Kids’ Online Exposure to Sexual Intruders Is Dropping

Kids’ Online Exposure to Sexual Intruders Is Dropping

Kids’ Online Exposure to Sexual Intruders Is Dropping

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 01:03 PM PST

Teen Online
CREDIT: Library photo via Shutterstock

Children's unwanted encounters with online sexual material have been on the decline for at least five years, according to a new study. Reports by children and teens of unwanted sexual solicitations and exposure to pornography are both down, the researchers found.

The percentage of those ages 10 to 17 who experienced unwanted exposure to pornography declined from 34 percent in 2005 to 23 percent in 2010, and the percentage receiving unwanted online sexual requests declined from 13 percent in 2005 to 9 percent in 2010.

The study, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Crimes Against Children Research Center, looked at data from national surveys conducted in 2000, 2005, and 2010.

"The constant news about Internet dangers may give the impression that all Internet problems have been getting worse for youth, but actually that is not the case," lead author Lisa Jones, a research associate professor of psychology at the center, said in a statement. "The online environment may be improving."

Jones said unwanted sexual solicitations online are down more than 50 percent from 2000, when attention was first drawn to the problem. The researchers noted that unwanted soliciatation or pornography comes from not only adult online predators, but other youth.

"The arrests, the publicity and the education may have tamped down the sexual soliciting online," said study researcher Kimberly Mitchell, another research assistant professor of psychology at the center. "The more-effective safety and screening features incorporated into websites and networks may have helped reduce the unwanted encounters with pornography."

While unwanted sexual encounters declined, reports of online harassment increased to 11 percent in 2010, up 2 percentage points since 2005, according to the study, which was published online Dec. 15 in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Online harassment may not have experienced a decline because it began to garner attention more recently than sexual solicitation, the researchers said.

"Hopefully, the new focus on online harassment will produce some of the same improvements in this problem that we have seen in sexual solicitations," Jones said.

Pass it on:Online youth exposure to unwanted sexual solicitations and pornography has declined, although reports of online harassment among children and teens slightly increased.

Follow Remy Melina on Twitter @remymelina, and follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. Like us on Facebook. 

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Promotional stress balls and mark their Position as an Interesting

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 01:01 PM PST

Article by Harry Randhawa

Search for great promotional items, companies want products that are going to give them the best branding opportunities. These brands have a much different form, and position your company based on the nature of the product. For example, if you want to distribute to their customers is very expensive advertising pen, you communicate your company as one of the values of class, prestige, and professionalism. If you want your customers to the imprinted tote bags, then you want people to think about your brand, which creates its own features and convenience to customers. While this is all great value, customers are often more receptive to fun attitude, keep them in good spirits. For this purpose, promotional stress balls are perfect.

The best part about advertising stress balls, they are one of the most interesting and fun promotional items on the market today. Nowhere else you can find a product that advertises your brand so that amuses the recipient every time they see it. If you can get your promotional items smile recipient, you are quite a few characters 'gold' in their hands. Using your stress reduction can help you do that every time.

There are literally thousands of promotional stress balls come in different shapes and sizes, depending on your taste. Some of them make use of different bright colors and interesting shapes to keep your customers entertained. Other animals in the form of numbers or symbols to represent your company in a fun way. If there are specific industries such as construction or financing of a promotional stress balls, specially for you. Choosing the right stress ball key is to find one that will be tailored to your company in order to facilitate your company's promotion of fun and exciting.

Not only the appearance of your stress reduction fantastic, but they are a nice touch as well. Made from polyurethane foam stress balls in the recipient can squeeze out an item and throw it around for a little added entertainment. The fact that the share of stress ball ! is in su ch a way to help your company establish its brand name, the recipient in mind that understands how to lighten. No one wants to do business with a company that is too "company" or a stuffy and promotional stress balls to help you avoid this label.

Equally important is engraved on the universality of stress-reduction, because they can be easily distributed to any ad space. You can experiment with their own distribution site, in accordance with the stress balls that you subscribe to a topic. For example, if you are starting a campaign of summer, you may want to subscribe to the beach ball stress balls and give them to the beach. If you plan to attend trade shows and industry exhibitions, and a promo reduce stress in your industry may be appropriate. The possibilities are really endless, as long as you know how to properly carry out the distribution.

The use of advertising stress balls, you can effectively market their brand of fun and entertainment, fashion, so that customers really appreciate. Once you have the proper perception of the public, then you can branch out in different ways, different branding opportunities for development. Of course, you do not want to build your brand, just an interesting light on this, as you may fall through the "goofy" and not reliable. As long as you use some common sense and use of your stress reduction through reason, then you will be well on their own and develop the brand also mark.

About the Author

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Six Types Of Meditation

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:06 PM PST

Article by Steve Gillman

There are so many different types of meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that's right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try.

1. Breath watching. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a few minutes? You bet. Relax in whatever position works best for you, close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bottom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, just re-focus your attention on the air going in and out of your nose. Just do this for several minutes, or longer as you get used to it.

2. An empty mind meditation. Meditating can create a kind of "awareness without object," an emptying of all thoughts from your mind. The techniques for doing this involve sitting still, often in a "full lotus" or cross-legged position, and letting the mind go silent on its own. It can be difficult, particularly since any effort seems to just cause more business in the mind.

3. Walking meditations. This one gets the body involved. It can be outside or simply as a back and forth pacing in a room. Pay attention to the movement of your legs and breathing and body as you walk, and to the feeling of your feet contacting the ground. When your mind wanders, just keep bringing it back to the process of walking and breathing. Meditating outside in this way can be difficult because of the distractions. If you do it outside, find a quiet place with level ground.

4. Mindfulness meditation. A practice Buddhists call vipassana or insight meditation, mindfulness is the art of becoming deeply aware of what is here right now. You focus on what's happening in and around you at this very moment, and become aware of all the thoughts and feelings that are taking your energy from moment to moment. You can start by watching your breath, and then move your attention to the thoughts going through your mind, the ! feelings in your body, and even the sounds and sights around you. The key is to watch without judging or analyzing.

5. Simple mantra meditation. Many people find it easier to keep their mind from wandering if they concentrate on something specific. A mantra can help. This is a word or phrase you repeat as you sit in meditation, and is chosen for you by an experienced master in some traditions. If you are working on this alone, you can use any word or phrase that works for you, and can choose to either repeat it aloud or in your head as you meditate.

6. Meditating on a concept. Some meditative practices involve contemplation of an idea or scenario. An example is the "meditation on impermanence," in which you focus on the impermanent nature of all things, starting with your thoughts and feelings as they come and go. In the Buddhist "meditation on the corpse," you think about a body in the ground, as it slowly rots away and is fed on by worms. The technique is used to guide you to an understanding that your rationalizing mind might not bring you to.

There are many other meditations you can try, such as the "meditation on loving-kindness" or "object" meditation, and even meditating using brain wave entrainment products. Each type has its own advantages and effects. For this reason, you may find that at different times and for different purposes you want to use several different types of meditation.

About the Author

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over twenty years. You can find a good mindfulness exercise and subscribe to The Meditation Newsletter at:

Deepak Chopra's Introduction to Meditation - Part 1,1

First segment of Part 1 of Dr. Chopra's series on meditation.

