Tankless Water Heaters Recalled by Navien

Tankless Water Heaters Recalled by Navien

Tankless Water Heaters Recalled by Navien

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Navien Tankless Water Heater Recall
An unstable connection can cause the water heater's vent collar to separate or detach if pressure is applied.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Navien America Inc., of Irvine, Calif., and Kyung Dong Navien Co. Ltd., South Korea, announced a voluntary recall of about 13,000 Navien Instantaneous or Tankless Water Heaters.

Hazard: An unstable connection can cause the water heater's vent collar to separate or detach if pressure is applied. A detached vent collar poses a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning to the consumer.

Incidents/Injuries: None reported

Description: Navien tankless hot water heaters are white with "T-Creator" and "NAVIEN" on the front. Recalled model numbers are CR-180(A), CR-210(A), CR-240(A), CC-180(A), CC-210(A) and CC-240(A) manufactured in 2008. A label on the side of the water heater lists the model number along with the manufacturing year in YYYY format.

Sold by: Wholesale distributors to in-home installers nationwide from February 2008 through March 2009 for between $ 1,500 and $ 2,100.

Manufactured in: South Korea

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using and check the model and manufacture year information on their Navien water heater. Consumers with recalled water heaters should immediately contact Navien to schedule a free repair. Navien will replace all Nylon 66 vent collar with PVC collars. Consumers who continue use of the water heaters while awaiting repair, should have a working carbon monoxide alarm installed outside of sleeping areas in the home.

Customer contact: For additional information, contact Navien at (800) 244-8202 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm's website at www.navienamerica.com.

Note: Regardless of the type of water heater that is used, every home should have a CO alarm outside all sleeping areas and consumers should ensure that their CO alarms have working batteries.

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The Truth About Nitrite in Lunch Meat

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 12:01 PM PST

lunch meat, deli meat, cold cuts, nitrites, nitrates, healthy eating
CREDIT: Deli meat photo via Shutterstock

The preservative sodium nitrite fights harmful bacteria in ham, salami and other processed and cured meats and also lends them their pink coloration. However, under certain conditions in the human body, nitrite can damage cells and also morph into molecules that cause cancer.

Still, if you wanted to avoid this preservative, you would have to cut out more than just ham to go cold turkey on nitrite. In a typical person's diet, 80 percent of nitrite comes from vegetables such as spinach, radishes and lettuce, and another 13 percent comes from swallowed saliva.

How is it possible for a substance that seems unhealthy to be so abundant in the body, and in healthy foods?

There are two answers. First, nitrite can be poisonous, but only in huge quantities. And second, a host of factors, including the food and bacteria in your gut, determines whether nitrite in moderate amounts becomes a chemical friend or foe.

Nitrite in the body

In massive doses, nitrite – and nitrate, which changes to nitrite in the body – can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia. Most common in infants, this condition occurs when nitrite in the blood deactivates hemoglobin, which allows red blood cells to carry oxygen. Nitrate contamination of drinking water, which can occur when nitrate fertilizer makes its way into a well, is a frequent cause.

In theory, moderate amounts of nitrite can also cause health problems. If all goes well in the body, nitrite in the diet transforms in the gut into nitric oxide, which serves a variety of important functions in the body (and should not to be confused with "laughing gas," nitrous oxide). 

But under certain conditions, nitrite can instead form nitrosamines, molecules that cause cancer in lab animals. In an effort to minimize nitrosamine formation, while still preventing food-borne illnesses like botulism, the U.S. Department of Agriculture enforces a limit of 200 parts of sodium nitrite preservatives per million parts of meat, by weight.

New research has suggested that that level of regulation may be unnecessary, however. Nitrite preservatives have "been found to be safe," said Nathan Bryan, a professor of integrated biology and pharmacology at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, who says he receives no funding from the meat industry. "It's a complete change in paradigm," from what people thought in the 1970s and 1980s, he said. "There's no difference whatsoever in the nitrite that you get from cured and processed meats versus what you get from vegetables. It's the same molecule."

