Mindfulness Meditation. Living in the Moment and Feeling Happy

Mindfulness Meditation. Living in the Moment and Feeling Happy

Mindfulness Meditation. Living in the Moment and Feeling Happy

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by David G Wilcox

Mindfulness is a meditative practice which seeks to help the practitioner to live in the moment. It is based on eastern meditative practices, specifically Buddhist techniques, which train the mind to experience life in the now. The philosophical belief that is the foundation of mindfulness practice is that human beings are much more than what they appear to be on the outside, and that this earthly experience we call life tends to cloak or veil our true nature from us. As a result, mindfulness meditation practices attempt to focus our minds away from the illusion of earthly life, and onto our true nature, our hidden self. The idea is that by living in the moment, and discovering our authentic self, we will feel and be happy.

A simple example of mindfulness practice would be, as I sit here typing this article, I could practice mindfulness by emptying my mind of everything except the act of typing. This would ground me in this moment, and would help train my mind not to wander into worrying about the future (like considering when I will publish the article, or will anyone want to read it). Then as I move onto another task, I would become completely immersed in that until that is completed. This practice will help me gain control of my thoughts and feelings, thus leading to mental freedom.

As you can see, mindfulness meditation practices can be very effective for gaining control over negative thought patterns. For example, a great deal of the mental anguish people experience is caused either by brooding over past mistakes and problems, or from worrying about the future. Mindfulness exercises can soothe the anguish by helping train the mind to accept the hurts and mistakes of the past, and to work on what they can control right now in order to make the future better. And for many people suffering from depression and anxiety, or other forms of neurosis, meditation and mindfulness practices have been demonstrated to be extremely effective at reducing, or curing altogether, these mental ailme! nts, hel ping them to feel happy again.

The benefits of mindfulness practice are obvious. The only problem with mindfulness meditation practice is that it cannot always be easily integrated into the life of a non-monk (which of course makes sense, since these techniques were developed by monks, for monks). Also, mindfulness is seen in Buddhist philosophy to be an end as well as a means. And as a Christian, I feel that mindfulness is a means to achieving an ever expanding conscious awareness of how the Spirit of God is working through me, and in my life and the lives of others. Mindfulness cannot work for me as end unto itself.

However, these problems should not deter anyone from practicing mindfulness, because the benefits far outnumber any problems. And the problems can be overcome. I have been able to practice it in a way that works for me both from a pragmatic standpoint, and a philosophical one. Here is a basic outline of how I integrate mindfulness into my life.

1. I try very hard to give my complete attention to whatever I am doing, or whoever I am interacting with at the moment.

If I am teaching my class for 65 minutes, they receive the very best I can give them for that time. If my kids want to play, I give them everything I have for that time. I try to limit distractions, and focus my mind only on what I am doing right then and there. Notice I said I try, because it is not easy. But it can be done, and I find when I do it then I am much more productive, and less worn out at the end of the day.

2. When I meditate, I really have trouble quieting my mind, particularly if I have a busy day ahead. So my main focus in meditation is to get my objective mind very still.

Learning how to make my mind still helps me to stop worrying about things I cannot control. It also helps me be very effective at completing the tasks I need to accomplish that day. And, it has helped me learn to control my thoughts, emotions, and impulses much more effectively.

3. If I make a mistake, I ! move on and immediately see it as a learning experience.

I do not beat myself up over my failings anymore. Not that I am happy about them, but I try to look at them more for what they can teach me about where I am heading in life, and the spiritual progress I am making. This helps me turn a negative quickly into a positive, it shields me from making the same mistake again, and I do not live in the past brooding over and regretting what happened. I do not expect to be perfect, but I do expect to be aware and present. That is the goal I work towards. I try as best as I can to let things go.

I hope this article helped you to think about ways to work mindfulness and meditation practice into your life so you can begin enjoying the benefits of this practice. Learn how to more effectively practice living in the moment.

About the Author

Dave Wilcox writes articles on topics such as self-improvement, spirituality, diet, and fitness.

If you would like to learn more about self-improvement and meditation visit:



Mindfulness Bell - A 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Please visit www.the-guided-meditation-site.com to download the full 60 minute version for formal meditation practice. This 5 minute mindfulness bell meditation is wonderful for whenever you want to clear your mind, relax and then get on with your day. This recording contains nothing but the pure sound of a Tibetan singing bowl being repeatedly struck with a soft mallet. It was taken from Mindfulness Bells Volume 1. This calming sound is a wonderful focal point for meditation. Simply absorb your attention in the sound of the mindfulness bell. No mantra is required, no special breathing techniques are needed, just let your awareness be consumed by the sound of the bell. Your mind will become clearer and more calm with each and every bell strike, and as the bells fade into silence, your mind is given the opportunity to experience a very natural state of stillness. A high bell sound rings out at the conclusion of the meditation. Please come back often and enjoy this 5 minute meditation anytime you want to clear your mind and relax! For more information or to download the full 60 minute version, please visit www.the-guided-meditation-site.com

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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China Teams with Shaolin Monks to Kick Off Stock Sale

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by onthesource

Under the terms of the deal, China Travel Service will invest 100 million yuan (.6 million) for a 51% stake in a venture under the Shaolin brand name that will handle the sale of the temple's admission tickets, operate its cable car, cinemas, hotels and tourist bus services, the AP said.

The plan is the handiwork of Shaolin's controversial Abbot Shi Yongxin, whom media reports say is seen as the temple's CEO, zealously protecting the group's "brand." He serves as an executive producer of the martial arts films filmed at the monastery, which gained fame in the West because of the cult classic TV show Kung Fu. Legend has it that five fugitive monks who fled the destruction of the Shaolin Temple in the 17th century were the seeds that helped spread martial arts throughout China.

Buddhism Succumbs to Commercialism

These days, not everyone is pleased that one of the cradles of Zen Buddhism has become one of China's top tourist locations.

"The joint venture and initial public offering, should either come off, will do little to improve the public image of Mr. Shi, the tubby abbot who has presided over the monastery in eastern China for a decade and who has been accused of allowing the wellspring of kung fu and Zen Buddhism to become crassly commercial," according to The Times of London.

Under Shi's leadership, the Shaolin Temple upgraded its facilities for tourists, adding what the AP described as "lavish visitor restrooms staffed with uniformed cleaners and TVs." The abbot insists he is only interested in protecting Shaolin's heritage, although he has allowed an "American Idol"-type kung fu competition and a bikini beauty pageant to be held on the site.

The timing may be right for the monks. Analysts have argued that China's 6 billion stimulus package is working better than the plan passed in the U.S. According to Dealogic, China has this year eclipsed America in capital raised from share listings, The Times said. Shares of Las Vegas Sands (LVS) recently floate! d in Hon g Kong. Rusal, the Russian aluminum group, wants to sell stock there as well.

Still, the monks are unlikely to win many friends with this plan. Last month, a hacker posted a fake apology from Shi on the temple's Web site begging forgiveness for his over-commercialization of the monastery. Shi, though, is not planning to sue the joker.

From http://www.onThesource.com

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http://www.onThesource.com is like her name "Provide a smooth channel to make everyone on the way to source what you need at less expense".

Zen Buddhism, Living In The Present, Celtic Christianity and Irish Monks!

This is a mini look into the books I've been reading for the month of June, as part of my June Self-Challenge. I talk about what they are and what I've learned from them as well as who might like them. More to come later. :) Thank you very much for watching! -Kat PS It's summer and my windows were open so you may hear some authentic "sounds of the city "in the background! :P

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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What is meditation ?

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Rata

Why Do People Meditate?

Meditation usually refers to a state in which the body is consciously relaxed and the mind is allowed to become calm and focused. Several major religions include ritual meditation; however, meditation itself need not be a religious or spiritual activity. Most of the more popular systems of meditation are of Eastern origin, though there exists also various forms of Christian, Jewish and Muslim meditation. Above we have three definitions that try to define what meditation is, and I could provably add several more in an attempt to truly convey the depth and breadth of what meditation is.For our purpose of learning here, meditation is a highly effective technique that helps us to relax our bodies and minds at a very deep level, which in turn has many physical, mental and emotional benefits as you will discover in the following chapters.Meditation is both a technique and an experience, for it also allows us to develop a deeper understanding of our lives and be on a path to a more meaningful, happy, balanced. and relaxed life. Meditation is an excellent tool for self-development and actualisation, raising our lives to higher levels of personal satisfaction. It also teaches us better ways of dealing with the myriad of problems and stresses of our daily lives.

Meditation is a totally natural technique, which has been passed down from generation to generation, over thousands of years, by many different cultures and spiritual practices.Made popular again in western culture during the 60's and 70's by the Beatles and visiting eastern mystics and guru's, meditation has been scientifically studied and tested for the last 40 years, which in turn has led to a greater understanding and refining of many ofthe eastern techniques to suit a western culture and practice. More recently, this has led to an examination of the techniques and accompanying philosophy, making meditation even

It is not necessary to live a life of suffering and pain, to be trapped by dysfunctional b! ehaviour from reaching your full potential. You can experience joy, love, inner calm peace, better health and a life of abundance where you truly are the creator of your life and master of your destiny.Meditation will take you on a journey like no other, the most exciting journey of them all. It is the key to a treasure chest of riches you can only just begin to imagine and you will discover the most exciting treasure of all - YOU!People meditate for many, many reasons and all of them are valid.They have read or heard about the benefits of meditation and would like to improve their lives.Because they are curious and would like to know more. They are unhappy, tense, worried, sad, depressed, tired, bored, lonely, confused or upset about something. To improve or maintain their physical health.To relieve stress and anxiety.To improve or cope better with daily life, family, work, money, sex.To improve relationships with loved ones, work colleagues, friends.They have addiction problems. They have relationship problems They are grieving for a loved one or departed friend. They have suffered in life. They feel lonely or empty.Life has become meaningless For guidance and direction. To develop greater awareness. To increase creativity and spontaneity. To experience greater joy and happiness. To contemplate or develop a deeper understanding of their lives.

