Subconscious vs. Conscious: How Does Our Mind Work?

Subconscious vs. Conscious: How Does Our Mind Work?

Subconscious vs. Conscious: How Does Our Mind Work?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Franklin Esmur

The stories of placebo effect and other medical cases when people are able to remove their bad habits or regain repress memories under help of cognitive therapy swirl curiosity toward the power of human mind. The concept of conscious and subconscious is then introduced to uncover the mystery of our mind.

The Two Sides of the Same CoinConscious mind is associated with the five physical senses. We learn from observation, education and experiences. In another word, we use our conscious mind as a tool to navigate in the environment. Our conscious mind is functioned base on logic and reasoning.

On the other hand, subconscious mind is associated with involuntary biological process such as circulation, breathing, healing wounds. It carries these responses without conscious control. Our subconscious mind is aware of its environment, but not through physical senses. As Opposite to conscious mind, the subconscious is functioned base on emotion and feeling.

Together, conscious and subconscious make up our mind. To simplify the concept, consider the following example: A captain of a ship directs the ship and signals orders to men in the engine room, who in turn control all the boilers, instruments, gauges, etc. The men in the engine room obey the captain because he is in charge and issues orders, which are automatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk back to the captain; they simply carry out orders.

The captain is the master of his ship, and his decrees are carried out. In the same way, your conscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship-your body, environment, and all your affairs. Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon what your conscious mind believes and accepts as true.

The right interaction between these two minds can bring forth the great power and allow us to achieve our desires and goals.

When the Two Agree…Within your subconscious depth lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and an infinite supply of all ! that is necessary. It is waiting there for you to give it development and expression. Through the wisdom of your subconscious mind you can attract the ideal companion, as well as the right business associate or partner. It can show you how to get all the money you need and give you financial freedom to be, to do, and to go as your heart desires.

Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every problem, and the cause for every effect. Once you learn to draw out these hidden powers, you come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to move forward in abundance, security, joy, and dominion. Though invisible, its forces are mighty.The Treasure from WithinOnce you learn the truth about interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds will enable you to transform your whole life. To remove discord, confusion, lack, and limitation, you must remove the cause, and the cause is the way you are using your conscious mind. In other words, the way you are thinking and picturing in your mind.

We are living in a fathomless sea of infinite riches. Your subconscious is very sensitive to your thoughts. Your thoughts form the mold or matrix through which the infinite intelligence, wisdom, vital forces, and energies of your subconscious flow. Shape that matrix in a more positive direction and you redirect those infinite energies to your greater benefit.

Our mind contains all the gold, answers and guidance that we've been searching for. All we need to do is tap into this power and draw out these treasures from within. The results will be wealth, success, health, peace, and whatever that you desires.

About the Author

Want to discover more about using your subconscious power? Check out my site at useful information on getting wealth, success, health, and ideal partner by tapping in the power of subconscious mind.

Clip from the Center for Mindfulness DVD

A wonderful 10-minute clip from the DVD released by the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare and Society, which provides an overview of the science behind Mindfulness. Posted with permission from the Center for Mindfulness.

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Devotional Pilgrimages of Buddhist Temples

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:01 PM PST

Article by Chris

Buddhist TemplesFrom the ancient past India has had an unbroken tradition of being the fountainhead of spiritual knowledge in the world. To spread the true knowledge there are many great seers, masters and incarnations have been born here from time to time. The Sanskrit word "Bodh" means knowledge. Buddha thus means "The one world has attained all knowledge". The cessation of conflicts at both the internal the external levels are possible only when one is armed with the right knowledge. Once the conflicts went away, peace blooms and attain bliss.

If you want to visit Buddhist Temples then there are four principal Buddhist pilgrimage sites where most of the Buddhist temples and shrines are located. The most unique thing is these are located primarily in the Ganges Valley of India.

Bodh Gaya, BiharThis is where Prince Gautama attained enlightenment under the sacred Asvatta tree (bodhi tree) and became known as Lord Buddha. This place is one of the four most sacred pilgrimage places for the Buddhists.Kaushambi, Uttar PradeshIn the 6th and 9th years after Buddha's enlightenment; he visited this place. He delivered several sermons here, elevating it to center of learning for Buddhists.

Lumbini, Nepal - India borderIt is located in the flat plains of South-western Nepal and the foothills of Churia range is kind of holy sentiment to the millions of Buddhists all over the world-as do the Jerusalem to Christmas and Mecca to Muslims.

Nalanda, BiharThis place consist the ruins of the world's oldest university. This was also a place where the Buddha and Mahavira stayed and preached. The remains of 11 monasteries and several Chaityas, built over period of time in red brick stone have been excavated.

ManasarovarEvery year the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is being organized by the Government of India, ministry of External Affairs starting ends May/early June to September 2008. Any Indian citizen above 18 years can go; who wish t! o procee d to Kailash and Manasarovar for religious purposes. The mount kailash is located in the western Tibetan plateau in the northernmost region of the Himalayas. Also referred to as Mount Meru and Kang Rinpoche, or snow jewel, mount Kailash is a 22,028 ft high peak knows for being the abode of Shiva. The duration of mansrovar yatra is 26 days. Yatris need to spend 4 days in New Delhi to obtain visas, undergo a comprehensive medical examination and complete other formalities. The first batch is expected to depart from New Delhi in the last week of May or first of June and continue till the end of September 2008.

Mt KailashMount kailash means Mt Kailash which is believed to have been formed 30 millions years ago when Himalayas were in their early stage of formation, is one of the most revered places in the Himalayas. The mt kailash is spread out on the Tibetan plateau beside Mount Kailash is the giant lake of shifting colors - Lake Manasarovar. He creator of a lake Sarovar is Brahma. The yatra to Mount Kailash and a bath in the Manasarovar is believed to bring about conservancy. From centuries people have been visiting Mt Kailash- Manasarovar.

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About three different religious locations valuable information author has discussed in the above article. Indian soil is so religious; you will come to know by reading this such as Buddhist Temples in Manasarovar and Mt Kailash.

Counsellors ready to help people in need during holidays, all year

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:01 PM PST



Source: The Daily Gleaner

Christmas through to New Year's - even January and February when the winter blues hit - aren't always the happiest times for many people and that's where CHIMO's crisis counsellors can help.

CHIMO has volunteers manning its 450-HELP line if you are stressed or depressed or just need to talk.

"We haven't closed our doors in 15 years. We've been open every single day," said Jill Fraser, executive director.

The Christmas holiday season is filled with imagery of love and family, warmth and gift-giving, but there's a lot of stress at Christmas, Fraser said.

"Whether it's financial or emotional stress. A lot of families having a get together may not always be the best of times. There's a lot of stress on people to act a certain way at Christmas. There's a lot of pressure to provide gifts, to provide meals, and ... to provide emotional output, so it does make it very stressful," Fraser said.

"With everything that's happening in the world right now, there's a lot of stress economy-wise. The days are shorter. We just hit the shortest day of the year," Fraser said.

"We're open to any type of crisis, any issue. We take any type of crisis call from suicide to relationship problems." For some people the Christmas holiday season may be associated with the death of a loved one or another upsetting life event. Sometimes estranged couples squabble over custody issues and those can come to a head at Christmas time.

"We get a lot of people who have lost relatives, especially the first anniversary of a death," Fraser said. "But you can call about any issue."

In March and April when tax season rolls around, CHIMO will also get calls from people going through rough financial circumstances.

Anyone who feels so down that their thoughts turn to suicide should pick up the phone and call CHIMO and talk.

Over the last two years, Chimo has seen the numbers of people calling its help line increase between 25 and 34 per cent.

In October, CHIMO had 943 calls. In November, CHIMO received 820 calls. In December, the number was 800 and counting.

"Our suicide calls actually have gone up ... So far from April 1 to November, we've received 275 calls from people thinking about suicide," she said. "The numbers did go up in the fall."

"Lately, we've found more men calling about break ups and sudden break ups."

Men still tend to compose the majority of suicide victims. So far this year, CHIMO has had 120 men reach out for help and 224 women because they had thoughts of self-harm.

"Men may be a little more hesitant to reach out than women, but men are more than welcome to call. I worry that men don't feel they can call us," Fraser said.

CHIMO is the Inuit word for friendship.

CHIMO also has a 1-800-667-5005 toll-free line for those who live outside the immediate area. All calls are treated as confidential.