However, the food that accompanies nitrate and nitrite into the gut helps determine how the molecules act once they get there. Meat manufacturers now add the antioxidant ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, to their products, which promotes the formation of relatively harmless nitric oxide and counteracts the development of the possibly cancer-causing nitrosamines.

So is lunch meat bad for you?

If all nitrites were to form nitric oxide in the body, Bryan said, "there's no concern whatsoever." People who use proton pump inhibitors, a common class of acid suppressants, may be an exception, he added, because the diminished acidity in their stomachs may allow for the growth of bacteria that produce nitrosamines.

Despite the growing indications that nitrite is safe for most people, don't pull out the celebratory pepperoni just yet.

"Multiple [epidemiological] studies have found a relationship between processed meat intake and increased risk of colorectal cancer," said Amanda Cross, an investigator in the division of cancer epidemiology and genetics at the National Institute of Health. One possible explanation: "In addition to nitrate and nitrite, it is possible that there are other components of processed meats that are responsible for the associations observed with colorectal cancer."

Bacon is one food that Bryan agrees is a potential health risk. Bacon is especially high in nitrite and can form nitrosamines when fried at high temperatures. To avoid this hazard, Bryan recommends cooking bacon slowly and at a low temperature.

Pass it on: Evidence is mounting that nitrite preservatives are safe, but that doesn't mean processed meats are healthy.

Food Facts explores the weird world of the chemicals and nutrients found in our food, and appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Fridays. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND.

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Ajahn Brahm talks about why we do things. Make peace, be kind, be gentle - let that be your motivation.

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Promotional Stress Balls What you need to Ordering Pantone same Stress Balls

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Harry Randhawa

Promotional stress ball can be the color of your choice. This means that you do not have to pay for the stock color. In fact, occupational stress ball suppliers should be able to provide the Pantone matched balls, just as fast as most business gifts suppliers in the supply of shares of stress toys. You may even find that buying from companies that import products directly from the stress factory, you save a considerable amount of money.

These three things you should know if you are going to subscribe to Pantone matched stress ball list.

1) There is a Pantone matched spray balls and balls of solid Pantone matched. If you subscribe to a specific color of stress reduction, to ensure that your supplier delivers the that are created from the PU to the color and not just spray the color onto the white surface of the ball. Sprayed balls do not last as long as the solid colored balls. If your supplier does not know if they supply the balls are solid colors, or sprayed, they probably do not specialize in stress .

2) Allow three to four weeks for delivery. Depending on when you order, you may find that your stress are coming much faster. Sometimes they can be delivered only two weeks.

3) If you want a dark-colored ball, to ensure that your provider may refer you to print the balls. If they are not your logo is not printed correctly. Most of the stress ball suppliers can only offer pad printing. When they pad printing balls, ink sits on the ball surface. Dark-colored balls will be replaced with lighter color printing. For example, bright red, looks dull maroon printed on a dark background. If your vendor provides the transfer of printing your logo colors are Pantone color is perfect.

Ask for promotional gifts supplier to send you samples of the transfer-printed stress are supplied by its customers to print quality.Personalized stress balls used in the collection of shapes and sizes. Opportunity to address a wide range of products include human anatomy and Christmas themed balls! . Its ma in help that you can tweak it to fit your advertising needs. The important thing is to ensure that the form that you have in mind will be exhibiting their company. There are plenty of suppliers who are free to set up the ball to suit your specifications. They probably will give you the opportunity to choose the color or shape, depending on your needs.

When considering an individual through stress reduction, you should first identify your target customers. It is important to ensure that the item you are sending the right message to be transmitted. If your customers are sports-minded, you will come to a supplier who can make a bowling ball or a baseball shaped like a ball of stress. If you're holding a contest is the stress balls that can be customized to fulfill such requirements. Adding your name or logo, custom stress ball definitely gets a reward customers.