As you can see, there are as many reasons to meditate as they are people who meditate and we could add several more to the list here.Meditation is one of the most effective, safe and natural self help tools we can use to develop the true potential of our minds and correct our dysfunctional thinking and improve our mental and physical well being. Meditation is about having more life.Meditation is a celebration of life!

About the Author

Rata a professianl writer , it provides the high quality products, such as medical cushion, China medical crutch, finger splint@cervical collar suppliersc, and many more.

Meditation Music

www.khmerbuddhism.com Buddha's Quotes, Meditation Music Deep Sky Divers. Want 10 Free Mp3 Relaxation Downloads? - Click below NOW: www.freemp3meditationdownloads.com - Enjoy!

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Comfortable and Trendy Yoga Clothing for All Ages

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Nadine S

Yoga is becoming a popular activity and new yoga studios and classes are popping up everywhere. Yoga offers a great workout for both men and women, who can build muscle, increase flexibility and practice wonderful relaxation techniques. Anyone who goes to a yoga class must dress appropriately for the occasion. Many stores now offer comfortable and fashionable yoga clothing. These outfit should fit well and allow the body to move easily. If an outfit is too tight, it will restrict body movement and if it is too loose it can become an unnecessary distraction during a yoga session. Breathable clothing is essential to a comfortable workout. Most people prefer clothing that is made from natural fabrics such as cotton or bamboo.

These clothing ranges in price. Although there are cheap outfits available it may be worth it for someone to spend more money on higher quality attire that will last longer. Most stores also offer yoga accessories such as mats and supportive pillows that can be used while performing various poses. Certain weight loss yoga routines require people to purchase yoga equipment that is designed to help burn off extra calories during a workout. Some routines use a variety of different pieces of equipment throughout the session. A yoga balance ball, sandbags, straps, blocks and wedges are often used during sessions.

There are many yoga classes that are designed specifically for couples or children. Some couples find it fun to wear matching yoga outfits to their couple workouts. With so many fashionable pieces of attire available, it is easy to create eye catching outfits that will stand out in class. Children who enjoy participating in yoga classes should also wear comfortable yoga clothing. Although it is not easy to find children's outfit it is available online. There is a fantastic selection of kid's yoga clothing online, and parents can easily find specialty yoga items such as organic clothing or baby and toddler yoga t-shirts on a variety of clothing or yoga websites.!

Y oga clothing is so cute and comfortable that people of all ages are wearing it to school, the gym, to run errands or to walk the dog. It is not uncommon to see women grocery shopping in trendy attire. There are many original yoga t-shirts which feature great sayings. People can use original yoga clothing to express themselves and show their love of yoga. Yoga items make great birthday, anniversary and holiday gifts. Many people are interested in taking yoga classes but worry that they are not flexible enough. Giving someone a beginners yoga DVD as a gift can help them improve their balance and decide whether they want to join a local yoga class. If someone is not sure which yoga gifts their friends or loved ones would prefer, they can give them a gift certificate so they can choose the yoga related items that they will enjoy the most.


About the Author

New website specializing in yoga clothing, accessories, yoga classes etc.

Yoga Beginners Part 5 of 5

"Yoga Beginners Part 5 of 5 , Relaxation" is the final episode of this beginner series. Relaxation , or savasana, is a very important part of our yoga practice.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Japanese Art History

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by olga rahmaninof

Jomon and Yayoi Period ca. 11,000 - ca. 250 BC

The earliest settlers according to archaeologists were a tribal people, the Ainu. By and by the Ainu people and their culture were forced to the Northern parts of Japan by the Jomon people (circa 11,000 - ca. 300 BC).

Around 660 BC, according to old legends and Chinese chronicles, Jimmu became the first king of Japan. Circa 350 BC the Yayoi people invaded Japan. Remnants from this period are pottery vessels and clay figures. Copper and bronze was used for weapons and religious artefacts like bells.

Kofun Period ca. 250 BC - 552

The Kofun period is also called the Tumulus period or Haniwa culture. Haniwa is the name for a typical kind of clay sculptures found on tombs. Other known artifacts from this period are bronze mirrors. In 363 Empress Jingo conquered a part of Korea.

Asuka Period 552-645 and Nara Period 646-794

In 552 at the beginning of the Asuka period Buddhism was brought from China to Japan. This had a circumstantial impact on the development of Japanese arts. It brought the influence of the advanced Chinese culture and new techniques in arts and architecture to Japan. In 604 the first Japanese constitution was introduced. It reflected the idea of the centralized rule exercised in China. By the 7th century Buddhism was fully established in Japan

In 710 the city of Nara in the province of Yamato became the capital of Japan. During the Nara period - under the influence of Buddhism - Japan assimilated the style of the Chinese Tang dynasty. Many Buddhist temples were constructed - focused around the area of Nara.

Heian Period 794-1185

In 794 the capital was moved to Heiankyo (now Kyoto). During the Heian period a more classificatory Japanese art culture burgeoning. Around 1005 Lady Murasaki Shikibu, a lady-in-waiting to the Empress Akiko, wrote the tale of Genji Monogatari. It is believed to be the first novel in the world. It deals with the life and love adventures of Prince Genji, a kind o! f mediev al womanizer.

In the 9th century the emperors began to retire from the business of governing the country. The Fujiwara family rose to power. During their rule, also called the Fujiwara triassic, Japanese arts and literature flourished.

Kamakura Period 1185-1333

In 1180 a fierce war broke out between the effectual clans of the Minamato and the Taira. After achieving final victory in the naval battle of Dannoura, the Minamato established a new government in Kamakura. In 1192 Yoritomo became the first shogun. The Kamakura shogunate represented the real power in the land until the resignation of the last shogun in 1867. The imperial court in Kyoto was downgraded to a purely titular power. The shift of power from the nobility to the class of the samurai warriors had its influence on Japanese arts. During the Kamakura period more realistic and popularized art forms emerged. The Japanese graphology and the Japanese tea ceremony were initiated.

In 1252 the Great Kamakura Buddha was constructed. The huge statue was part of the Kotokuin House of worship of the Jodo sect. The Kamakura Buddha was originally housed in a great hall that was destroyed by a storm in 1369.

Muromachi Period 1333-1573

Kinkakuji Temple

Yoshitoshi Biographyby Tsukioka Yoshitoshicopyright protectedThe Muromachi period is also called the Ashikaga period after the military clan that took highest of the shogunate. The residence was moved back to Kyoto, to the Muromachi district of the city. The history of Japanese art was marked by a move backwards to a more aristocratic character. Zen Buddhism achieved popularity in Japan and influenced Japanese artists and artisans. Many orders were placed for the construction and decoration of Zen temples.

The third shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, built the Kinkakuji temple (called the Golden Pavilion) and its gardens. During the Muromachi period, the art of intricate gardening and ikebana reached a high level of refinement in the history of Japanese arts.

Th! e Kinkak uji temple was put on the UNESCO's World Heritage List together with 17 other temples in Kyoto. In 1950 the pavilion was burned down by an insane guardian and was completely rebuilt.

Painting reached high artistic levels. The best-known painters are two monks, Shubun and Sesshu. Buddhist monasteries were very wealthy and powerful during this period.

Around 1543 the Portuguese Mendez Pinto came to Japan as the first European.

