Some Features Of Mind Control Techniques
Some Features Of Mind Control Techniques |
- Some Features Of Mind Control Techniques
- Some Functions Of Mind Control Techniques
- Is that true ?Shaolin Kung Fu origin from India
- Meditation Methods:Secret Techniques For Actual Guided Meditation Seekers
- Announcing our NEW introductory meditation course
- Eau de DNA: Do Genes Determine Our Perfume Preference?
- Onl1neAuction - Relaxed Shopping this Christmas
- Study Linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Virus Now Retracted
- Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 12/22/2011
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Some Features Of Mind Control Techniques Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Jhon Mind control techniques have to be applied in such a way that the person never knows that you are applying any techniques on him to change his thoughts, behavior or actions in such a way as desired by you. Probably you would have heard about subconscious mind.Nevertheless, you may not be aware of its control over the actions of people. Emotions and feelings have an effect on the subconscious mind and they covertly control the thought process and behavioral pattern of individuals. This part of the mind controls a person's irrational thoughts and actions. Suppose you are a factory worker and your boss is not allowing you to avail the vacation. This will instigate bad feelings in your subconscious mind and every time you think about this, your anger towards your boss will increase. You know that you are helpless in controlling the anger. If you intend to influence the subconscious mind of the other people, you have to learn mind control techniques. The first thing you must do is to establish rapport with the person whom you want to control. It will be easier to establish rapport with your family members or friends. But in the case of strangers and acquaintances you will have to apply some mind control techniques. The initial thing you can do to establish rapport with such a person is to talk with that person for some time. While talking care should to be taken to see that you talk with him in the affirmative tone, praise his good qualities, and take him into confidence. You can crack some jokes to make the atmosphere more relaxed. You can also adjust the tone of your conversation to that of the person with whom you are applying mind control techniques and if possible can use gestures similar to him. This will help to narrow the gap between you and the other person. By establishing this rapport, the critical mind of the person you are trying to influence will be weakened. Critical mind is that part of the mind, which evaluates situations and takes decisions. You can share your pers! onal mat ters (of course, not real matters) with him that will increase his trust in you. If the person thinks that you like him and consider him as a worthy man, naturally he will also have a friendly attitude towards you. This attitude has to be developed to a strong bond in his subconscious mind. Once this stage is reached, the critical mind of the person weakens further. Make use of the person's imagination to reach a more relaxed state. Take the person you want to control to a world of imagination and make him reach a state of trance by using mind control techniques. At this state, he will be planning some actions to reach the imaginative word that he is in. Now you can make your suggestions to improve the behavior of the person and his subconscious mind will definitely accept your suggestions and act accordingly. About the AuthorReaching Your Goals Via Mind Control Techniques. Click here to know more about Learn Mind Control. 1 Mindful Eating :Talk By Zen Master Jan Chozen Bays MD ( Oregonian How We Live by N Haught )1of 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Some Functions Of Mind Control Techniques Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:01 PM PST Article by deep smith Mind control techniques have to be applied in such a way that the individual by no means knows that you are applying any techniques on him to adjust his thoughts, behavior or actions in such a way as desired by you. Possibly you would have heard about subconscious mind. Nevertheless, you might not be conscious of its control more than the actions of people. Emotions and feelings have an effect on the subconscious mind and they covertly control the thought process and behavioral pattern of people. This component of the mind controls a person's irrational thoughts and actions. Suppose you are a factory worker and your boss is not permitting you to avail the vacation. This will instigate bad feelings in your subconscious mind and each time you think about this, your anger towards your boss will improve. You know that you are helpless in controlling the anger. If you intend to influence the subconscious mind of the other people, you have to learn mind control techniques. The first thing you ought to do is to establish rapport with the person whom you want to control. It will be less difficult to establish rapport with your family members members or buddies. But in the case of strangers and acquaintances you will have to apply some mind control techniques. The initial factor you can do to establish rapport with such a person is to talk with that individual for some time. While talking care need to to be taken to see that you talk with him in the affirmative tone, praise his great qualities, and take him into confidence. You can crack some jokes to make the atmosphere a lot more relaxed. You can also adjust the tone of your conversation to that of the individual with whom you are applying mind control techniques and if probable can use gestures similar to him. This will assist to narrow the gap between you and the other individual. By establishing this rapport, the critical mind of the person you are attempting to influence will be weakened. Vital mind is that part of the mind, which! evaluat es conditions and takes choices. You can share your private matters (of course, not genuine matters) with him that will boost his trust in you. If the individual thinks that you like him and contemplate him as a worthy man, naturally he will also have a friendly attitude towards you. This attitude has to be developed to a powerful bond in his subconscious mind. Once this stage is reached, the vital mind of the person weakens further. Make use of the person's imagination to reach a far more relaxed state. Take the individual you want to control to a globe of imagination and make him reach a state of trance by making use of mind control techniques. At this state, he will be planning some actions to reach the imaginative word that he is in. Now you can make your suggestions to enhance the behavior of the person and his subconscious mind will absolutely accept your suggestions and act accordingly. About the AuthorReaching Your Goals Via Mind Control Techniques. Click here to know more about Learn Mind Control. Mindful way Part 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Is that true ?Shaolin Kung Fu origin from India Posted: 22 Dec 2011 11:05 AM PST Article by Vishnu Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the best martial arts in the world. It has a long history and unique. Shaolin is one of the old martial arts and the need to have passion to learn. Normally we have seen by watching the Shaolin films Jacky Chan (Universal Superstar). We are getting exposure through such films... Instead, Shaolin Kung Fu has a face that is quite different from what we hear, see. Actually, it is said a Shaolin martial arts, who moved to China by a Tamil Buddhist monks who were Kancipuram where he came from, Tamil Nadu, South India. He said life in the twentieth century 5. Are this statement can be trusted, if believed in what way? Buddhist monks name is BodhiDharma and he was the third son and supposed to have time to colonize the Pallava dynasty. He was the son of a prince of the Pallava king named Kantha Varman. After achieving the level of nirvana, he had traveled in China, he has spread the message of china Zen Buddhism to the country where it is one branch of the Mahayana.History said to have lived there for 150 years and has spread around the art of china. He is believed to have created the martial arts for Buddhist monks to defend against pirates and bandits. He has been meditating for 9 years and has created art for world peace. This is said to be a combination of yoga art. He has established Shaolin Temple and abridged put a brilliant starting point. There are many gravestones that strengthen this statement in China and among the Tamil history. 1. Headstone found in Shaolin Temple has has documents that Shaolin Kung Fu is the discovery of Bodhidharma2. Dao Xuan records indicated that Bodhidhrama was the third so King KanthaVarman3. Decrees Kancipuram Temple, Tamil Nadu, South India, explained the basic movement Shaolin Kung Fu4. A crawler that Bradon was noted that Bodhidharma was a pretender to the throne Tamil Pallava dynasty5. Song Yong Xia has said 28 people where Sakkiya Muni Buddhist monks to BodhiDharma6. Tamil Pallava Dynasty historical recor! ds expla ined the history of life Bodhidharma. Here it is clear that the Shaolin Kung Fu is one of brilliant martial arts and has the greatest founders of South India, a Tamil. Although it was created by an ethnic Tamil from south India to china, but it is one of art created for universal purpose About the AuthorVishnu blogger and teacher. Why Do We Exist?