Best digital photo frame from starzmart for Mother's Day gift
Best digital photo frame from starzmart for Mother's Day gift |
- Best digital photo frame from starzmart for Mother's Day gift
- Getting down to absolute nothing
- Meditation Techniques And Mind Power
- Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Meditation
- Unraveling the Mystical Japanese Traditions
- Meditating
- The Apple's CEO Steve Jobs
- How Do You Communicate Using Mind Power?
- Stress Relief through Meditation
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/24/2011
- Yoga postures and breathing- A necessary foot step in modern lifestyle
- What You Need To Know About Benefits of yoga And Why
- Four most sacred Buddhist destinations
- Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Clairvoyance
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- Jon Kabat-Zinn gives advice for unhappy news junkies
Best digital photo frame from starzmart for Mother's Day gift Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST |
Getting down to absolute nothing Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Fans of nothingness (I'm one, and enjoy the company of Nothing'arians, but it's difficult to organize a fan club around nothing) should enjoy this letter in a recent issue of New Scientist. It's in response to a special issue on the nature of nothingness that I blogged about last month. From Dave Howells Nothing, I believe, is when we are unconscious. Say I have an operation under general anaesthetic. I count down from 10, reach seven, and then wake up to discover that I am in a different place. What happened in between? For my conscious awareness, absolutely nothing -- no time, no space, no matter, no emptiness, no experience whatsover. True. But Dave couldn't "know" about this nothing until he became something again. So it's tough to put your finger on nothing absent a something to poke at it with. Dohas for Karmapa 900 Delhi CelebrationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Meditation Techniques And Mind Power Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Lloyd Masters It doesn't matter how old you are in today's world, you have unlimited mind power. However, before you can take advantage of it you're going to have to understand the way it works. It's about the power of belief and believing that something good will happen rather than letting life roll you downstream like a pebble in the current. This is the amazing facts behind mind power! While all this is true, most of us can't get past the negative aura of the past. You've probably spent several years trying to overcome that negativity with no positive results. We complain that our lives are hard and unfulfilling because we do not believe that anything good can happen to us. Because we think negatively we attract more of the same into our lives and create what we don't want. What we think is what our life becomes. What if we told you that everything you've accomplished up until now is because of your subconscious mind power? Would you believe us or will you think about all the bad luck situations or negative aspects that kept you from doing something? If you want something, you first have to think about it and then it will eventually appear. And this is true whether you want the best or the worst. If you always think about the worst, in other words, that's what's going to happen. Visualization is the key to tapping your unused mental powers. This powerful technique is simple to describe, but runs counter to most people's native skepticism: Visualize the success you want to have and work backwards to visualize the steps you need to go to to make that success happen. You should start with writing down the things you picture in your mind. This will help these things into your subconscious mind so that you can begin to bring them to life. Your subconscious is a very powerful part of your mind. Keep them positive so that it is only positive things that you draw to your life. Start by thinking about how you want your life to be and then you can start this process. Goal setting is something anyone who's ever had to use a day planner remembers. You write everything down that you want to get done and then you break it down into steps. Read the list every day, and focus on one item on the list and try to make it a reality. Do this every day, and you'll find that you're reaching goals you'd been putting off for years. Another technique to use to increase mind power is affirmations. Affirmations are positive things that you think or say to yourself throughout the day. They encourage you to think positivity and to work towards your goals. Keep telling yourself those positive things, it really will all happen! If you do it consecutively for 28 days it automatically becomes a habit. More advanced techniques for harnessing your mind power including using the psycho-audial link, through brainwave entrainment. Your subconscious mind will read certain patterns of audio frequencies, first used by Tibetan monks as part of their meditation rituals, as the key to unlocking better health and healing. Now, there are many ways to do this so you need to figure out what works best for you. We love to share this with those who are sick or have serious conditions. Since the mind is one of the best healing units we have as people, some individuals need to crack open its potential in a hurry. This is why you see cancer survivors always talking about staying positive and not letting the word 'cancer' scare them. Just remember this is something that needs to be done after you've understood the beginning stages of unleashing your mind to its fullest potential. Hypnosis will also help to increase your mind power through relaxation and getting into your subconscious mind. A good example is how hypnosis works to help people quit smoking. During hypnosis the session takes the person into relaxing as they are told over and over about not smoking and how they want to not smoke anymore, that they are ready to quit and this makes it happen. Eventually they start believ! ing in t hemselves because someone else is telling them to start doing it. The difference in this case is that they can't defend themselves when they're hypnotized. Again, literally everyone has a powerful mind, and it's just a matter of believing in your abilities and some practice. It's probably not going to happen overnight (after all, it does require practice), but if you do this, you can change your circumstances and turn your luck around. You must be able to communicate to the universe what is that you want, and it will come back to you manifested in physical form. The subconscious mind is the starting place. How much mind power do you have? About the AuthorLook at the exciting world of using your mind power with the popular website. Learn to live with mind power yourself. Find out the hidden secrets of the power of a transformed mind when you visit here and get your FREE DVD video, audio and ebook Package. TEDxBoulder - Greg Burdulis - Migration of Mindfulness - Cave to Corporate AmericaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Meditation Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady The gift of being able to receive guidance, answers to questions, clarity along the path before you reverberates deep within your very core, your inner essence. As a Light Worker, whether or not you practice energy healing for example, walking your talk is paramount to the journey before you. There may be times when the chatter, extraneous thoughts in your mind are all shouting for your attention! It is essential to once again center yourself, aligning your inner self with your outer physical and energy bodies. Meditation is as easy or difficult as you chose to make it. Meditation is quieting the mind, clearing out unnecessary "mind chatter," enabling you to allow your inner guidance, your intuition to become part of your conscious mind. There are many ways and many places to practice the art of meditation. There are countless books, classes and CD's to assist you along the way. The intention here and now is to assist you in expanding, developing or encouraging you to discover a way which resonates with you to quiet the seemingly never ending noise in your head. One of the ways in which to meditate is to find a quiet place outside under a beautiful tree, by a lake or gurgling stream. One of my favorite places is beside a waterfall. OK so not many of us, including me, have access to a waterfall, so the next best place is a special chair, a corner of your bedroom. If possible, choose an area in your home where you can be at peace, undisturbed for at least 15 to 20 minutes. In the beginning, you may choose to start with 5 minutes. Just the idea of sitting still for me in the beginning was overwhelming. What would I do, how would I possible get my mind to be quiet for 5 minutes! Play soft, peaceful music; focus on the flame of a white or silver candle. Focus your thoughts, your entire physical being on the cadence of your breath. Thoughts will come and go, some days will be easier than others to quiet your mind. It is in the silence your consciousness will expand, allowing ! that whi ch appears to be beyond your reach at this moment to suddenly, as if by magic be presented to you in a way which makes total and perfect sense. Meditation is a way to regulate the physical body, allowing you to de-stress, resolving issues within without over thinking, over analyzing every word, action or deed. Simply allow your body and your mind to find a natural rhythm. In time, for some it will require more practice, you will relish the peacefulness within. The Angel of Meditation, Iahhel will assist you in preparing for the silence within; quieting your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, allowing all to float away from you with ease. A Message from Angel IahhelBreathe in â¦..breathe outâ¦..feel your body relaxing, releasing all your cares and worries. Breathe inâ¦breathe outâ¦.as thoughts surface, allow them to float out of your mind. This is your time of nurturing you in a different way, experiencing a sense of oneness, stillness, harmony and balance from the inside out. Gift you with time and patience trusting all is being revealed to you in Divine Time. You will discover much about your inner essence, the truth of who you truly are. Smile for there is much to be grateful for. All you seek is found within. Once you have been meditating for a while, people or situations which caused discomfort or irritation will affect you less. Yes, there will those occasions where you will encounter stress, concern and possible doubt or fear. By taking time to meditate you will, in time, experience more peace in more areas of your life more consistently. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide About the AuthorHello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively. The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide 852 Hz Frequency Returning to Spiritual OrderThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Unraveling the Mystical Japanese Traditions Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Wilsion124 In a Japanese Zen monastry 1960 禅(4)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn Meditating Meditating or the action of calming the mind although most often conceptualized as a spiritual pursuit is also for every day uses. By meditating and using specific meditations, one can increase money, strength relationships, decreases in aging, increases in health, or even become more attractive. One simple way to begin meditating is to wake up fifteen minutes early. By setting the alarm and getting up to begin the practice of meditating is one of the best way too breakthrough into more disciplined, enriched and spiritual abundant life. Meditating and the action of focusing on either a concentrated abstractions (symbol, candle, image, or even idea, or view of future, relationship or development) or nothing at all (mindfulness or allowing ideas, emotions, insights, physical sensations and pain to pass through the mind in a detached way) are the two most common forms used when meditating. By meditating most days for fifteen minutes in the morning and for better results fifteen minutes more of meditating at night before going to bed the mind will slow, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations, will stop, and the mind will become mastered. Mastery of the mind by meditating is the quickest way to become rich, healthier, fitter, famous, immortal, insightful, abundant, powerful, and even conscious of God. The keys to meditating is first to locate a secluded or quit spot to begin meditating. Secondly sit in a comfortable position to allow ease of meditating. Third close the eyes and focus on the conceptualization (vision of how you'd like your life to be) or nothing at all (mindfulness). In this way you will begin to master the mind, enjoy meditating, and open up conscious vibrations. What you should not do when beginning meditating is to question when things will occur, when you will be realized, enlightened, or powerful, famous, or insightful. By meditating you are (even if you have not witnessed observable outcomes) on the wa! y to hig her realizations, powers, insight, and God. For more information on yoga, spirituality, religion, abundance, metaphysics, meditating and how to master wealth, powers, and longevity go to About the AuthorMaster abundance, metaphysics, powers, and longevity. Dr. Greszczyszyn master, yogi, metaphyscian, teaches the secrets to immortality, deathlessness, powers, abundance, and metaphysics. Remain As You Are -- A Guided Meditation with MoojiThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Yiyiyibie The meeting with Woz Steve Jobs is at this time is not the charismatic personality today we know him as. He has trouble making friends at school, is quiet and withdrawn and not at all interested in team sports like many other boys of that age. So electronics fit him perfectly. It is also through the interest in HP pavilion dv6000 batteries, he hit aAnother guy who followed him through life - Steve Wozniak. For all Macentusiaster he is short, Woz, and that is the technical wizard of the two. Woz is the one that Steve latter starts with Apple, Woz is creating the legendary Apple II computer. Woz is five years older than Steve, and when they meet in other words Woz that older guy who can be a lot. He was the first person I met who knew more about electronicsthan I, admits Steve Jobs in the Michael Moritz's book The Little Kingdom. When they get to know each other deeper, Steve Wozniak just showed up a computer he built himself up. In many ways they are opposites. Woz has respect for authority. Steve is a rebel. Woz likes to be immersed in technology and electronics. Steve is most of all swallowed up by itself. Woz based computers that equipped with Dell inspiron 6400 batteries. Steve is interested in alternative culture and inspired by Bob Dylan. Woz hates drugs. Steve is more liberal. I was high, discovered Shakespeare, Dylan Thomas and all those classic stuff. I read Moby Dick and attended classes in creative writing, he says in the Playboy interview from 1985. Of course, it is about marijuana, which he, like many young people in California at the time, experimenting with. This is, after all, San Francisco, birthplace of the hippie culture during the early seventies and Steve is 17 years old. During the fourth year of high school is a full-featured Steve outsider who hangs out with his girlfriend Colleen. It is she who introduces him to LSD. It was magnificent. I had listened to a lot of Bach. Suddenly, played the entire wheat fields Bach. It was the most wonderful ! experien ce in my life so far. I felt like the Apple ibook g4 battery and Bach came walking through the wheat field, says Steve Jobs in The Little Kingdom. Drugs, celibacy and carrots Steve's interest in drugs continues during his time at university. Instead of plugging in one of the most prestigious universities in California, he draws to Reed in Portland, Oregon - at a safe distance from parents who can keep watch. Reed is known as a liberal university, specializing in the humanities and Steve feel like a fish in water. Maybe not with the teaching, which he rather quickly begin ignoring, but more with the environment. Days while he was in the school library, and together with his friend Dan beef cattle are the experiments with drugs, increasingly extensive. The two usually sit in a small space above the beef cattle room and experimenting with insomnia, diet and various ingredients. It is also during this time that Steve's interest in Apple a1175battery, and he discovered Zen Buddhism. His fascination is so profound that he eventually goes on a pilgrimage to India to meet the guru Neem Kairolie. That the great guru is dead when Steve reaches Kainchiomradet comes as a surprise, but the journey makes a deep impression on Jobs, which among other things, wandering alone in the Himalayas. He tries to appear as poor as the people around them. He sees the starving beggars die along the Ganges river and he ends up in a religious ceremony in which he selected from among hundreds of Indians by a baba, a holy man. He splashed water on my head, pulls out a razor from his pocket and starts to shave my head. I am absolutely stunned. I am 19 years old, in a foreign country, up in the Himalayas, and here is this bizarre Indian baba who has just dragged me away from the rest of the group, and he stands and shave my head up on this mountain top, says Jobs in book The Little Kingdom. It is also during this period somSteve Jobs becomes aware of the importance of diet and he is experimenting with ! the same intensity as with drugs. Today Jobs vegan and during periods of life, he has been successful cafeteria. That's exactly what it sounds like - a person who only live on fruits. Of course I put up with it in my own weird way typical of that time, he says in The Little Kingdom. His own quirky way means that he determines that he can not shower for fruit diet, forcing himself to Dell inspiron 15 battery, eating for a while only carrots that he can not cook. Jaws is enough carrots you get as a bonus a little bronze-colored skin tone. So maybe it's worth. About the AuthorDell inspiron 1525 battery,Dell inspiron 6400 battery,Apple ibook g4 battery,Dell hd438 battery,Apple a1175 battery Bodhidharma - Teachings -5This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Do You Communicate Using Mind Power? Posted: 24 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by Lloyd Masters Our minds are like magnets. What they think and envision, they eventually will attract. This is called the law of attraction and it is a powerful function of the mind. If you believe something strongly enough, according to the law of attraction, it will occur. It's where you let the mind believe that something is going to happen (whether positive or negative) and