About the Author

the writer is the owner of art blob and canvas prints store.he is an art instructor as well

Komuso Zen Priest Playing Shakuhachi

samuraidave.wordpress.com Komuso were Zen Buddhist Priests who used to travel about playing the Shakuhachi (Japanese Flute) for meditation and alms. Komuso means "Priest of Nothingness." I encountered this Komuso while I was in Nagoya. Komuso ceased to exist from the late 19th Century onwards. The titles are bits of Zen sayings from samurai and Zen Masters. The subtitles tell the tale of the Komuso and their ultimate fate. It's up for votes on Current TV. Register and hit the green "I like it" button: current.com Register here: current.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Power Yoga Powering up

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Qdid123

Meditation 39

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Chester Gonzales

There are numerous points that you can study about meditation, how to meditate, diverse ways you can meditate, the final results you can realize, and numerous far more points. Studying about meditation and broadening your awareness should be enjoyable for you, and easy too. A considered that definitely you can smile about.Conceivably you above complicating items ahead of as you have realized about meditation. Time for you to simplify perhaps. Would it be good for you to simplify? Would you think far better for acquiring the appropriate wisdom and awareness that you can utilize simply? Consider details becoming less difficult for you to have an understanding of, and now make it possible for oneself to smile simply because you are in the suitable location.You will find as a result of here, the a variety of points that will make your practice a lot easier. Less difficult and additional fulfilling. Extra to smile about.You will obtain the wisdom and know-how about meditation that you require so that you can master meditation extra effortlessly, and easily. When you are mastering about meditation and practising you discover that you get so a great deal much more when you retain it basic. Certainly when you are learning how to meditate.You arrived here to understand and you came here for guide.We all will need assistance and enable at times, so you need to experience fully content and cozy in staying right here to get that enable. When you have help details are right after all so considerably less difficult, and you did come trying to get enable.Master meditation was set in concert to: Solution your questions, Crystal clear your confusion, Share with you what to do, Share wisdom with you, Give you the solutions that you need to haveBasically it is here to aid you. Help you to master meditation, and do so in an pleasing way that you can get the most from. An satisfying way that brings you fulfilment in everyday life, a way that gets you to smile.So right here for you is the wisdom and awareness you requ! ire, off ered in a way that you can take pleasure in, easily and effortlessly. Information and wisdom that you can get pleasure from and master from as have many other individuals.Wisdom and ideas to enable you: What is Meditation, What is Chakra meditation, How to Meditate, Guided meditationYou will also obtain there are sections on guided meditation, chakra meditation, meditation ebooks and sources to aid you. As well as a meditation forum you can discover. The several assets can assist you to broaden your practice and also delve into different things that you may wish to practical experience. All over again more points are remaining extra for you there on an ongoing basis. The meditation forum is open to everyone and is a superb spot for you to share options and knowledge. By applying all of these items and picking up discovering, you can produce a deep level of satisfaction from your meditating extremely simply.What ever you stage with meditating there is something right here to enable you discover far more about it. The assets on provide to you right here are turning out to be additional and more diverse whilst also becoming broader in the collection.

About the Author

Doing work with meditation aids me to get far more from daily life and reach that means to the items I do. The interior peace it brings me is wonderful and I experience so a great deal far better for performing it.meditation, what is meditation,

Breathing Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing meditation filmed on retreat in Vietnam spring 2007. English translation by Sister Dang Nghiem, a Buddhist Nun. This clip is from the movie "Each of My Steps is a Prayer". Available in high quality from Parallax Press on the "Mindful Living Every Day" DVD. www.parallax.org

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Guided Meditations: For Calmness, Awareness, and Love

These three meditations from the Buddhist tradition will help you develop greater depths of calmness and self-awareness, and will help you to cultivate greater appreciation for yourself and lovingkindness for others.

As is traditional in Buddhism, these guided meditations do not contain musical accompaniment.

List Price: $ 12.95 Price: $ 12.06

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Zen stinks of Confucianism

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Zen is certainly the most Chinese of  Buddhist sects because it is very close to Confucianism.  This is according to Steven Heine and Dale Wright in their book, Zen Ritual (p. 264).  While we Westerners often assume that Zen's structure is Buddhist it is really not the case.  It runs very close to Confucianism.  How the Dharma is transmitted, for example, has a biological, procreative dimension which leads back to Confucianism.  Here, for example, is the means of giving birth to a new Buddha.

"It takes place inside the room (shitsunai).  Outsiders normally have no right to talk about it.  Outsiders can only see and talk about other dimensions.  Nonetheless, some of the secrets are known.  Medieval Zen dharma transmission documents abound with biological terminology.  For example, failure to find a proper heir is called "the sin of cutting off the Buddha seed" (dan bush no tsunami).  This biological terminology is not just metaphorical.  In some rituals, the teacher and heir write a portion of the transmission documents with ink that they make by mixing their own blood together.  They get this blood by taking a small knife and cutting the underside of their tongues.  The tongue is the organ by which a Buddha gives birth to a new Buddha by teaching the dharma" (p. 265).

It should be obvious to anyone familiar with the Pali canon that a ritual like this never took place.  This is purely a Chinese invention which stems from Confucianism.  Other forms of Confucianism in Zen are those of a "legal dimension."  Again, I quote from Zen Ritual.

"Parents have a legal obligation to discipline their children.  If the children break the law, then the parents can be punished.  Likewise, the parents have a moral obligation to feed, clothe, shelter, and educate their children.  And the children must reciprocate.  Children have a legal obligation to obey their parents.  As they become older and able to earn a living, children have a moral obligation to feed, clothe, shelter, and care for their parents.  Modern societies no longer recognize religious jurisdiction.  In premodern times, though, Buddhist monasteries governed their own residents with full legal authority.  Teachers had the legal right to discipline and beat their disciples.  And monks and nuns had the legal obligation to obey their teachers.  Secular courts could punish teachers if their disciples broke the law" (p. 266).

In other respects not covered in the blog the stink of Confucianism still shadows Zen in which the Zen Sangha is more like an old Chinese family which in no way resembles the true Triple Gem Sangha which is wholly spiritual in content being made up of those who are 'stream entered' to nirvana which, by the way, was open to anyone.


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Popular Buddhist Pilgrimage Spots in India and Nepal

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Andy Rodick

Buddhism is one of the most popular religions in the world and was originated in India. Therefore, Buddhist from all around the world visits India for pilgrimage. Some of the pilgrimage spots are also located in Nepal. So, come and visit all these spots. Let us know about the popular Buddhist spots starting from his birth to enlightenment and death. Lumbini -Birth Place of the Buddha Lumbini is the birth place of Lord Buddha. Lumbini is located in the foothills of Himalaya in Nepal. This is one of the most visited places by the Buddhist. There are many temples, Buddhist shrines and pagodas in Nepal. Some of the prominent among them are Maya Devi Temple, Puskarni, Buddhist Temple, Japan peace stupa, etc. visit Lumbini and understand about religion deeply and precisely. Bodh Gaya -Place of enlightenmentBodh Gaya is religious place situated in Bihar. It is famous as Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya under the Bodhi-Tree. Bodh Gaya is most important and scared pilgrimage spot for the Buddhist. It is also an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mahabodhi Temple is the main attraction of the place. The throe of the temple is studded with diamond. Tourist can easily visit Gaya as the international airport is located at a distance of 5 km from Bodh Gaya. Sarnath -The place of first sermon Sarnath is located at 13 km from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. It is believed that after getting enlightenment at Bodh Gaya visited Sarnath for preaching his first discourse, Dharma. It is one of the main pilgrimages for Buddhists. Buddha delivered his first sermon here about the life and religion. The celebrated Mantra, 'Buddham Sharanam Gachhami' owes its origin to Sarnath. There are many Buddhist monuments and edifices in Sarnath. Dhamekha stupa, the Chaukhandi stupa and monasteries and temples of different schools of Buddhism from Japan, China, Thailand, Burma and others are the popular attractions for the tourists on India Buddhist Tours. Tourists love to explore these revered attractions of the holy place. Kus! hinagar -Death Place of Buddha Kushinagar is a small town located in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Lord Buddha died here and is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site. It is the place of Mahaparinrvana. There are many stupas and Buddhist temples in Kushinagar. These are popular spots for Buddhist Tourism in India and Nepal. Select one of the appropriate Nepal India Tour Packages and explore the all above mentioned places. Visiting these places will let you know your religion more truly and deeply.

About the Author

Andy Rodick is an eminent analyst and writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored many books on tour guide for Nepal India Tour Packages and India Buddhist Tours. Now he is rendering his services to http://www.india-tourism.ws/.

Ancient Buddhist Caves of India and China

Discover the amazing Buddhist art and architecture in the cave sites of India near Mumbai (Ellora, Ajanta, and Elephanta) and those scattered along the Silk Road trade route in China (Mogao, Yungang, Longmen, Baodingshan).

This Approach Guide profiles six of the world's greatest Buddhist cave sites -- vast religious centers carved into solid rock -- tracing their development from their origins in Northwest India to their later manifestations in China. Each cave site is reviewed through various lenses: historical, architectural, and artistic (both painted and sculptural).

As with all of our guides, we pay specific attention to what makes each site unique. To do so in this case, we track the transformation of architectural and artistic elements from site to site, highlighting what was borrowed, what is entirely new, and what is truly special. Along the way, we also offer insight into how the Chinese adopted elements of Indian Buddhist artistic expression and re-crafted them to yield a style entirely their own.

This guidebook begins with a review of the earliest Buddhist cave site in existence, Ajanta, the excavation of which began in India in the 2nd century BCE; we then proceed to its geographical neighbor, Ellora caves (excavated 7-8th centuries); we then jump to China (first large-scale exposure to the India-born Buddhist religion in the 1st century via the Silk Road), progressing chronologically from the Mogao caves (begun early 4th century), to the Yungang caves (begun late 4th century), to the Longmen caves (begun late 5th century), and finally to the Baodingshan complex (12th century).

Approach Guides to Ancient Buddhist Caves in India and China includes detailed reviews of the following sites, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. (See our custom map of all of the cities we profile in this guide)

★ Ajanta Caves (near Mumbai and Aurangabad, India). Features: unique architecture and well-preserved, world-class 5th century frescoes.!
� � Ellora Caves (near Mumbai and Aurangabad, India). Features: the stunning Kailasa temple and rock-cut architecture from three religions: Buddhism, Hindu and Jain.
★ Mogao Caves (near Dunhuang, China). Features: the oldest caves in China; contains architecture from every major Chinese dynasty.
★ Yungang Caves (outside Datong, China). Features: high quality art and architecture; our personal favorite in China given its state of preservation, ease of accessibility and lenient photo restrictions.
★ Longmen Caves (outside Luoyang, China). Features: over 1,300 caves exist in this area; the site is known for its sculptural detail given the hard rock that is found in this location.
★ Baodingshan Caves (in Dazu outside Chongqing, China). Features: completely different from all other cave sites; this site is devoted to a cult-like sect of Buddhism, which is reflected in the architecture and sculpture here.