About the Author

For more information on high quality products like Koozies and for competitive prices and good service visit bluesodapromo.

Kundalini Yoga - Heart Twists to Open Your Heart

www.yogatech.com Kundalini Yoga exercise which releases stress in the shoulders and upper back. Opens the heart. Part 4 of our short exercise set covering stress reduction techniques. You can view many more Kundalini Yoga videos by Guru Rattana when you subscribe to Guru Rattana Online - full details from www.yogatech.com

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Buddhist Tour Mystical ecstasy of India

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 11:01 AM PST

Article by Biplav Dev

7 Secrets to Making This Year the Best Year Ever

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

It's the time of year when goals are made and abandoned a few weeks later. Will you be one of them, or will you set goals that have the power to change your life?

Not achieving what you set out to do means you'll yet again fail to move toward the life you desire, which leads to nothing but regret. Inertia can be difficult to overcome, but something you may overlook is the influence from friends, parents, and society in general.

Often what you believe you want is not what you want at all. The trick lies in setting meaningful objectives.

It doesn't matter whether you set goals or not, as long as you're doing something that makes you come alive.
  1. Stay Here and Now
    Before you decide what you want to do, stay present here and now. Forget about the past and the future. Let any and all thoughts pass. Don't give them meaning, and don't add to them.

    It is from this blank, calm state that you can begin to look at what has gone well last year, and what hasn't.

  2. Eliminate
    The big mistake people make is they think more is better, but that isn't always the case. The more things you do, the less time you have. You want to make sure that every single thing in your life is something you've consciously chosen.

    It's easy to fall into the trap of doing things that distract you from what you really want to do, because you're afraid.

    Instead of letting distractions take over your life, look at what you can stop doing. Pick just one thing right now. Keep it simple, and then eliminate it from your life. It could be something small, suc! h as a m agazine subscription, or something bigger, like fast food.

  3. Discriminate
    You have to be vigilant about what you let into your life. Learn to say no and learn to respect your own time. You don't always have to say yes to friends and family. First, think about what you want to do. Otherwise you'll end up living someone else's life.

    If you complain about not having enough time, you probably need to get clearer about what you want from life. And by clear, I mean really, really clear. Focus on ONE main thing at a time.

  4. Goals
    Next, set one big goal for the year. And by goal, I don't necessarily mean regular goal setting. Set a direction for where you want to go.

    I simply use the concept of goals to get a point across. Goal-setting is just a process that gets you results. What matters are the results; many get stuck on the process, but the process doesn't matter.

    Use whatever feels good, and take action. Start now.

  5. Focus (on Your Next Step)
    When you have one big goal, it's time to look at what your next step is. What can you do right now to move closer to that goal?

    Keep the next step as tiny as possible. It could be brainstorming ideas and action steps. Whatever it is, start now. Yes, you can put it off, but if you do that, you're putting off your life. If you make it a habit, you'll end up living a mediocre life.

    Do you really want that?

    Living an extraordinary life takes effort, at least at first, which is why most people turn it down.

  6. Momentum
    Whe n you focus on taking one step at a time, you build momentum. You take one step, then the next, and then the next. It eliminates overwhelm, because you don't have to try and predict the future.

    Know where you're going, and keep taking the next step. Let the rest take care of itself.

  7. The Most Important Secret
    Last, but not least, remember to focus on what matters to you. Forget about what others think you should or shouldn't do. This is your life, and you are the one who has to live it.

    If someone thinks you have to do something that you don't want, forget about them. If they try to push you to do it, eliminate them from your life. I know, easier said than done!