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Meditation Methods:Secret Techniques For Actual Guided Meditation Seekers Posted: 22 Dec 2011 10:02 AM PST Article by Donald Barrett Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about what it would be like to experience all of the wonderful benefits that come to you when you begin to practice a guided meditation on a daily basis? The object of this article is never to turn your views against meditation. It would be foolish to try to do so, since meditation and its effects and the positives it can offer have been proven beyond any doubt. But the opportunity is taken here to let you know how wrong the choice of a meditation technique can be for you unless it really suits you. Possibilities are that without the help and guidance of an appropriate teacher, you might only be able to derive minimal advantages from it. Indeed, the objective instead should be to optimize meditation, to find out what suits you best and get the maximum advantages out of the same. Bringing your attention to your breath - this helps engage your parasympathetic nervous system which helps you relax. As you inhale and exhale with awareness your mind and body start to relax. To make it possible, take the help of Guided Meditation. One has to explore deeply, Guided Meditation helps, it will lead you to Chakra Meditation Helps quiet the "mind chatter" - Believe it or not, a majority of your problems are only problems in your mind because of all the "mind chatter" that surrounds them. In fact, before you begin a meditation practice on a daily basis what you may have found yourself doing before was listening to the "mind chatter" and acting on it in the hopes of it then quieting down. If you are like most then you already have begun to realize is that acting upon your mind chatter only leads to more mind chatter. Fortunately, a daily guided meditation practice helps quiet the mind chatter as it leads you to a pathway to that stillness inside you that you can access at any time. Guided meditation is within you- look at yourself; you are guiding yourself... accept it. Read articles; consult a book find a teacher- there are many. ! Teacher will merely indicate, will show you the way-- now ball is in your court. In fact, you oftentimes don't even realize it has happen until you pause for a moment months in the future and realize just how much you have done since you started your guided meditation practice. Drink a glass of water Take a deep breath... do you regular exercise The practice of Meditation is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First. Fascinated to quickly learn about meditation classes information? Click here to more guided meditation valued help. About the AuthorHave you ever stayed awake at night thinking about what it would be like to experience all of the wonderful benefits that come to you when you begin to practice a guided meditation on a daily basis? Space Meditation Video - Colonies - Spiritual MusicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Announcing our NEW introductory meditation course Posted: 22 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST
We're very excited to announce "The Mindful Life" – a new introductory meditation online course starting January 2. It's a comprehensive four-week course on mindfulness – not only the how-to of meditation, but also ways to bring more awareness and aliveness to your life overall. It combines the wisdom of the Buddha's teachings with the latest research in neuroscience and psychology – so you get the best of both worlds. Weekly "daily life exercises" help you take what you learn into action in life. The things that students have always appreciated about our courses remain unchanged. There are weekly MP3 guided audios for learning and practicing the meditations. And Sunada is present in the discussion forum every weekday to personally respond to all questions and discussions. It's the kind of guidance that goes way beyond what you could get by studying from a book or a CD. The course topics are:
If you've taken the previous Level 1 course with us before, consider taking this as a refresher. Returning students get a $ 25 discount off the fee (in the form of a rebate). Classes begin on the first Monday of the new year — on January 2 — so sign up soon! I hope to see you there. Click here for more about the course and to register. No related posts. Read More @ SourceQuotes from Einstein and the Buddha - Coldplay The Scientist 720p HDThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Eau de DNA: Do Genes Determine Our Perfume Preference? Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:01 AM PST
A perfume that one person loves may be repulsive to another. The difference is in our genes, a new study suggests. Scientists asked people to rate their preference for the scents commonly found in perfumes, and then tested for variations in the participants' genes. As it turns out, which version of a gene someone had was correlated with which smells they liked best. "It's really hard for many people to find that perfect perfume for themselves," said August Hammerli, first author of the paper and a researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich. "Many people judge in terms of packaging and marketing and not what smells they like. Our idea was to bring biology into this question and ask: Can we determine what perfume scents a person would like based on their genotype?" The new study was published online Dec. 6 in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. What Smells Good? Previous research has found that a set of genes called MHC genes (short for major histocompatibility complex) is related to whether someone is sexually attracted to someone else's scent. People are most likely to be attracted to the scent of someone who has different MHC genes than they do. Evolutionary biologists think that for primates in the wild, this helps ensure that animals closely related to each other don't mate. Hämmerli and his colleagues hypothesized that our MHC genes may also dictate our preferences for other smells. One previous study suggested that there was a correlation, but didn't flesh the idea out. Hämmerli's team recruited 116 study participants — both male and female — and asked them to smell 10 different scents, including cedar, rose, cinnamon and moss. They repeated the tests with different concentrations of the scents and in different settings. Some smells were clear winners and losers — the highest rated was tolu, a scent that comes from a South American balsam tree and resembles vanilla. The lowest rated was vetiver, which originates from a grass in India and is said to have a "woody" or "earthy" scent. But for each scent, the strength of the participants' preferences varied depending on each person's particular set of MHC genes . "It would still be difficult to create a perfect perfume for someone based on this limited information," Hämmerli said. "But the more scents and people you study, the more patterns start to emerge." Hämmerli said the scents that people prefer may be those that best advertise their own natural body odors to potential mates, enhancing the connection between MHC and attraction to others. But that theory has yet to be tested. Buying Perfumes for Others "These findings fit very well into what has been found," said Claus Wedekind, of the University of Laussane in Switzerland. Wedekind was one of the first scientists to discover the link between MHC genes and mate preferences, with the notorious "sweaty T-shirt study" in which women rated their preference for the smells of T-shirts worn by different men. "We first tested this idea in the early 1990s in humans," Wedekind said. "We found that body odor preferences are indeed linked to immune genes. One could then speculate that other odor preferences are also influenced by these genes." Because MHC genes are most often linked to people's attraction to others, biologist Leslie Knapp at the University of Cambridge said the new study could be expanded to test whether the perfume preferences hold true when the perfumes are worn by others, as opposed to sprayed on one's own body. "In this study they're focusing on self as opposed to focusing on others," Knapp said. "When they talk about wanting to choose a fragrance, my idea is why aren't you thinking about what fragrances you'd be buying for your partner? If someone likes a fragrance, they should want their partner to smell like that." But this line of research still has the potential to reveal how MHC genes control scent preferences, and why. "A lot of people are interested in this because they still don't understand it, and there's a lot more for us to learn," Knapp said. "What is it that makes people prefer different smells, and what is it that makes different people smell different?" Pass it on: Your genes may determine what perfume scents you prefer—it's thought to be linked to the smells you find attractive in people of the opposite sex. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. mantra of avalokiteshvaraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Onl1neAuction - Relaxed Shopping this Christmas Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST Article by Anthony Kay Last year your kids wanted Wii, Guitar Hero, Ugg Boots and Nintendo. This year it is a big screen TV for the family room, a laptop, Elmo Live doll and anything Disney. Your list is bent over with requests and things you think the rest of your family and friends may like. How are you ever going to find the time to buy it all, never mind find it? Well you can relax. The biggest news this year is Onl1neAuction. The best to get everything you want and need. Once you start bidding, you may never go back to dashing around in the malls and stores. You will discover that sitting at home with a cup of tea by your side and your laptop can be a beautiful thing. There are reports telling us that shopping just may be even harder this year out there in the malls and big box stores. Retailers are being more cautious with their sales and some deciding not to order quite as much. That means more people trying to fight for the same toy or sweater size. That means a lot of stress. Sitting in your home and shopping online at for Christmas is like an answer to a prayer for anyone who is so busy that can't find enough time in the day. If you type in the article that you want, you will notice that not only is it available, there are is huge selection of numerous varieties. When you go to the biggest penny auction site on the web, you are never disappointed. You will also see a lot of little specialty items and even some unique homemade items. The penny auction is the newest way to buy things at insanely low prices. The best one out there right now is Onl1ine Auction. These auctions allow you to bid and win electronics, household items etc. at prices you will get nowhere else. Most of us appreciate a good bargain for a quality product that would normally sell for triple or more times the price. Save some time and have some fun this year at The best penny auction on the web.Most of us appreciate a good bargain for a quality product that would nor! mally se ll for triple or more times the price. Save some time and have some fun this year at The best penny auction on the web. About the AuthorInternet Marketing | |||