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Buddhist Tours India- Five Best Buddhist Sacred Sites

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Amit kothiyal

Originated in India, Buddhism preaches the path of practice and spiritual development and is one of the most followed paths with the teaching that have the utmost relevance. A lot of people aspire to understand, follow and know more about Buddhism in order to bring peace and calm in their lives. They travel to the finest and most popular Buddhist sacred sites of the world to understand and experience Buddhist teachings and lifestyle. This article states five best Buddhist sacred sites in India so that every Buddhist follower can understand the development of Buddhism in India more accurately through Buddhist tours.Lumbini - Place of Buddha's birthLocated in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal nearby the Indian border, Lumbini is the place where the founder of Buddhism and apostle of peace and enlightenment, Lord Buddha was born. It is a place that is visited by every Buddhist devotee and spreads awareness and knowledge about the foundation of Buddhism. The places like Sanctum-Sanctorum of the Birthplace, Maya Devi Temple, Puskarni, The Ashokan Pillar, The Buddhist Temple, The China Temple, Japan Peace Stupa let the followers of Buddhism understand the religion even more.Bodhgaya - The site of Buddha's enlightenmentKnown as the site of Lord Buddha's Enlightenment, Bodhgaya is the place where Lord Buddha attained unsurpassed, supreme Enlightenment and that is the reason why it is visited and seen by the devotees all over the world. Some of the most visited places among Buddhism tours and travelers in Bodhgaya, Bihar are Mahabodhi Temple, Mahabodhi Tree, The Chinese Temple Monastery, The Japanese Monastery,The Tibetan Monastery, Thai Monastery, Buddhist Monastery of Bhutan, Ratnagar, Animeshlochan Chaitya.Deer park - Sarnath - First SermonAfter attainment of the unsurpassed enlightenment at Bodhgaya, Lord Buddha went to Sarnath to preach his first discourse in the Deer Park and to set in motion the 'wheel of Dharma'. Located in Benares, Sarnath is one of the most visited hol! y places that teach Buddha's teachings.Shravasti -Buddha gave many teachings in the GroveLocated about 150 km from the capital city of Lucknow, Shravasti is Buddha's favorite rainy season retreat where he gave many teachings in the Grove. In fact, it is said that Lord Buddha performed his first miracle in Shravasti.Kushinagar - Place of Passing AwayLocated near Gorakhpur in the eastern Uttar Pradesh, Kushinagar is where the last memories of Lord Buddha are found. He fell ill and passed away in Kushinagar. His mortal remains were conserved in eight commemorative chortens, and then further distributed by King Ashoka.

About the Author

Explore a wide range of Buddhist tour packages covering all major Buddhist pilgrimage destinations of India at Choose best Buddhist tour packages for you and and make your Buddhist pilgrimage tour more remarkable with us.

Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/20/2011

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

"It is flooded water that makes mud; it is clean water that wipes away mud."

~Buddhist Quote
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Ven. Jian Zhen (鉴真大和尚)

In 742 AD, two Japanese monks, Yoei and Fusho, visited Ven. Jian Zhen in Yangzhou and told him about their desire to take the Buddhist precepts to Japan. Sensing the urgent need of the Japanese Buddhists, Venerable asked his disciples if any of them was willing to shoulder the important task of going to Japan to promote the precepts. When no one spoke up, Venerable volunteered himself; and he made five attempts to sail to Japan since 743 AD Even when he lost his eyesight, he still held on to his aspiration. On his sixth attempt, the Venerable eventually arrived in Japan. The Venerable had since made great contributions to the development of Buddhism in Japan, as well as, in culture, architecture, Chinese medicine. Coming soon...

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Bonsai Basics

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 10:01 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by Ekaterina Wakefield

The Bonsai Tree

A bonsai tree isnt 'yet another houseplant' and fans of Bonsai tradition have qualities of enormous patience and care because it might take many years for a bonsai to really come into its own. One thing is certain, though, given the time and attention, the end result is a great joy.

Bonsai history

The word 'bonsai' is is the merging of two Japanese words, the word 'bon', which translates as 'shallow container', and 'sai' which translates as 'planting' or 'plant'

China is the country where the art of bonsai actually originated, but it is japan that has really devloped the art of bonsai for over a thousand years. There is also some debate as to whether transferring trees to containers for aesthetic purposes may have started in the indian sub-continent.

In an case, it would appear that the dramatic increase in popularity of Bonsai is linked with buddhism as zen buddhism encourages creating works of art as an essential extension of the self, and one's own spirituality. In fact, the care and growth of a bonsai is seen as a type of meditation.

These days, the development and care of Bonsai trees is a very popular hobby that is practised worldwide, and brings enjoyment to millions.

How to start - the essentials

When you practice bonsai you are actually miniaturising a tree. This is done by cutting back the roots of a sapling..

It is technically possible to grow bonsai trees from seeds, but that is usually quite hard and it could be a better idea for the absolute beginner to buy a 'ready made' bonsai tree from a bonsai grower and carry on the artisitic work that has already started.

There are a selection of vital tools and equipment that are needed to look after a bonsai tree.

Bonsai tools for trimming foliage and roots are obviously important. These tools are small, sharp and often expensive, so think twice before making any rash purchases and it would be worthwhile to consult a good book on bonsai tree cultivation bef! ore maki ng any expensive purchases.

Copper wire is also necessary. It is wound around the trunk of a sapling, so that the trunk can be bent into the required shape and style ( and there are many different styles). Copper wire is also usually used around the roots of a tree to anchor it into a shallow pot.

The choice of pot or container is also needed as it must reflect the type of tree or plant you have chosen as well as the style of tree you want to cultivate. Whatever you choose, the pot must not be glazed on the inside and should have good drainage.

Some popular choices of Bonsai are the Japanese Maple, Junipers, the Japanese Black Pine and Star Magnolias.

About the Author

Ekaterina Wakefield is a staff writer at: Kyoto Bonsai Trees, offering a range of Bonsai Trees and Bonsai pots and Bonsai tools.

Yokoji Zen Mountain Center: A Short Film

From - A short film about day-to-day life in a year-round Zen Training Center. Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center is a Soto Zen temple located in the San Jacinto Mountains in southern California.

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Foster carer's 'happiest years'

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

20 December 2011 Last updated at 11:42 ET By Samantha Haines BBC News, West Yorkshire

Depressed childThe Fostering Network says at least 8,750 new foster families will be needed in 2012

Amanda Richards' life as a foster carer started by chance when she was renting out a room in her house and a troubled teenager came to stay.

Due to issues within his family the 16-year-old could not live at home and he eventually became estranged from his parents.

The young man remained in Mrs Richards' care for many years and now, aged 29, he has moved out, got back in touch with his family and is studying for a degree.

Mrs Richards, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, said: "He had some complex needs and we knew that he wouldn't survive by himself so we decided to keep him.

"He's doing so well and we are so proud of him and everything that he's achieved.

"The main thing you get out of fostering is the great happiness from watching your children achieve and seeing how well they do."

Mrs Richards is one of 45,000 foster carers currently looking after children in the UK.

But a charity has warned that the UK faces a crisis unless more foster families are found within the year.

A report by the Fostering Network shows a shortfall of almost 9,000 families.

'So rewarding'

In Calderdale - where Mrs Richards lived when she became a carer - only one foster parent has been recruited this year and the council is now reviewing its fostering system.

Mrs Richards, 43, said: "I think that people are put off by the thought of the length of time it takes to go through the application process.

"But it has to go out to police checks and they have to do interviews and they have to do full background checks and training and obviously you want to make sure you get the right people for the right job.

