomas had many of the same concerns. Only 42, he had noticeable baldness.

Janet and Thomas are not alone in their experiences. By age 40, two-thirds of Caucasian men are noticeably bald. While many people wrongly assume hair loss is a mens disease, one in four women experiences some degree of unnatural hair loss in her lifetime. But being in good company may not ease your mind about the causes of hair loss and what you can do to slow it down or halt it.

Hair loss of about 50 to 100 strands daily is normal. There can be many factors linked to accelerated hair loss, including: medications and chemotherapy, genetics, fad diets, chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and poor scalp circulation.

Addressing Lifestyle-Related Hair Loss
Before panicking about your hair loss, talk to your pharmacist about the side-effects of any pharmaceutical drugs you may be taking. Many medications are linked with hair loss. If your hair loss started after a low calorie or low fat diet, you may wish to rethink your dieting strategy. Weight loss programs should not result in hair loss; instead, choose a healthier, nutritionally-sound approach. Chronic stress or serious illness can be linked to hair loss. Make a serious effort to reduce stress in your life and incorporate stress-reduction techniques, such as yoga, deep breathing, or meditation, into your daily routine.

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