Study Linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Virus Now Retracted Posted: 22 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST
The medical journal Science today retracted the controversial 2009 study it published that concluded the virus called XMRV might be the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. According to the original findings, the virus was found in the blood of 67 percent of people with symptoms of the mysterious illness called chronic fatigue syndrome, and in only 3.7 percent of people without the condition. In a retraction statement today (Dec. 22), Science said further testing by other researchers did not detect the virus in chronic fatigue syndrome patients. "Multiple laboratories, including those of the original authors, have failed to reliably detect xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or other murine leukemia virus (MLV)-related viruses in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients," Dr. Bruce Alberts, editor in chief of Science, wrote. Researchers and patients had been encouraged by the original findings, which seemed to increase the chances for a treatment. The condition causes severe tiredness that is not relieved by sleeping; it most commonly affects women between the ages of 30 and 50, according to the National Institutes of Health. On July 1, the journal issued an "expression of concern" about the original findings. Two studies at that time cast doubt on the link between the virus and CFS: One provided evidence that the original experiment may have been subject to laboratory contamination, and the other showed that no trace of the virus could be found in the blood of people with chronic fatigue syndrome. The authors of the paper partially retracted it two months later, saying a re-examination of their blood samples showed some of them to be contaminated. Alberts wrote today that the majority of the authors of the original report agreed in principle to retracting it, but were not in agreement about some of the details of a retraction. "It is Science's opinion that a retraction signed by all the authors is unlikely to be forthcoming," Alberts wrote. Pass it on: A 2009 study linking the virus XMRV to chronic fatigue syndrome has been retracted by its publisher, the journal Science. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook. | |||
Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 12/22/2011 Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST ![]() "Selfishness is the real enemy of peace." ~Buddhist Quote Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Patrick Desnoyers Miniature trees are originally rooted in the mountains of China, where only a specific species of plants and trees grow. Because of its hostile weather conditions, the trees were often stunted and contorted. The strong mountain winds also left these trees twisted in ice and the cold. Essentially, it is nature that has rendered the inspiration for the art of potting trees as students of the art do their best to mimic what nature has created. By "training" trees through specialized means of pruning and shaping them to a desired height and structure, these students of the art were able to recreate the sample nature has provided. Bonsai, a Japanese term for "miniature potted trees", actually originated from the Chinese. Called "pensai" in China, these miniature trees first appeared in artworks and poems in this Asian country in 200 B.C. Early own, the mini-tree, or rather, the work of art, has already become a symbol of harmony and tranquility. Chinese Monks and the nobles or upper class, who appreciated the beauty and significance of plants and trees or nature in general, cultivated mini-landscapes of mountains, rivers and little tree houses placed on big plates. Sometime in the 15th or 16th century, this artistic hobby grew among the people of Southeast China. Many of them have become master designers and experts of the art of tree potting. What was known first known as a hobby of Chinese artists, monks and nobles in those days became a significant part of modern day Japanese tradition. How this came to Japan was made possible through the officials of the Japanese government, who often come to China at the height of the Tang Dynasty and have brought the art back home. During the Kamakura period, while Zen Buddhism was introduced in Japan, these Zen masters also introduced the hobby of tree potting to its people. As a result, it became widely popular among the wealthy class (daimyos or feudal lords), the merchants and even the Samurais. In addition to this, daimyos even sought pottery ma! sters on their employ, to make one of kind pots for their miniature plants. Initially popular among the Japanese priests, the ruling class and those on the upper hierarchy, Bonsai eventually reached popularity with the middle class. As Japanese culture and their way of living dictates it, where the Japanese have always believed in keeping a harmonious relationship with their surroundings as beneficial, miniature gardening became one of Japan's favorite pastimes. The fact that these potted trees took up just a small space inside the house was also compatible with how the Japanese lived. It was during these times too, that the word "bonsai" was coined. Today, the art of Bonsai is still practiced in China. It is characteristically different from the Japanese versions as they are somewhat bigger than the popular Japanese Bonsai. And while thinking of potted trees, one easily attributes this to Japan, the hobby/art form appeals not only to the people of the East today, but students and enthusiasts all over the world have also become devotees to the art of tree potting. Patrick From Mishobonsai seeds About the AuthorAvid full time hobby bonsai grower. As been practicing bonsai and gardening for more then 8 years. Owner of, a website with ressource for Bonsai seeds and tree seeds. BEAT TODAY (2004) by Andreea M. Lupea & Tilman Otto WagnerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Tea Consumption And A Little History Posted: 22 Dec 2011 07:05 AM PST Article by Fruzsina Csery Tea consumption became part of the way of life and culture in America, too. Though North America has only one tea plantation, about 20 miles west of Charleston in South Carolina. In England it is much more fashionable than coffee. All tea comes from the same plant - Camellia sinensis - an evergreen, tropical plant that originally grows in China and India. Like wine, variations in tastes and characteristics are depend on the type of soil, cultivar selection, altitude, and climate conditions where the plants are grown. Different types processing also affect the taste, as does the addition of essential oils or fragnant herbal additives. Camellia sinensis likes a deep, light, acidic and well-drained soil. There are many supposed references to tea in the centuries before Christ, even Confucius allegedly referred to tea in one of his books. According Chinese mythology, tea was 'discovered' by a Chinese emperor, Shen Nung. Four thousand years ago, on his way to a distant region of his empire he stopped to rest. Dried leaves from a nearby tea bush fell into the water that his servants were boiling for drinking. And when he drank some, he found it very refreshing and delicious. So the first cup of tea was an accident. The tea consumption spread throughout the Chinese culture. The first book on tea 'Ch'a Ching' was written by the Chinese author Lu Yu. The three- volume book covered tea growing, processing, drinking and history. The book inspired Zen Buddhist priests to create the Japanese tea ceremony, the cha-no-yu. It was in the 6th century. That's why tea in Japan has always been associated with Zen Buddhism. Tea drinking influenced the whole culture, for example architecture: a separate tea-room is constructed in Japanese homes so that one enters on your knees to show humility. It was the Portuguese traders who first imported tea to Europe, later it was transported to France, Holland, and the Baltic countries. Tea is relatively late appeared in Engla! nd in th e mid 17th century, but quickly became popular. King Charles II and his Portuguese bride were tea-drinkers and they brought tea tradition to England. In the beginning, it was very expensive. The first tea is sold as a health drink in London, at Garway's Coffee House. Slowly, the price fell and tea became available to the public. Peter Stuyvesant brought the first tea to the United States in the settlement of New Amsterdam (later renamed New York by the English). The British government put very high taxes on it. The colonists couldn't do anything about these taxes, because there were no colonists in the government in England. The Americans became very angry about this and in 1775 attacked a boat carrying a lot of tea and dumped 342 chests full of tea into the harbour at Boston, Massachusetts. That was the Boston Tea Party.In England, tea became popular first among the rich. They had parties and picnics, visited each other, and afternoon tea soon became a habit. Two distinct forms of services evolved: 'High' and 'Low'. 'Low Tea' was served in aristocratic homes of the wealthy and featured gourmet tidbits rather than solid meals. The emphasis was on presentation and conversation. Conversely, 'High Tea' was the major meal of the middle and lower classes and consisted of mostly full dinner. Nowadays, maybe the most popular tea is the English Breakfast Tea. It is a fine black tea, which often includes Keemun, is blended with milk or lemon (but never together). The Irish drink their Irish Breakfast Tea, it is very strong, usually served in the morning, except for the Irish, who are known to drink it all day. It is served with lots of sugar and milk. Earl Grey is named after a prime minister. It is a smoky tea with a hint of sweetness and is served plain. Black Teas and Oolong Darjeeling refers to tea grown in this mountain area of India. Oolong is a mixture of green and black teas. This elegant tea is sometimes called the champagne of teas. It has got fruity taste. Darje! eling ha s a flavor that reminds muscatel. Mustn't be taken with milk. Green Tea is a strong herbal tea. Its use as a healthy tea is growing in popularity. Green Tea is also part of the Japanese tea service. And finally, 'burgundy of teas', the Chinese Keemun Tea, a mellow, wine-like tea, never used with lemon. About the AuthorFruzsina Csery wrote this article to South Carolina FSBO Zen Dogen the Zen Master 4This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