Continue reading the main story

Fostering in the UK

  • There are more than 45,000 foster families
  • More than 57,000 children in care in the UK are living with foster families
  • All foster carers have to complete training and are offered ongoing professional development
  • You do not have to have children of your own to become a foster carer
  • All foster carers receive an allowance to cover costs and about half get paid for their time, skills and experience
  • Potential foster carers do not have to own their own home
  • A third of foster carers are single
  • Some children live with foster families for just a few months, while others will stay for the whole of their childhood
  • Foster carers work closely with social workers, teachers and other professionals

"I also think sometimes people fear how the birth families will react to them but my experience with birth families has only been positive."

Mrs Richards, who has an 11-year-old daughter, gave up her job in accountancy to become a foster carer 14 years ago and has so far looked after 10 children.

She is given a salary and allowances to pay for transport, food and clothing for the children in her care.

For her, one of the hardest things about being a foster carer is saying goodbye to the children when they move on.

"The first time was the worst, letting him go was just so heartbreaking," she said.

"But it does get easier as time goes on, when you realise it's not the end and you still have the contact with them."

Mrs Richards said fostering had been a hugely rewarding experience.

"I can't say it's always been easy, but at the end of the day - looking back - some of the happiest years of my life have been when I have been fostering.

"Sometimes you've just got to see past what's actually in front of you and do your best for them.

"When they are there in front of you you just cant help but love them and want to help them.

"I would say to anyone if you have a spare bed, if you have a spare room, if there's even a possibility you might be able to help a child in need, go for it.

"Once you become a foster carer and you see your children going from not being able to read the simplest word to reading entire books and you see that child develop so much it's so rewarding for you.

"It brings you so much happiness and long-term happiness is giving to others not what you give to yourself."

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Buddhist Trains taking to journey of inner self

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

by agogo

Article by Razz

Indian land have generously integrated many religion followers which are rejoicing with other worshipers. The country firmly holds its rich cultural heritage and traditions which make people to visit the land to experience the uniqueness. Incorporating places to spend vacation in nature's lap, classic India can be encountered through massive monuments, palaces, forts etc. In fact people in huge number come to pay their tributes as there are many religious spots dwelling in India.

Amongst many highly worshiped places which every year receive people in big number. Many Buddhist followers in huge quantity pour in here to pay their tribute to many Buddhist religious places. People come here to feel the divine presence of Lord Buddha. Buddhism can also be said as philosophy which teach people to live life in peaceful manner.

India, land of Buddha, which is very much true because Lord Buddha charmed Lumbini located in Nepal as he took birth here. After which he moved to various parts of India to make this land pious and religious. He left is pure impressions on many places in India. The ambiance of Sarnath, Bodhgaya and Khushinagar reflects about existence of the sacred soul which propagated the message of peace and compassion in these Indian cities which are located in different states. Followers feel privileged to travel to this Buddhist circuit which is from Lumbini to Khushinagar, as these places are Mecca for them. And also to feel the fervor of this atmosphere people from every nook of the world come to get close to oneself, as this is beautifully taught in Buddhism.

Indian railways have very well managed such high influx which travel long to vision the angelic figure. There are many fully dedicated trains for Buddhist followers which safely and comfortably take them to many religious places. A journey to Buddhist sites in India can be made in most relaxing way as these trains are well equipped in terms of amenities. Warm hospitality, cheerful environment with cent percent sec! urity ar e USP's of these trains. Besides, the journey can be decorated with more love and beauty through Buddhist circuit with Taj Mahal tour.

Divinity and spiritualism are way to peep in one self. In our daily activities we are very indulgent with the external forces which can be in terms of people, work and all day to day activities. This fast moving world where people are occupied in competitiveness and to get ahead which have diminished our individuality. Monologue have lost its importance which is one to one session with oneself that enable us to ponder over the facts going around the world and Buddhism have well taught each and everything related to individuality, also about life. And this Buddhist trains are delightfully welcoming all, to start a journey to inner self with aid of many teachings of Buddha.

About the Author

Buddhist circuit with Taj Mahal tour -,India land of Buddha -

Wildmind is moving!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

On Feb 1, Wildmind is moving to a new office in a converted mill building on the Main Street of Newmarket, NH.

The place is still a building site, as you can see below, but you can also appreciate how lovely it's going to look.

Grab the picture with your mouse and drag to move around inside the panorama.

We'll post further photographs as things progress.

Related posts:

  1. Wildmind: the book, now available in our online store
  2. Wildmind blog now available on Amazon Kindle

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What Are the Most Common Food Allergies?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:01 AM PST

CREDIT: Peanut photo via Shutterstock

Question: What are the most common food allergies?

Answer: Foods that produce most allergic reactions in adults include fish, shrimp, lobster, crab,peanuts, eggs and tree nuts such as walnuts and pecans. Common children's allergic reactions are caused by eggs, milk, wheat and peanuts.

A true food allergy is an abnormal response by your immune system to certain foods. All reactions to foods are not allergies. When you have a reaction that doesn't involve the immune system, this reaction is called food intolerance.

For example, if you don't have enough of the enzyme lactase, it is difficult for you to digest lactose, the main sugar in milk products. Lactose intolerance can cause bloating, cramping, diarrhea and excess gas.

If you have a food intolerance, you may be able to eat a little bit of problem foods safely. However, if you have a true food allergy, even a tiny amount of food may set off an allergic reaction.

Food allergy symptoms can strike within minutes of digestion. Some allergy reactions are troublesome but not threatening. However some allergies can be lethal.

Common symptoms for food allergies are: a tingling in the oral cavity, itching, hives, eczema, facial and oral swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing, nasal congestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

If you have a severe reaction known as anaphylaxis, the dangerous symptoms are: narrowing of your breathing airways, shock, dramatic drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse and becoming unconscious. If you have any of these symptoms, get immediate medical attention.

If you have anaphylaxis, you may need an adrenaline injection. If you have a severe allergy, your doctor may prescribe an injectable that you can carry around.

Exercise can trigger an allergic reaction to a food. In severe cases, it can cause anaphylaxis. This allergy can be prevented by avoiding food for two hours before exercise.

There is an oral allergy syndrome caused by some fresh fruits and vegetables. The reaction is usually mild and makes the mouth itch or tingle.

If allergies such as hay fever are common in your family background, you are more likely to have food allergies. A child who has one parent with an allergy has about a 50 percent chance of developing an allergy. If both parents suffer from allergies, the child has about a 70 percent chance of developing an allergy.

The only surefire way to avoid food allergies is to stay away from foods that bother you.

For mild allergies, you can take antihistamines to control your reaction and help relieve discomfort.

If you have a food allergy, here is some advice:

  • Study all food labels.
  • Watch everything you eat and drink carefully to insure that the foods that trouble you are not hidden somewhere in your meals. This is especially important in restaurants.
  • If you have a severe allergy, you should wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace with information about your condition to help emergency medical technicians if you can't speak. Also, talk to your doctor about carry injectable adrenaline.
  • If you have asthma, be on guard against sulfites. In restaurants, ask if sulfites have been added to foods. In the supermarket, check labels for the terms sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide and potassium metabisulfite.