We hope you enjoy what we believe is a totally unique cultural guide to the world greatest Buddhist treasures.

One of the benefits of eBooks is that we can easily update content and release new editions of our guidebooks. These updates are FREE for existing customers. Please visit http://approachguides.com/updates for a list of recently updated guides and instructions on downloading the new version.

Compulsive (and compulsively informed) travelers, the Raezers are the masterminds behind the downloadable Approach Guides, which are filled with a university course-worth of history and insights for 62 destinations worldwide. WHY WE LOVE IT: The Raezers share our desire for deep, well-researched information on the wonders of the world.
- Travel + LeisureDiscover the amazing Buddhist art and architecture in the cave sites of India near Mumbai (Ellora, Ajanta, and Elephanta) and those scattered along the Silk Road trade route in China (Mogao, Yungang, Longmen, Baodingshan).

This Approach Gui! de profi les six of the world's greatest Buddhist cave sites -- vast religious centers carved into solid rock -- tracing their development from their origins in Northwest India to their later manifestations in China. Each cave site is reviewed through various lenses: historical, architectural, and artistic (both painted and sculptural).

As with all of our guides, we pay specific attention to what makes each site unique. To do so in this case, we track the transformation of architectural and artistic elements from site to site, highlighting what was borrowed, what is entirely new, and what is truly special. Along the way, we also offer insight into how the Chinese adopted elements of Indian Buddhist artistic expression and re-crafted them to yield a style entirely their own.

This guidebook begins with a review of the earliest Buddhist cave site in existence, Ajanta, the excavation of which began in India in the 2nd century BCE; we then proceed to its geographical neighbor, Ellora caves (excavated 7-8th centuries); we then jump to China (first large-scale exposure to the India-born Buddhist religion in the 1st century via the Silk Road), progressing chronologically from the Mogao caves (begun early 4th century), to the Yungang caves (begun late 4th century), to the Longmen caves (begun late 5th century), and finally to the Baodingshan complex (12th century).

Approach Guides to Ancient Buddhist Caves in India and China includes detailed reviews of the following sites, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. (See our custom map of all of the cities we profile in this guide)

★ Ajanta Caves (near Mumbai and Aurangabad, India). Features: unique architecture and well-preserved, world-class 5th century frescoes.
★ Ellora Caves (near Mumbai and Aurangabad, India). Features: the stunning Kailasa temple and rock-cut architecture from three religions: Buddhism, Hindu and Jain.
★ Mogao Caves (near Dunhuang, China). Features: the oldest caves in China; contains architecture fro! m every major Chinese dynasty.
★ Yungang Caves (outside Datong, China). Features: high quality art and architecture; our personal favorite in China given its state of preservation, ease of accessibility and lenient photo restrictions.
★ Longmen Caves (outside Luoyang, China). Features: over 1,300 caves exist in this area; the site is known for its sculptural detail given the hard rock that is found in this location.
★ Baodingshan Caves (in Dazu outside Chongqing, China). Features: completely different from all other cave sites; this site is devoted to a cult-like sect of Buddhism, which is reflected in the architecture and sculpture here.

We hope you enjoy what we believe is a totally unique cultural guide to the world greatest Buddhist treasures.

One of the benefits of eBooks is that we can easily update content and release new editions of our guidebooks. These updates are FREE for existing customers. Please visit http://approachguides.com/updates for a list of recently updated guides and instructions on downloading the new version.

Compulsive (and compulsively informed) travelers, the Raezers are the masterminds behind the downloadable Approach Guides, which are filled with a university course-worth of history and insights for 62 destinations worldwide. WHY WE LOVE IT: The Raezers share our desire for deep, well-researched information on the wonders of the world.
- Travel + Leisure

List Price: $ 7.99 Price: $ 7.99

Three approaches to mindful attention, on and off the cushion

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

There are many forms of meditation. In this article you will find a list of ways to meditate in order to develop the ability to fully attend, to mindfully do whatever you do with your family, your friends, your colleagues, your children and yourself.

I.  Zazen

Zazen is the study of the self. Master Dogen said, "To study the Buddha Way is to study the self, to study the self is to forget the self, and to forget the self is to be enlightened. Upon his own enlightenment, the Buddha was in seated meditation.

Zen practice returns to the same seated meditation again and again. For two thousand five hundred years that meditation has continued, from generation to generation; it's the most important thing that has been passed on.

" I find the best way to forget my self is to be fully attentive to the person I am with or the task I am doing–whether it be baking bread, washing dishes, writing articles or giving online counseling. It is a wonderful feeling to forget my self and really tune into others.

II.  Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is about learning to experience life fully as it unfolds, moment by moment, an invitation to wake up, to experience the fullness of life, and to transform your relationship with problems, fears, pain and stress so that you improve the quality of your life, your creativity and your mental states.

Mindfulness, off the cushion, is about being fully present to your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. It has been said that being mindful is easy, remembering to be mindful is what is difficult.

I find associating mindfulness with checking the time is a good way to remember to be mindful. Other associations can work too — each time you have a cup of coffee or tea, or setting the alarm on your watch to go off each hour are ways to remember mindfulness. You can even download a mindfulness bell on your computer to remind you to be mindful as you are working.

Through the practice of mindfulness, you can learn to develop greater calmness, clarity and insight in facing and embracing all your experiences, even life's trials, and turning them into occasions for learning, growing and deepening your own strength and wisdom.

III.  Dzogchen

The practice of Dzogchen, is to remember that our ultimate nature is pure, primordial awareness. Our nature becomes a mirror that reflects with complete openness but is not affected by the reflections, or like a crystal ball that takes on the colour of the material on which it is placed without itself being changed.

In the practice of Dzogchen we are not distracted by (do not follow) thoughts – we allow awareness to effortlessly emanate. This pristine awareness is what Tibetans refer to as rigpa, or "ground luminosity".

This state is very helpful when we are listening to others. Rather than judging or comparing or offering advice, we see the pureness of the person who is talking, the pureness in us meets the pureness in others.

So, bring what you learn in your sitting meditation "off the cushion" into your daily life and you will be meditating, mindful and attentive even when you only have a couple of minutes to meditate.




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Meditation 28

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Chester Gonzales

Now think about by yourself readily getting that understanding, and additional.That is what you are able to do here, as here you have several options for mastering open to you. There are numerous points that you can find out about meditation, how to meditate, diverse ways you can meditate, the final results you can realize, and many far more points. Studying about meditation and broadening your know-how will need to be pleasing for you, and quick too. A imagined that undoubtedly you can smile about.Conceivably you above complicating items ahead of as you have realized about meditation. Time for you to simplify certainly. Would it be good for you to simplify? Would you think much better for obtaining the proper wisdom and know-how that you can utilize effortlessly? Think about details becoming less difficult for you to fully grasp, and now allow on your own to smile due to the fact you are in the right spot.You will locate by right here, the many factors that will make your apply simpler. Much easier and more pleasing. Much more to smile about.You will discover the knowledge and knowledge about meditation that you need to have so that you can master meditation much more quickly, and very easily. When you are learning about meditation and practising you uncover that you get so a lot a lot more when you continue to keep it uncomplicated. Undoubtedly when you are understanding how to meditate.You came here to find out and you arrived right here for help.We all require guidance and assist at instances, so you must think totally delighted and snug in remaining here to get that assist. When you have assist issues are soon after all so a great deal much easier, and you did arrive seeking assist.Grasp meditation was put collectively to: Reply your inquiries, Clear your confusion, Share with you what to do, Share wisdom with you, Give you the solutions that you will needFundamentally it is right here to guide you. Assist you to grasp meditation, and do so in an pleasant way that you can get the most from. ! An pleas urable way that brings you fulfilment in life, a way that will get you to smile.So here for you is the wisdom and understanding you need to have, presented in a way that you can delight in, simply and easily. Know-how and knowledge that you can delight in and learn from as have several other men and women.Knowledge and recommendations to assist you: What is Meditation, What is Chakra meditation, How to Meditate, Guided meditationYou will also find there are sections on guided meditation, chakra meditation, meditation ebooks and assets to guide you. As properly as a meditation forum you can investigate. The many resources can support you to broaden your practice and also delve into distinct points that you might want to experience. Once more a lot more factors are becoming added for you there on an ongoing foundation. The meditation forum is open to every person and is a fantastic position for you to share suggestions and knowledge. By applying all of these factors and choosing up studying, you can develop a deep degree of enjoyment from your meditating quite very easily.What at any time you stage with meditating there is a thing here to help you study extra about it.