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Tibetan Sound Healing - Part 1: Introduction

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches and guides the practices of Tibetan Sound Healing — five guided practices for clearing obstacles, accessing positive qualities, and uncovering your inherent wisdom. For information about Tenzin Rinpoche and Tibetan Bon Buddhism, visit For advance updates about Rinpoche's live Internet teachings and in-person retreats, subscribe to Ligmincha's free monthly e-newsletter at http To learn and engage deeply in Tibetan Sound Healing as a formal practice with direct personal guidance from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, consider enrolling in his upcoming online workshop at:

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When learning calligraphy, a Mont Blanc pen is an excellent tool

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by Mike McNesby

The art of calligraphy has been popular in many different cultures across the globe for thousands of years. In the Western world, the main tool to use with calligraphy is the simple pen; items such as Mont Blanc pens are popular for this type of artistic writing, since they are of high quality and offer many choices such as fountain pens, ballpoint and other various options. Some examples of Western calligraphy are often seen in the first letter of chapters or books from the medieval times. These were ornately and elaborately created with a specific style; there were certain rules one had to follow to get the proper form exactly correct. Though they were not able to develop these artistic writings with a Mont Blanc Pen, other technology was used in those days, such as quill pens. In the Eastern world, Japanese calligraphy actually shares many of its roots with the Chinese; a lot of the techniques and principles are similar, and can be traced back as far as the twenty-eight century B.C. A man named Li Si, who was the prime minister in the Chinese dynasty of Qin, felt that a standardized form of writing should be utilized, and created a form of writing that was comprised of no more than eight strokes. Introduced the Japanese in 600 A.D., it continues to be an extremely popular art form even to this day. Although they do not use an item such as a Montblanc fountain pen, their current use of brush and ink has developed over the years to the particular Japanese style that we are familiar with today. In addition to the normal artistic aspirations of this type of calligraphy, in Japan it is coupled with Zen Buddhism as a form of mastery; it is a way of clearing the mind and allowing the artist to completely shine through the characters within the calligraphy. Altogether, calligraphy has made a home as an artistic practice in both the Eastern and Western worlds, and shows no signs of slowing down in the future.

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A beautifully crafted item such as a Mont Blanc pen can be used for various forms of calligraphy. This artistic pursuit is practiced differently in various areas of the world, but has continued to be popular for thousands of years.

Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 12/26/2011

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich."

~Lao Tzu

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Buddhist monasteries towards urbanism in southern Sri Lanka Prishanta Gunawardhana

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

by timtak

Article by A. Mittal

Astral Travel Guide

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by SteveGJones

Astral Travel and Spiritual Enlightenment: Is There a Connection?

The first book I ever read about mysticism and spirituality was Paramahansa Yogananda's classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. I was at a turning point in my life at time; a college student torn between the materialistic world I had grown up in and a growing feeling that there was something more. This feeling turned into a conviction when I experimented with peyote, the psychotropic cactus used in so many indigenous American rituals.

I was working in a bookstore during my summer vacations then. One day while I was dusting the shelves, a face on the cover of a book caught my eye. Its eyes seemed to come alive and draw me to the book. The face was Yogananda's. The book, of course, was his autobiography. In order to encourage the staff to read and thus be of more assistance to customers, the owners of the shop allowed us to take books home with us to read as long as we didn't break their spines or otherwise damage them. I took this book home and devoured it in one sitting.

In Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda writes about the astral body, the etheric body, bilocation in space, cosmic consciousness and other esoteric subjects. He writes about them in such a matter of fact way, it's hard to believe he's not just writing a travelogue. In fact, when he writes about his first trip to America, it sounds as if that was more miraculous to him than visiting his guru on an astral plane.

I immediately joined the organization founded by Yogananda and learned to meditate using their method. I also began voraciously reading every book in the metaphysical section of the bookshop. By the end of the summer, I was well-versed in esoterica and was familiar with everything from astral travel to Zen Buddhism, but was yet to have an actual spiritual experience of my own. They began after I returned to college and eventually led to my going to India to seek the "big E" - enlightenment.

Gurus and sages ! are divi ded on the subjects of Astral Travel and enlightenment. Some see astral travel as a dangerous sidetrack on the way to full enlightenment or, as Yogananda and others call it, cosmic consciousness. Others see it as a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal. After four decades, I have decided that I agree with both points of view. I have met adepts at astral travel who seem as mired in the material world as anyone else and I have met individuals who astral projection at will just to check in on loved ones on this plane or another and feel their skill is of no more importance to their spiritual lives than the ability to buy an airline ticket.

In my case, my background led me to seek proof that there really was such a thing as astral travel. Once I got that proof, I lost interest in the subject. However, I think the few genuine experiences of astral travel and other paranormal and peak spiritual experiences I have had have been a great boon to my life. For the most part, I agree with Shakespeare when he said, "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players." There's a certain unreality about this plane of consciousness, yet it is the one I happen to inhabit and my job is to play my part as well as I can. This really came home to me recently when after years of not astral traveling, I spontaneously left my body.

I don't particularly want to share my private life with the world and I certainly don't want my name attributed to this article, so I'll just tell you what's important. I'd been having doubts about my chosen course in life when it occurred. At about 4:00 am I woke up, thinking it was later and that it was time to get to work. When I realized it was earlier, I settled back to sleep with a sigh of relief. Suddenly I found myself sitting outside on the veranda where I go to relax between writing assignments. Knowing that I was in a dream, I also knew I was free from the constraints of the body. I looked up at the sky and flew high above my home. Intoxicated wit! h the fr eedom, I soared into the heavens. Then I heard a baby cry and knew I was needed back here on earth.

As I sit here writing this, I know there is an astral "me" stuck inside of my body, but I am comfortable with that. I am as sure that I am not just a body as I am sure I am typing this. That's all I need to know and, I believe, all any of us need to know. We need reminders from time to time, but they come when they are needed the most. So yes, I believe there is a connection between Astral Travel and spiritual enlightenment, but I don't believe that astral travel should be seen as a spiritual goal. It is just a stop along the way.

About the Author

Steve G. Jones is a founder Steve G. Jones Explorations Beyond the Body, Intensive and Advanced. As a chile he dove into books of hypnosis and mind power. When children were out playing with each other, he was studying and by the time he hit 15, I already had working knowledge of the powers and applications of hypnosis. And since then, he has spent the past 25 years refining and testing the techniques he learned in Military school to teach others how to astral project. Learn more by visiting the Astral travel website.

We have to change

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Buddhism offers no quick fixes for solving the problems of persistent high unemployment, low paying jobs, or a corrupt political structure.  Buddhism can't reshape predatory capitalism into compassionate capitalism.  Buddhism can't stop violence and wars. Buddhism has little or no ability to turn stupid, selfish, mean spirited human beings into Bodhisattvas.  

It takes good, courageous human beings to make the world a better place to live in.  On the same track, it takes a heaven soaring spirit to rise above the darkness that consumes the world; that keeps sentient beings on the wheel of samsara.

Today we are in short supply of both.  It is much easier to be a stupid, selfish, mean spirited human being and take the blue pill.  It is almost impossible to be a good person who has the courage to right what everyone knows in their heart of hearts is wrong.  As for the heaven soaring spirit, too many lack what it takes to penetrate through the phenomenal veil of illusion and see pure Mind.  It is much easier to be a materialist.  Yes, we have plenty of institutions that are dedicated to helping us conform to  materialism.  

Let's be frank, if we are going to make any profound changes in the present state of things we have to change our old ways of doing things.  We can't, for example, be conformists when we know that by doing so we harm not only ourselves but others.  It becomes a huge moral hazard, in fact.  


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Kim Myo Seon, Japan's First Korean Head Priest Part 1.avi

Japan, a land of Buddhism, where three-quarters of the population is Buddhist. In the Tokushima Prefecture in Shikoku, one of the four major islands, several thousand temples can be found. Among them are the 88 temples that make up the pilgrimage course. Among these, Dainichiji Temple, which is number 13, has a history of 1-thousand-200 years. Each year, up to half a million pilgrims make their way to the Dainichiji Temple. The person in charge of this temple is Kim Myo-seon, a Korean. Among her tasks, one is to keep record of the pilgrims. Once a renowned Korean traditional dancer, her life changed since she married her husband, the late Koie Oguri. She married at 40, and gave birth to a son at the age of 42. However, her husband passed away at the age of 68, leaving behind Kim Myo-seon and her infant son. According to Japanese Buddhist tradition, which allows the inheriting of temples, she decided to take charge of the Dainichiji Temple until her son came of age. A typical morning at the Dainichiji Temple, which is crowded with visitors despite the early hour. An official ceremony to recognize Kim Myo-seon has been planned. Until now, she has endured much discrimination as a woman and as a foreigner. The devotees of the Dainichiji Temple have prepared this event for Kim Myo-seon, to encourage her in her struggle. And the Japanese media have also faithfully reported efforts to start anew in a foreign land. As a result, she has received much publicity. Kim Myo-seon is ...