then it does. However, it's one of the best ways to get everything you want out of life. If you can think it, feel it and envision it first, then it will be so. Just keep in mind it takes a little practice, but your mind power is incredible! Everyone can use this to their advantage. The problem is most of us lack the ability to believe we can do it. Probably one of the funniest statistics about the mind out there is that humans only use about 10% of their brain power. So somewhere in there is 90% that just kind of hangs out for the next big wave. That could be why we seem to think life is nothing but trouble. That leads to negative thoughts because we do not think anything can happen. We think negative, so we draw negativity to ourselves. The truth is that by thinking this way we are just manifesting the negativity in our own life. Your life as it is today is a reflection of your thinking. What happens in your mind appears in your life because it is what you conceive and believe. What some people call psychic power or ESP actually refers to things that can be created using some of the unused brain power lying wasted. When you really want something in life, to get it, all you do is think it. If you expect negative things to happen then that is what you get. You can begin to increase your mind power to the positive. One of the ways you can do this is by using visualization. This is a very intense technique that will help you tap into your mind's current power. It may actually help you flip the switch in terms of gaining more power. Visualization is simply taking the time to think through what it wo! uld be l ike to have achieved your goal, to focus on it, to take it into your mental fortress and let it seep into your subconscious. Make mental images and explore them. It will help you recognize the opportunities to make those images into reality when you encounter them. Your subconscious mind is more powerful than anything else, in that it can really bring your visualizations to life like nothing else. The images in your mind have to be positive because that's the only way they can get to you. You need to think about how you want your life to be before you try to do this, though. One good way to start doing this is to write down everything you want on paper, as though you were telling a story (or if you can't write, doing it as a checklist can be fine, too). Write down the goals you want to achieve, so that you have something to shoot for. Then, create the visions you have around those goals. When you write things down, they're harder to simply dismiss later as so much fantasy and instead become more concrete. Do this several times a day until you begin to 'live' in the reality you are imagining. Affirmations are another technique that you can use to boost your mind power, by giving yourself a positive self image boost. President Obama got into office with the simple affirmation of Yes We Can, and that same attitude can help you accomplish other goals. Do things like affirming that you're going meet specific targets in a given month, whether they're goals for saving money or losing weight - something that's definite and measurable. As you state what you expect to be true, it will eventually become true. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but if you do anything consistently for 28 days it becomes a habit. There's also another technique you can use to develop your mind's power, called 'entrainment.' Entrainment is simply synchronization of brain waves using different frequencies through audio technology. Our brains are naturally attuned to doing several different things, one ! of which is to heal themselves. You can tap into this power even more by using this kind of advanced audio-based technology. If you use brainwave entertainment, then it will open up that mind power. The only problem about this avenue is that it's an advanced procedure and should only be done after you perfect those beginning stages. Last but certainly not least we want to cover hypnosis. Probably the most common subject amongst individuals taking on hypnosis is people who want to quit smoking. When everything else fails they turn to something they sometimes don't believe in, but hope it works. However, the session will make them relax and listen to someone give them positive thoughts over and over again. Eventually they get the person to believe in themselves and convince them they can kick the habit. The mind is simply a wonderful thing if you know how to open it up. So you see, everyone has mind power, it is just a matter of belief in one's abilities. It may not happen overnight for everyone, but you can change your circumstances and turn your bad luck into good. You must learn to communicate your energies out into the universe and know that what you put out there will manifest itself back to you. Remember everything starts with the subconscious mind. The only thing holding you back is your conscious mind! About the AuthorDiscover the amazing experience of using your mind power from the popular site. Learn how to benefit from the power of your mind for yourself and find out the secrets of power mind when you visit here and get your FREE DVD Package. Mindfulness -in mediation, relationships, diet, all of life -The Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. -ShambhalaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Stress Relief through Meditation Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by Emily Taggart Stress comes from many different sources that usually revolve around anxiety and depression. It is visible in an employee who could no longer keep up with the demands of his boss; or in a student who strives to be at top of the class; or in a mother who does all the cleaning in the house while taking care of three toddlers. No matter which direction you face, stress seems to be everywhere. There are several ways to deal with stress. A wide variety of solutions can be attempted, depending on what works best for you. Did you know that you could live a stress-free life without having to spend a dime on counseling fees or for a stress management course? Yes, the most effective way for relieving us form life's daily strains and pressures is easily achievable by meditation. Meditation is a type of psychological discipline that gives a practitioner a chance to overlook his current mental state and see the state beyond his normal thinking. Simply put, meditation is forgetting one's actual condition, that which is shrouded with stress, to give way for a relaxing state of mind. Meditation can be done in many ways, as contrary to what many know. The idea of meditation to most people circles around images of yoga like positions. Although this may be true, there are various ways to meditate. Walking The seat of meditation is not on one's position but on one's mental state. Meditation can be done in whatever position a practitioner prefers. One of the more famous alternative positions for meditation is walking. While one walks, he is still able to leave his current state of mind and go into a peaceful one that could relieve him of the stress he is encountering in his normal conscious world. Eating Meditating while eating proves effective for some people as well. This is again to emphasize that although the surroundings play an important role to one's meditation, it is not the sole basis for the practitioner's successful session. Scanning a specific part of the body !Body scan involves meditation by merely focusing on a specific part of the practitioner's body; it can be his knee, his toe, his finger, etc. Many are using this most common meditation practice. Since meditation means temporarily leaving the present, complete concentration is required of a practitioner. To attain total concentration, the following must be observed: 1. A positive attitude to withstand distracting elements like thoughts of current stressful conditions. 2. A quiet and peaceful environment, which will not distract you from concentrating. 3. A position that you will be most comfortable in since meditation may take longer than what you expect. 