About the Author

Working with meditation aids me to get additional from everyday living and attain indicating to the important things I do. The inner peace it brings me is great and I sense so much superior for carrying out it.what is meditation, about meditation

chakra's meditation - the third eye chakra

the third eye chakra medtation. taken from Karma channel.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Stages of Meditation

The Dalai Lama explains the principles of meditation in a practice-oriented format especially suited for Westerners.Stages of Meditation is a commentary by the Dalai Lama on a rare text by ninth-century Indian Buddhist scholar Kamalashila, written in Tibet to correct some Chinese misinterpretations of Buddhism that were influential at the time. Kamalashila's short work is not widely known today, but according to the Dalai Lama, it is a most important text, and worthy of study by those new to Buddhism, because "on the basis of this knowledge you will be able to understand other treatises without great difficulty. This text can be like a key that opens the door to all other major Buddhist scriptures."

Throughout the book, the Dalai Lama emphasizes the importance of logical analysis of scriptures, even if they are in the Buddha's own words; some teachings, he stresses, "should not be taken literally, but need interpretation." And this is what he does in this clear and readable commentary, originally given in 1989 and now translated and published for the first time. Its 10 short chapters are on such familiar Buddhist themes as Training the Mind, Compassion, Identifying the Nature of Suffering, and The Practice of Calm Abiding.

"Through meditation," says the Dalai Lama, "we can train our minds in such a way that negative qualities are abandoned and positive qualities are generated and enhanced." Those who practice meditation, whether Buddhist or not, will find this a thoughtful and practical guide, written with the Dalai Lama's characteristic warmth and gentleness. --David V Barrett, Amazon.co.ukThe Dalai Lama explains the principles of meditation in a practice-oriented format especially suited for Westerners.

List Price: $ 22.95 Price: $ 22.95

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Early Morning Meditation Inspiration - 12/11/2011

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

"Not only to be receiver, but also to be provider."

~Buddhist Quote

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Buddhist destinations in India

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Ritika Joshi

The sacrosanct land, India, is home to a large number of pilgrimage centers. Being a vibrant land it possesses various destinations showcasing the rich religions and customs of this vibrant spiritual land India.

Among the other prevailing religions, Buddhism is the one which has been acknowledged by a large number of people living in India and abroad. The religion of Buddhism is away to attain peace and salvation. This religion is completely based on the spiritual teachings of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was a royal prince from birth who left his home to find the meaning of existence.

India has a large number of Buddhist destinations which attracts tourist in large. The blissful Buddhist destinations in India are:


Bodhgaya is the sacrosanct land where prince Siddhartha attainted enlightenment after years of spiritual practice and became Lord Buddha. Mahabodhi Tree is the top most attraction of this Buddhist destination is the descendent of the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment.

SarnathSarnath is another famous Buddhist destination in India where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon. The prime attractions of Sarnath are Stupa and the Sarnath Museum.


This Buddhist destination is situated in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh possessing an important pilgrimage site, where Gautam Buddha died. Mahaparinirvana Temple is the prime attraction of this place.


Ladakh is a home to large number of Buddhist followers which possesses Buddhist destinations in this beautiful land. Hemis Monastery is the most famous tourist attraction of this land. It is also popular for Hemis festival attracting a large number of tourists. An annual festival is celebrated in the compound of Hemis which attracts a number of visitors, both from India and abroad.


Dharamsala, the next Buddhist destination in India is packed with a number of Tibetans. Being a homeland for Dalai Lama it is a wonderful place showcas! ing the lifestyle of Tibetan people.

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Ajanta and Ellora Caves are the UNESCO World Heritage Sites situated in Maharashtra. These beautiful caves are among the finest examples of ancient Buddhist architecture. It is a famous Buddhist destination in India which is renowned world wide.

About the Author

Ritika Joshi is a budding journalist presently working with a travel portal. Graduated in Mass Communication she deals with the travel and tourism related topics.For more information visit us at Buddhist Tours in India

Buddhist Destinations In India Where Dharma Meets Karma

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Justin

How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers

This life-affirming, instructive and thoroughly inspiring book is a must-read for anyone who is—or who might one day be—sick. And it can also be the perfect gift of guidance, encouragement, and uplifting inspiration to family, friends, and loved ones struggling with the many terrifying or disheartening life changes that come so close on the heels of a diagnosis of a chronic condition or even life-threatening illness.
The author—who became ill while a university law professor in the prime of her career—tells the reader how she got sick and, to her and her partner's bewilderment, stayed that way. Toni had been a longtime meditator, going on long meditation retreats and spending many hours rigorously practicing, but soon discovered that she simply could no longer engage in those difficult and taxing forms. She had to learn ways to make "being sick" the heart of her spiritual practice—and through truly learning how to be sick, she learned how, even with many physical and energetic limitations, to live a life of equanimity, compassion, and joy. And whether we ourselves are sick now or not, we can learn these vital arts of living well from How to Be Sick.
This life-affirming, instructive and thoroughly inspiring book is a must-read for anyone who is—or who might one day be—sick. And it can also be the perfect gift of guidance, encouragement, and uplifting inspiration to family, friends, and loved ones struggling with the many terrifying or disheartening life changes that come so close on the heels of a diagnosis of a chronic condition or even life-threatening illness.
The author—who became ill while a university law professor in the prime of her career—tells the reader how she got sick and, to her and her partner's bewilderment, stayed that way. Toni had been a longtime meditator, going on long meditation retreats and spending many hours rigorously practicing, but soon discovered that she simply could no longer engage in those difficult and taxing forms. She had to lear! n ways t o make "being sick" the heart of her spiritual practice—and through truly learning how to be sick, she learned how, even with many physical and energetic limitations, to live a life of equanimity, compassion, and joy. And whether we ourselves are sick now or not, we can learn these vital arts of living well from How to Be Sick.

List Price: $ 15.95 Price: $ 15.95

Idaho Moments: She’s happiest when she’s helping

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Several weeks ago, I went to Marquis Care at Shaw Mountain in search of photos for the Soroptimists' gift list.

Marcy Fulton-Reincke was one of a bunch of people I met, and her photograph was on page 1 of the Idaho Statesman on Thanksgiving day.

Some of the residents couldn't walk, some couldn't talk, and all were at a stage in their lives where they couldn't live alone.

Still, there was something about the swirl of activity and energy that reminded me … I think it reminded me of my mother.

I miss my mother.

So I asked if I could come back.

"A lot of things make me happy," she says. "Having fun. Being with people."

Marcy Fulton-Reincke is doing her favorite activity. She's walking the halls of the assisted care facility where she lives — greeting familiar faces, coaxing a smile here, giving a helpful push in a wheelchair there.

"How are you doing, honey?" she asks Irene Hill, bending closer to hear the answer.

"We're friends," Marcy says. Some of that friendship is expressed in words; much of it is not, and names seem irrelevant.

"What (residents) have left is what they can give — it's from themselves; it's not about monetary things anymore," says Flora Reynolds, care coordinator at Marquis. "When they lose their ability to sew or knit or crochet or do the things they used to do for others, it's about quality time."

Gentle and easygoing, Marcy's compassion is deeply rooted. Raised in an orphanage, in and out of foster homes, Marcy has happy memories of her childhood. So after she raised her four children, she became a foster mom. She took in teenage girls in emergency situations who might stay a couple of weeks or a couple of years until something more permanent was arranged.

"She did a good job," says her daughter, Leanne Metz-ger. "They all have fond memories of her."

Marcy didn't talk about that. But she did say: "I think we're here (for a reason). We need to do something with (our lives)." She offered this wisdom, too: "Take care of what you can."

She is 74, according to Leanne; Marcy can't remember. "I've lost a lot of things recently. Like remembering."

But that doesn't come with any lingering sense of loss. "I just keep going," she says. "I have fun, do things, find things to do." She relishes going for walks and trips that the center arranges; she savors visits from family and friends.

"The thing my sister and brother and I worried about most — that (moving her to a care facility) was going to be the tough thing — has ended up being the easiest and best," Leanne says. "She's constantly around other people. It's made her life so much better.

"She looks forward to the future. There's still something there."

Marcy's version of her life is rooted in the present (Leanne had to provide details about her past); but in Marcy's presence, life is simple and elemental. It's slow-paced and uncomplicated; it's about being, about smiling and sharing — and, I guess, dancing in the halls. It's about a tender touch and, really, not needing much more.

"I feel loved," says Marcy. That needs no words.

Katherine Jones: 377-6414

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5 Tips For Successful Meditation

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Mike Garrett

Meditation is an art that takes a certain degree of consistency, but almost anyone can find time to meditate, no matter how busy your days may be. Meditation takes little to no preparation time if you follow a few rules, so in less than a half hour, you can meditate and continue on with your normal daily schedule. Remember, meditation is all about being relaxed.

First, find a convenient and appropriate place and time for meditation. Many people choose to participate in a class or meditate with a more experienced person (commonly known as a guru). However, if this is not possible, you can still meditate and achieve great results. The place you select for meditation should be away from wherever you typically do your work--i.e., don't meditate at your desk if you can help it. Also avoid any areas that are noisy or otherwise distracting. Not all outside distractions can be cut from your life, but try to keep them to a minimum.

Most people agree that the best time of day to meditate is in the morning, before you begin the rest of your daily routine. At this point in your day, the hustle and bustle of life has yet to begin, and therefore you can more easily concentrate. However, other people choose to meditate in the middle of the day--this relieves some stress already building and helps you continue through the rest of the day. Others prefer the evening or directly before bedtime in order to release stress and sleep better. Whatever time you choose, try to be consistent every day.