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Welcome to my stress-free world

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by David Leonhardt

Welcome to my stress-free world By David Leonhardt What the world needs more of is...stress. Sadly, I must deliver a formal apology to all 17,124 subscribers to my newsletter, A Daily Dose of Happiness, for running a series on stress reduction tips and wasting their time in such a frivolous fashion, when they could be using that time to watch the all-oatmeal channel, polish their medicine cabinet shelves or mow the shag rug.I've noticed lately that the world is undergoing a severe stress shortage. Consider a few facts.The US election is showcasing two perfect human beings, courageous leaders, generous to a fault, humble and eager to work with one another to create a heaven on earth...and in Iraq (Where else would one find Heaven?). The European Union is proving to be the very model of cooperation as France eagerly removes the yolk of tax oppression, suggested by Poland, to cut its 0.02% unemployment even further.Osama Bin Laden has issued an ultimatum, warning all terrorists that he will personally pour their choice of vanilla soda or egg nog on anyone thinking nasty thoughts.And Hugh Hefner has been working tirelessly with young boys to help them understand the value of celibacy before marriage.That's just the world. I have noticed around my own home that 3-year-old Little Lady gets dressed all by herself, and so does Little Sister. Lately, I have been able to find everything I am looking for immediately, never having to look in the fridge for, say, my razor. Nothing seems to break down anymore, (especially not the water pump, the satellite TV signal, the electric screwdriver, the car battery, the calking around the front window, or my nervous system). This computer just doesn't want to crash anymore.And I just can't get the #@$ &*% toast to burn anymore!Best of all, my wife and I agree on everything, including how to raise our children, even what we would do if one of them in her teenage years declares herself to be an alien implant on Earth, sent on a search and destroy mission for all fas! t food o n the planet. We even agree on whether the cauliflower and broccoli should be overcooked or not (It should not!)In this perfect world, there is no need for the stress reduction tips I shared with my subscribers from the book "Why Make Yourself Crazy?"I must state for the record that I do not need a reason to make myself crazy. This is a free country and I can make myself crazy if I want to. I am deeply contrite for having suggested to my subscribers that they might need a reason to make themselves crazy. Many of them live in free countries, too. They do not need a reason to make themselves crazy, either, so they do not need stress reduction tipsFor example, there is no need for my readers to get more out of life by doing less.To start with, this is a ridiculous concept. We all know that the more you put into anything, the more you get out of it. For instance, if Bridget Jones had not put that blue string in the pot, all she would have had was soup.I say, cram your agenda. Cram. Cram. Cram. Put as much as you can into life, so you can gets lots out of it. Never mind wasting your time eating, sleeping or showering...OK, maybe showering, but get as much done as you can today. You would not want to die with windows unwashed now, would you?And isn't it ridiculous to try to do one thing at a time and do it well? That is such a waste of time. As a parent, I already do one thing at a time. In fact, I usually do many one things at a carrying a box from the basement to the second floor...oops, better stop to clean up the spill on the rug before it sets, and...uh, oh, gotta get Little Lady off of Little Sister before my box-carrying gets interrupted by a hospital visit...come back here Little Sister...oops, that might be the important call I was waiting where did I leave the phone...Little Lady don't go upstairs by yourself...The problem is that you just cannot schedule crises and emergencies consecutively. They operate on a herd mentality. And herds have nothing to worry about, so they don't ! have str ess. Welcome to my stress-free world.

About the Author

Read the full stress-relief tips: Sign up for David Leonhardt's humor column: Read more humor articles: buy his happiness self-help book:

Laughter Yoga! 2500 business women do partner, laughter & Office Yoga!

Darrin Zeer, Best selling author & America's Relaxation Expert helps a group of 2500 business women manage their stress with Laughter & Yoga.

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Buddhist Circuit Tour

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:01 AM PST

Article by Sanjog

Buddhist Circuit Tour of North India attracts many a tourists from across the world. This tour covers wonderful destinations like:

Khushinagar Located in the Khushinagar district, it is a beautiful town considered as an important Buddhist pilgrimage center. At this place Gautam Buddha attained Parinirvana (or final nirvana). This historic place attracts many a tourists. It is dotted with several Buddhist stupas and viharas, most of them in ruins but still holding old world charm. These wonderful structures were built between the 3rd and the 5th centuries. The emperor Ashoka contributed a lot in development of this center. The Muktabandhana Stupa is a must-visit attraction here as it is a home to the last cremated remains of Lord Buddha. The Nirvana temple, Mahakaut temple and Wat Thai temple are the other major attractions here.

Sarnath It is the place where the truth, the Dharma was revealed by Lord Buddha to his disciples. The lord delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment at this place. There are several Buddhist structures located here such as Chaukhandi Stupa, Dhamek Stupa, Mulgandha Kuti Vihara, Dharmarajika Stupa and the museum.

Kapilavastu It is the place where Lord Buddha was born to the king Shuddhodhana. He was named as Prince Sidhartha and he spent his childhood enjoying all luxuries in life. It is a famous archaeological site still housing the palace where Gautam Buddha once lived but the palace is in ruins. There are several stupas here.

Sravasti It is a historic place linked with the life of Lord Buddha. Acording to the legend ths town was founded by the mythological king Sravast. It is divided into two sections- Saheth and Maheth. It is dotted with ruins and relics of Jain and Buddhist temples, stupas and forts. Ananda Bodhi Tree and Jetavana Monastery are the must-visit attractions here.

Bodh Gaya It is a famous Buddhist pilgrimage where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment under a Bodhi tree in the! 6th cen tury. There are several Buddhist monuments, temples and monasteries at this place. The major attractions of Bodh Gaya are the Bodhi tree, the Great Buddha statue, Dungeshwari Caves, Bodhi Sarovar and Chankaramana.

About the Author

Buddhist Circuit Tour is a famous tour of North India taken by many tourists. This tour takes you to wonderful places like Khushinagar, Kapilvastu, Sravasti, Sarnath and Bodh Gaya.

The Goldilocks Principle: Is Too Little Stress as Bad as Too Much?

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Anthony Lee / Getty Images

Anthony Lee / Getty Images

A life free of stress and adversity sounds blissful. But, in fact, the happiest and healthiest people are those who have had at least some early exposure to negative experiences, according to a new research review.

Despite the popular notion, stress isn't all bad. In fact, low to moderate amounts of stress are necessary for healthy growth. What's harmful is large doses of uncontrollable stress — experiencing a natural disaster, for instance, or living in extreme poverty — particularly in early life. Also harmful, it turns out, is having experienced no stress at all.

The new review adds weight to a growing body of evidence that most brain systems function like muscles: they are strengthened through exposure to gradually increasing loads at the appropriate stages of development, but they will wither without exercise and get injured if they are suddenly overloaded without prior training. The stress system is a prime example.

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In one study included in the review, researchers interviewed 2,000 adults about their lifetime experiences with 37 negative events — things like serious illness or injury, parental divorce, death of a family member, natural disasters and physical and sexual abuse. Participants also provided information about how old they were when the various events occurred.

In addition, the participants were asked about their current levels of distress, their functioning at work and in their relationships, their symptoms of post-traumatic stress and overall life satisfaction. Participants were followed for two years.

Not surprisingly, the more negative experiences people had suffered in the past, the more distress, impairment and post-traumatic stress they reported, along with less satisfaction with life. However, the relationship wasn't linear. "A history of some prior adversity was associated with better outcomes over time than not only a history of high prior adversity but also a history of no prior adversity," the authors wrote.

In other words, there's a sweet spot of stress: too much stress overloads the system and makes life difficult, but having had too little stress causes similar problems. It may be that people who have been through just enough hardship are best able to develop their abilities to cope — and have a more firmly established network of social support — making it easier for them to handle tough experiences later on.