If you have a question, please write to

All rights reserved © 2011 by Fred Cicetti

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How my girlfriend showers. Subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with the videos! Check out my second channel: Follow me: Music by PurelyDef Tags: OGFurious Furious DeanLeysen "Dean Leysen" shower girl girlfriend idea couple sexy naked funny parody spoof sketch comedy comical crazy silly insane hilarious lol ask question answer q&a wet topless chakra meditation "chakra meditation" spiritual spirituality reincarnation buddha buddhist monk relationship advice tip tips psychology guru pick-up

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Essential Taoism

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Nikhil Gangoli

In this outline on essential Taoism you will find quotations from the Chinese sages describing the Tao along with my (few and far between) comments.

This is a subject that cannot be explained clearly. In fact Lao Tzu himself said:"The Tao that can be spoken of is not the real Tao."

And also:"Those who know (the Tao) do not speak, those who speak do not know (the Tao)."

Besides I do not have much to say because I am not enlightened. I cannot claim to have experienced the Tao any more than you have. Also the subject is such that even had I had a mystical experience I would be even then at a loss for words. When we name a thing we put it in a class or a category. But the Tao - or God - is all there is. It cannot be put in a category or described by contrasting it to another object. This should be mentioned in any outline on essential Taoism.

Also you may get the impression after reading this page that you do not have a clear idea of what the Tao is. This is because the Tao is us and we are:

"Like a sword which cuts but cannot cut itself,Like an eye which sees but cannot see itself."

Putting it in another way we can perceive an object only in contrast with its background. For example we can only see the stars when we have the background of the dark sky. But the Tao escapes our attention because it is not just the object but it is also the background and it is also the perceiver. It is so close to us that we do not perceive it. It is like a fish not being conscious of the water in which it lives. Any outline on essential Taoism would make this clear.

The Tao can only be experienced and cannot be described. It is beyond categories and hence it is impossible to have a clear conceptual grasp of it. Any outline on essential Taoism would make this clear.

That said, let us begin:

"The Tao that can be spoken of is not the absolute Tao."

"The Tao is that from which one cannot deviate;That from which one can deviate is not the Tao."

This is in c! ontrast with the Christian God who has given us commandments that one can choose to disobey. But according to any outline on essential Taoism the very act or choice of disobeying is itself part of the stream of Tao. People try to force issues - like our wanting to be enlightened for example - not knowing that we cannot deviate. Thus it is said that, "Your everyday consciousness is the Tao."

This is a way of being one with the Ultimate that is at complete variance with Theravada Buddhism for example with its emphasis on meditation and clearing the Mind of defilements. The basic outline on essential Taoism would differ from this method and all these different paths are legitimate. All roads lead to Rome.

In a sense this idea that all is Tao is a tautology which does not tell us anything new. It is like saying that a = a in algebra. Nothing new has been said and we have not learned anything.

But in another sense this statement that all is Tao tells us what attitude we can have towards the Universe and towards ourselves so as to grow spiritually. There is a statement attributed to Bodhidharma - the founder of Zen Buddhism in China - which goes:

"This very mind is the Buddha."

If this very mind, this ordinary mind is the Buddha then we need to perceive it differently. No matter whether we are feeling lazy, angry, hatred, malice or spite; no matter what we are feeling it is still the Buddha mind. Hence we need to observe it being properly polite and respectful and reverent.

In the Christian religions also we are told that God is infinitely loving and compassionate and despite all our sins He still loves us and blesses us with his grace. If a person had this faith in the Christian God then also the effect on him psychologically will be the same as the self-acceptance, which arises when we accept that "This very mind is the Buddha."

And the power of such self-acceptance to work changes in our lives is almost magical. Psychotherapists and psychoanalysts witness it all the time al! though p erhaps not as often as they wish. And they are at a loss to explain the phenomenon - it is so extraordinary.

The one point that I would stress is that you do not accept yourself as a means to the end of changing yourself. If your everyday mind is the Tao then it does not need to be changed in any way - it is, in itself, a manifestation of God, perfectly fine and OK as it is. This also must be mentioned if this outline on essential Taoism is to benefit you.

There is also the fact that - paradoxically - when you accept yourself without strings, having the faith that your everyday mind is the Tao - only then do you open up the possibility of change.

The imagery associated with the Tao is maternal:

"There is something obscure which is complete,before heaven and earth arose, tranquil, quiet,standing alone without change,moving around without peril.It could be the mother of everything,I do not know its name and call it the Tao."

As I said earlier you may have reached the end of this page here without a clear conceptual grasp of the Tao. This is because the Tao can only be experienced and not conceived. It is beyond concepts.

I hope you found this article on an outline on essential Taoism useful and inspiring.

Do some reading and thinking to really apply the message of this outline on essential Taoism in your life.

Resource Box

Also visit this page on Essential Taoism for a radically different way of growing in capability and power

About the Author

Nikhil Gangoli has been a keen student of philosophy - both eastern and western. He ahs put together an ecourse on the changes that he has made in his life through his reading. Overcome anger, stress, lack of self love, gain poise in social situations, deal with loss, overcome the fear of death through this free ecourse valued at . Visit and sign up for the free newsletter.

♫✿ Zen Garden ♫✿

"Zen" means "to think about anything" and "arrive at the contemplation of" The purpose of the mini-garden of Zen - give you the "feel the moment", freeing up time from life's troubles and fleeting domestic troubles. Coglasno Eastern philosophy of Zen Buddhism is kvintesentsiey. Garden symbolizes the excitement and serenity that can instill a sense of grandeur to the owner and the balance through the contemplation of stones and sculptures. It is believed that Zen meditation promotes relaxation and in the modern world is fleeting. Your movements become serene, freeing the mind, giving inspiration and creativity. When contemplating a mini-garden of Zen it is possible to feel a new kind of relaxation that allows you to draw upon the harmony and splendor - and in my heart and in mind.

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The Buddha Is Still Teaching: Contemporary Meditation Wisdom Selected and Edited by Jack Kornfield

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:02 AM PST

"In these pages you will find the Dharma … Dharma is kept alive by those who follow the path," writes Jack Kornfield, the beloved American Meditation teacher and co-founder of Spirit Rock meditation Center, near where I live in San Francisco.

For the past two months I have had this little book in my messenger bag, a compilation of selections that Kornfield tells us will "bring the Dharma eloquently to life for us in our own time, place and culture." Indeed it is full of inspiration, and has been a treat to open it, never knowing what treasures will await on the page, as I ride the train during evening rush hour, as I relax at home after supper, when I read after my morning meditation.

Title: The Buddha Is Still Teaching: Contemporary Meditation Wisdom
Author: Selected and edited by Jack Kornfield
Publisher: Shambhala
ISBN: 978-1-59030-692-5
Available from: Shambhala, and Kindle Store; and Kindle Store.

The selections are generally quite short, ranging from one sentence to a few paragraphs, and they are drawn from many teachers who have inspired my own Meditation practice over the years. I have been making a practice of reading one selection from this book and then just savoring it as I look around the crowded train, has I take in the silence of the evening, or as I make breakfast.

This book is "dedicated to the generation of teachers who have so beautifully carried the lamp of the Dharma to the West" and is organized in four sections: Wise Understanding; Compassion and Courage; Freedom; and Enlightenment and The Bodhisattva Path, drawn from 75 different teachers. A reader could stay with one section for a while and look for connections between the teachings, or could skip around, allowing the teachings to mix spontaneously. She could read one selection a day or finish a whole section. There are many ways to enjoy this book.