It is important to be comfortable when you meditate, but not sleepy. Therefore, avoid meditating after large meals. It is also, on the other hand, detrimental to try to meditate when you are hungry. This can be very distracting, which is counterproductive to the goals of meditation. Meditating on an empty stomach is difficult and frustrating as well, especially for beginners. The most important thing is to know your own body--for example, if you usually have to use the restroom after drinking and eating, th! is is no t a good time to begin meditating.

Being comfortable also means ensuring that your space has proper lighting and heating. Harsh florescent lights can make you strain your eyes, even when closed. The best meditation spaces allow sunlight, controlled by blinds, into the area. Be sure that you won't be too warm or too cold, which can be as distracting as being hungry. Your body temperature may drop slightly as you meditate such as happens when you are sleeping, so be sure to account for this. Many people like to keep slippers close at hand to put on during meditation if needed.

Dress comfortably--you need no special outfit. If you decide to meditate mid-day, you may want to remove uncomfortable articles of clothing, such as pantyhose or ties, but it is unnecessary to completely change your outfit if you do not have time. As long as you are comfortable, meditation will be effective, because overall, that is what meditation as all about--being comfortable. By practicing meditation, you can be comfortable with yourself, your life, and the world around you every day.

About the Author

Mike Garrett has an interest in Speed Meditation. For further information on Speed Meditation please visit http://www.speedmeditation.com/meditation.html or http://www.speedmeditation.com/blog/2006/10/03/5-tips-for-successful-meditation/.

10 Minute Guided Body Scan Meditation from The Meditation Coach

www.meditationcoach.com Enjoy a 10 minute mindful meditation as Greg de Vries, the Meditation Coach, gently guides you to meditate with this guided body scan meditation. Download your free mp3 meditation audio at the link above.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Woodstock Percussion ZENERGY2 Zenergy Meditation Chime Percussion Instrument

  • Handcrafted two-tone chime heightens sensory awareness
  • 2 aluminum rods on a wooden base
  • Precision tuned to pulse for meditation
  • Includes rubber-tipped wooden striking mallet
  • Also includes listening exercises
Two rods, tuned to almost the same pitch, produce a fascinating pulse known as "beating". Can be used as an aid to meditation and heightening sensory awareness.Tibetan monks signal the beginning and end of a meditation period with small cymbals. This chime can be used for the same purpose. The two polished aluminum rods are precision tuned to almost, but not quite, the same pitch. When struck simultaneously, the rods begin ringing with a pulsating beat, which helps heighten and focus awareness. The rods are fastened to a smooth, cherry-finished hardwood base that measures 7-1/2 inches long, small enough to keep on a meditation table or by the bed. A rubber-tipped mallet and listening exercises are included. Musician Gary Kvistad founded Woodstock Chimes in 1979, and today the family-owned company produces a wide range of handcrafted, precision-tuned chimes. A one-year warranty covers the chime against defects, and all tuned Woodstock Chimes come with a lifetime tuning guarantee. --Ann Bieri

List Price: $ 17.55 Price: $ 11.38

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Change Your Yoga Pattern with Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver Program By Divine Light

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by India Internets

Yoga to De-Stress

One of those days? Do this routine and you will hopefully be back to your usual happy self in no time!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Finding Problems, a Function of the Mind

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Craig Holliday

Mindfulness & Concentration

Gil Fronsdal talks about mindfulness and concentration. He gives some of the similes the Buddha used to explain mindfulness and concentration. The full talk and more are available at these sites. If you like the talks please help support those sites so they can continue to offer the talks freely. www.dharmaweb.org www.audiodharma.org dharmaseed.org

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Morning-After Pill: Plan B Controversy Explained

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

plan B, morning after pill, birth control pill
CREDIT: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries

Now that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said it will continue to require adolescents 17 years of age and younger to obtain prescriptions before taking the emergency-contraceptive pill Plan B (also known as the morning-after pill), we answer some questions you might have about the decision.

How does Plan B work?

Plan B, manufactured by Teva Women's Health, contains levonorgestrel, a hormone found in most birth control pills, but at a higher dose. Plan B should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex and is intended to prevent pregnancy if other forms of contraception fail or if no contraception was used, according to Teva.

Plan B mainly prevents pregnancy by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary and by preventing the fertilization of an egg, said Dr. Christopher Estes, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

While the drug causes changes to the lining of the uterus, it does not interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg, Estes said. In fact, in order to stabilize the pregnancies of women who've previously suffered miscarriages, doctors give a drug very similar to plan B, Estes said.

Is it the same as the abortion pill?

No. Plan B is a contraception pill, meaning it prevents pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, the pill will not work. The drug "will not disrupt or affect an existing pregnancy," according to Teva.

The "abortion pill," or mifepristone, can terminate pregnancy, and can be taken up until a woman is 9 weeks pregnant, according to Planned Parenthood.

Why did HHS say teens need a prescription for it?

Plan B is currently available over the counter (without a prescription) for women ages 17 and older.  Women younger than 17 can get the drug, but they need a prescription.

Teva submitted an application to the FDA seeking to have Plan B approved for over-the-counter use in all women able to bear children. In order to receive approval, the company needed studies showing the drug is safe and effective in adolescent women, and that young women would understand how to use the drug appropriately without consulting a doctor.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the studies submitted to the FDA did not meet this requirement because they "did not contain data for all ages for which this product would be available for use." Although girls in early adolescence are capable of having children, there are significant cognitive and behavioral differences between the youngest and oldest adolescents, Sebelius said. She noted that about 10 percent of girls begin menstruation when they are around 11 years old.

What is the FDA's stance?

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, part of the FDA, said it reviewed Teva's application and determined Plan B was safe and effective for use in girls younger than 17, and that these young women understood how to use the product appropriately.

Dr. Margaret Hamburg, FDA commissioner, said, "I agree with the Center that there is adequate and reasonable, well-supported and science-based evidence that Plan B One-Step is safe and effective and should be approved for nonprescription use for all females of child-bearing potential."

However, the HHS did not agree with the FDA's decision and overruled it.

What do doctors say?

The decision by HSS was a "political move that's trumping actual evidence based medicine," Estes said.

Estes noted: "There are drugs available over the counter for anyone who wants to buy them, that are more dangerous than Plan B. For example, "it's easy to overdose on Tylenol (acetaminophen) because of the number of pills included in one package, he said. "You can really hurt yourself with a bottle of Tylenol with a couple of dollars, Estes said.

But "It's almost impossible to overdose on Plan B," he said, because of the large number of pills you would need to take to achieve a toxic dose.

Three medical organizations, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecology (The College) and the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), have denounced the decision by HHS to keep Plan B available to adolescents by prescription only. The AAP says the decision goes against the current evidence supporting the use of emergency contraception in adolescent women.

"The decision to continue restricting access to this safe and effective product is medically inexplicable," Dr. Robert Block, president of the AAP, said in a statement issued yesterday (Dec. 7).

The AAP and SAHM still recommend that adolescents be counseled on use of emergency contraception by their doctor, but say such counseling can occur in the context of a larger discussion about safe sex and family planning.

How much does it cost?

The cost of Plan B can range between $ 35 and $ 60, according to Estes.

What are the side effects and risk?

Plan B can cause changes in a woman's menstrual cycle,nausea, lower-abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness and breast tenderness, according to Teva.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook.

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Massage For Stress Reduction

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Stress Reduction
by Cea.

Article by Dr. Richard Browne

Stress results in tense neck and shoulder muscles, leading to stiffness, headaches and more stress. Massage helps to relax the mind, body and spirit, providing time and space for self, and a feeling of peace, calm and well-being. It allows the nervous system to normalize itself, and may reduce many stress-related conditions, such as palpitations and raised blood pressure.Prolonged periods of stress can subconsciously affect many systems of the body. Stress has been shown to aggravate, or even cause, such conditions as heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, memory loss and decreased immune dysfunction. Massage therapy is one of the best antidotes for stress. Massage boosts the body's immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress. Tension can build up in the muscles, causing a decrease in circulation and nutrient delivery to tissues.

With a therapeutic massage, stress can be significantly reduced. This, in turn, will increase energy and improve life outlook. When sustained stress is experienced daily, the brain responds in a manner known as "fight or flight". This signals the sympathetic nervous system, which is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain. Muscles tighten in our neck, shoulders and back, blood vessels constrict, eyes dilate, large amounts of energy are expended as the adrenal glands excrete hormones.Massage breaks this tension by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system (the body's way of conserving and restoring energy). Stretching and kneading releases tight muscles and natural endorphins. This results in decreased pain, decreased heart rate and a sense of calm. Massage, when combined with traditional medical treatments, can reduce stress and promote healing in people with certain health conditions.Massage and bodywork techniques are therapeutic in addressing chronic muscle and soft tissue strain patterns created by stress and aligns the muscles and soft tissues of the body by using a combination of specialized and advanced massage tec! hniques. Some techniques may include: Functional muscle assessment (visual, kinesthetic, palpation), myofascial release, neuromuscular, deep tissue massage techniques, structural balancing (positioning and mobilizing), and external hot/cold applications.

About the Author

Dr. Richard Browne is a licensed Acupuncturists and Massage Therapist in the State of Florida since 1982.He is the president of the Acupuncture & Massage College.He received his Doctorate in Oriental Medicine from the Open International University of Alternative Medicine.He is currently President of the Acupuncture Physician Association.