"Survivor: South Pacific" shows ridiculousness of religion Posted: 22 Dec 2011 07:02 AM PST My wife and I are big Survivor fans. We've watched every episode of each season. "Survivor: South Pacific," which concluded last Sunday, was one of the most captivating series for this reality show. Also, one of the most annoying for us, because religion played a much larger role in the interactions between the people trying to outwit, outplay, and outlast (the Survivor mantra) each other on the island until one becomes the "sole survivor." One tribe was filled with obnoxiously explicitly devout Christians who regularly stood in a circle, held hands, prayed together -- and then proceeded to do their best to screw each other over. But since it was in the name of God, hey, no problem. For example, good Christian "Coach" (Benjamin Wade) is shown asking God for guidance as he tries to decide whether to vote off good Christian Brandon. In a total non-surprise, God tells Coach to do what is in Coach's best interest. After the vote is announced, and Brandon prepares to head to Redemption Island, a sort of purgatory where contestants have a chance to get back in the game, Coach hugs Brandon and says "It was God's will." Total bullshit, which also is an excellent description of religion. In "Survivor: South Pacific" the hypocrisy of religious believers was on full display. Christians promised to do one thing, and did something else. Christians professed their commitment to one another, then stabbed fellow tribe members in the back (figuratively). Of course, this happens in every season of Survivor. That's why the show is so watchable: we get to see real people acting like we humans often do: deceiving, scheming, and manipulating to benefit ourselves while establishing enough social relationships to support those unsocial efforts. This season, religion came to the fore as another tool for deceiving, scheming, and manipulating. Jon Kraszewski summarizes the details in his post about the spirituality of Survivor: South Pacific. He correctly points out that the most spiritual contestant was non-religious Ozzy, a guy who is comfortable in both his own skin and in communing with nature (also, in Playboy TV sex scenes). I tune in every week for the joy of watching Ozzy's genuinely moral, selfless, humble, and spiritual game contrast with Coach and Brandon's hypocritical one. Both gaming strategies involve aspects of excess, but the different ways to bring excess into the game speak to the split between Ozzy's genuine game and Coach and Brandon's phony game. Coach and Brandon's excess ultimately comes through over-the-top performances of religious faith, which humorously and ironically point out Coach's ego-centered motives and Brandon's mentally unstable personality during moments when they claim to be charitable. Nature-loving Ozzy was much more likable than God-loving Coach or Brandon, a fact that denied him a place in the finals, since his rivals knew that he'd get the votes of the jury (players already voted off) if Ozzy was one of the final three. Indeed, Ozzy didn't win the million dollar first prize, but he won $ 100,000 by being selected as the season Fan Favorite, getting a larger proportion of votes than any Fan Favorite in other seasons. This shows that naturalness is more popular than sanctimoniousness, good news for us churchless folks. I'm pretty sure that even most religious true believers don't enjoy over-the-top, in-your-face proclamations of faith. After all, didn't Jesus counsel to pray in secret? (Not that I believe Jesus ever said such a thing, or anything else attributed to him, but the Bible says this.) Watching "Survivor: South Pacific," there were times when I did feel some affection for Coach, Brandon, and the other God-obsessed Christian contestants. This was when they seemed genuine, not play-acting how a religious person supposedly should behave. Admitting that they were flawed hypocritical failures at living up to their Christian ideals -- that's when I found them most likable. In other words, when they came across as normal human beings, not one of God's chosen. Religion is most ridiculous when people take it seriously. When religiosity is treated as simply another strange thing that people do, I've got no problem with it. Even Ozzy made some mentions of God when he spoke about how close he felt to nature in the ocean, while climbing palm trees, and such. But Ozzy's "God" is this world, here and now, not a transcendent father figure. Kraszewski commented on his own post, saying, "I view Ozzy as some combination of Emerson, Kerouac, and a surfer dude in terms of his religious actions and spirituality." Right on. That's why Ozzy is my kind of saint. | |||
China& 39;s first Buddhist symphony will be played at the National Theatre Posted: 22 Dec 2011 06:04 AM PST Article by jekky This work comes from the Central Conservatory of Music and Head of Tang Jianping hands. Five-movement choral work with orchestral style, length of 80 minutes, divided into Overture "Kowloon Buddha" and "Avatamsaka" "Mercy would like to Huai," "Zen Hui Feng" and "Lotus Light Building" in four movements. Work named "Shenzhou, and music", that expression of a "harmonious society begins in the mind" theme. Ye Xiaowen, China Religious Culture Communication Association, said, "Buddhist symphony" is a classical symphony with Western artistic styles, explore new oriental ancient Buddhist music, make it reflect Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, weather, sad Yan intersection of "solemn symphony." According to Tang Jianping introduction, this work's unique structure in accordance with symphonic form, style, style, but to convey the character and spirit of the Chinese Buddhist culture, temperament, is the art form of Western and Eastern civilization, the combination of wisdom. By then, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Dharma Sangha Temple Choir, the Central Opera House Chorus will perform the works of joint participation. Buddhist name, wooden fish, pipa and other Chinese musical instruments, chanting play musical instruments will join the ranks.This work comes from the Central Conservatory of Music and Head of Tang Jianping hands. Five-movement choral work with orchestral style, length of 80 minutes, divided into Overture "Kowloon Buddha" and "Avatamsaka" "Mercy would like to Huai," "Zen Hui Feng" and "Lotus Light Building" in four movements. Work named "Shenzhou, and music", that expression of a "harmonious society begins in the mind" theme. Ye Xiaowen, China Religious Culture Communication Association, said, "Buddhist symphony" is a classical symphony with Western artistic styles, explore new oriental ancient Buddhist music, make it reflect Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, weather, sad Yan intersection of "solemn symphony." According to Tang Jianping introduction, this work's unique structure in accordance wi! th symph onic form, style, style, but to convey the character and spirit of the Chinese Buddhist culture, temperament, is the art form of Western and Eastern civilization, the combination of wisdom. By then, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Dharma Sangha Temple Choir, the Central Opera House Chorus will perform the works of joint participation. Buddhist name, wooden fish, pipa and other Chinese musical instruments, chanting play musical instruments will join the ranks. About the AuthorI am an expert from Frbiz Site, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as lampworked glass beads , pandora heart bead. | |||
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST
This is not religion. The whole thing stinks. The religions of Abraham smother spirit in a concerted effort to destroy it. They put in its place a ridiculous mythology—a tall tale—made for the weakest of minds who are overly attached to the flesh; who wallow in materialism. What a child of Abraham doesn't want to hear is that every creature is animated by what is eternal and immortal. More to the point, each of us is the immediacy of this animative spirit. But we are unable to see or sense it because we are deeply bound by the animated—bewitched by it. In our foolishness we give it a name. We call it "Zeus" or "God" which further kills spirit. We become even more blind. When the Buddha began to teach sentient beings, the essence of his message was simple: Mind, as pure spirit, must turn away from the flesh in order for it to realize itself. This is nirvana. Said again, nirvana is Mind or spirit beholding itself having completely penetrated through its illusory creations (samskrita). Spirit finally awakens (buddha) to its sovereignty. It is above all name and form; above all gods.