I have enjoyed rediscovering quotes from books I read long ago, now re-reading them with fresh eyes. Words that seem timely and wise from familiar teachers like Dilgo Khyentse, my own teacher's teacher, from Thich Nhat Hanh, Shunryu Suzuki, Pema Chödrön and Charlotte Joko Beck. And also from teachers less familiar to me, such as Taizan Maezumi, Tulku Thondup, and Noelle Oxenhandler. There is a balanced representation of teachers from different traditions. And I enjoyed hearing the voices of so many women Meditation teachers. The book has a lovely format. It is small, but dense, the pages are beautifully laid-out and the font is pleasing to the eye.

Jack Kornfield introduces the volume as "a Buddhst treasure: the equivalent of new Meditation sutras." He reminds us that the teachings of the Buddha are "the Lion's Roar, words of fearlessness and unshakable freedom". I would agree that the wisdom of the Meditation teachers in this book do point to this fearlessness and freedom. I was, however, surprised to find that not all entries were by Meditation teachers. In fact, there were even three entries by Gandhi, whose words Kornfield explains "echo those of the Buddha." He describes these entries as "the good medicine of the Dharma."

I would argue that Gandhi' sentiments are not appropriate in such a book, and are not taken by all as "good medicine". Gandhi was not a Meditation, he was a Hindu. In his political career Gandhi had a lot of conflict with the community which some refer to "The new Meditations", those traditionally considered in Hinduism as "untouchable", who were followers of the social reformer Dr. Ambedkar. Gandhi opposed many meaningful reforms that would have fundamentally changed the injustice of the caste system in newly-democratic India, and he called the oppressive, non-Buddhist, caste system "the backbone of Indian society." Gandhi is not a hero to this community, and it seems insensitive to include him in such a lovely volume, considering the ways he blocked Dr. Ambedkar's political reforms. It is also particularly ironic, since one entry of Gandhi's is entitled "Religion and Politics". This selection ends by saying that "those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means."

I believe it would have been more inspiring and more appropriate in such a book to include a quote from Dr. Ambedkar, who actually converted to Buddhism, as a way of escaping caste oppression. "Buddhism alone among the world's religions," Ambedkar wrote, " is compatible with the ethical and rational demands of contemporary life." In terms of "Religion and Politics," Ambedkar famously said, "My final word of advice to you is educate, agitate, and organize. Have faith in yourself. With justice on our side, I do not see how we can lose our battle. The battle to me is a matter of joy. The battle is in the fullest sense spiritual." This is "the Lion's Roar" for our times.

Jack Kornfield himself says that the task of selection was difficult, and I can only imagine that it must have been so. This is, in fact, a lovingly-compiled book and a source of inspiration in many ways. Kornfield writes in his introduction that the book demonstrates that "two and-a-half millennia have nothing to diminish the freshness of the Buddha's teaching, or their universal applicability of our lives." Yes! Kornfield also writes that, "The Buddha insisted that his awakened disciples, when traveling to new lands, teach the Dharma in the language and vernacular of their times." If we believe that the Buddha's teachings are universal, and appropriate to our times, then let us expand that view to our fellow Meditations who live outside the United States, and have embraced Buddhism as a way of rejecting 3,000 years of an oppressive caste structure.

The instructions are to read the selections in this book slowly, to listen to them. "Let these luminous words bring The Buddha's awaking to your own heart and mind. Reflect on them, practice them, let them transform your life." It is a lovely invitation. Eh ma ho!

"These are the teachings that are good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end." Gautama Buddha

Related posts:

  1. "The Best Meditation Writing 2010," edited by Melvin McCloud
  2. The monks and I: Teaching and learning in Thailand
  3. Meditation: a new teaching aid for young children

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What is Meditation? - Things You Need To Know First

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Lucile Taylor

"Stop!!!", don't we just scream this in our minds when the day has been very bad and all we think about is "work, problem, work, problem" over and over again? Sometimes we wish our minds would just shut up and let us have peace, just simple, unending peace.

This peace most of us won't find just around the corner. We need to set aside a period of time every day to quiet the mind. This is called meditation. What is meditation? There are different ways to describe meditation. Meditation for some is a way to slow down, chill out and get in touch with the inner self. An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer, but it is not so. Meditation means "awareness". Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. Watching the sunset peacefully is meditation, sitting by the ocean and just listening to the waves is meditation, as long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind is effective meditation.

Meditation means "to join together or to yoke". It is a state of consciousness when the mind is free from scattered thoughts and various patterns. It is not a technique but a way of life, the height of meditation which is called Samadhi is where the mind is completely merged with worlds of perfect light. The observer, one who is doing the meditation, realizes that all activity of the mind is reduced to one.

Meditation is derived from two Latin words; meditari which means to think, to dwell upon, and to exercise the mind; and mederi which means to heal. Its Sanskrit derivation medha means wisdom. Many years ago, meditation was not considered something for modern people, but now meditation has become very popular with all types of people. Although medical evidence has proved its benefits, it still needs to be better understood.

Classic yoga texts would traditionally describe attaining true states of meditation by one going through several stages. The more advanced stages of concentration, contemplation, and then ultimately absorption, com! e after the first stages of necessary preparation of one's personal and social code, physical position, breath control and relaxation. It does not mean however that one must perfect any one stage before moving on to the next. The integral yoga uses the approach of simultaneous application of little of all the stages together.

Today, when people refer to meditation, it can mean any one of these stages. Some of the schools teaching yoga would only teach concentration techniques, some relaxation, and others teach free form contemplative activities like just sitting and awaiting absorption. With regular practice of a balance series of yoga techniques, the quality of consciousness can be expanded, where the energy of the body and the mind can be liberated.

Meditation helps you get in touch with your inner self and recharges you. It makes you happy and also empowers you to accomplish things in the daily world. Meditation practice leads to enlightenment, and the beauty about it is you experience its benefits right away, beginning with your first meditation session.

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About the Author

Lucile Taylor is a contributor for She is an expert in Addictions and Anger Management advice.

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Bodh Gaya- the most sacred Buddhist destination in India

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Ritika Joshi

Religion of Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhartha, Lord Gautam Buddha. The principles of Buddhism include doing no evil, to cultivate well and to purify one's mind. The religion also believes in Karma- the law of cause and effect. India is a home to many Buddhist pilgrimages out of which Bodhgaya is the most important Buddhist destination in India.

The most significant Buddhist destination of Bodhgaya is the Mahabodhi Temple where Gautam Buddha's enlightenment took place. The Mahabodhi temple build by Emperor Ashoka is considered to be the most sacrosanct Buddhist pilgrimage India. The beautiful architecture of this temple is fabulous which gives a pose and balance to the observers. This sacred edifice stands in east to the Bodhi tree. Inside the temple there is a colossal image of Buddha in a sitting position touching the earth by his right hand. Mahabodhi temple is one of the oldest brick structures that have survived in India. The temple is surrounded by stone railings which are about two meters high.

Another most noteworthy Buddhist destination in India located at Bodh Gaya is the Bodhi Tree. Gautam Buddha sat under this tree for enlightenment. It is said that this tree was secretly cut down by the wife of Emperor Ashoka. The reason behind her jealousy was that Ashoka used to spend a lot of time under this tree. The present tree is just a descendent of the original tree.