    There's no one you have to put up with, and nothing you have to do, except follow what feels right for you. Always remember that, because that is what will help you create results that matter and make this year the best one of your life.
Written on 12/30/2011 by Henri Junttila. Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where he shares his personal tips on how you can live the life you know you deserve. When you feel ready to take action, get his free course: How to Find Your Passion (And Build a Business Around It).Photo Credit: lednichenkoolga

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Love & Shadow in the Occupy Movement - Michael Stone

This video is a taste of the upcoming feature documentary, Occupy Love. We have just launched our IndieGoGo crowd funding campaign to raise completion funds for the film. Visit www.indiegogo.com PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! HELP SUPPORT THE FILM This is a community funded film. Help us rush this film to the theatres and onto the streets. We know we have something amazing on our hands, that can be of great service in this time of enormous transformation, this time of enormous crisis. Thank you for your support. Love is the movement! Shot on Nov 6, 2011 at Occupy Vancouver "We are cultivating intimacy, that's arising out of difference. This the spark that I would call Love. And it's what's carrying us, and what's warming us up. And it's the reason why we're going to win." Michael Stone is a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, Stress Reduction teacher, author and activist, committed to the integration of traditional teachings with contemporary psychological and philosophical understanding. occupylove.org http occupyvancouver.com Watch his entire speech here http FULL TRANSCRIPT Well, I think the Occupy movement has everything to do with finding ways to take all the parts of our society that have been compartmentalized and integrating them back in to our awareness. So at an ecological level, this is recognizing that an economy that is predatory and growth based is not just causing trouble at an economic level, it's also causing trouble at an ecological level. So we have to include ecology, which ...

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Buddhist Meditation.

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

by apc33

Article by Christos Varsamis

Christian Meditation: A Case for Practicing Meditation in the Christian Tradtion

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by David G Wilcox

If you were to ask most westerners what they thought about meditation, they would likely crack some joke about long haired Gurus in orange garments, sitting cross legged with eyes closed, incense burning, their fingers turned into little ok signs as they rest them on their knees, breathing in and chanting loudly AUMMMMMMMMM.

And while this is certainly an image of meditation that has some basis in reality, it reveals the basic misunderstanding of meditation which permeates the western world. There are many reasons for this misunderstanding, however the biggest reason, I believe, is that most western exposure to religion has been in a Christian tradition, and Christians are taught to be skeptical of meditation. However, Christians should not be skeptical of meditation. Meditation was practiced for centuries by Christians from around the world, and still is today. There is also evidence from the Gospels that Jesus practiced a form of meditation when he retired by himself every morning and evening to be with his Abba. Meditation is a spiritual practice which is common to all religious traditions, including Christianity. So, what is meditation then?

Meditation is a form of prayer which attempts to focus and quiet the objective or conscious mind in order to lead a person to connect with the central core of their being. In simple terms, meditation practice tries to establish a link between the human mind and the human heart. In doing so, the practitioner is brought into contact with their true self, and their conscious awareness of life is expanded.

Christian Theology and Biblical teaching supports the idea that the Holy Spirit resides within each person. Within us, in the central core of our being, is an infinite power, the Power of the Spirit. However, what is also clear from Christian teaching is that the Spirit within must be contacted through focused prayer, otherwise the Power of the Spirit within remains only a potential power, dormant and not actualized. St. Paul refers to thi! s by tea ching us that the Spirit groans within us, and prays for us, because we do not pray as we should. Meditation can be the key to unfolding the Power of the Spirit within by quieting and focusing the objective mind, and bringing it into direct contact with the central core of being, the Holy Spirit within. In this way, meditation can become a transformational practice, as it unfolds the Power of the Spirit into the lives of ordinary Christians. And when the infinite Power of the Spirit is unleashed in a person's life, anything becomes possible.