4. A focal point (for body scan type of meditation or for stationary meditation) where your vision will rest during the entire duration of the process. These things can all be accomplished in the comfort of your home, while the children are out for school or while the toddlers are asleep for their afternoon nap. You can even meditate in your own bedroom, or in the comfort of your garden or office. Meditation will assure you a stress free day, which gives way for rejuvenated energy just before another stress battle begins. About the AuthorThis article is brought to you by We carry the top brand rebounders by Bellicon, Needak rebounders and ReboundAir. To learn more about fitness visit our site or call 1-800-644-0453. Lilium's Chakra MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/24/2011 Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST ![]() "A man who will be the public leader, must know how to be the public follower." ~Buddhist Quote Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma HISTORY of LADAKH LEH india 1978 ladakh 30 years agoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Yoga postures and breathing- A necessary foot step in modern lifestyle Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by Tripti Juni What a person wants in his life? For what a person does a hard work? He always strives for health and happiness. But sometimes he gets settled with temporary pleasures in life and during the course of time; he realize that permanent satisfaction is lacking some where. According to yoga philosophy, a person is healthy only when his body, mind and spirit are in perfect harmony. And this is what the science of yoga does.The applied science of yoga does not make a person healthy but creates an environment where body's all systems work in a well-coordinated way. This is done through proper exercise, meditation, breathing activity, proper natural diet, and tension free mind. Yoga considers that body gets infected to diseases only when it looses its power to fight with diseases. When immunity decreases body get susceptible to every other infection. To overcome this, yoga has gifted us with various exercise and breathing postures.Breathing is a very essential part of yoga exercise. One should take a stress free breath during every pose of yoga. Yoga posture includes various seating and standing poses that are used as warm up. They are basically for relaxing and meditating. It develops a sense of balance in your body.A very important and must do asana is sun salutation or surya namaskar. It should be practiced by each individual daily in his life. It is a series of 12 poses including 5 deep breaths. According to Hindu mythology, Sun is god of health. Through this asana we pay deep sense of respect to the creative life force of universe.Basically the most popular forms of yoga include Karma yoga. Bhakti yoga, Hath Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Purna Yoga. Patanjali gives a different system of yoga called as ashtanga yoga or eight limbed yoga. This eight fold paths consists of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama Pratyahara, Dhrana, Dhyan and Samadhi.All postures of yoga include different movements like inversions which improve our blood circulation and reduce gravity effect. Relaxa! tion pro cess is to release body and mind from stress. This is done usually at the end of any asana. Twist is another kind of yoga exercise which is very helpful in stretching muscles and increases the blood circulation in the internal organs. Forward and back bends are among the tough postures of yoga. It's a good exercise for our nervous system and spine. It keeps nerves strong and maintains circulation of blood.Some of the asana or postures during yoga are named as Shirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Uddyiana bandha. In breathing exercise, Prayanama is the complete breathing process that includes slow and fast breathing movements. It's made of prana means energy and ayama means stretch or extension. It is an auto energizing force which stabilizes energy and consciousness. During practicing all the above poses, some safety should be considered. People with asthma or any other respiratory disorder should do breathing exercises with great caution. It can cause them dizziness or unconsciousness. Heart patients and blood pressure patients should not do stressful yoga movements. In this modern fast life, yoga can take you to the world oh happiness and relaxation. About the AuthorTripti is an Author for Backonyourfeet, A natural Heath Clinic where our highly skilled experts may guide you about for eliminating your diseases permanently. For more information, visit is an Author for Backonyourfeet, A natural Heath Clinic where our highly skilled experts may guide you about Yoga postures and breathing for eliminating your diseases permanently. For more information, visit |
What You Need To Know About Benefits of yoga And Why Posted: 24 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST Article by Noel J ireland When practicing yoga through meditation, the mind will be better aligned with the body while working towards achieving harmony. How frequently do we discover that we can't do our activities correctly and in a meaningful way because of the mental confusion and conflicts weighing down on us? Every part of our physical, emotional, and endocrinal being is affected by stress. This type of thing can be corrected with the assistance of yoga. At the physical level, yoga along with its cleansing practices, have been shown to be highly successful for several disorders. The following is a list of a few of the benefits of yoga that you can achieve. Benefits of Yoga 1: Yoga increases flexibility, as yoga has positions that trigger the various joints of the body. This involves joints that are not used in standard exercise routines. Benefits of Yoga 2: Yoga raises the amount of lubrication in joints, ligaments, and tendons too. The thoroughly researched yoga positions work the various tendons and ligaments of the body. It's also been noted that the body that practices yoga stiffly might have a truly amazing amount of limberness in the end with the body parts that have not been knowingly been worked on. Benefits of Yoga 3: All of the bodies organs are additionally massaged by Yoga. Yoga may be the only exercise that can work your internal organs thoroughly, even the ones that rarely get external stimulation over the course of our whole lives. Benefits of Yoga 4: Yoga works in a wholesome way on the different parts of the body. This stimulation and massage of the organ helps us by staving off disease and giving advance warning at the earliest onset of disease or illness. One of the long term benefits of yoga is the unusual feeling of awareness that it develops in the practitioner of an upcoming health problem or an infection. This then lets the person take preemptive actions to correct it. Benefits of Yoga 5: Yoga gives a total detoxification of the bo! dy. It s tretches the muscles and joints, and additionally, massages different organs, as yoga supports better blood circulation to various areas of the body. This aids in flushing out toxins from all parts of the body along with giving nourishment up to the final point. Benefits like added energy, a renewed zest for life, and a delay in the aging process are brought on by this. Benefits of Yoga 6: Yoga can also be a great way to tone muscles. Excess flaccidity and fat are worked off of any muscles that have become flaccid or weak by using repeated stimulation. These physical benefits are not even the true purpose of yoga. When the body and mind are in harmony, which happens because of yoga, the benefits are remarkable. It is now widely known that the power of the mind has let people do amazing physical feats, which confirms the mind and body have a real connection. As a matter of fact, yoga equals meditation, since both work jointly in attaining the mutual goal of oneness of mind, body, and spirit that lead to the feeling of eternal bliss that you can only get through yoga. The meditative practices via yoga aid in attaining an emotional stability by way of detachment. This brings amazing relaxations and positive feelings, which also have excellent advantages for the bodies physical health. About the AuthorWant more answers for achieving your best health and fitnesspersonal care, Exercises,Diet? "> Click Here for more information Hemp + Yoga Gear + Belly Fat : Let's Be Friends Fridays - Bex LifeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Four most sacred Buddhist destinations Posted: 24 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST Article by Harry Carlin Tibetan incantations - Om Mani Padme Hum : Buddhist MantraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Clairvoyance Posted: 24 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady Everything and everyone is comprised of energy, vibrating at many levels, emitting many different frequencies. We all see and sense things differently; intuitively receiving information in countless ways. One of the ways in which we receive Divine Guidance is through our sight, inner sight, clear seeing, Clairvoyance. Do you sometimes experience seeing what appears to be a shadow out of the corner of your eye only to discover there is nothing there? Do you see beyond surface appearances into the heart, the Soul or perhaps another person's Aura? Clairvoyance is by definition "clear seeing" or seeing clearly through your inner sight. If you are a very visual person, it is very possible you have the gift of Clairvoyance. When you close your eyes do you see vivid images whether they are in color, black and white or shades of gray? Answers or messages may be gifted to you in the form of dreams or visions during you waking hours. As a child I would often daydreamâ¦.not always a good thing during school hours! You may be reading a book, meditating, or gazing at something. Your conscious mind is occupied with another task allowing your inner sight to gift you with images, impressions, names of places or people you know. These are but a few of the many ways in which it is possible to receive Divine Guidance through inner sight. It is not necessary for your Third Eye to be completely awakened or open in order to "see clearly," receiving messages. How can you develop or expand this gift? Begin by quieting your mind, playing soft, relaxing music. Light a white or rose candle. As you focus on your breathing, allow your eyes to focus upon the flame of the candle. Soften your gaze just a little, how many colors do you see in the flame? After a few moments, close your eyes. Do you still see the candle flame? Open your eyes, gaze at the flame for a slightly longer period of time, close your eyes. Now do you see the image in your mind's eye? Without forcing it, how long can you