MORE: Study: How Chronic Stress Can Lead to Depression

Another study looked at people with chronic back pain. Again, those who had either no previous adversity or high levels of it had worse function and used more medical services than back-pain sufferers who had experienced some life stress. Indeed, having had an adversity-free life was almost as bad as having had high levels of trauma in terms of disability and prescription pain medication use.

In another study, researchers gauged students' experience of physical pain. The students were asked to submerge one hand in a bucket of freezing water and report how much pain they felt. Afterward, they were interviewed about their emotional experience during the task.

The researchers wanted to know whether the participants were "catastrophizing" the pain task. Catastrophizing involves thinking that the pain will be unbearable and overwhelming — which in turn heightens the perception of pain.

In this study, too, the researchers found that those who had had moderate exposure to adverse experiences were less likely to catastrophize and felt less pain and less associated negative emotion, compared with those with histories of high or no adversity. Catastrophizing itself, in fact, accounted for some of the increase in pain intensity and negative emotion seen in people on both ends of the spectrum.

That makes psychological sense: if you've experienced many disasters, it's not surprising that you'd expect the worst, while if you've had a stress-free life, the novelty of pain itself may provoke intensified fear. In contrast, if your past experiences of stress have been manageable, new ones are less worrisome.

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So, does this mean you should deliberately expose your children to stressful experience to toughen them up? Mark Seery, assistant professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Buffalo, the author of the study, thinks not.

"Bad things are still bad things," Seery writes, noting that the findings should not be taken to minimize the negative consequences of adversity. "This work does, however, suggest that experiencing adversity may have an upside — a silver lining — in that it may help foster resilience."

For most people, life naturally includes enough stress that there's absolutely no reason for parents to create more for their children. In fact, studies of "tough-love" programs aimed at promoting behavior change find that this is either ineffective or outright harmful.

For babies in particular, the research finds that responsive care — especially soothing them when they cry — is the best way to "educate" their stress systems. Infants first require nurture from caregivers in order to develop the ability to self-soothe. As they grow, however, they will require gradually increasing challenges — not too much, not too little. When it comes to stress, the Goldilocks principle seems to apply.

The research was published in Current Directions in Psychological Science.

MORE: How Economic Inequality Is (Literally) Making Us Sick

Maia Szalavitz is a health writer at Find her on Twitter at @maiasz. You can also continue the discussion on TIME Healthland's Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIMEHealthland.

Read More @ Source

Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen, Part 2 - Introduction 2

In this eight-part series of dzogchen teachings, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche explains the essence of a heart teaching by Dawa Gyaltsen, an eighth century meditation master from the Bon Mindfulness tradition of Tibet. These teachings are designed to guide one directly to the root of one's self, to the clear and blissful experience that is the true nature of mind. For information about Tenzin Rinpoche and Tibetan Bon Buddhism, visit For advance updates about his live Internet teachings, recorded teachings and in-person retreats, subscribe to Ligmincha's free monthly e-newsletter at http To learn and engage deeply in the Fivefold Teachings as a formal practice with direct personal guidance from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, consider enrolling in one of his upcoming online workshops in "Tibetan Meditation" at:

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Office Stress

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Scott Desgrosseilliers

I normally have pretty good luck with the Law of Attraction. But perhaps the focus on "stress reduction" this month on the blog has caused my stress level to rise a bit. One bright side to that is I have lots of situations to apply the stress relief tips that are being shared. One stress reduction strategy is to take time to respond to someone when angry.

I was fired up with a website situation and had to face it.I wasn't conscious to my correct, conscious behavior in the situation until I analyzed on its successful conclusion. Let me take you through what happened recently and my response.

I worked with someone who was consulting on parts of my online strategy for awhile. When the work was finished, about a month afterwards I received an email where my former consultant (and household name) was pitching a similar membership plan to the one I have for the Meditation Masters Network. I was irate!

First I felt betrayed.Next I felt my blood boil. I vented to my wife.I emailed the offer I had received to others and commented. I needed everyone to agree that I had been screwed, I was in the right, this person was a jerk.

What was not clear at that moment was that I was venting my anger. I feel venting about a situation immediately is a healthy thing to do, you don't want to keep stress bottled up inside where it could manifest itself in your body somewhere. The important part about venting is the audience you choose. Vent with trusted people that are not part of the reason you are angry in the first place.

During the venting period over the next few days, I listened to my trusted circle's opinions. This is not so that someone else can tell me how I have to feel about the situation. But hearing different opinions brings greater perspective on the situation in angles you can't see, especially when emotionally invested.

I then looked at what had taken place from his point of view, and did further research on the similarities between membership sites. It turned out it ! was not a membership concerning meditation, it just had meditation as part of its offerings. Furthermore, the people featured on this site had no overlap with the meditation experts I had gathered other than the person I was agitated with.

A wise person who was my sounding board during my deliberations asked me a pointed question that made everything come together. "What do you want from the situation?" It makes everything so clear to ask that! Because events occur in life, people observe events, then people make judgments on events, that triggers emotions, and then more events occur. I had just observed a situation and judgments were flying!

It is very powerful to decide what you want to happen rather than making constant judgments and then dealing with the emotional ramifications of the judgments you made. Making judgements and having reactions is not conscious living, it is deciding to be a victim of your environment.

I decided I wanted to know the details of this person's involvement with the other site. And if I was satisfied the situation was benign, I wanted the person involved in the Masters Meditation Network (being a household name with a lot to offer).I was going to draw the line on any business relationship with him if he was involved in the membership site. So I setup a conference call and put it on the table.

The end result was that I had gotten enraged without knowing all the facts.In hindsight, my conspiracy theory of my idea being stolen was all in my head. My anger was misdirected and I almost lost a great meditation teacher and business consultant.

The situation did not give me everything I wanted, but if I had freaked out I would've been over-reacting.Instead, a household name in personal development is involved and committed to the Master Meditation Network. By following a plan of delaying my angry response, the Meditation Masters Network is stronger for it and my stress has dissolved.

Office Stress Reduction

1. Feel the anger and don't try to dimin! ish or r ationalize it2. Vent with those you trust3. Listen to feedback4. Decide what you want out of the situation5.Go for what you desire6.Accept the outcome and look to the future

About the Author

Scott Desgrosseilliers is the founder of The Meditation Masters Network.

How We Saved Our Marriage

The stress of finances, raising teenagers and pressures at work were putting a strain on Tammy and Reynir Jonssons marriage. But through their genuine efforts and using HeartMaths simple, effective techniques and emWave technology, Tammy and Reynir were able to get control of the stress and revitalize their relationship.

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Get Relaxation Methods To Completely Drop Tension In The Wilderness

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Mccollins Spano

When attempting to get yourself into rest mode, when I discover stress form within both my body or mind I notice that my sensory awareness also closes down. It is like stress is the same as closing a tap around the consciousness of the present moment in time.

That is why it is important to continually scan through the body and thoughts and discover any quantities of tension and allow them to merely drop towards the earth. This relaxation method can be utilized at any time during the day to carry you back to within your natural consciousness.

The idea is to scan up and down the body and become conscious of any stress within your muscles. Whenever you notice some stress inside your muscles, just become aware of the stress. Discover how powerful the stress is. Discover if the stress is scorching or cold. Discover the degree of the stress within your muscle tissues.

When you are fully conscious of the stress, the next stage is to simply allow it go. To complete this, just imagine that you are holding a stone in one of your hands. Then just envision that you let go of the stone. This is the exact way you can get rid of stress and feel the feeling of rest inside your body.

All you need to do is simply let go of your stress inside your body just like letting go of a stone. Permit the tension within your body to drop to the ground. This is most likely the best way to let go of stress inside your body and turn out to be relaxed.

In the event you also scan through your thoughts you will also see that you have tension inside your head. This tension might appear like a slight headache. Similarly with letting go of stress inside the body, just scan your mind for any stress.

Whenever you are prepared then just let the tension inside your thoughts drop to the earth. This letting go of tension inside your mind is simply like letting go of a stone and allowing it to fall to the earth. As you let go of the tension inside your mind you will generally feel a sense of relaxation in! side you r mind.

It's this straightforward relaxation exercise that may almost instantly allow all the stress to drop out of both your mind and your body. This physical exercise may be done nearly anywhere and whenever that you want to really feel a sense of deep relaxation.

About the Author

When you totally drop tension in the wilderness then you definitely will drop right into a deeper perception of rest. Discover how to naturally drop right into a perception of relaxation at any time on this web site.