The history of Bodh Gaya is as old as the history of Buddhism. This Buddhist destination in India offers a few more nearby locations to visit. The Hariharnath temple at Sonepur, the Swarna Gufa at Rajgir, the earliest carved out Buddhist caves known as Barabar Caves, the temple dedicated to son god called Deo, Nalanda famous for the Nalanda University.

The Buddhist destinations in India are the sacred pilgrimage centers showcasing the existence of Buddhist culture in India.

About the Author

Ritika Joshi is a budding journalist presently working with a travel portal. Graduated in Mass Communication she deals with the travel and tourism related topics.She has written several articles related to travel & tourism like Tajmahal toursKerla Tour and Golden Traingle India

The Confucian side of Zen

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

That the Western Dharma center or Zen center structure still contain somewhat of a Confucian underpinning in which the family model is central is not hard to see for anyone who have been involved with a Dharma center.  

Important in Confucianism are the Five Relationships.  Not quite five, nevertheless, Confucian style relationships are important in the Dharma or Zen center.  There is the teacher or Roshi's relationship with the members of the Dharma center.  In addition, there is a relationship with his or her most senior students as well as a relationship of senior students with beginners, and a beginner's relationship with other beginners.  Each relationship is hierarchical and yet reciprocal.  Each side has certain obligations and responsibilities to the other.

In Confucianism, rituals or observances constitute the mechanism by which these relationships are maintained.  Jiyu Kennett's book, Selling Water by the River, is a good example of this mechanism as it is found, more or less, in Western Zen centers.  It is also a compendium of Zen rituals which even includes a funeral ceremony for a Zen priest including the proper layout such as where flowers are to be placed, including the memorial tablet, the candle, etc.  None of this, by the way, is found in the Spiritual Consciousness canon—it is Confucianist in orientation.

The second part of Kennett's book opens up with "How Junior Priests Must Behave in the Presence of Senior Priests."  One observance (number five) instructs the junior Priest as follows:  "Do not laugh loudly, suddenly or with disrespect in the presence of a senior."  In all, Kennett lists sixty-two observances.  

Turning abruptly to the subject of the realization of Buddha Mind and how Zen's underlying Confucian structure handles this most important part of Buddhism, this quote from Weiming Tu's book, Confucian Thought, might be helpful.

"The emphasis is on the concrete path by which one learns to be human rather than on the final goal of self-realization.  The idea of the Analects that filiality and brotherliness are the bases of humanity, properly interpreted, means that being filial and brotherly is the initial step towards realizing one's humanity" (p. 123).

In other words, so-called 'enlightened conduct' seems to be pivotal here—not the genuine realization of Buddha Mind, itself, which can happen outside of the Zen Confucian-like family.  When it comes to the Zen transmission it is really the transmission of the father's legacy to the son in a Confucian sense.  This transmission is supposed to help enlarge the influence of the particular Zen family.

Western Zennists, for the most part, are not following real Buddhism but unknowingly have entered into the Confucian matrix.  If Westerners are looking for Zen sans Confucianism they have to look at the life of the Indian anchorite (P., ishi; S., rishi) who purposely withdraws from the human world to focus, instead, on discovering its substance (tathata) which is transcendent.


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Ajahn Brahm: Dharma talk on loneliness

About five years ago I stumbled upon this monk's talks. How he speaks and teaches the pratical applications of Buddhism is what really brought me to this profound religion, a "religion" which I had earlier thought of as foreign and supersticious. I soon learned that the complete opposite was true, and to this day these very teachings help me through every aspect of my life... so, I thought I'd share this with everyone here in hopes that you might get something from it as well. :) This particular teaching by Ajahn Brahmavamso is on the subject of 'loneliness'. There are many, many more topics that he has spoken about and can be found on -- as well as the talks of many other insightful teachers. I know this is a very long video, so it's probably best to do what I do: Have it playing in the background while you do something else (for example cleaning, exercising, playing video games, etc.) ;) With Metta :) -Matt

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Stress And Fertility Treatments

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Stewart Wrighter

If it seems like more couples are struggling to have children without success these days, it is because they are. There are young men and women everywhere who want to get pregnant, but find their bodies are no cooperating. Many of these couples visit infertility clinics for IVF treatments. These treatments are often quite effective, but the medical community is finding that the success rate increases when couples blend alternative therapies with traditional fertility treatments. Holistically treating fertility problems works for both men and women. Many doctors believe that making the connection between the mind and body, and reducing stress, along with fertility treatments, is the best solution for fertility problems.

Stress is often closely related to problems getting pregnant. Though intended to help parents conceive, fertility treatments alone often lead to more stress. They treatments are expensive and couples are concerned they might not work. If they are viewing the treatments as a one-shot deal, it can weight heavily on their minds. This works like a vicious cycle. The increased levels of stress reduce the effectiveness of the treatment and the treatments increase stress. Couples who combine stress reduction treatments with their fertility treatments are often more successful with getting pregnant.

The reason why a lot of doctors fail to focus on the connection between stress and fertility problems is the misunderstanding of the connection. It can be difficult to trace the effects of stress directly to fertility issues. A person might not be getting pregnant for a number of reasons and stress is often one of the least noticeable. Since stress rises and lowers with other events in life, it might look like isolated problems raising or lowering the success of pregnancy. Stress is involved, but the main cause appears to be a physical problem. The root of the physical problem might be stress.

Studies have been done where women incorporated meditation in combination with thei! r medica l fertility treatments. When compared to women who focused only on the traditional medical treatments and did nothing to reduce their stress, those meditating had a rate or pregnancy about twice as high. Women who were focused on reducing stress were more likely to get pregnant. They understood the connection between their minds and bodies, which researchers believe led to the higher rates of pregnancy.

The good news is there are several stress reduction techniques that can safely be used in conjunction with fertility treatments. Unlike combining allopathic medical treatments, combining meditation, relaxation, and other stress reduction techniques will have no negative effects on the treatments or on a woman's health. Basically, women have nothing to lose by reducing stress when trying to get pregnant. Even if the fertility treatments are not effective, a patient has learned to treat their bodies better and focus on reducing stress, which in some cases, leads to pregnancy long after the fertility treatments are over. There are plenty of couples out there who ended up as parents once they "stopped trying to get pregnant." The reduction in stress leads to the body doing what comes naturally.

About the Author

Stewart Wrighter has been researching IVF Hamilton Ontario in order to write an article about it for a major news magazine. His sister searched the term infertility Hamilton Ontario to learn more about treatment options.

Lower High Blood Pressure with Transcendental Meditation People with high blood pressure may find relief by practicing transcendental meditation, according to a definitive new meta-analysis of 107 published studies on stress reduction programs and high blood pressure, which will be published in the December issue of Current Hypertension Reports. Transcendental Meditation http The transcendental meditation technique produces a statistically significant reduction in high blood pressure that is not found with other forms of relaxation, meditation, biofeedback or stress management. The new meta-analysis reviewed randomized, controlled trials of all stress reduction and relaxation methods in participants with high blood pressure that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Blood pressure changes for the transcendental meditation technique included average reductions of 5.0 points on systolic blood pressure and 2.8 on diastolic blood pressure, which were statistically significant, according to the review. The other stress reduction programs did not show significant changes in blood pressure. Blood pressure changes associated with transcendental meditation practice were consistent with other controlled studies showing reductions in cardiovascular risk factors, improved markers of heart disease, and reduced mortality rates among participants in the Transcendental Meditation Program.