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Posted: 22 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by chris binnie Finding Free Online Yoga Yoga is a fun, relaxing exercise that can help you improve your fitness level and flexibility. It can also make you more in tuned with your body and more aware when you are falling ill or when a disease or disorder is about to hit your body. There really are no downsides to yoga except that in some instances, it can be quite pricey. It can be expensive to take a yoga class at a center, and yoga DVDs can start adding up, too! Instead of spending your hard earned money on these ways to learn yoga, you should instead look for free online yoga. There are several places you can look for these free online yoga sessions, but there are also some things you need to keep in mind when using free online yoga. Where To Look For Free Online Yoga There are several different places you can look for these free online yoga sessions. The first place is any video sharing web site. Sites like YouTube allow their members to upload videos that they made onto this vast network of videos. You can do a quick search for yoga lessons and find countless hits. You can type in specific types of yoga, specific levels of yoga, and even specific yoga poses that you want to work on and you will most likely find at least a few videos to help you out. Another place to look for free online yoga sessions is individual yoga websites. Many yoga websites offer free tutorials or free information on yoga as well as a few free online yoga sessions. However, many of these free online yoga lessons and tutorials will be for beginners and not for advanced yoga participants. What To Keep In Mind It is important to keep in mind the difference between these free online yoga sessions and yoga from a real, in person instructor. This is especially true with any video that you find on a video sharing network. These videos are not approved by anyone except the person who posted it, so you cannot necessarily trust that everything in the video will be safe for you to do. In addition, when you have ! a real i nstructor there, he or she can help you, will know what you are capable of, and can let you know if you should not be doing a certain pose. This is true for both the video sharing free online yoga and the yoga that you might find on individual yoga sites. So be sure to do what your body can handle and not push yourself to the point of physically injuring yourself! About the AuthorCheck out bible study topics and more Youth Ministry Resources. Yoga in Bali with DashamaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 04:01 AM PST Article by Ankit Pandey The benefits of yoga can t be denied and fortunately, any individual will neither too previous and too immature to harvest the profits in yoga. Yoga is designed for everything as well as corporeal, mentally, and other outcome of yoga are in heap.Yoga is a very mature sort of yoga becoming adapted by way of volume of individuals for effects. It has to be mentioned that while Bikram is unique form of yoga but it will never be an outside area of it. It s very a lot of element of yoga yet comprises of 26 special poses. The specific organized 26 poses associated can be played in warm temperature of one hundred Fahrenheit ranges. The specific postures and asanas in yoga can be directed on the selected reward to folks. The session in yoga lasts 90 moments and boasts to offer good health benefits. The 26 Bikram yoga poses can be only owned by the owner. Section of a particular person, the yoga assertions to supply the most health benefits and is particularly quite popular between persons. The 26 Bikram yoga poses may be learnt from the books, web as well the courses. While these exercises are usually not very easy to educate yourself on but can be acquired having precision when normal exercise. The Yoga comprises of: Ardha-Chandrasana and Pada-Hastasana (Part Moon Pose and command to Toes), Pranayama String (Ranking Great Respiration Pose), Utkatasana (Awkward Pose), Garurasana (Eagle Pose), Dandayamana-Janushirasana (Standing Head to Knee Pose), Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Ranking Bow Lifting Pose), Tuladandasana (Counterbalancing Staff Pose), Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (Lasting Split Leg Stretching Pose), Trikanasana (Triangle Pose), Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Ranking Detached Leg Head to Knee Pose ), Tadasana (Plant Pose), Padangustasana (Toe Stand Pose), Savasana (Lifeless System Pose), Pavanamuktasana (Wind Taking off Pose), Sit-up, Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Poorna-Salabhasana (Satisfied Locust Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Supta-Va! jrasana (Constant Business Pose), Ardha-Kurmasana (50 % Tortoise Pose), Ustrasana (Admirer Pose), Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose), Janushirasana using Paschimotthanasana (Head to Knee Pose), Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Backbone Twisting Pose) and Khapalbhati (Blow in Steady Pose). Most of these are able during 90 minutes twin per day. Yoga is proud of to offer paramount benefit for health. Infact, these yoga is hence beneficial for folks that it is exactly alleged if able steadily, an individual can never end up having any condition all the way through his/her lifetime. The phenomenal health benefits proceeded by means of this kind of yoga fitness is truly to experience utmost health benefits to individuals. Regular exercise will help you fully comprehend the art of Bikram yoga and infact it could possibly likewise will help you certainly be a Bikram yoga educator. In spite of the age, the Bikram yoga is meant to give the body together with good upkeep. Because of the fact Bikram yoga is performed in hot temperature, as a result it is simply just like often known as 'hot yoga'. That self-control for yoga happens to be very popular at the no of spaces and there are a number of colleges doing work in this specific circumstance. Nevertheless, the exercise using Bikram yoga poses will not be meant for all the people. Those unfortunates who are receptive to sogginess as well as vulnerable to dehydration or even a heat strokes are not the superb aspirants as Bikram Yoga. Pregnant women may be definitely not the eligible aspirants as Bikram Yoga. About the Author Yoga provides a lot of health benefits, therapeutic effects and mental balance to people. Bikram yoga is a much renowned part of yoga and boasts to provide a number of health benefits to people through its 26 Bikram yoga poses. Yoga Teacher TrainingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Buddhist Tours The Spiritual Face of India Posted: 22 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST Article by Justin From ages, India has witnessed birth of many religion and spiritual doctrines, which later spread across the world like a phenomenon. India is the holy land where many divine incarnations were born to show a positive direction to human evolution. Lord Buddha is the incarnation who created the religious philosophy of Buddhism in India. Thus, Buddhist tours adjudged, as the spiritual face of India is apt from every aspect. Buddhism is all about the essence of dharma, which shape the karma of mortals for many lifetimes. Prince Siddhartha was born in the year 623 B.C. in a royal clan of Nepal in Lumbini at Nepal. Everyone believed that he will be a great warrior but at the age of 29, he abandoned all royal luxury and family to attain self-realization. The popular Buddhist sites in India are Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Vaishali, and Ajanta & Ellora caves. Bodh Gaya: - The holy place where Lord Buddha undertook vigorous meditation to attain self-enlightenment is the heart of Buddhist tour in India. Devotees from across the world visit Bodh Gaya to witness the origin of the most followed religion known as Buddhism. The major attractions are Mahabodhi Temple, Jain temple, Buddhist monasteries, and other remains of Buddhist significance. Sarnath: - This is the most important aspect of Buddhist pilgrimage in India and scriptures states that Lord Buddha after attaining nirvana preached the principles of Buddhism at Sarnath for first time. The major attractions at this sanctified place are the groves where Lord Buddha used to preach the religious fanatics, Dhameka Stupa, pillar of Ashoka, sculptures of bygone epoch and artifacts remains of Lord. Ajanta & Ellora Caves: - These caves dates back to 2 to 5 century B.C. depicts the religious teachings and significance of Buddhism in the form of sculptures, paintings and artifacts. These caves are renowned world heritage sites of UNESCO, which exhibits the perfect Buddhist arts and cultures. These vacations b! ook B uddhist tours the most spiritual facet of India tours to enhance soul with higher knowledge of existence. Let the spiritual face of India becharms you to discover the spiritual side of your nature for a religious inclination of self. About the AuthorAuthor is an eminent and experienced Content Writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. Author has written several articles on and Chardham and golden triangle india tour etc. Currently, Author is rendering service for Go Heritage India Journeys. | |||