Traditional Christian worship is good, and important. However it is often too formal, too ritualistic, and too rooted in the objective mind. Unfortunately, the objective mind often becomes an impediment to real and genuine contact with the Spirit within, as it wrestles with the cares and concerns of life. The objective mind is also easily distracted, and loses itself easily in spiritual distractions such as listening to sermons which, as Paul said so well, tickle the ears. Meditation brings us in communion with our source, the teacher within. John the Evangelist tells us that we need no teacher, for our teacher, the Holy Spirit, resides within us. Meditation can become the way that we learn to listen to the lessons the Spirit wishes to teach us, and actualize the Power of the Spirit in our everyday lives.

About the Author

Dave Wilcox writes articles on topics such as self-improvement, spirituality, diet, and fitness.

For more information on meditation, please go to:




Travel Events: Mt. Shasta Yoga Meditation & Initiation with Dr. Pillai

Worldwide Travel Tours: www.pillaicenter.com More videos: ‪www.youtube.com Exclusive Initiation-Samadhi Retreat with Dr. Pillai Mount Shasta, CA September 3-5, or 6-8, or 9-11 New: More Trips To Mt. Shasta Arranged For Students to experience the high spiritual energy available in the sacred pyramid of Mt. Shasta. Dr. Pillai is guided to return and initiate students in esoteric practices to awaken the third eye and crown chakra. Dr. Pillai was divinely drawn to a Pyramid which was constructed by a spiritual person within 6 weeks. He was divinely guided by Goddess Isis and other Ascended Masters to built this Pyramid. As Dr. Pillai went into this Pyramid, he found that one could trap Divine energy in a very small place (15X15 inches). Just to walk into this place and stay there is to access this energy, which can alter consciousness. Inspired by his experiences, Dr. Pillai has decided to take 3 groups to this sacred space and initiate them into some esoteric techniques, especially Kundalini Yoga, which may awaken various chakras (energy centers) including the 3rd eye and the crown chakra. Ordinarily, this is very difficult to do that even in Himalayas. Dr. Pillai has never experienced anything similar to what the Pyramid in Mount Shasta offers. It is a sacred place where ascension can take place. It is a pristine place. The Mount Shasta program is limited to 3 groups of 18 persons each. Students will stay with Dr. Pillai both inside the Pyramid as well as outside at the ...

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Norristown Area teacher recalls long road to recovery

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

LIMERICK — In the drama that defined Kristi Morrisroe Hertzog's life at the beginning of the year, it's 2011's closing chapter with the happiest of endings that most people will probably remember — including Kristi and her husband Dave.


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Pineal Gland Activator : OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE ! Relax Meditation Music 11.11.11

The Pineal Gland is the seat of Christ Consciousness. It is the site of your Third Eye which is located between your two physical eyes. The metaphysical qualities or attributes of the Seventh Chakra include link with the Higher Self, ability to access the Akashic Records (Book of Life), and spirituality. When you physically die (transcend the flesh-body), your soul exits the body via the Seventh Chakra. The soul also leaves during astral projection and dream state via the Seventh Chakra. The Seventh Chakra deciphers and decodes the mysteries of life. It links us with the Universe. This chakra is very important and many of the spellbinding writings of the brilliant SunofTruth (and my own) bear witness to the importance of this chakra (energy center, vortex) and physical gland which is why it is important for you to know how to tap into it, to stimulate it for your spiritual growth and development. If you want to meet with God face to face like Jacob did in Genesis 32:30 of the Bible, you have to tap into the Pineal Gland. The isle of pe-ni-el of Genesis 32 is a corruption of ?Äúpi-ne-al.?Äù The isle of pe-ni-el in Genesis 32 is the Pineal Gland which is a pea-sized gland that has shrunken in the average human being due to degeneration. The best tools for Pineal stimulation and activation are crystals. The following crystals or stones placed over the Third Eye (6th charka, which also corresponds to the Pineal Gland). These stones include: Amethyst, Charoite, Dumitorite ...