maint! ain the image? This simple, yet effective exercise will increase your self-confidence and your ability to trust what you sense through your gift of inner sight. Angel Samandiriel, whose name means, He Who See Beyond, will when asked, assist you in developing or expanding your gift of "seeing." A Message from Angel SamandirielBe cautious with thy sight beloved child. Seeing is a gift of trust, knowing that which is shown to you is to be shared with reverence, dignity, compassion and with love. For in the sharing, many may seek thee out. Be wise, be thoughtful, be tolerant of the ways of others for they know not the impact of their actions upon you. As you travel the path before you, you shall be gifted with messages in image form. Go within discerning if all you receive is truly Divine Guidance. Call upon me and my brethren to assist you along the journey before you this day. Be not afraid, all is well, all is unfolding in Divine Time in accordance with the Divine Purpose for your life. It is highly likely all who are gifted with Clairvoyance are sensitive to light; see Auras, sense shapes, possibly seeing energy shifts. Be discerning in what you see or watch with your physical sight, for images resonate more deeply for you than for people who are do not share this gift. Receiving information by "seeing" is a gift to be treasured, respected and used with the utmost integrity. Those who "see" often receive images, answers to questions in the form of symbols, letters, numbers or memories. Many times a Clairvoyant will receive information for others. If you experience "seeing" for others, speaking with loving kindness when delivering messages is your greatest responsibility. People remember everything you say to them be it positive or negative. Be kind when sharing the gift of inner sight with others. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connect! ing with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide About the AuthorHello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively. The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide |
Elements to keep in mind when deciding on the correct flooring Posted: 24 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST Article by axax mazx Interior d?cor is changing with every passing day.There are a variety of materials that have been introduced to the market, and it is proving to be a hard time to get the perfect materials that will suit the home. Some people choose to employ interior decorating organizations so that they can find out what they want and have it executed well. Some people want to take on their house construction alone. If this is your choice, this will imply that you will need the basic info on the different types of housing materials. One element you need to keep in mind will be how to choose the perfect flooring materials. Once you pick the best choice, you will find it easy to decorate the other parts of the house. The material has to be user friendly and quite strong. There are many varieties of flooring materials that are available but there are some things that you need to keep in mind when selecting them. Thefirst one will be the look of the floor materials. Once you begin decorating your house, the floor wants to be made of very strong materials that will maintain its beauty even under the everyday wear and tear of family use. The durability aspect has to be a prioritysince if the materials does not last for long, it will mean constant repair that is another expense to the homeowner. The other factor will be to pick the materials that are suitable for the room. If you are dealing with an office, pick materials that are strong, simple to clean and really easy to maintain. This is because there are several men and women in the workplace. The ideal flooring for the homeneeds to meet the expectations of the house owner and this is where the issue of choice takes place. There are those who prefer to have carpets since they are extremely comfy and make your home seem very warm. Other people love ceramic tile since it is fairly easy to clean and there are a wide selection of designs available. What ever type you select it will be wise to get the very best dealer to sell them to you. There are some co! unterfei t products that have hit the market and if you fall prey to this, you will end up losing the investment that you have made. You need to plan early since your house is the place where you will be relaxing and spending most of your time. Take the effort to go through various stores that sell these materials and find out which one that will suit your home and will make you feel comfy. About the AuthorWith the help of selecting best Flooring change look of your workplace. Checkout more about Flooring. |
What Is It Like to Be a Samurai? Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Article by Josette Emlen Genio Samurai are the fighting forces of Japan during the pre-industrial period. They were rare and elite breed of warriors enjoying special military aristocracy who were most prevalent between the tenth and nineteenth centuries. The term "samurai" came from the Japanese verb saburau, which means "to serve". As such, a samurai is a retainer of a chief or a lord. Thus, it is expected from them to protect their clan at all cost even if it means "fighting for your life". It is always important for them to keep their honor and abide by rules and ethics governing Bushido, also known as The Samurai Code and The Way of the Warrior. The samurai have become almost legendary with their famous character for personal resilience and courage on the battlefield. Although some samurai enjoyed great privileges in the society, many have also lived a life full of vicious, endless training and self-conditioning. When not fighting in combats, they would often spend the rest of their time improving their fighting skills, with or without the aid of their swords. Training of a samurai warrior began in his childhood years. There were schools meant for this, offering a unique combination of Chinese studies, physical training, mental conditioning, and poetry and spiritual disciplines. These young samurai studied Kendo or the Way of the Sword, Zen Buddhism, and most importantly the Bushido. The latter stresses loyalty to the master, respect for the elites and the privileged and ethical conduct and self-discipline at all times. The physical training of samurai warriors includes perfecting the movements called kata, a practice exercise, and suburi, a sword-drilling technique. They can only stop doing these if they have perfected the speed and accuracy already. This also means they are now ready for sparring against real opponents using wood swords known as bokuto. In some cases, they would practice their skills and techniques against slaves and prisoners. It is a must for every warrior to attain perfection a! ssociate d with fighting skills and ethical behaviors. Samurai would often spend the rest of their lives practicing and never to cease. The more experienced they are, the tougher they become in war - and the more they are respected. Today, samurai are well-remembered for their strong characters and abilities, not only in Japan, but also around the world. Do you know how it feels like to be a Samurai? Experience the world of combat with this new, fun game of Samurai Training from Dinoroar Interactive ( See yourself in action at About the AuthorI am a Bachelor's Degree holder in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences with excellent scholastic standing. My specialization lies on the various aspects of environmental, aquatic, and health sciences. I want to learn as well, from the diverse aspects of life. I have so much passion writing on niches related to travel, news, and health and wellness too. Part 2 - A Documentary on Brother David Steindl-RastThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Janis Joplin, vapor trails, and falling leaves Posted: 24 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Oh, man, this has got to be a terrific post now that I've come up with that title. It's almost Christmas, so naturally my thoughts are turning toward utterly unreligious stuff. But I'm still getting signs from the universe. At least, I like to think that I am. And who else is better qualified to tell whether a seemingly random event actually is a message from... [fill in the blank; me, I have no idea who might be the messenger]. Like, yesterday I was driving around, listening to Classic Vinyl on Sirius XM, grooving to sounds of the '60s when -- oh, my God! -- two of my favorite songs came on in a row: Janis Joplin singing "Me and Bobby McGee," then Grace Slick singing "White Rabbit." Clearly, a message from [X]. There's a lot of great lyrics in "Me and Bobby McGee." Like: Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose I love how the song is so earthy, so real. It's easy to picture windshield washers beating time, as a woman "holds Bobby's hand in mine," singing every song the truck driver who picked them up knew. Abstractions, they're fine. Ditto with dogmas, theologies, concepts, hypotheses about what the cosmos might be all about. Then there's what Joplin sings about with such soul: holding Bobby's body next to mine. I couldn't find a video online of her singing this song. But it's her voice that sends chills up my spine. There is only one Janis Joplin. I've never heard or seen anyone else like her. Which should remind us: there's also nobody else like us.