Posted: 22 Dec 2011 02:02 AM PST Article by Joe Guntherson We all have them, people in our office, home, or circle of friends whose stress is so under managed that it has a tendency to spill over and begin affecting our lives or maybe you are that person. Secondhand Stress, as experts on the topic are now calling it, can have disastrous results on those who receive it and those that create it on a regular basis. For those caught in the crossfire or aftermath of someone else's stress episode, trying to cope with a stress that is not their own can be frustrating and overwhelming simply because they are not directly linked to the cause of that stress. Being so far removed from the cause can create a feeling of being out of control or at the mercy of the person who is experiencing the stress directly. It's the feeling of having no power to improve the situation amplified by a strong desire to relieve your co-worker, loved one, or friend of their burden that makes Secondhand Stress so dangerous. It introduces new tension in the atmosphere surrounding that relationship and can create a high level of anxiety instead of creating a supportive healthy environment. Some common situations can be a spouse struggling at work or with addiction, a co-worker going through some personal problems, or a child hurting from the pain of a learning disability or problems at school. It can be anyone we interact with daily, weekly, or even very rarely. All that it takes is an empathetic connection with that person like in the case of family members and friends. For most people, Secondhand Stress comes from those they love the most simply because they have a need to share the burden of those they care about. In a workplace situation, even if the need to shoulder the load of a co-worker isn't consciously felt there can be a more sub-conscious need for the department to function well or a sense of camaraderie. From that need comes a natural tendency for others to step up and take on the stress of the co-worker in trouble. So, how do you combat Secondhand Stress and! it's ef fects? There are several ways. All going back to the root of the issue - stress. The power of the stressful event experienced everyday by most people comes from their method of coping. If everyone knew effective ways to cope or channel their stress and emotions when certain situations came up throughout the day, not only would they feel better and be healthier, but as you've read above, the people closest to them would experience the same benefits. One way to manage stress is through a combination of several stress reduction therapies, but now there is one method that combines several therapy types into one powerful device. This device is called the SCIO/EPFX. It is a highly technological tool used with a stress reduction therapy called Quantum Biofeedback. Based on traditional Biofeedback, this technology interfaces with the client on a subconscious level to understand what types of stresses the person is facing daily. This is all done in the office of a Certified Biofeedback Specialist who can analyze what is causing imbalances in the body by the use of energetic stress reduction. Because the SCIO/EPFX interfaces with the client on such a deep level it can read stresses that the person may not consciously be aware of. This is part of the therapy. Once someone is more aware of the stress that is causing such pressure on them and perhaps on the ones around them they can take proactive steps to alleviate it. And if you are the one feeling the secondhand effects of stress, this can help to relieve some of that tension and help to teach you and your body ways to cope on a daily basis. While Secondhand Stress is a frustrating and unhealthy phenomenon in our society today, the fact that we want to reach out to those closest to us and relieve their burden is part of what makes humanity such a unique race. To suggest breaking this connection would be far more disastrous than the side effects we are experiencing now or could ever experience. Instead, the key to relieving Secondhand Stress will be in ! everyone learning how to properly manage and channel the stress that exists in their lives, secondhand or not. So start today with a yoga class, daily meditation, or with a Quantum Biofeedback session. Your friends and family with thank you! About the AuthorLooking for Alternative therapy that doesn't involve pain or complicated drug theropy? Try Quantum Biofeedback and live a pain free life. Your health depends on it! Powerful simple Abdominal Breathing exerciseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
3 Reasons Why Stress Management Programs Do Not Work Posted: 22 Dec 2011 01:03 AM PST Article by Susan Owen-Thursfield In today's high pressure society, stress comes from many things.. And it seems that more people succumb every week. Up to 90& of all visits to the doctor are for stress related conditions. And the statistics don't stop there. Every day the newspapers scream about how many days are lost due to stress, and how much this is costing industry. And new stress relief programmes and stress courses are springing up all the time. So why isn't all this working? Why are more people than ever suffering from stress? There are three main reasons for this: 1. People like the concept but dislike the work This has been said before. Many people buy weight loss videos, foreign language programmes, gym memberships and so on because they want to lose weight, learn a foreign language a, get fit etc. And this is all very impressive because these things do work. They all come with testimonials from satisfied customers saying just how easy this course was to follow and how much their life has improved as a result. But buying the course, programme, membership is not what it takes to make it work. You have to take action. And It is just the same for stress relief programmes. Many people Think that simply buying a yoga video will help reduce their stress levels; or that attending a stress relief workshop and returning to exactly the same stressful lifestyle without incorporating anything different is sufficient. It is not. Bringing stress levels down is an active process. Just like losing weight or getting fit, stress management needs action if it is to be successful. 2. Little Motivation and No Stigma Change can be scary but when it is clear to everyone whether you have succeeded (you lose 10 pounds) or failed (you are still smoking), it can be very scary. People like success. A strong motivational upside will encourage people to give it their best shot. But this is where Stress reduction programmes differ from other programmes. Whereas there is a social stigma by and large, t! o smokin g, obesity and alcoholism, there is no stigma to being stressed. And worse than this, big companies can make it plain that they need employees who can "take the stress". Employees attending Stress management programmes could Lose out on promotion as "not being able to take it". So there is actually a motivation for people to stay stressed. 3. Over Scheduled Lifestyle When you are stressed out, you have very little space in your head to take on new ideas. In fact the very thought of attending a Stress reduction programme can make you more stressed! And people who already have very busy lives tend to focus their time where they think they'll get the best "returns". So they spend more time trying to make their boss happy, or running the local school fete even though they know that following a stress management programme would make them happier and healthier in the long term. Stress relief programmes work. But it will take a radical shift in the attitudes of most people and most employers before they are allowed to work. And in the meantime, our society will continue to get more stressed and over time, more ill. Don't we owe it to ourselves to make stress reduction a priority? About the AuthorFor more stress relief tips and your free ebook and free stress management ecourse, please Click Here <a> Jon Kabat-Zinn "As Good As It Gets"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Spend a Soul Vacation with the Buddhist Tours Posted: 22 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST | |||