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Staying Relaxed Can Often Be The Best Medicine

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Ethan Kalvin

Life can be busy and stressful. Taking the time to take care of yourself should be a top priority. In a world where overworking is the norm, sometimes the best thing that you can do for yourself is simply take it easy. Both the body and mind need rest regularly and not enough can cause some serious issues. It is important to know when it is smart to push yourself through whatever is going on and as well to understand when you should do the opposite.

If you think over exercising is a myth, think again. If you think that going and going and going is doing your body good, think again. If you are not getting the results you feel you should be getting, it might be time to do some serious reaccessing of your routines. Over training is actually far more common than many people think and will break down the body rather than build it up and make it stronger. Exercise can also become addictive, just like most anything else. When your body feels more tired than usual, you might want to reexamine how you are treating it.

Lack of sleep is another culprit that will break the body down. There will be times in life that you really have to push on through to get things done. Studying for tests in college or finishing a big project at work is important. Living that way all the time though is too hard on your body. Lack of sleep causes a whole list of symptoms that nobody wants. It makes people eat more, and gain weight. It can also be a cause of a lowered immune system.

Medical experts have long known what stress can do to a person's health, including those who get enough sleep and don't over exercise. Combating stress is as easy as any form of physical activity, but for some people a simple quiet walk or setting to relax is the best treatment. It is also well known that stress and worry is physically demanding and will make the individual physically tired as well as increasing their need for sleep and rest. Not everyone needs a daily nap, but for those who choose this method, they find it works ! and is v ery refreshing.

On days when it just seems things are piling up, your best approach might be to just slow down the pace and take it easy. Catnapping is actually healthy, or changing your focus to a silly TV show on break can give you that extra boost you need for the day, thus making you ready to tackle existing and new tasks with renewed energy.

About the Author

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Relaxation Music 10 - Caravansary

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Discover Enchanting Sikkim with Buddhist Tour India

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Biplav

Benefits Of Yoga For Meditation

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

Connection between yoga and mediation is as old as the concept of yoga. Yoga that marks its birth at someplace in India was inevitably focused on the practice of meditation in the ancient times. That was a time when by the term yoga, people understood meditation mainly. More importantly, yoga for meditation was not commonplace and the practice of yoga had been limited to different religious monks or yog gurus at that time. However, time passes on its own pace. With the changing time, the concept of yoga has been highly molded and modified numbers of times.

Overlapping its correlation with the spirituality, yoga started spelling the body of the followers. Soon after, the impacts of yoga were much felt on the body of the practitioner. Nowadays yoga poses are internationally acknowledged for their curative significance. In reality, yoga can drive away several ailments of body and mind from the roots. Mere medicines may cure you momentarily; practicing yoga would help you eradicating the trouble for good. Meditation is an important part of yoga. Without meditation, yoga does not complete. One may create a perfect liaison between the body and the mind by meditating. More interestingly, the effects of meditation on the body are equally impressive.

Now after learning how yoga for meditation can benefit you in many ways, you must feel keen to know some of the major advantages of performing mediation in a regular course. In general, all yoga classes stresses on the pursuance of meditation. It is said that meditating helps to accomplish and complement the benefits of other yoga postures. The first benefit that meditation may offer to you is by contributing body luster and overall general health. By centralizing all your senses to your brain, you allow all your body cells receiving more oxygen and other nutrients. If you want to know a secret for natural glamour, it is again meditation.

Do you know why many of the sport stars and athletes stick by the yoga poses including meditation on a r! egular c ourse? Researchers have brought forward the direct relations between concentration or meditation exercises and the performance levels of the sports personalities. Meditation helps you bringing your mind under control and teaches you to focus minutely. Naturally, the productivity level is enhanced by this process. Hence, meditation is a powerful and proved method for increasing concentration and mental strength.

In addition to the above two benefits that yoga for meditation can offer someone, numbers of health benefits can also be enjoyed with yoga. Nowadays even doctors prescribe for yoga for life threatening disorders and ailments. Common yet serious ailments like arthritis, spondylitis, joint pain, irregular menstrual problems, pre menstrual problems, indigestion and many more similar health problems. Benefit of yoga in curing indigestion is known to all. Yoga also works well on chronic pain ailments. Yoga helps to increase production of serotonin hormone that regulates human mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are marked with disorder such as insomnia, obesity, and headache. More importantly, yoga helps to improve the immune system of a person considerably.

About the Author

Nil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in Exercises Online. For more details please visit us at:

Yoga for Back & Neck Care - Posture Analysis Webinar - Join Lucas Rockwood & Kimberly Johnson for an insightful webinar analyzing the posture of real YOGABODY students, finding imbalances, strengths, and challenge areas. MORE info?

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Fill your Buddhist Tour with an Awe of Buddhist Festivals

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Justin

Enjoy and relax with Airport Limousine Services, Toronto

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Manhattan Livery

Welcome to the city of Attractions, Toronto, the largest city of Canada. After long Flight and Jet Lack, mode of road transportation in Toronto is the next big question. Hence, the answer should also be big. Not in terms of money and mind but in terms of size. And Airport Limos Toronto is the "big" solution for your big question, which has ample space to digest 55 passengers at one go.

Car Service Toronto is ready at your door-step with its well-versed chauffeurs so that you can enjoy every inch and angel of the beautiful city without worrying about the directions. So, what are you waiting for, just step in your and commence your tour now.

Lets start with Royal Ontario Museum, an amazing place with almost forty thousand masterpieces, this museum has become North America's tenth largest museum. To witness the wonderful place, you simply need to make a wish to be there and the genie(driver) of your Airport Limousine Toronto will take you there in just a wink as they are well-acquainted with the directions.

Toronto is a beautiful city which many eye-catchy and breath taking tourist places. The next destination for your hired Airport Limos Toronto could be Canada's oldest art gallery, the Art Gallery of Ontario where you cam find 15,000 paintings under single roof.

Toronto is the city where life never stops whether its day or night. Hire a Airport Limousine Toronto and enjoy the lightngs of the city. CN Tower, one of the seven wonders of modern world and most recognizable landmark of Toronto, is the perfect example of beautiful lighting.

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About the Author

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Explore the Buddhist Worship Places in India -Land of Buddha

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Erco Article

The notion of a cosmic illusion is illusory

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 10:01 PM PST

I loved "The Matrix." It's an entertaining movie with a compelling plot line.

Eventually, Neo finds Morpheus, and is then told that reality is actually very different from what he, and most other people, perceives it to be.

Morpheus tells Neo that human existence is merely a facade. In reality, humans are being 'farmed' as a source of energy by a race of sentient, malevolent machines. People actually live their entire lives in pods, wtih their brains being fed sensory stimuli which give them the illusion of leading 'ordinary' lives. Morpheus explains that, up until then, the "reality" perceived by Neo is actually "a computer-generated dreamworld…a neural interactive simulation" called the matrix.

This notion that the everyday world, which seems so real to us, actually is a shadow, maya, illusion, a reflection of some higher reality, lies at the core of almost all religions and mystical philosophies. 

It's older than Plato, though his Allegory of the Cave described this concept in a fashion that influenced a lot of thinkers who followed him. We don't see the Sun of Reality directly, only illusory shadows cast on a wall. Those who discern the truth aren't believed; that bright sun is too uncomfortable for people used to living in caves.

Spirituality is a search for something more real than the world of our bodily perceptions.

