Raspberries: Summer Powerfood

Sweet juicy raspberries are so good! They grow abundantly in my garden every day for the last month, a joyful part of my daily schedule was picking these red ripe treasures.

Did You Know?

  • Raspberries are a member of the rose family.
  • Some cultures consider the raspberry to be love-inducing.
  • They are not just red: there are also black, purple and gold raspberries.
  • The average raspberry has 100 to 120 seeds.
  • Unripe raspberries do not ripen after they are picked.

The good news is that raspberries are one of the powerfoods, along with saskatoons and apples.

Raspberry Benefits:

  • Helps keep your metabolic rate high with high levels of the trace mineral manganese.
  • One of the top 10 antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
  • Has twice the ORAC value (antioxidant) of oranges or apples and higher than blueberries.
  • Contain ellagic acid, a natural substance which is an anti-carcinogenic (cancer-preventing).
  • High in vitamin C. One cup provides over half your daily requirement
  • Has more fiber than most fruits. One cup of raspberries provides over 8 grams of dietary fiber.
  • The seeds are rich in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and have a natural SPF (sun protection factor) of 25 to 50.
  • Naturally have no cholesterol and no sodium.
  • One cup has only 64 calories with a low-glycemic index.
  • Raspberry leaf tea is commonly used during pregnancy to combat the nausea of morning sickness.
  • The sugars in raspberries are nat! ural and healthy.
  • Raspberries are very easy to grow. I started with one raspberry bush 11 years ago and now have a big raspberry patch! I picked over 8 buckets full this summer. In fact, I have been having buckets full for at least 7 years.

    Right now, I a eat a large bowl of raspberries (after I pick them) every morning for breakfast. Mmmmm. I just love being able to do that.

    What do I do with all those raspberries?

  • Freeze lots of them so I have fruit all year. Do you know how to freeze your own berries? Read here - How to Freeze Your Own Berries
  • Make Raspberry Vinaigrette.
  • Make jam. My favorite is Apple-Raspberry Jam
  • Dehydrate.
  • Give some to neighbors and friends.
  • And of course I eat lots of them while they are fresh and in season.
  • Recipes with Raspberries:
    Apple-Raspberry Jam
    Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Diana Herrington, now living in Northern Canada, turned a debilitating health crisis into a passion for helping others with healthy, sugar free, gluten free, eating and cooking. After testing and researching every possible healthy therapy on her delicate system she has developed simple powerful principles which she shares in her recent book Eating Green, Clean and Lean, and as host to Care2 groups: Healthy Living Network and Healthy Cooking. Check out her blog Real Food for Life or follow her on! Twitter : http://twitter.com/DancinginLife.

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