Buddhist Matrimonial Making Search for Perfect Match Easier than Ever Posted: 21 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by Jeevan Sathi Buddhist community, spread in different parts of Asia, is know for their rituals and ceremonies that are celebrated in different manner. And its impact can also be seen in their marriages that they celebrate in their own ways. Singles from this community always look for a ideal life partner from the same community to keep these rituals and ceremonies maintained. However, like other communities, marriages in this community are also fixed by parents or the society. But, now the responsibility has been taken by the Buddhist matrimonial sites that have become a one stop solution for parents as well as singles to find an ideal partner to tie the knot. Needless to say, it is a one stop solution to give a start to the marriage procedure. Today, a considerable amount of singles register their profiles or search for a perfect life partner at such portals. And, this is the main reason that a number of matrimonial sites have come up with innumerable profiles of Buddhist bachelors and bachelorettes. More interestingly, Buddhist matrimonial sites have also come in the market where singles from this community can easily upload their profiles or find their soul mates without roaming here and there. These portals are reliable and one stop solution for those who have lack of time and want to search for their dream life partner from the comfort of their home. There are also a number of added benefits of using such sites. After getting your profile registered in a selected Buddhist matrimonial site, you can also get photo, email ID, phone number or other personal details. When it comes to register the profile, there are a few very simple steps to follow. All you need to do is simply create your matrimonial profile and upload in the site to receive matches. After this first and vital step, you can search the right partner or contact him/her through email, chat, SMS, contact number or others modes. When it comes to register selected Buddhist matrimonial sites, it is extremely simple and easy. Howeve! r, such matrimonial sites offer two types of registration option free and paid. Paid registration is beneficial in a number of ways if compared to free membership option. Buddhist matrimonial sites are a one stop solution for those looking for an ideal life partner from the same community. Singles from the Buddhist community can register their profiles and start searching a perfect match. About the is an one of the leading Marriage Sites for Indian and NRI matrimonial Profiles. Add Free Matrimonial Profile at Find suitable Indian and NRI brides and grooms from our online Buddhist Matrimonial and matchmaking services. | |||
All about Wedding in Buddhist Matrimony Posted: 21 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Article by Ankush Singhal Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy that synthesizes much of the spiritual life, cultural and social world Oriental. In Buddhist matrimony, marriage means a commitment between a man and a woman, who promise to love each other and help each other toward the Karma. The weddings in Buddhism are different from that of Hinduism and Christianity; it is a ceremony that is focused on providing space between the couple. The couple makes a vow about sincerity and honesty for maintaining a sound and spiritual relationship. As in most cultures and religions, the wedding proceedings in Buddhist Matrimony start when the boy asks for the girl's hand. A close friend of the boy carries a wine bottle or any other alcoholic beverage, along with a white silk scarf known as khada. The friend of the boy determines the interest of the girl's family about the alliance, and this custom is known as Khachang. After confirming the consent of the girl's family, a formal meeting is held between the two families, and the Kikas (horoscopes) are matched. The auspicious date of engagement and wedding are determined according to the positioning of stars. As per the traditions in Buddhist matrimony, the groom offers some presents to the bride, which can be anything from money, jewellery or land, which hold some value. The Buddhist weddings are held in the temple and as such, there is a specific protocol to perform the ceremony. The couple asks for blessings from a Buddhist priest, and all the rest of the ceremony is planned according to the cultural traditions of the couple. The most common of these is the astrological prediction. In Thailand, for example, the exact time of celebration or a formal commitment is determined by the monks after consulting the charts of the couple. Likewise, civil marriages are also accepted in Buddhist matrimony. Everything related to engagement and wedding of the couple, according to Buddhism, is dictated by the monks, who have previously performed and interpreted the chart! s of the couple. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom sit together in a posture of total respect, with their heads down, hands and feet together and are yoked with holy water, thereby receiving the blessings of the Buddhist monk. As an offering, the couple offers food to the god Buddha and the monks. In appreciation of this offering, the monk who leads the ceremony anoints the bride and groom with sacred pollen and water. During the wedding celebrations, delicacies are offered to the newlywed couple and God Buddha. Later, the family blesses the newlywed couple, pray for their happy, blissful and prosperous married life. On the wedding day, the relatives and the family members gather at a place where there is a shrine of Lord Buddha. The invitees lit the candles and recite the Tisarana, Pancasila and the Vandana. The bride and groom also lit the candles and after the formal wedding rituals, the couple recites the wedding vows, which are inscribed in the Sigilovdda Sutta. The bride goes to her house mounted on a mare. The color of the animal must match the zodiacal branch of the bride. Upon arriving home a series of rituals follow, which are intended to entrust the good fortune of the couple and symbolize that the groom's soul is entrusted to the bride. The bride then goes to the groom's house, accompanied by her family and other relatives. The bride sits on a specially designed mat. During the entry of the bride in Buddhist matrimony, songs are sung by the women of the family, wishing the happy married life to the couple. About the AuthorRashmi writes on behalf of, which is India's fastest growing matrimonial website. helps the users to search corresponding matches from their respective community like Buddhist Matrimony, Hindu Matrimonial from their online matrimonial and matchmaking services. | |||
Why Stress balls may Aid the Battle to Reduce Stress and Tension Posted: 21 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by Harry Randhawa Physical stress - this occurs when the body begins to suffer from the stressful situation. Symptoms may come in various forms and its severity may vary. The most common physical symptom is headache. Stress causes people to unconsciously tense the neck, forehead and shoulder muscles. However, long-term stress can cause digestive problems, including ulcers, insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure, nervousness and excessive sweating, heart disease, stroke and even hair loss. Emotional stress - these responses are due to stress affect the brain and include anxiety, anger, depression, irritability, frustration, over-reaction to everyday issues, memory loss and lack of concentration, any task. These symptoms, if untreated, can lead to serious consequences. Anxiety is usually displayed as a response to loss, failure, what can happen in cases of danger or fear. Anger is a common response to frustration and social stress and may become a danger to others if you are not considered to be verified. Depression is often seen as an emotional response to upsetting situations, such as the death of a loved one, illness and bad luck. Do not live in a real problem for a long time, you need to learn to let things go. If not then you can miss what's happening now. Psychological - the long-term stress can cause psychological problems for some individuals. Symptoms include withdrawal from the public's fears, compulsive behaviors, eating disorders and nightmares. If you suffer from severe stress symptoms, contact your doctor. Stress balls can have a positive impact on your health. They can help create blood flow to the hands of the physical aspect of stress. This helps people with arthritis and can strengthen your muscles. Reduction of stress ball is a lightweight alternative to the drugs that can be very effective for stress reduction. This is a simple ball that you squeeze and wonders to help you reduce stress. All you have to do to benefit from relief from the stress ball to keep it in your hand! and squ eeze it a few times with your fingers.You will find that re-squeezing stress relief ball gives you a sense of relief that you may be experiencing emotional and physical stress. This ball is also used to make the hand and forearm muscles. Stress-reducing ball may not always be shaped like a ball. Sometimes it can be found in other interesting and neat shape. It is usually filled with foam, but those who are for the treatment of a gel of different densities. Another type of stress relief ball is a