Shortly after I arrived at San Jose State University in 1966 as a freshman, I stumbled across a free concert on campus by Big Brother and the Holding Company. Janis Joplin was holding forth on stage. Watching her, I knew that I wasn't in conservative central California anymore. A new magical world was dawning. The mantra: "Do your own thing." Still damn good advice, especially when it comes to religion, spirituality, philosophy of life, morals, ethics -- all that stuff. Janis Joplin died at twenty-seven from a heroin overdose. Seems like it was too soon, but who am I to say? She lived life her way. Full tilt. Holding nothing back. Expressing herself like nobody before or since. She was unique. Again, like we all are. Here she is singing "Ball and Chain" with every ounce of her being.
Some people flash through life like a vapor trail, appearing and disappearing suddenly, making a sonic boom that grabs our attention. I thought of Joplin when I glanced up during my afternoon dog walk in the woods today.
Like the setting sun, which greeted dog and me as we turned toward the west and headed around the lake.
Life happens. Death happens. It's what happens. And didn't Joplin sing, "Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose"? What do we have that is really ours? Is this body mine, this brain, this anything? I came from somewhere/nowhere and I'm heading back to the same place. I was thinking along these lines as dog and I walked across the dam at the end of the lake. As so often happens, I wasn't aware of what nature was speaking, I was so focused on what the voice inside my head was talking about. But, just in time, I noticed another vapor trail. Another jet, headed in the same direction as the first one. Yet now I could see the jet. It was illuminated by the setting sun.
Earlier this month I also fired up my iPhone's camera on a dog walk. I made a one minute video of what was happening with some trees at the time. Leaves were falling. The moment was strangely moving. For me. Likely, not for anyone else who sees the video. As is so often said, "I guess you had to be there." And not only there, but there inside my head. Here's my quasi-poetic (very quasi) narration, since the sound wasn't recorded very well. Leaves
On a different's Grace Slick singing "White Rabbit." Wow. Wow. Wow.
Meditation Power and the Energy that It Can Bring Posted: 23 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Ricardo Lumbardo Meditation power is experienced by people all over the world. Thousands are making their lives richer and more meaningful with meditation. They are reducing their stress, healing themselves and transforming lives in various ways using meditation. Meditation has immense power to create a difference in our lives. Meditation can affect many areas of our lives since it involves the interaction with the universal energy source which transcends everything. It strengthens our soul, heart and mind and it surrounds us with energy. We would be able to get higher energy the deeper we go into meditation. How Does Meditation Work? Meditation power allows us to improve the quality of our life. Those who take the benefit of this would be able to accomplish anything in life. All your fears about the unknown and about your future would disappear and it would be replaced with positive attitude. Meditation would provide you the guidance that you need in order to progress in this new direction. It would involve you thinking about something positive and then preparing a detailed plan to achieve the objectives that you have in mind. Meditation works this well since it helps us put our minds on hold for sometime and gain access to something that is infinite and immensely powerful. By suspending the rational and thinking minds, it is easy to slip to a state of infinite relaxation and consciousness. We would be able to completely free ourselves from stress and get guidance, experience supreme bliss that would come from being connected to everything in this universe. Meditation Needs Practice Meditation power has immense benefits but it is definitely not an easy task to perform. It takes a lot of persistence to be able to stop your mind from constantly thinking. However, if you practice it regularly it is possible. There are several ways in which you can make it easier for yourself but you would have to first understand which form of meditation would work well for you. There are a few meditatio! n types which are more difficult and require study. You can select a form of meditation depending on what results you expect, your mood and the time frame. Meditation can help you bring your consciousness to a higher level. It will allow you to make full use of your resources and access cosmic consciousness. All your negative energy would be released along with harmful thought patterns. You would be able to feel more innovative, energetic and vibrant and you can experience higher self confidence, esteem, motivation and satisfaction in life. Meditation can help you release the blocked energies, hatred, fear, anxiety, stress and emotional issues that have been repressed for too long. This is a process which is quite powerful and it will help you connect to that universal energy source. Meditation power will bring out a deeper love within you. About the AuthorTo know more on meditation power and to learn more about meditation practices, please visit |
SPIRITUALITY: AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE XXI CENTURY Posted: 23 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by SOLANGE GALEANO DE TOLEDO SPIRITUALITY: AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE XXI CENTURY This article accepts the notion of spirituality as advocated by Danah Zohar proposes that the third as an intelligence able to put our acts and experiences in a broader context of meaning and value, making them more effective. According to her, have high spiritual quotient (SQ) means being able to use the spiritual to have a life richer and more full of meaning, purpose and appropriate sense of personal direction. The QS increases our horizons and makes us more creative. It is an intelligence that drives us. She's the approach and solve problems of meaning and value and develop ethical values and beliefs that will guide our actions.This way of thinking about spirituality requires a deep dive into the human condition from the perspective of self. From a broader conception of human being, the human heel-holotropic (Grof, 1992, 1997) proposed by Grof, note the importance of considering this aspect in the educational process, once we understand this process as a space preferred formation of human beings from the construction of knowledge permeated the pedagogical relationship. Therefore, we believe that educational practice requires methods and strategies that aim at the creation of the human being, ie, that take into account not only the individual but the different variables that contribute to the pedagogical relationship, individual / society / species are not only inseparable but also co-producing each other. In other words, as specifically human experience, education is a form of intervention in the world and requires from educators the courage to take the entirety of the human condition.Understanding the existence and nature of experiences is a process that leads man to identify with others, beyond the physical body, feelings and culture imposed that often proclaim truths only conducive to a false worldview, constraining the totality of being. However, for the development of a new look, a new world view is a neces! sary par adigm shift, something not very simple and easy, despite the relevant contributions from different scientific areas point to this need. The way spirituality is understood here lets say that it is included in any kind of independent knowledge of the system. And from this premise, one can conclude that spirituality is of utmost importance to education, the conductive support with specific knowledge in various disciplines interwoven to empirical knowledge. The educational system in the world requires a paradigm shift, which only become effective if all involved in the educational process changing their attitude toward the dualistic world view, since we should not separate scientific research of spiritual quest, because that's junction that allows the transformation of the individual. Spirituality is the way to the transformation of being. However, culture is the habits, norms, beliefs, values etc.. Within any society. Thus, talk of opening / changing in education means understanding the process of education as relations between human beings that grow in wholeness, in a constant movement of construction and reconstruction of self and of history. Therefore, the education system need to be attentive also to the dimension of spirituality. This idea, the attention to the dimension of spirituality, suggests thinking of the role of educators. Educators need a cycle of action / reflection at all pedagogical. This does not mean that the contents remain outside the school education process. The school subjects are part of this cycle of action / reflection on the whole, it is they who help in the process of building and shaping the individual. The fact is that many education specialists work plan and specific content, ignoring the sight of the human being. The need to introduce the self for both the educator and for the student urges. For the self, able to develop different levels of consciousness, providers of the whole human being, is implied in the spirituality. Therefore, it is impo! rtant an education based on the human condition, considering the subjectivity within the diversity and complexity that permeates these two antagonistic systems and inseparable. Education professionals should reflect on what documents should be addressed in the classroom, taking into account the factors described above. There is no room for the classroom teacher whose students consider a clean slate and he the keeper of knowledge as a source of ultimate truth. It is necessary to reflect on what content contribute to the formation of human beings as such, which are developed in / for completeness, in tune with the universe. Do not just talk about content and lessons, it is necessary to bring together professionals who think and perform a political pedagogical project for such a situation. The education world is in crisis, calls for change and, consequently, by paradigm shifts. In this sense, the search for new ways to understand another world involves education at all levels and in all ages and this must be the task of education in the twenty-first century. REFERÊNCIAS ESPÍRITO SANTO, R. C. C. Pedagogia da autonomia. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 2003.GROF, S. A.. A aventura da autodescoberta. São Paulo: Summusl,1997.______. (Org). Emergência espiritual: crise e transformação espiritual.São Paulo: Cultrix, 1992. About the AuthorTeacher for over 26 years, Master in Philology and Portuguese language, educational psychology, specialist in neuroscience and researcher of ADDH. ~The Light~ PaintingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
A New Way Of Life Using Subconscious Mind Power Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Jana Tagore We all remember the movie Fields of Dreams, with the 'If you build it they will come.' Consider your subconscious mind as your field of dreams where if you THINK it, it will come. Asking yourself 'what will come?' The answer is, whatever you want to come. Basically, if you can conceive it in your subconscious mind, it can come true. The power of the mind is a beautiful thing, honestly. The mind has the power to heal us, to transcend us. to make us feel good or make us feel bad. The subconscious mind power that each of us have is enough to completely change the world. if we all would only take control of that power. Lets look at a few examples of subconscious mind power at work. One of the best examples is well known by most people already. This example is offered because the results have been documented so many times. It is of course the Placebo Effect. The placebo effect is where a study occurs with two different groups. One group receives the medication that is 'the real deal,' while the other is simply a placebo. Both of the groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do. Neither of them know if they are getting the real medication or the placebo. Subconscious mind power comes into play here and in many studies, both groups of participants will report almost exactly the same effects. Both groups think that they're receiving the medication and their subconscious mind power goes to work, making them actually experience the effects which they believed would occur. This is exactly why there are doctors who prefer not to tell patients about any side effects that a new medication might have. That's because it's been shown that patients will often exaggerate the side effects in their own minds (or become the small percentage that actually experiences severe side effects), and actually begin to experience those side effects as a sort of 'negative self-fulfilling prophecy.' Doctors don't want that to happen, so although they are be! holden b y law to tell you what side effects are, they don't exaggerate them specifically because they don't want patients to create side effects. The power of suggestion is one of the best ways to tap into your subconscious mind power. And as it works in medicine, so, too, can it work in your life to create positive change. What's preventing you from tapping into this most amazing power? You may want to use the power of suggestion to change the way your subconscious mind 'talks to you.' You can use visualization to change the way you see things, too. Visualization is a very simple technique that really, really works. You can do this in a couple of different ways. Number one, close your eyes and visualize in your mind's eye what you want, seeing it as though it were right there in front of you. Another way, and this is often used in conjunction with the first technique, is to create a physical picture. Let's say that what you want is a new car, find a picture of the car you want. better yet, go get a picture taken of you with the car. Then place this picture somewhere that you'll see it every day. You have to see the picture often in order to get the best results from this method. The more you see it, the stronger this image becomes in your subconscious mind and the more of your own mind power you can put towards achieving this goal. Although this has been common knowledge for years to the really rich and high achievers, it has only been recently that scientists have started to understand the very real scientific process associated with this. It is already known that all matter is at its most basic essence pure energy - and it seems that our subconscious mind power may be able to influence matter. In fact, it has actually shown that energy cannot exist at all without being observed by someone. What does that mean? Matter or energy exists because it is observed, and for no other reason. If the entire universe is actually a creation of our own subconscious! , then s ubconscious mind power can be used to influence the world around us. This idea that our minds shape our perceptions of reality goes back to the oldest of religions, which have tried to put a place for human intellect into a structure of the spiritual and the physical. Whether you come about this through philosophy, religion or science popularizations, you still get to the same result: It simply works. You have the ability to reshape your life by focusing on positive aspects of it. Try it; spend the next week or so using visualization techniques or affirmations (or a combination of both) to get what you want. Start small so that you can get acclimated to this new power. Once you see that it works, change your life by changing the way you think;literally. Develop the power your subconscious mind, sit back, and watch what happens. About the AuthorIf you are interested in learning more please visit the website. Find out the hidden secrets of mind power book. Discover secrets about the mind power. Visit here for an incredible develop mindpower DVD package. |
Vietnam’s Falun Gong under pressure Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST
Vietnamese practitioners of Falungong — a Buddhist-inspired traditional Chinese spiritual discipline practised in more than 70 countries.– say treatment like this has become routine. They say communist authorities in Hanoi have bowed to pressure from China, using police and hired thugs to harass, assault and detain members of the movement. Their plight has been highlighted with the jailing by a Hanoi court in early November of two Vietnamese Falungong … Read the original article » Related posts:
Leonard Cohen, interview 1997, Part 1 of 2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Include meditation and chanting in a Kundalini yoga session Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:01 PM PST Article by Ayaz Khan Yoga is the five thousand years old philosophy that has emancipated the lives of millions of people throughout the world. The philosophy evolved in India and has benefited many people, transforming their lives to make them healthier, happier and holier. Practicing Yoga and its various forms such as Kundalini Yoga, hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga enables a person to delve deep into the aspect of creating a better personality out of himself/herself. There are simple exercises and meditation which is useful for a person who want to uncover his/her true potentiality. Yoga when accompanied with some soothing tunes and music elevates the listening mind to a higher realm. Spirit Voyage is an online music store that offers a host of Yoga DVDs and meditation music and yoga music CDs which will definitely aid a person in gaining key insights on Yoga. A Kundalini Yoga routine typically includes pranayam and meditation which are incorporated for the overall benefit of the practitioner. Pranayam is a set of breathing exercises that enable the body to prepare itself for the Yoga routine. Pranayam practices range from One Minute Breath, Breath of Fire, alternate nostril breathing, Dog Breath, Sitali Pranayam and suspended breath techniques, to name a few. Pranayam gives way to meditation. Meditation enables a person to delve deep inside himself or herself to discover the hidden personality and the true path that the person is destined to take. Meditations often involve movement or mantra and generally have an eye focus (drishti) in addition to mudra (hand position) and asana (body posture). However, there are certain pre-requisites to the practice of meditation. Proper place must be assigned for practicing meditation. The place must be quite and it should be neither too hot nor too cold. Use of yoga rugs and Yoga mats is highly recommended. As the body of the human being is the store house of energy and practicing yoga creates a positive energy within the body. With the yoga mat, the body of the pract! itioner remains warm. The yoga mats prevent the positive energy of the body getting neutralized by reaching the floor and thus retaining it within the body of the practitioner. The yoga mats are thus must-have in every yoga and meditation session. Many Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations include mantra and chanting. One of the first signs of the awakening of the Kundalini is a new awareness of the power of our words. You begin to meditate on and develop inner sounds using mantra and naad. Kundalini Yoga was often mistaken for Mantra Yoga because of its frequent integration of sound in its kriyas and meditations. The use of mantra throughout the practice of Kundalini Yoga is very effective in attaining two particular goals of the practice-expansion of the Self and elevation of the spirit. Mantra also supports those new to meditation, who find silence and absolutely stillness very challenging. In this way a beginner can attain clarity, balance and equanimity. Kundalini Yoga on the ball by Dr. Gabrielle Pelicc and Kundalini Yoga for Mental Clarity by GuruTej Kaur will surely help in this regard. In addition, there are many meditations that are silent, practiced in a profoundly transformative stillness called shuniya. Practicing Yoga wearing proper Yoga clothes is always a advisable. Yoga clothes help achieve difficult postures and asanas while keeping the body cool. The Yoga clothes from Spirit Voyage are light colored and feature stylish cuts. Various meditation music CDs and Yoga DVDs may aid yoga and meditation sessions. Spirit Voyage offers some of the finest cllection of meditation music CDs and DVDs that invokes a state of peace and relaxation within the listening mind. Seasons of the Soul & To be home are some of the pieces which will surely help. Spirit Voyage offers various Yoga books which provide an in-depth knowledge about different yoga types and asanas. The books such as Kundalini Yoga for youth and Kundalini Rising : Exploring the energy of Awakening which are good read for a person! to incr ease his/her knowledge. Meditation and chanting are an integral part of Kundalini Yoga as they help an individual achieve the ultimate objective of making a person live his/her life in a much better way. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes and other yoga accessories. single meditation frequency uniting the heart chakra with the heavens and earth 262 hzThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Ten Tips for Handling Infertility Related Stress Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Kansas City Fertility You have just returned from a visit to your Kansas City fertility doctors' office. Therapies were discussed and a plan to treat your infertility was implemented. At this point, you may be feeling a variety of stressful emotions- anxiety, anger, and depression. Some feel overwhelmed by the crush of new information. Couples may feel as though they are in "limbo." Stress reduction techniques are crucial. Research has shown that chronic stress can interfere with the success of infertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). If you are experiencing stress, you should first consult with your fertility doctors. In Kansas City, some clinics include stress reduction counseling as part of their overall program. Here are ten tips to help you cope with this challenging time. Communication. Talk over your feelings and anxieties with your partner. Keeping emotions bottled up only increases frustration and stress.Emotional Support. This can be achieved in various ways- individual or group counseling, relying on the support of friends and family, or support groups (local or online). There are many infertility blogs and forums dealing with stress. Reading about infertility can also help you realize you are not alone and help you become better informed of your choices.Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR). Sometimes used with deep breathing techniques, PMR is utilized to reduce tension in muscles. Simple and easy to learn, it involves applying tension to different muscle groups, holding them in a state of extreme tension for a few seconds and then relaxing the muscles to their previous state. Before attempting PMR, consult with your Kansas City fertility doctors to determine if it is safe for you. This procedure can aggravate certain pre-existing conditions.Meditation. Studies show that regular meditation can lower blood cortisol levels initially brought on by stress. It can also reduce anxiety.Yoga. More than just exercise, yoga techniques can help you become m! ore attu ned to your body, relieving stress.Tai Chi. Developed in China centuries ago, today some tai chi followers blend tai chi movements with elements of tai chi exercises, meditation, and dance to reduce levels of stress hormones and improve relaxation.Massage Therapy. Getting a soothing massage can help erase tension and stress.Acupuncture. Although best known for the control of pain, acupuncture helps stimulate hormones that help the body respond to stress.Stay Healthy. Exercise regularly, eat sensibly and avoid excessive use of caffeine or other stimulants to reduce stress. Exercising helps release tension. Coping Skills. Discuss with your partner how you will respond to questions at work about your therapy. Plan in advance how you will handle stressful situations, such as child-filled gatherings, or uninvited questions about when you are going to have a child. If being around children is difficult, plan your interests around adult activities. Know your limits. Reducing your stress level can make therapy proceed more smoothly. Before beginning any stress reduction techniques, remember to consult with your fertility doctors in Kansas City to find the techniques that will work best for you. About the Author Reproductive Resource Center of Greater Kansas City is a regional infertility and IVF clinic providing fertility services for the greater Kansas City and Midwest areas. The Importance Of Relaxation!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Jon Kabat-Zinn gives advice for unhappy news junkies Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Jon Brooks: There's been a lot of bad news in recent years with the economy decimated and unemployment high and budget cuts. For consumers of news who find themselves overly affected by negative reports, what can they do in terms of mindfulness? Jon Kabat-Zinn: If they're very affected by it and negatively affected by it, what mindfulness would suggest is that you start to look at that and actually experience how you're being affected by it. How it's affecting your body, how it's affecting the rest of your day, how much of your … Read the original article » Audio: Jon Kabat-Zinn on people negatively affected by the news. Related posts:
Refuge Sevenfold Offering ProtectionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Jon Kabat-Zinn gives advice for unhappy news junkies Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Jon Brooks: There's been a lot of bad news in recent years with the economy decimated and unemployment high and budget cuts. For consumers of news who find themselves overly affected by negative reports, what can they do in terms of mindfulness? Jon Kabat-Zinn: If they're very affected by it and negatively affected by it, what mindfulness would suggest is that you start to look at that and actually experience how you're being affected by it. How it's affecting your body, how it's affecting the rest of your day, how much of your … Read the original article » Audio: Jon Kabat-Zinn on people negatively affected by the news. Related posts:
Refuge Sevenfold Offering ProtectionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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