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How science supports left-wing politics

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Do people have free will? No
Is almost everything in the cosmos determined? Yes
Have humans evolved a core morality? Yes

Put these facts together, and you arrive at a persuasive scientific argument for favoring progressive politics. Read all about it in a post I wrote for my other blog, "Science supports a progressive political agenda."

One more fact:

Will lots of people disagree with this conclusion? Yes.

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Sri Lanka Stress Reduction song

Sri Lankan ancient Stress Reduction statues ,arts and Sacred places

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Spiritual Retreats in India - Where One Can Achieve a Harmonious Life

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Dave Brown

If you want a harmonious and blissful life, then you must visit to one of the spiritual retreats in India to experience the same. Find some of the most prominent retreats in India that will help you to focus on the positive things of life while taking you miles away from the worldly pains and sorrows. During your stay at one of the spiritual retreats in India you will come to know how your inner soul is and what does it wants from life. Spiritualism then and nowIndia being one of the oldest civilizations of the world dates back a rich cultural heritage that shows clear associations with spirituality. It is a distinct side of the humankind that has developed even before the birth of Christianity in unison with the preaching of Jainism and Buddhism. Spirituality mingled into the Indian culture since time immemorial. Since then, spiritual retreats in India have been around the corner, rising with each passing day. And today, after undergoing a sea change, retreats in India have taken the shape of popular pleasure getaways that brings peace and joy to the lives of people. Whenever someone gets fed up with this materialistic world, there is no better place than the spiritual retreats in India to feel and experience the blissful spiritual existence. Retreats in India offer spiritual courses that are a fine blend of meditation and yoga that will help you to free your soul from the bindings of earthly pursuits and pleasures. For decades and centuries, saints, sages and philosophers have been talking and preaching about spirituality. But have you ever wondered how spirituality is gained? Spirituality does not come merely just by sitting atop hills and meditating. It comes from within; spiritual retreats in India will teach you how to connect with your inner soul. Retreats in India teach how to connect with the inner divinity or the human heart where the almighty resides in. to make this possible, immense focus and determination is needed and that is only possible through the spiritual retreats in India. G! ain spir ituality under a master guidanceTrue spiritualism can be only attained under a mystic and enlightened Guru or master. Spiritual retreats in India let you achieve this mysticism on the basis of humane conduct, knowledge and faith. Through regular contemplation and invocation of religious ideas, the masters present in these spiritual retreats in India preach to attain faith on the principles advocated by the ancient Indian spiritualists. As soon as you have attained faith, you have to work towards gaining a profound analytical skill that elevates your mind from the worldly objects, concerns and desires. Retreats in India helps to create a moral knowledge within oneself enabling the individual to understand and control the visions and goals of life. This knowledge helps in achieving equilibrium in considerations and actions. The result of which an individual becomes least bothered about the material possessions and learns to cope with the rejections of life. Spiritual retreats in India guides practitioners to develop mental consciousness eventually leading them to a selfless path. Loving human beings through constantly rendering services to them is what you finally learn from the spiritual retreats in India. Z meditation is a leading spiritual retreat in India that offer valuable spiritual courses that brings positivity, wisdom, peace and confidence within oneself.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation books at Z Meditation - Meditation Centers, Meditation Centers in India & Good Meditation Books for Beginners

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (1/4)

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Evolution of Consciousness:A Spiritual Journey Guided by Universal Law

"This book explains that each one of us is an individual Consciousness that is eternal and continually evolving forward. It explains that the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect, Relativity, and Evolution are the guiding principles that propel us onward in our development. The latest scientific knowledge and metaphysical principals are used to answer the questions: Who are we? Why are we the way we are? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is our destiny? Science is objective and can be fairly well understood by most people. On the other hand, metaphysics is subjective and more difficult to understand. To make the subjective clear, numerous analogies, metaphors, equivalences, and descriptions of familiar experiences are uses.
This book explains the basics of the "Law of Cause and Effect" as well as the more complex and metaphysical aspects of "Spiritual Cause and Effect". The "Divine Plan" which may also be called the "Game of Life" is clarified as well.
It is important to understand the basics of "Relativity" since we live in a relative universe. Every moment of every day of our lives is lived in a relative environment yet; we are practically oblivious to it. The relativeness of truth, happiness, good, bad, right and wrong are also explained.
Charles Darwin introduced us to a very important part of evolution which is the evolution of physical bodies of plants, animals and humans. This book goes far beyond and explains the evolution the instinctive operating mind in plants, animals and humans. There is also a comprehensive explanation of the functions of the human Trainable Mind, the Intellectual Mind, and the Intuitive Mind. But, most important of all is the Evolution of Consciousness. Consciousness evolves in stages from the very primitive to the advanced stage of the human and beyond.
The trials and tribulations of the past human history as well as the wonders that are yet to come in our lives are likewise explained. This included many details of t! he wonde rs of life in the Spiritual Domains of our universe.
Many misconceptions of the past are also clarified in a logical and simple to understand manner. Some of the misconceptions that are made clear are:
The purpose for the large human brain.
The purpose of the human upright walking posture.
The purpose for the creation of the universe.
The purpose and evidence of reincarnation. "
"This book explains that each one of us is an individual Consciousness that is eternal and continually evolving forward. It explains that the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect, Relativity, and Evolution are the guiding principles that propel us onward in our development. The latest scientific knowledge and metaphysical principals are used to answer the questions: Who are we? Why are we the way we are? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is our destiny? Science is objective and can be fairly well understood by most people. On the other hand, metaphysics is subjective and more difficult to understand. To make the subjective clear, numerous analogies, metaphors, equivalences, and descriptions of familiar experiences are uses.
This book explains the basics of the "Law of Cause and Effect" as well as the more complex and metaphysical aspects of "Spiritual Cause and Effect". The "Divine Plan" which may also be called the "Game of Life" is clarified as well.
It is important to understand the basics of "Relativity" since we live in a relative universe. Every moment of every day of our lives is lived in a relative environment yet; we are practically oblivious to it. The relativeness of truth, happiness, good, bad, right and wrong are also explained.
Charles Darwin introduced us to a very important part of evolution which is the evolution of physical bodies of plants, animals and humans. This book goes far beyond and explains the evolution the instinctive operating mind in plants, animals and humans. There is also a comprehensive explanation of the functions of ! the huma n Trainable Mind, the Intellectual Mind, and the Intuitive Mind. But, most important of all is the Evolution of Consciousness. Consciousness evolves in stages from the very primitive to the advanced stage of the human and beyond.
The trials and tribulations of the past human history as well as the wonders that are yet to come in our lives are likewise explained. This included many details of the wonders of life in the Spiritual Domains of our universe.
Many misconceptions of the past are also clarified in a logical and simple to understand manner. Some of the misconceptions that are made clear are:
The purpose for the large human brain.
The purpose of the human upright walking posture.
The purpose for the creation of the universe.
The purpose and evidence of reincarnation. "

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5 Experts Answer: Does Antibacterial Gel Work as Well as Washing Your Hands?

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

CREDIT: Hand sanitizer photo via Shutterstock

Each week, MyHealthNewsDaily asks the experts to answer questions about your health.

This week, we asked infectious disease specialists: Does using antibacterial gel work as well as washing your hands?

Dr. Rachel Orscheln, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis:

According to the CDC, "Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them."

However, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can also be very effective in cleaning the hands if the hands are not visibly dirty. Proper technique should be utilized when using alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

A product should be chosen that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. A sufficient amount of product should be applied to the hands to allow coverage of all surfaces of the hand and fingers. The hands should be rubbed together until they are dry. Using alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of most germs on the hands.

Carol McLay, RN, Infection Prevention Consultant in Lexington, Ky. 

Frequent hand washing is the best way to keep yourself healthy and to prevent the spread of illness. The most effective way to wash your hands is with plain old soap and water.

Hands should be washed: Before, during and after preparing food; before eating or drinking; before and after caring for someone who is sick; before and after touching a cut or wound; after using the toilet; after changing diapers; after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after touching an animal or animal waste; after touching garbage.

While antibacterial gels can quickly reduce the number of germs on your hands, they do not eliminate all types of germs. 

If soap and water is not available however, antimicrobial gels are the next best thing.

Dr. Richard T. Ellison III, professor of medicine and molecular genetics & microbiology at University of Massachusetts Medical School 

I would answer 'Yes and No.' An antibacterial hand gel can substitute for hand washing when there is no organic material (e.g. dirt) on an individual's hands. The alcohol antibacterial preparations are highly effective at killing bacteria and viruses, but only if there is direct contact of alcohol with the microorganisms. So, if there is a lot of dirt on the hands, the antibacterial hand gel may not reach the microorganisms under the dirt.

In addition, the antibacterial hand gels will not remove the dirt. So, if you can see or feel some dirt on your hands, it's best to wash with soap and water. Soaps can help break down organic material and putting your hands under water will then rinse it away.

Katie Brewer, Senior Policy Analyst in the American Nursing Association's Department of Practice and Policy

The best practice is to not use the antibacterial gel for any routine hand washing in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc.

But you can, for normal every day situations where you cannot wash your hands, use antibacterial gel as a substitute. 

The key to any kind of disinfecting substance is really in the technique. Alcohol works by friction. So you really need to vigorously rub your hands together to disinfect your hands. You may see people rub it in like lotion and that may sometimes work, but not always.