Relaxation Music, Meditation Music, Binaural Beats, Ambient Music, New Age Music Meditation Music and Nature Sounds Enhanced With Real and Animated Video Clips. This video consists of some of the music and nature sounds uses in their mp3's and CD's. Binaural Beats and Isochronic tones are used in the background to stimulate relaxation. The video footage in this video is for highlighting the music and nature sounds. MusicMeFree products do not consist of videos (except for our Visualization DVD). The video consists of several short video clips such as - A girl sitting in meditation - A animated star gate - Aerial footage of mountain tops and a lush forest/river - A thunderstorm - Rain - A rainbow - Little children - Ocean/beach - Girl swimming with a whale - Moon above the ocean water surface. As was mentioned above binaural beats and isochronic tones have been inserted into all the music and nature sounds in the video. The Schumann Resonance frequency of 7.83hz has been used in the binaural beats and isochronic tones frequencies. Binaural beats and isochronic tones can be used for meditation, relaxation, creativity, focus...and so much more. specializes in affordable relaxation music or meditation music which can be used for relaxation, meditation, concentration, dreaming, spa background music, yoga music, music for healing, music for sleep, and so much more. Our soothing meditation music is designed to alter your brainwaves (via binaural beats and isochronic tones) by bringing the mind to a stress-free ...

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to Relax and Reconnect With Your Family? Try Soaking in a Hot Tub

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by HSS Of Music City

These days, with both parents working outside the home, juggling kids schedules, Facebook, iPhones, etc. it can be hard to find the time and place to spend some real quality time together.

Current hot tub owners may not agree with the size, shape and color that appeal to them, but there's one thing they all agree on… owning a hot tub is a great way to spend quality time with their family.

It may seem obvious but it's still worth mentioning. The great thing about owning a hot tub is that it's always hot which means it's ready to be enjoyed anytime day or night, 24/7. No making plans or scheduling necessary. Just put on a bathing suit, get in and let the soothing warm water take over.

Another advantage of spending family time in the hot tub, is there's no phones, Twitter, reality TV and all the other distractions that seem to take up so much of our precious time. Soaking with the family, is a great time to review the day's events in a comfortable and stress free environment.

You'll be surprised how open and forthcoming children can be when they're soaking in a warm spa, calm and relaxed. Wouldn't it be nice to get a better answer than "fine" when you ask how their day was?

I know some families that set aside "hot tub chats" on a specific day and time so that all family members know ahead of time, not to schedule anything else. Then they get out dry off and watch a movie together complete with popcorn. Once you get into the habit, these will times that your children will cherish and remember for years to come.

Added bonus #1 - In addition to spending time with the family, getting in a little "alone time" can give you a new perspective on life's problems, new ways to think about things, and a chance to recharge your "batteries". Use your hot tub to create a little oasis in the backyard, and give yourself the gift of peace of mind - even if it only lasts half an hour!

Many families are now deciding to invest in a hot tub instead of planning an extensive fam! ily vaca tion that you only get to enjoy for a week or two. A hot tub can cost less or just as much as a vacation would, but it's year round enjoyment and stress relief that the whole family can enjoy.

Added bonus #2 - Once the children are in bed and the day is winding down, a hot tub can be the perfect place to spend some quality time "reconnecting" with your spouse. Relaxing as a couple in the warm swirling water is very romantic which can only improve your relationship.

Considering hot tubs in Franklin, Brentwood and Thompson Station. With the holidays coming up and people deciding on "what to get who," maybe you can simplify your shopping list by investing in one "over the top" gift that the entire family will enjoy. It may not fit "under the tree," but I guarantee it will be the most popular and used gift you have ever given.

About the Author

About HotSpring Spas of Music CityOur mission at HotSpring Spas of Music City is to provide Nashville Tennessee with the best name hot tubs and saunas. We back up our product with expertise and a "get-it-done-right-the-first-time" water care and maintenance service. At HotSpring Spas of Music City we build relationships. It's the excellent hot tubs and saunas we sell that allow us to do just that. To learn more or check out our monthly specials call 615-443-4441 or go to

Relaxation Therapy - Soul Washing

Relaxation therapy...a powerful deep relaxation exercise that will cleanse your mind, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised..

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The Yoga Journal Gives The Complete Lowdown On Yoga

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Ann Marier

If ever there is need to get all your yoga information in one place, the first magazine you should look for is Yoga Journal. It has tons of information about yoga poses, practice, health, wisdom, meditation, views and much more. As you will gather, this magazine provides readers with all the information, expert advice as well as blogs that relate to different aspects of yoga.

Help to Get Started

You can visit the website and check out for yourself if Yoga Journal offers what you are looking for. Before you subscribe, you could even try it out for free. There is a very useful yoga directory and a search option that lets you look for a teacher or studio to get started with yoga. As with all other magazines, Yoga Journal too has its fair share of informative articles related to yoga and the millions of people in love with this form of meditation and exercise..

If you have queries about anything yoga, Yoga Journal will provide you the opportunity to have your queries answered by a panel of experts. Also, if you want to know about yoga products, then Yoga Journal could be the place to find interesting new products thanks to its reader service. There are also articles about things that especially pertain to yoga such as yoga chants that you can get to know more about.

There is a section especially devoted to the beginner yoga student where you can get to know about yoga classes that would be suited for your particular needs. You can also get an insight into what the best poses for a beginner are as well as learn yoga history and philosophy. If you have doubts about whether yoga is suitable for you or whether yoga therapy is better, Yoga Journal will help you choose the best course of action. Reading about how others entered the fascinating world of yoga can help you overcome your initial hesitation.


Meditation no doubt is central to yoga, and Yoga Journal devotes a whole section to matters related to meditation, which should help you understand what spirit! ual awak ening and emotional well-being is all about. You can glean information on techniques; practices as well as methods of bring meditation into your way of life. This section of Yoga Journal is very impressive and may, in itself, well be worth the price that you pay for the magazine.

About the Author

Ann Marier writes informative articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles about the benefits of yoga including lossing weight from yoga.

Tour to Buddhist Destinations with Mahaparinirvan Express

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Justin

Tibetan Studies in China: Culture & Buddhism

Visit for full video. Professors from the China Tibetology Research Center in Bejing, will share their research on various aspects of Tibetan culture and Buddhism: Du Yongbin - Tibetan Studies in Contemporary China: The Styles and Characteristics Tibetan studies is a discipline both about geography and society of Tibetan areas, and about history and today of the Tibetans. China is the hometown of Tibetan studies, and Tibetan studies in China have a long history. Entered into modern times, particularly, the term Tibetology was created by Hungary Tibetologist Cosma since 1830s,Tibetan studies had been considered as an independent discipline from humane studies, and it become a popular discipline in the world. Dawa Cairen - Present day Tibetans' views on reincarnate lamas Tibetan reincarnate lama has already existed for more than eight hundreds years. The reincarnate lama is the highest religious practitioner in Tibetan Buddhism. An incarnate lama is someone that has gone through the process of reincarnation in order to carry on the religious status and position of the reincarnate lamas. This article relies on a combination of questionnaires and interviews in an attempt to understand present day Tibetans' basic opinions of and attitudes towards reincarnate lamas. This study employs survey and intensive interview as its data collection methods to investigate Tibetan's general perspective on and attitude to reincarnate lamas. reincarnate lama is a special group ...

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Hot Yoga Offers Relaxation

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Art Jones

Yoga has been practiced for centuries in hopes of developing strength, flexibility and mental wellness. The exercise has also been known to alleviate stress and improve spiritual well-being. Hot yoga provides a successful technique of getting rid of the toxins and fat through sweating.

Most hot yoga exercises occur in rooms where the temperature is around 100-105 degrees. The exercises usually take about an hour. Those who practice it believe that hot conditions result in better flexibility and blood stream circulation. This diminishes the risk of heart problems.

Heat can provide an essential function in yoga. Therefore, hot yoga can renovate the body, giving a person more energy, hence rejuvenating the soul. It will also rejuvenate the muscles and joints and can help avoid deterioration of the body because of illness or disease. Heat is very effective in relaxing in body; therefore, hot yoga can help ease the muscles and avoid injury.

This exercise technique cannot only improve muscle tone, but it can also be effective in weight loss. Because of the strong style of the exercise techniques and water loss that occurs, weight loss is common. Individuals have even been known to lose more than 1,000 calories per session. It is essential that people drink plenty of fluids so they will remain hydrated. Individuals who participate in this type of discipline seem to feel better and experience overall good health. However, participants should be careful not to push themselves too much, or they could harm their health instead of helping it.