fine powder, which has a rubber coating. You may be wondering how the stress ball helps to reduce stress. You will usually experience muscle tension in your hand is on the fist, even if there is anything palm. When you release your grip, muscular tension is also released. It is the gripping and releasing the work your muscles and help you reduce stress. The reason for using the ball, there is something for you to handle (there). It offers better value and stress-relieving exercises. In fact, the reduction of stress balls are commonly used in computer specialists, who often spend long hours working in a fixed position and to help reduce the pain a long time to write. Except for a spherical ball of stress, as well as a creative ball that looks like a car, personal form. They are even a pack of cigarettes, it is a great opportunity for those who try to quit smoking. There are also imprinted stress balls, which smiles upon them. About the AuthorFor more information on high quality products like Koozies and for competitive prices and good service visit bluesodapromo. Work Stress Expert talks about symptoms of depression on Mental Health DayThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Posted: 21 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Don Miller The west has generally believed that the origins of Bonsai were Japanese. There is evidence that it originated in China at the time of the Ming Dynasty, Wall paintings dating back to the Han dynasty around 200BC showed landscapes complete with tree, rocks and grasses, being carried by servants. However, some authorities claim the form of growing miniature trees can be placed even earlier in India. For the Chinese, the art of bonsai is a means of expressing their love for nature, through the growing of a tree and the sympathy felt being close to nature, where they are able to transmit something of themselves to their plants. Nowadays, over 2000 years late, these "Penjing" still constitute a major part of bonsai culture in Chime During the 11th and 12th centuries there was a considerable movement between China and its neighbouring countries, particularly Japan, who readily adopted much of the Chinese art and philosophy. Perhaps the most significant influence was Zen Buddhism, which began to spread its principles throughout the Far East, of naturalness, simplicity, asymmetry and concentration on the essentials being instrumental in the search for deep harmony between man and nature. It was the Chinese Zen monks that played a leading role in introducing bonsai to the Japanese ruling classes. Whatever the origins of bonsai are, it was absorbed into Japanese culture in the eighth century, where it was perfected into an art form, steeped in beauty and correction. It is this correctness of purpose and desire for perfection to mirror nature, which encapsulates the true spirit of bonsai The formation of the word 'bonsai" derives from the Chinese Pen-Jing and the Japanese Bon-Sai, in which Pen and Bon mean "vessel" and Sai, meaning "tree". Therefore Bonsai is a tree cultivated in a vessel or pot In the fourteenth century Japanese bonsai were used to decorate alters and later, when they appeared as domestic decoration, they still occupied, as they do tod! ay, a sp ecial place in the 'tokonoma' or 'heart' of the household. Towards the 19th century the western world became acquainted with bonsai. With renewed trading with the Orient, Victorian travellers would return from the Far East with stories of bizarre miniature trees with intentionally bent and twisted branches, grown in highly decorated ceramic containers But it wasn't until the Paris exhibition in 1878 that that bonsai began to be understood and appreciated by the European public The in London, in 1909, another large bonsai show was organised. The first in a long series if exhibitions throughout Europe In America the first bonsai arrived after the war in the Pacific (19442-45) and the massive Japanese immigration of post-war years was also a major influence Throughput the word, the art of bonsai is gaining popularity all the time, with meetings, shows, exhibitions, and conventions in the United States, Australia, Far East, Europe and Africa. Nowadays bonsai is practiced all over the word and the different cultures, climates and species. Have prompted the development of so many new styles and techniques About the AuthorIf you found the article on the Spirit of Bonsai of interest then you will find more information and articles on the care of bonsai on the Bonsai Guide Are You Listening? Zen Meditation, a Deaf Perspective, pt. 1This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Techniques for Reducing Stress Posted: 21 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST Article by Dr. Kavitky How to turn Lunch Breaks into Stress BreaksAt the clinic we teach participants of the "General Health Care Program" how to utilize their time for lunch breaks into Stress Reduction breaks. Even more important than tasking out time for nutrition (which should not be substituted), is taking time away from the work environment (Play Time). How to Deal with DeadlinesAll businesses have deadlines to deal with, and the reason that they are called deadlines is because they are Killers. Our program deals with the 3 "P" method, which is:Preparing for stress 2) Planning for stress3) Promoting a program against stress V.P.A. (Vehicle Postural Analysis)Due to the fact that Business People are continuously in and out of cars, we have developed as part of our program a check list of proper postural means of getting into a car, as well as getting out of the car, and time spent sitting in the car while driving. Phone FantasyWe have found that many Business People acquire an abundance of Stress through the anticipation of that Very Important Phone Call. What phone fantasy does is prepares you for the Important Phone Callby means of Imagination Techniques. Imagining Positive outcome of that Important Call. Balloon Blowing Techniques for Stress ReductionA method to force you to breathe deeply with inspiration and expiration (unfortunately people just don't breathe properly), thus the Stress Reduction aspect of this technique is by blowing Frustration into the balloon. Then labeling the balloon with a word, and popping the balloon thus reliving the Frustration. Walking TherapyBy means of taking brisk walks in order to think, and relax, again forcing you to breathe deeply and properly (getting rid of nervous energy). Sleeping TechniquesDeep breathing before going to bed, while conditioning the mind with good productive and positive thoughts to start off the next morning refreshed, and ready for work. Worry WondersBy use of a small stone, rock, or a key, rubbing the object (n! o fantas y here please) when feeling nervous or stressful (Similar to Greek worry beads idea). Toys For Fun (No not Adult toys)Having a collection of small wind-up toys, or a simple puzzle that can be played with on the office desk in order to take a little stress break. Letter WritingA technique that is used to write to people, harsh words that you would not be able to tell them, then once it has gotten out of your system, the letter is then torn up and thrown away (a marvelous technique for doing away with stress). Physiologic Response Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System--Brain and Spinal CordPeripheral Nervous System--Autonomic Nervous SystemCranial Sacral Nerves--Nerves of Senses Afferent FibersAutonomic Nervous System--Efferent Fibers a. Parasympathetic Nervous Systemb. Sympathetic Nervous System1) Increased vasoconstriction2) Increased blood pressure3) Increased heart acceleration4) Increased secretion of thick saliva5) Increased adrenaline (norepinephrine) hormone6) Decreased gastrointestinal activity7) Pupil dilation HEALTH ISSUESThe number one cause of Death is STRESSThe number one cause of Cancer is STRESSThe number one cause of Ulcers is STRESSThe number one cause of Heart Attacks is STRESSThe number one cause of Divorce is STRESSThe number one cause of Eating disorders is STRESSThe number one cause of Health Issues is STRESS Stop me if you're beginning to see a pattern here! The Only State in which the body is completely void of STRESS is California NO … Just kidding it is DEATH. Knowing how to find your own STRESS ZONE. Women in general usually have Decreased Stress (Emotions, Autogenic). Body Signs: (Headaches, Digestive Disorders, Hypertension, Sleeping Disorders, Rashes, Allergies, Nervousness, Irritability, Anxiety, etc.) Formulas: Decreased Stress = Increased Productivity Decreased Stress = Increased Resistance Decreased Stress = Increased Health Decreased Stress = Increased Fun Decreased Stress = Happier/Healthier Marria! ges/Rela tionships Remember: HAPPINESS BEGINS WITH HEALTH About the AuthorDr. KavitkyWestlake Chiropractic Desk Stress - How to Relax Your Neck Tension 1 of 2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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