This is akin to the goal of science, but with an important twist: religions, spiritual practices, and mystical faiths generally believe that the illusion of the physical world can't be seen through by looking more deeply into it, by understanding more fully how materiality is put together and functions.

Rather, a cosmic illusion is assumed akin to the philosophy of "The Matrix."

There are forces afoot that are dedicated to keeping us immersed in unreality. Penetrating the illusion if difficult, if not impossible, unaided. We need a guide, a guru, a master, a savior, someone who can simultaneously communicate with us at our deluded human level while also being privy to secrets that transcend everyday understanding.

But what if the biggest illusion is the idea of a cosmic illusion? What if fear of death, yearning for perfect happiness, and other human cognitive propensities are how a higher reality has come to be imagined? 

Zen speaks of how first there is a mountain, then there isn't, and then there is. Similarly, perhaps what enlightenment truly consists of is first believing in the reality of the physical world, then doubting this, and then embracing this world again -- albeit from an enriched perspective.

By "enriched," I mean this: most people take this world for granted. They either don't ponder their place in it very deeply, or assume that Earth is a temporary stepping-off place for an eternity in heaven, paradise, nirvana, the lap of God, or such.

However, discarding the illusion of an illusion after believing strongly in it brings us back to everyday life with a fresh perspective. Now we look upon everyday life with new eyes. We aren't trying to look past or through this world.

We're content to look at it. To be an integral part of it, no longer feeling like a stranger in a strange land who belongs elsewhere.

One of my favorite churchless affirmations is:

I'm flawed and fucked-up, just like the world is.
We belong to each other, the world and me. 

Straining for personal perfection is exhausting. Seeking to know a perfect reality is senseless. If you find it, good for you. Be sure to tell me all about it. But when you do, it'll be while you're here in this flawed and fucked-up world, along with me.

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Authors@Google: Mingyur Rinpoche

This refreshing book is yet another sign that the next generation of Buddhism is creative, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary. Born in 1975 in Nepal, the author is among the generation of Tibetan lamas trained outside of Tibet, and he's also a gifted meditator. His brain activity has been measured during meditation, earning him the enviable sobriquet of "happiest man on earth." He fuses scientific and spiritual considerations, explaining meditation as a physical as well as a spiritual process. Mingyur Rinpoche knows from experience that meditation can change the brain. He experienced panic attacks as a child that he was able to overcome through intensive meditation. If diligently practiced, meditation can affect the "neuronal gossip"—his imaginative rendering of brain cell communication—that keeps us stuck in unhappy behaviors. The meditation master offers a wide variety of techniques, counseling ease in practice to avoid boredom or aversion. Less is more; practice shorter periods more often, he says. His approach will be especially welcome for anyone frustrated by meditation or convinced they're "not doing it right." This book is a fresh breath from the meditation room, written with kindness, energy and wit. Three cheers for a cheerful contemplative.

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How can Yoga Help Me?

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Lynette Lazarus

If you are looking to take up Yoga Balham has a number of excellent clubs for both yoga and pilates. These Yoga Balham clubs are perfect to obtain the many benefits from doing yoga, and the pilates Balham clubs are excellent to help you get in shape. Looking around at the many Yoga Balham clubs can help you get an idea which one is the best for you, and you can start doing the Yoga Balham instructors have designed to help you improve your mind, your spirit, and your body.

There are many benefits that you can obtain from doing Yoga, but these benefits can be broken down into three main categories:

* Spiritual

Many people around the world suffer from stress and disquiet in their spirits, and many have turned to meditation as a method of controlling their spirits. Yoga is one of the best ways that you can prepare your spirit to begin your meditation sessions. Yoga is designed to help calm the spirit and relax the body through breathing and control, and Yoga can be the best way to help you warm up for your meditation.

* Mental

Anxiety, depression, nervousness, and hundreds of other mental disorders can afflict people every day, and it can be hard to calm your mind even when you are trying to sleep. Yoga is all about mental control and tranquility, and you can help calm your mind by doing Yoga. The breathing techniques in Yoga are in place to help you calm your body, which will in turn calm your mind. Doing Yoga is one of the best ways that you have to take control of your mind back from the cares and worries that plague you every day.

* Physical

The physical benefits of doing Yoga are many:

* o People will find that their balance is improved as they do the many balance poses that are included in the Yoga physical disciplines. The balance postures require you to be still and maintain your balance, which will help you in your balance and overall posture outside of the Yoga class. o The mental acuity that comes with doing Yoga is amazing, and you will! find th at your mind is much sharper and clearer when you do Yoga. Focus and concentration are required for Yoga, and you will find everything suddenly is so much simpler as you are doing your poses. o The strengthening of your entire body is a handy side effect of doing Yoga. All of the poses are designed to strengthen the muscles in your body, particularly your body's core muscles. Yoga can be incredibly exhausting if you do it right, but you will find that you are stronger overall once you have been doing Yoga for a while. o You are much less likely to get sick if you do Yoga faithfully. Not only is your body benefitting from the exercise you get doing the Yoga postures, but you are harnessing the energy inside your body and getting your blood pumping. All of this combines to strengthen your immune system. o Anyone who has chronic joint, back, or knee pain will find that they are much less likely to have that pain when doing Yoga. Yoga contains many stretches that help keep the body aligned, and is one of the best ways to counter this kind of pain.

About the Author

Here at Yoga Balham we offer Yoga and Pilates classes at the most competitive prices in the area bar none so for the best call Yoga and Pilates in Balham call For More Information Call - 0203 514 9013

Spirituality Keeps Women – and Men – Happy, Healthy, and Whole

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:59 PM PST

According to the latest Gallup-Healthways research, if you're a woman between the age of 45 and 55, you're most likely to be happy if you're from California, live in a household that brings in at least $120,000 a year, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, and exercise six times a week.
It's also likely that religion and/or spirituality play an important role in your daily life.
Beyond the happiness factor, however, there's a growing body of evidence that would suggest that religion and spirituality could also have a positive impact on your health.
Research conducted by the folks just down road from me at the Veterans Affairs' Family Research Center in Palo Alto concluded, "Indirect effects of church attendance on health were clearly observed, with alcohol use/dependence, smoking, and mood being possible mediators of the church attendance-health relationship." In another study, the majority of doctors surveyed (56%) agreed that, "religion and spirituality...influence patients' health."
This kind of news should make anyone engaged in this sort of activity even happier.
Exactly how and why religion and spirituality can keep us healthy is still very much up for discussion. There's much less debate, however, over the connection between our thought – obviously influenced by our religious and spiritual habits – and our body.
A good friend of mine – a woman who just happens to be between the ages of 45 and 55 – had a remarkable experience that bears this out.
A few years ago she was involved in a serious car accident. X-rays confirmed that she had broken her neck in two places, and she was told by her doctors that she would have to be completely immobilized for an extended period of time. Instead of consenting to their recommended treatment plan, she chose to be transferred to another, nonmedical facility. Over the next couple of weeks she received basic physical care as well as treatment from a spiritual practitioner. Together they considered, as she describes it, her "unbreakable connection to God" and "God's great love for His creation."

Apparently this had quite an effect. After two weeks, she went home. Within a month she was jogging.
While I have no idea how often this woman jogs, how much money she makes, or if she's eating her fruits and veggies, I do know that she takes her religion and her spirituality very seriously. She also appears to be quite happy.
Something tells me that if this worked for her, it's likely to be working for a lot of other women – and men – as well, even if they don't all live in California.

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