By using heat, people can more effectively increase their heart rate; therefore, they will get a better workout. Heat will also help the body to burn fat quicker and the body will experience better blood flow. A person's digestion and breathing will improve, as well as the functions of the endocrine system. In addition, heat yoga can help the skin look younger, and tight or tense muscles will loosen up. If an individual experiences arthritis, fib! romyalgi a or chronic fatigue syndrome, this technique can help.

Hot Hatha yoga is effective for people who want a more dynamic form of discipline. Sessions end with a period of mandatory relaxation, which helps to completely release the body and mind. After the exercise is completed, participants will be ready to face the world with renewed energy and determination. They will be prepared to face the pressures and responsibilities that come with life.

About the Author

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information about Hot Hatha yoga, please visit

Relaxing Storm Music With Binaural Beats

A musical portrayal of Kokopelli, the Native American mythic hero who restores abundance by bring forth the second summer rains. Deeply relaxing flute and guitar blend exquisitely with sounds of water in a soulful composition by Richard Roberts that stimulates imagination and creativity If listened through stereo headphones, you will experience the subtle effects of build in binaural beats. This is my personal favorite song from MetaMusic.. Its a 10 minute clip from "Gaia" To hear the whole version (40 minutes) you can buy it here (they have a bunch of amazing songs like this)

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The Benefits of Tantra Yoga

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Padma Yip

Tantra yoga is one of the many different types of yoga practiced today through which both body and mind are enlightened.

The Origin of Yoga

Yoga originated in India where sacred Hindu saints practiced it in order to achieve nirvana. It is exercise that works with your mind to control your senses and muscles. There are four main types of yoga:

• Karma yoga• Bhakti yoga• Jnana yoga• Raja yoga

The Upanishads, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita are important Hindu texts establishing the basis of yoga.

Tantra Yoga

Many people criticize Tantra yoga as being too erotic and sexual, making it one of the most controversial yoga exercises. In reality, this cannot be further from the truth.

The Sanskrit definition of 'tantra' is 'woven together'. It has been used loosely in several divergent and even contradictory schools of Hindu yoga. The major stand of Hindu tantra yoga centers on meditation. However, in the tantra yoga practiced most often by Westerners some sexual rituals are conducted featuring slow, non-orgasmic intercourse as a prelude to an experience of eternal bliss.

Tantra yoga practiced by sacred Hindu spiritual people is a form in which one tries to get control over one's mind, body and senses to the point where one can control his sexual desires and achieve sexual satisfaction through the power of his mind.

Yoga Tips

To practice yoga, you should have the following:

• An exercise mat.• Loose and comfortable clothes.• Water to prevent you from dehydrating.• A block of wood the size of a phone book - or a phone book in case you cannot get such a block. This will help you greatly in your exercise.

When practicing yoga make sure to allot at least 20 minutes per session in order to achieve noticeable benefits.

Yoga is a very complex set of exercises. If you are a beginner, you should not practice yoga without supervision. Yoga is meant to work with your inner power to shield your body from disease! s and st ress.

Once you learn to control your senses, you no longer will be consumed by the daily hassles that come your way. Rather you will deal with them efficiently and without stress.

Yoga is practiced widely around the world, as many find its practice to have huge benefits overall. Try it yourself by enrolling in a yoga class today.

About the Author

Padma Yip studies Ashtanga Yoga as well as many other yoga disciplines. Read more from Padma at All Yoga.

Angels and Chakra Energy Centers - Spiritually Guided Life-Force Energy Centers

Posted: 26 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady

The word Chakra, is Sanskrit, originating from an ancient language, meaning wheel or vortex. The word Chakra refers to all energy centers or energy vortexes throughout your Auric energy field, all energy bodies, and your physical body.

Chakras or energy centers regulate the flow of energy through your entire being. Each Chakra flows one into the other blending with the energies of Chakras both above and below. The Heart Chakra, for example, flows upward to your Throat Chakra allowing you to speak with emotion. Energy from the Heart Chakra also flows downward, blending with your Solar Plexus Chakra, allowing you to manifest with emotion, compassion, and focused intention.

Chakras can become under or over stimulated, displaying a variety of physical, mental, or emotional manifestations.

Chakras interact with our physical and etheric or Auric energy bodies. Each Chakra has physical and Metaphysical or Spiritual associations. There are eleven major Chakras, twenty-one minor and many lesser Chakras.

Chakras are vertically aligned running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. We ascend toward the Divine by gradually mastering the physical world. The Solar Plexus (located in the stomach area) is the energy center most linked with creativity and emotions. It is thought to be where heaven and earth meet.

Visualize each Chakra or energy vortex as a spinning wheel or fan, spinning clockwise. Start with your Crown Chakra, moving downward to your Root Chakra. OR if you prefer, start with your Root Chakra, working upwards to your Crown Chakra. Using your inner-sight, explore each Chakra for any areas of darkness; see each Chakra glow in harmony and in perfect balance. Another way to cleanse and balance your Chakras is to ask thee Angels to assist you.

Archangel Chamuel, whose name means "He Who Seeks God" will assist you with seeking inner peace and self-love through your Root or Basic Chakra located at the base of your spine. The life lessons for the Root C! hakra ar e related to the material world, survival, fight of flight.

Archangel Ariel, whose name means "Lion of God", will assist you with relationships with others and with yourself. Relationship harmony begins first with the Self through your Sacral Chakra located just below your navel. The life lessons for the Sacral Chakra are related to sexuality, work, and physical desire.

Archangel Uriel, whose name means "Fire of God" of "Light of God" will assist you with self-empowerment, self-control, tact and foresight through your Solar Plexus located just above your navel, the center of your physical universe, the beginning of life as we know it. The life lessons for the Solar Plexus Chakra are related to the ego, personality, self-esteem, and re-claiming your own power to manage yourself in positive ways.

Archangel Jophiel, whose name means "The Beauty of God" will assist you in healing emotional wounds, seeing past appearances, seeing beauty, and Unconditional Love through your Heart Chakra located in the center of your chest. The life lessons for the Heart Chakra are related to love, forgiveness, compassion, and healing.

Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means "Righteousness of God" will assist you in listening, hearing and beings heard with integrity learning to discernment truth from untruth through your Ear Chakras. The life lessons for the Ear Chakras are related to hearing, being heard, willing to listen with compassion and empathy.

Archangel Gabriel, whose name means "Messenger of the Word of God" or "God Is my Strength" will assist you in speaking your truth with clarity, loving kindness, and integrity through your Throat Chakra. The life lessons for the Throat Chakra are related to will, self-expression, speaking one's truth. It is not always about speaking your truth allowed, it is essential to speak your truth to yourself, accepting who you are.

Archangel Raphael, whose name means, "God Heals" will assist you in healing the past, the present, in all directions of time a! nd space through your Third Eye Chakra, allowing you to see your inner core essence of Divinity. Your Third Eye Chakra is located just above your eyebrows in the center of your forehead. The life lessons for the Third Eye Chakra are related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom.

Archangel Taharial, whose name means "Purity of God" will assist you in opening your Crown Chakra, expanding your Spiritual connection with the Divine Source of All That Is. Your Crown Chakra is located just above the top of your head. The life lessons for the Crown Chakra are related to spirituality, oneness with the Divine, accepting Divine Guidance.

Eastern religions teach that the human body contains seven major energy centers. Each of these energy centers contain a universal spiritual life lesson that we must learn as we evolve into higher consciousness. According to energy medicine, our bodies contain our histories¬¬--every chapter, line, and verse of every event and relationship in our lives. As our lives unfold, our biological health becomes a living, breathing biographical statement that conveys our strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears. Many of these factors affect our energies.

Illnesses or dis-ease may develop as a consequence of behavioral patterns and attitudes that we do not realize are biologically toxic. We all have negative feelings, but not all negativity produces dis-ease. Dominant, negative emotions create dis-ease when we acknowledge negativity to be toxic, allowing the negative emotions to thrive in our consciousness. For instance, you may know you need to forgive someone, yet you decide that remaining angry gives you more power. Remaining obsessively angry makes you more likely to develop dis-ease because the energy consequence of a negative obsession is being powerless. Energy is power. It is possible to transmit energy into the past by dwelling on painful events, draining power from your present-day body and can lead to dis-ease.