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Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/30/2011

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

~Lao Tzu
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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Relax In Luxurious Villas When You Book Your Holidays to Phuket

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Edwin Velez

Thailand is one of the most popular vacation spots if your family is trying to find a vacation. It really is house to the world most breathtaking shores, wonderful architecture and vibrant culture. Thailand can be a favourite choice among the travelers who're wishing to escape to an exotic haven. In order to complete your holiday break experience, rent in villa rather than checking into a hotel. They are often based in close proximity to shores and various preferred points of interest in the region. The majority of villas come with absolutely furnished spaces, an exclusive pool area and offer a distinctive combination of European and Thai architecture. Fundamentally, it's similar to having your own house in another country while you are on a break.

Phuket is really a favorite place to go for those people who are hoping to ride the waves at the most beautiful beaches. Home to luxurious inns and establishments, the southern province is really a world renowned location for recreation. Holidays to Phuket are among the list of proposed trips for family members searching for a wonderful holiday getaway.

Hat Patong, Phuket's most developed beach front is s a must see attraction whenever you go on holidays to Phuket. Thrilling watersport activities rule the view of the shoreline throughout the day though the put is well known for its nightlife. Diverse retailers trading clothes, fashion accessories and souvenirs at discount prices fill the grounds while surfing stands out as the popular extreme sport in between April and September. While you're there, wonder at the magnificent colorings of the sundown while walking at the north end of the bay.

One more beautiful wonder is the Hat Karon, the region's second largest seaside occupying somewhere around 20 kilometres. An amazing line of coral reef stretching out in the direction of Kata and Bu Island dots the clear blue waters of the beach. Have a breath-taking view of the horizon at View Point to view the superb attractions of the Nai Han! , Kata N oi, and Karon shoreline. These types of superb views await your family during your summer season holidays to Phuket.

Let's say your household just arrived on a long airline flight. Don't you just want to have a perfect area to rest while still being able to benefit from the scenery that you just came for? Beautifully made with the sultry template of the region in mind, vacation villas are considered the perfect accommodation to remain in while vacationing in the southern province. Villas in Phuket are a favored accommodation option for a lot of tourists. The relaxing setting of these villas in Phuket adds a stimulating feel to your holiday while you explore the rest of the region's natural wonders. With even more than Fifty high end villas to select from, you can enjoy a superior standard of family vacation living whenever you check out these holiday homes. Each holiday house is unique with regards to the availablility of rooms, living space size, and swimming pool. Be sure to choose the excellent lodging for your family so that you can bring home terrific getaway experiences.

About the Author

The writer is an e-commerce manager who occasionally looks for phuket villas for week long holidays to phuket every year.

Inner Peace Meditation

Inner peace meditation for inner peace and relaxation of mind and body, with nature scenes, soothing music and affirmations. Inner peace awakens patience, tolerance, inner strength and happiness.

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Buddhist Tours, a Self Transformation Voyage of Soul

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Article by Justin

India has been a place of birth as well as evolution for various religions since ages. Although, numerous religions have been established in the country, the most prominent ones are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Buddhism with its intellectual principles has attracted large number of followers from all across the globe and is one of the most followed religions in the world. The religion of Buddhism is all about true Dharma, setting guidelines to enjoy an eternal life of peace.

The religion was created by Lord Buddha realizing the world as it is. It explains the real meaning of existence of life as well as explains its all aspects in a real sense for discovering self spiritually. After attaining supreme enlightenment Lord Buddha took out these principles of life and there after proceeded on a journey of meditation to find out the true answers of creations on earth. You can find the real essence of life by teaching of Buddha, which is enough to convince every rational mind.

You can also be a part of his teaching and understand life better with Buddhist Tours that are best way for self transformation of soul. The main Buddhist Sites for spiritual tours are Sarnath, Bodh Gaya, Lumbini, Vaishali, Kushinagar, Nalanda etc. various pilgrims from all over the world visit Buddhist Temples to pay homage to Lord and seek blessing of divinity and self realization.