When washing your hands, use soap and water and rub them together for 20 seconds. And, antibacterial soap works just as well as old fashioned soap. In some studies the chemical triclosan in antibacterial soap was found to be somewhat harmful in the environment. The American Nurses Association offices have removed it since it's no more effective.

Dr. David Hooper, chief of the Infection Control Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston

Antibacterial hand gels – most of them that are on the market are alcohol based – are the same as hand gels that are used in hospitals. Hand gels are used preferentially because they are easy to use and they are quick. Studies have shown they have faster antibacterial activity than soap and water.

Hospitals turned to antibacterial gel because you have an issue with soap and water: it takes time and soap and water, if done multiple times a day, can be drying to the skin, especially in winter months.

Outside of the health care community, for you and I in daily activities, soap and water should be just fine because you won't be using it as often and it won't dry out your skin.

Soap and water removes a large amount of bacteria and alcohol does this even better, but its the difference between 99 and 99.9 percent [bacteria killed].

Some people out in the community have gels that they keep in their purse or bag that they use when they're in situations were they can't wash their hands. I think it's a good idea. 

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Eliminate Stress With Daily Meditation

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 09:02 PM PST

Article by Ryan Pearson

Beating every day stress becomes a whole lot easier with daily meditation. Meditation helps stress melt away,by helping us quiet our mind and strengthen our connection to spirit.

How does stress affect health? Stress can have many adverse effects on your health. Meditation can greatly improve your health on many different levels.

Meditation does not have to be an hour long practice to be effective. Even just three minutes of meditation every day can be very beneficial. With twenty minutes of meditation, it's as good as having a whole night's sleep. You still need a good night's sleep to maintain good health.

There are many different ways to meditate. Even in your every day activities you can incorporate meditation. When you are cleaning or doing the dishes, practice taking deep slow breathes and quieting your mind. Just practice being in the present moment and clearing all thoughts from your mind. You can practice this meditation technique, when you are doing any activities, that don't require thought.

You can practice quieting your mind and being present during your exercise time, as well. Daily exercise, by the way, is another great way to reduce and manage stress. Go for a nice walk, somewhere quiet and peaceful. On your walk practice quieting your mind and being present in the moment. Just practice being silent, without music or other noises. That is also a form of meditation.

Then there is the standard form of meditation. One way to meditate is to sit on the floor, or on a cushion or a mat and cross your legs. A comfortable chair may also work for your meditation. Being comfortable and having your back straight, so your breath flows easy, is the most important thing. It is a good idea to either have your palms facing up or you can conect your thumb and index finger together. By having your palms facing up, it allows you to receive, the healing energy easier. By connecting you thumb and index finger, it allows the chi energy to circulate through your body more.

Whe n you meditate, close your eyes and begin to take some nice deep slow breaths. Focus on your breath and begin to clear away any thoughts that are going through your mind. To silence any of your 'mind chatter' that may arise, just silently repeat the words "quiet my mind" a few times until your mind is silent again. Don't feel that you have to start by meditating an hour at a time, right away. Start with whatever is comfrtable, even if it is only three to four minutes. The more you practice, the longer you will be able to meditate. A great intention for yourself, is to build up to at least twenty minutes of meditation.

When you are meditating you can have very relaxing music on or have complete silence. Sometimes music will help someone relax more, for others they find it distracting. Try both and see what works best for you.

You can meditate on manifesting something that you desire, or you can just focus on inner silence. If you choose to meditate on manifesting something, what I recommend doing is, focus the first half of your meditation on inner silence, then the second part of your meditation on what you want to manifest. That inner silence is so very important. It is necessary, to reduce stress in our lives, to completely silence our mind completely. We feel our soul connection to the 'All That Is', God, in this silence.

Another way to use meditation to strengthen our connection to The Creative Source, is to chant the sound of "aahhh" during our meditation. Every name for the Higher Power,in every religion (God, Allah, Krishna, Yauweigh, Ra, Tao, etc...), contains the sound of "aahhhh"... That sound of "aahhh" raises our vibration to a vibration that resonates closer to The Divine Creator.

You can experience brief spurts of meditation throughout your day. If you are at work, and you are starting to feel stressed, go to the restroom, or somewhere quiet and just close your eyes and take a few deep slow breathes and practice quieting you mind for a few minutes. You will be amazed! at how well you will feel after that short meditation.

The more you can practice slowing down your breath and silencing your mind during the day, the more you will master beating everyday stress.

About the Author

Create your life filled with joy, love, prosperity and inner peace now! Receive FREE inspiration every week with 'The S.O.U.L. System Life Guide'. Sign up, FREE, now at http://www.mysoulsystem.com.You deserve it!

100 Days with No Goals

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Joshua Fields Millburn of The Minimalists.

I have lived the last 100 days with no goals. And I have never been happier or more content in my life.

When I met Leo four months ago — two-thousand miles from my home in Dayton, Ohio — he said there were three things that significantly changed his life: establishing habits he enjoyed, simplifying his life, and living with no goals.

I was already living the first two: I had established my pleasurable habits, I had simplified my life. But it was difficult for me to grasp the "no goals" thing. The thought of living a life with no goals sounded insane to me — it was counterintuitive, it was scary, it went against almost everything I had ever learned about productivity.

In my corporate life of yesteryear, I managed hundreds of people for a large corporation, an organization in which I was often considered the productivity guy, the goal guy: I met deadlines, overproduced, exceeded expectations, got results. That's why they paid me the big bucks.

I regularly had umpteen goals in various stages of completion: short-term goals, long-term goals, personal goals, business goals, health goals, financial goals, vacation goals, consumer-purchasing goals, you name it. I thought if I crossed enough goals off my to-do list, I'd eventually be content. So I worked harder and harder, focusing on every new goal with lapidary precision.

But I was stressed out of my mind with all those goals. My hauntingly perpetual to-do list was just that — perpetual, never-ending. And it was ever-growing. Plus, I was continuously disappointed when I didn't achieve a goal, or when I missed a deadline. Hell, I was even disappointed when I attained a goal but didn't overachieve. It was a self-consuming cocaine high — it was never enough.

I needed a way to quit my goals cold turkey, so I did two things after speaking with Leo.

First, I asked myself, "why do I have these goals?" I had goals so I could tell if I was "accomplishing" what I was "supposed" to accomplish. If I met a goal, I was allowed to be happy — right? Then I thought: Wait a minute, why must I achieve a specific result towards an arbitrary goal to be happy? Why don't I just allow myself to be happy now?

Second, I decided to live with no goals for a while. I didn't know how long, because I didn't make it a goal. I figured I'd give it a shot for a month or so, maybe longer, to see what happened. If it affected me negatively, I could return to my rigid life of "achieving" and "producing results" with my color-coded spreadsheets containing scads of goals.

What happened? Breaking free from goals changed my life.

Three Ways Living with No Goals Changed My Life

1. I am less stressed. I have virtually no stress now. Sure, there are brief moments in which I feel vexed or bothered — but I feel so much less stress these days. People I've known for years comment on how calm I am. With no goals, they say I'm a different person — a better person.

2. I am more productive. I didn't anticipate this one. I thought getting rid of goals meant I was going to sacrifice results and productivity. But the opposite has been true. I tossed productivity and became more productive. I've written the best fiction of my life, I've watched our website's readership increase significantly, I've met remarkable new people, and I've been able to contribute to other people like never before. The last 100 days have been the most productive days of my life.

3. I am happier and more content. During my 30 years on this earth, I've never been this consistently happy or content. It is an incredible feeling, even surreal at times. With the decreased stress and increased productivity resulting from no goals, I am able to enjoy my life, I am able to live in the moment. And thus I am appreciably happier and more content.

Three Misconceptions About No Goals

Three arguments against the no-goal lifestyle presented themselves to me in the last 100 days, all three of which I'd like to address.

1. Complacency: Doesn't a life with no goals make you complacent? Well, if by "complacent" you mean "content," then yes. But, otherwise, no it didn't make me complacent. In fact, the opposite was true: after removing the stress from my life, I partook in new, exciting endeavors, while living a passionate, meaningful life.

2. Growth: Doesn't a life with no goals prevent you from growing? No. I've grown considerably in the last 100 days. I've gotten into the best shape of my life, strengthened my personal relationships, established new relationships, and written more than ever before. I've grown more in the last 100 days than any other 100-day period in my life.

3. You still have goals: You say you have no goals, but don't you still have some goals, like finishing your new novel or "being happy" or "living in the moment"? It's important to make a distinction here: yes, I want to "be happy" and "live in the moment" and "live a healthy life," but these are choices, not goals. I choose to be happy. I choose to live in the moment. I choose to live a healthy life. I don't need to measure these events, I simply live this way. As for my new novel, I intend to finish writing it — I've never worked harder on anything in my life — but I'm enjoying the process of writing it, and if I never finish, that's okay too. I'm not stressed about it anymore.

Living with no goals has changed my life. It has added layers of happiness and contentment I didn't realize were possible. It has allowed me to contribute to other people in meaningful ways. I'm not going back to a goal-oriented life. No goals. None at all. Life is outstanding without them.

Joshua Fields Millburn writes essays with Ryan Nicodemus about minimalism and living a meaningful life with less stuff at The Minimalists. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. Subscribe to The Minimalists for free updates.

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