Humankind hungers for spirituality. Spirituality is f! ar more than a psychological or an emotional need. Spirituality is an inherent biological need. Our Spirits, our energy, and our personal power are intertwined with spiritually guided life-force energy. Your Chakras or energy centers are part of your internal physical and spiritual guidance system and, are part of a universal, external guidance system for your spiritual behavior and for the creation of your health. Your spiritual task in this life-time is to become aware of, and learn to balance the energies of the body and soul, of thought and action, as well as your physical body and mental power.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively.

The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee "Inner Work" Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee is a Sheikh of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order. Born in London in 1953, Vaughan-Lee has followed the Naqshbandi Sufi path since he was 19. In 1991, he moved to Northern California and became the successor of Irina Tweedie, author of Chasm of Fire and Daughter of Fire: A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master. In recent years, the focus of Vaughan-Lee's writing and teaching has been on spiritual responsibility in our present time of transition, and the emerging global consciousness of oneness. He has also specialized in the area of dreamwork, integrating the ancient Sufi approach to dreams with the insights of modern psychology. He is author of several books, including The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, Alchemy of Light, and The Face Before I was Born: A Spiritual Autobiography. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, a world-renowned Sufi teacher, communicates the importance of inner work, or working with one's shadow, in the context of spiritual life.

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Online Meditation Center

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by editor123

Meditation has proved its usability in today's fast paced modern world. The effectiveness of meditation has been tackling the very stressful life styles. It also infuses a sense of spiritual growth and inner peace in people. As a result, meditation is not limited to a particular place but it is getting really popular in different geographical locations meeting arise demands and requirements.

Since we live in technological era, which simply means that learning also gets hi-tech. Through internet connection in computers, we can now learn and experience meditation. Now, you actually don't need to join a meditation class and learn tricks to meditate. You can easily login to internet and get some great tips.

Internet provides you a more convenient way of learning and understanding meditation. Meditation online can equally works as a personal teacher of meditation teaching you effective way to benefit your mind and body.

Online Meditation Center Registering into an online meditation center gives a golden opportunity to experience in a user-friendly environment that provides a clear, straight-forward online meditation instruction for people anywhere on the planet.

In online meditation center you will find all the necessary information to get you started quickly and easily. If you are already practicing meditation, you may discover new methods to deepen your practice. You can know about different meditation techniques and ways to try them right away and find the most suitable ones.

Also, some meditation center provides meditation tape and CD where you can find a variety of relaxing techniques. You can taste the demonstration and place your order to get your own.

Online meditation center caters different stress problems and other matters to give you ways to enjoy your life to the fullest. You can further join different communities online to associate with different other users and share your experiences and enjoy listening to others' experiences and feelings.

About the Author

Visit Modern Meditation, for further information on Meditation Online, meditation community, meditation workshops, meditation news, meditation exercises etc please visit at

Step 1: Higher Self Meditation - Ascension

This is a guided meditation for re-connecting to your higher self, and also activating your Crown chakra and Pineal gland. This is an easy meditation to use as a basis before engaging the Cosmic Flush, which you can access here: My name is Cameron Day, and I have been doing long distance energy clearings for over 10 years. These videos are a way to share what I have learned in order to help others. To find out about Remote Energy Clearings, go to

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Buddhist Matrimonial Website: Your Doorway to a Successful Marriage Alliance

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

by fanz

Article by Jeevan Sathi

Marriage sites have come as a prefect alternate to the other ways of looking out for Buddhist matrimonial. Since ages, people from the Buddhist community have been relying on making personal visits to the families to search for the suitable match. Consulting weekly matrimonial columns in newspapers has also been a preferred practice in this regard since a long time. But the multifarious benefits of using Buddhist matrimonial sites have overshadowed all the other contemporary methods.

A brief about Buddhist people

The followers of Lord Buddha are among the most peace loving people on this earth and feel immense pride in following into the footsteps of their lord. They prefer to lead a simple and straightforward life without any show off and it gets reflected in their composed character. When it comes to searching a befitting match for marriage, they consider it better to look out for a soul mate who is as simplistic as they are themselves. Hence, it comes as no surprise if Buddhist matrimonial site owners feel proud and privileged to help these gentle people find out a perfect match for them to ensure a prosperous life ahead.

As easy as a cake walk to register

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Don't believe in miracles. Reality is better.

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Late last night, while changing channels on our TV, I happened across a midnight mass that was being broadcast on ABC. After watching for a few minutes my wife and I were struck by how really weird the church service was. 

Understand: it wasn't any weirder than any other religious form of worship. I'll give the Catholic priest credit for talking calmly and quietly, unlike more fervent evangelical preachers. 

But what he was talking about seemed exceedingly strange to our rational, reasonable, evidence-loving psyches. Which was recognized by the priest (bishop, actually, if I recall correctly), because he spoke about how Jesus' birth and all that followed had to be accepted on faith.

For sure. 

He said that God communicated with humanity through a virgin birth. Later, that messenger from God, Jesus, died and came back to life. These miracles were violations of the laws of nature, the definition of a miracle.

Why people believe in such ridiculous notions would be a complete mystery to me if I hadn't once believed in other miraculously ridiculous religious notions myself. We humans love a good story, especially if the ending is a happy one where we're given eternal life, salvation, enlightenment, or some other spiritual goodie.

I'm glad that I've grown out of such fairy tales. After turning off the midnight mass, I decided to celebrate Christmas Eve by reading some of David Hume's "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding."

So I picked up volume 35 of the Great Books of the Western World, a set that I grew up with and inherited when my mother died (the bookcase in her living room was built to match the width of the Great Books).

I'd never read Hume before, though I've heard much praise of him from the guys and gals who frequent Philosophy Talk, a radio program that I listen to regularly. Often someone will say, "Hume is my favorite philosopher." 

His section on miracles is terrific, a lot more pleasing than Christmas music to my skeptical ears. David Hume is fearless when it comes to challenging a belief in miracles. That's particularly impressive considering he wrote in the 1700's, when denying God was a pretty damn serious matter.

A few years ago I asked, "Where have all the miracles gone?" I observed that with the advent of modern science, recording devices, and such, suddenly miracles like walking on water, manifesting loaves of bread out of nothing, virgin births, and coming back to life are nowhere to be seen.

Convenient. Hume asked the same question.

It forms a strong presumption against all supernatural and miraculous relations, that they are observed chiefly to abound among ignorant and barbarous nations; or if a civilized people has ever given admission to any of them, that people will be found to have received them from ignorant and barbarous ancestors, who transmitted them with that inviolable sanction and authority, which always attend received opinions. When we peruse the first histories of all nations, we are apt to imagine ourselves transported into some new world; where the whole frame of nature is disjointed, and every element performs its operations in a different manner, from what it does at present.

...It is strange, a judicious reader is apt to say, upon the perusal of these wonderful historians, that such prodigious events never happen in our days. But it is nothing strange, I hope, that men should lie in all ages. You must surely have seen instances enow of that frailty. You have yourself heard many such marvellous relations started, which, being treated with scorn by all the wise and judicious, have at last been abandoned even by the vulgar. Be assured, that those renowned lies, which have spread and flourished to such a monstrous height, arose from like beginnings; but being sown in a more proper soil, shot up at last into prodigies almost equal to those which they relate.

Blunt talk. Truthful talk. Miracles are lies. Repeat, lies. People lie. We observe this all the time.

It's a frequent occurrence. Some lies are willful. Others, outside the bounds of conscious awareness. Meaning, we feel like we're telling the truth, but we've been deceived. Perhaps by other people. Perhaps by our own brains, which are prone to making many errors. 

So Hume asks whether it makes more sense to believe (1) that a genuine miracle has occurred, something which transcends the laws of nature that are observed to operate with marvelous regularity, or (2) that those testifying about the veracity of the miracle are lying.

Here's Hume's central miracle-demolishing argument. It makes a lot of sense. 

A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience can possibly be imagined.

 ...The plain consequence is (and it is a general maxim worthy of our attention), "That no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous, than the fact, which it endeavours to establish: And even in that case there is a mutual destruction of arguments, and the superior only gives us an assurance suitable to that degree of force, which remains, after deducting the inferior." 

When any one tells me, that he saw a dead man restored to life, I immediately consider with myself, whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived, or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened. I weigh the one miracle against the other; and according to the superiority, which I discover, I pronounce my decision, and always reject the greater miracle. If the falsehood of his testimony would be more miraculous, than the event which he relates; then, and not till then, can he pretend to command my belief or opinion.


Hume starts off by saying that human experience argues against the existence of miracles, because we don't observe them. After all, a miracle is a violation of the laws of nature, and we live in a world governed by those laws. So by definition, a miracle is extremely unlikely, improbable, miraculous.

In the second paragraph above, Hume shows his understanding of both the scientific method and how people get along in everyday life. Rarely are we absolutely certain that something will happen. Even the sun rising is indeterminate to an infinitesmial degree. Maybe scientists have miscalculated the physics of solar goings-on, and the sun will flash out of existence suddenly. Extremely unlikely, but possible.

So almost always we weigh the evidence for one proposition against contrary evidence. This is what Hume means by a "mutual destruction of arguments." It's kind of like matter interacting with anti-matter: each annihilates the other, until what remains is the more massive, the largest quantity, the most substantial.

How much force remains behind an argument that a miracle is real after opposing arguments are arrayed against it? None at all, says Hume. The only way a miracle could be accepted is if its falsehood would be more miraculous. Again, brilliant.

Which brings us to the third paragraph in the quotations above.

To accept a miracle, like the story of Jesus being resurrected, we'd have to accept that it would be even more improbable, even more unlikely, even more miraculous for early Christian true believers in Jesus' divinity to not stretch the truth, to not lie, to not choose to pass on certain stories of Jesus' life and death rather than stories which would counter the prevailing Godly narrative.

In short, we'd have to accept that it'd be a miracle if humans acted like human beings: deceitful, biased, untrustworthy, mistake-prone. And that, Hume says, would be absurd, because we observe people acting that way all the time.

So when the evidence for and against a miracle is assessed, the balance always weighs heavily against the miracle. Always. After describing some hypothetical miracles supported by considerable seeming evidence, Hume still says:

All this might astonish me; but I would still reply, that the knavery and folly of men are such common phenomena, that I should rather believe the most extraordinary events to arise from their concurrence, than admit of so signal a violation of the laws of nature.

In short, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Such has never happened with a miracle. Thus, there is no reason to believe in them. Have faith in miracles, if you like. Just recognize what you're doing: denying reality.

If "God" (however we define that word) is the most real entity in existence, and the creator of this universe, I suspect She isn't happy when people deny reality. This is like supposed lovers of an artist ignoring her works of art.

The genuine lovers of God, if God exists, are those who, like Hume, seek to weigh the evidence for and against the existence of something, choosing to accept as real only that which really exists.

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Yoga Supplies: How to Choose the Best

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Bertil Hjert

Yoga supplies are really important when it comes to practicing yoga. Yoga supplies help in focusing on your art well and also protect you from getting injured while practicing yoga.

Yoga is a specialized form of meditation. It works towards providing you the serenity that you actually require in order to keep stress away in this chaotic world.

When practicing yoga, it is important to relax as well as meditate with absolute comfort. No distraction should come your way if you want to enjoy the real benefits of this unique form of exercise. Hence, you need to follow certain guidelines when practicing yoga.

First and foremost, you should feel extremely comfortable in the position you are, in the clothes you are wearing and the place you are in at present. Second matter to take into consideration is sweat absorbance. Keep your body away from too much of sweat. You should have something that lets you absorb your sweat.

For fulfilling the above mentioned conditions, you must purchase some of the important yoga supplies. These supplies are widely available these days and extremely affordable.

You need to know the kind of yoga supplies you should purchase prior to setting out for accomplishing the task.

Here are certain yoga supplies you should focus on purchasing:

- Yoga mat

- Yoga footwear

- Sports Bra

- Yoga clothes

- Yoga music

- Yoga DVDs

Once you have a list of yoga supplies you need to purchase, it is time to choose the best of skippers that's available. You should consider your own comfort level when purchasing yoga supplies.

When purchasing yoga supplies, you need to understand that comfort is the main consideration here. When choosing yoga clothes or yoga shoes, make sure that these are comfortable to wear.

The yoga clothes you purchase should let you move every joint of your body freely. Remember that while moving your body, you should not have any fear of hindering blood flow.

Loose clothing is a g! ood opti on. However, it has a tendency to slide down when performing certain bending positions.

A good yoga clothing is one that provides you easy motion and capability to leave parts of the human body lift and move in varied positions and postures.

Remember that when performing yoga, you need to perform a lot of twisting and strengthening. Unfit clothes will prove to be a problem to you. The best choice would be elastic materials such as spandex. Pure cotton is also a great option.

Another thing that you need to consider when purchasing yoga supplies clothes is sweat absorbance factor. Make sure that you choose fabrics made of cotton that breathes and absorbs sweat easily.

Make sure that the clothes you purchase are of the right fit. This will ensure the best yoga experience to you.

Remember that in order to practice the best and benefit to a great degree, you must focus on purchasing the best of supply.

Keep all the above mentioned points in mind when purchasing yoga supplies.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about YOGA and MEDITATION please visit YOGA TIPS and MEDITATIONBUZZ

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Merry Christmas! Here's our 2011 Holiday Letter.

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

My wife and I enjoy Christmas, even though we don't believe in Christ. Every year we like to ponder how the preceding twelve months have gone for us, coming up with an overarchng theme. For 2011, it's unreal

Check out our Holiday Letter. Merry Christmas.

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"Dalai Lama Renaissance" Documentary (with Harrison Ford) #1 - This is the first film trailer for "Dalai Lama Renaissance," a new documentary about the Dalai Lama (which is narrated by actor Harrison Ford, whose film "Indiana Jones 4" is being released in May 2008). Thus far, "Dalai Lama Renaissance" has won over 12 awards worldwide, and is the official selection of over 40 film festivals around the world. More information, photos and screening dates and times can be found at The 'Dalai Lama Renaissance' film Facebook page The film also features Michael Beckwith (from the film "The Secret"), and Quantum Physicists Fred Alan Wolf and Amit Goswami from "What the Bleep Do We Know," Social Scientist Jean Houston, radio host Thom Hartmann, and others.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Is Your Pet Stressed Out?

Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Gina Sarento

Our pets are amazing creatures. They offer us companionship, comfort, and unconditional love when we need it most. That's why most of us will do almost anything to make sure they are comfortable and healthy. We make sure they have all of the same comforts we do: good food, excellent dental and physical care, lots of fun toys, and a safe happy place to live. Still there is more we can do for them. Have you ever considered stress reduction for your pet? Remember back to the last thing you did to ease your own stress... how relaxed and happy you were afterwards. There is a tool out there called Quantum Biofeedback that can be used as stress reduction for both you and your pet. Quantum Biofeedback is a technologically advanced interface born out of traditional biofeedback that can ease the stresses that face almost all pets: environmental conditions, weather exposure, food additives, emotional issues, and a great dislike for any major change like travel or their owner being gone all day at work.

Quantum Biofeedback uses a highly sophisticated device called the SCIO/EPFX to read your pet's physiological reaction to the frequency of over 9000 different items. This safe, non-invasive process takes place at your home while your pet goes about their daily routine by way of a "virtual" session with a Certified Biofeedback Specialist. The Specialist runs the program from their office, calibrates to your pet and the session can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. After the "testing" phase is over, the SCIO/EPFX returns the findings to the Specialist who then acts as an analyst and coach informing you about the stresses your pet is undergoing and what you can do about them while also delivery stress reduction therapy to your animal. You see, everyday both you and your pet are exposed to stresses of many kinds: emotional, spiritual, magnetic, electrical, and nutritional just to name a few, but most of us live life unaware of the strain these things put on our immune systems and the natural functioning of ou! r bodies and minds. With the SCIO/EPFX, there is a way to administer amazing therapy that can bring the body and mind of your beloved furry friend back to a healthy balance.

Because our pets cannot verbally communicate with us how they are feeling or if they are stressed out, the SCIO/EPFX is truly a window into what is going on in their little world. Owners who currently use Quantum Biofeedback to reduce the stress in their pet's lives find that the therapy is so beneficial to the overall quality of life of their pets they often try a session for themselves if they are not already clients. They report more calm, less erratic behavior in their animals and are happy that they are able to do one more good thing for their most loved companions. If you're ready to give it a try and treat your pet to better health and less stress, contact a Certified Biofeedback Specialist today for a Quantum Biofeedback session.

About the Author

Are you tired of pills and drugs? Why not try Alternative therapy as a way to heal your body. By using Biofeedback you can eliminate unhealthy aspects of your body.

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