Bodh Gaya- It is a well-known Buddhist Destination in India as here only the Buddha attained enlightenment under the sanctified Bodhi Tree. Other than these, you can also witness other main attractions such as Mahabodhi Tree, Ancient Railing, and Lotus Tank, Mahabodhi Temple etc.Sarnath- Considered as the Mecca of Buddhist followers, the holy shrine is visited large number of pilgrims and tourists every year. This holy site is popular as here Buddha delivered his first sermon at the Deer park. After that he attained enlightenment. Chaukhandi Stupa, Dhamek Stupa, Sarnath Museum, and Lion Capital are some of the main attraction in! the pla ce.

Lumbini- The place is well known as the birth place of Lord Buddha, which is located near India-Nepal border. Maya Devi Temple, Ashokan Pillar, Buddha Temple and the Lumbini Museum are some of the World Heritage Sites in Lumbini.

There are many more destinations related to Buddha that you can witness with Buddhist Tour Packages that are tailor-made suiting you very well. These are the best means to discover the joy of living.

About the Author

Author is an eminent and experienced Content Writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. Author has written several articles on Buddhist Tours and Buddhist Destination in India etc. Currently, Author is rendering service for Go Heritage India Journeys.

Chinatown - Thai Buddhist Vegetarian Festival

I made my first venture to Chinatown this time around during the Chinese Buddhist Vegetarian Festival. Many Bangkok food vendors participate, letting customers know that they are only selling 'jai' (vegan/vegetarian) food by hanging yellow pendants outside their restaurants or on their stands and carts. While in Chinatown, I came across a parade and some festivities, all to celebrate the Lady Buddha (as told to me by an elderly man who informed me of the cause of celebration). The video was filmed on a Canon S95 and the song featured is "Chinatown" by Go West Young Man.

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5 Medical Advances Predicted for 2012

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Amaviael | Dreamstime

Great medical feats were accomplished in 2011. Dallas Wiens became the first recipient of a full-face transplant in the United States, Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords survived a gunshot to her brain, and HIV researchers found a way to lower an infected person's chance of transmitting the virus to sexual partners by 96 percent.

What significant advances can we expect in 2012? Here are five predictions, provided to MyHealthNewsDaily by experts in their fields.

Prediction 1: Medicine gets closer to treating cancer with vaccines.

Radiation and chemotherapy reign as the go-to treatments for cancer, but for 20 years researchers also have been exploring the use of therapeutic vaccines. In 2012 that work may come to fruition.

"It's an exciting time for cancer vaccine development," said Dr. Larry Kwak, professor and chairman of lymphoma and myeloma at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

"What's especially impressive is the diversity of cancer vaccine. It bodes well for what you're going to be seeing in the future," Kwak said.

More than 250 clinical trials of vaccines, including 34 for breast cancer, are under way, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Like other vaccines, cancer vaccines use a chemical marker of a disease (in one case, a virus; in another, a malignant tumor) to train a person's immune system to fight the disease.

But unlike vaccines for the flu or chicken pox, which are preventive, "we almost uniformly vaccinate after cancer is there," Kwak said.

Some cancer vaccines in development could be administered to many people, while others – including Kwak's vaccine for follicular lymphoma – would have to be tailored to each patient's tumors.

Kwak's vaccine has passed Phase III trials and is moving toward the final steps of regulatory approval.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first cancer vaccine, called Provenge, in the spring of 2010 for the treatment of prostate cancer. A vaccine for melanoma performed well in the final stages of clinical trials last year.

"What ties them together is they are activating the immune system so it's primed and ready to fight," Kwak said.

The National Cancer Institute reports there are ongoing clinical trials for therapeutic vaccines to treat bladder, breast, cervical, kidney, lung, pancreatic and other forms of cancer.

Prediction 2: Malaria vaccine development will advance.

Malaria remains a deadly and debilitating disease. The World Health Organization estimates there were 216 million cases of malaria and 655,000 deaths, mostly in children, in 2010. Communities can curb malaria infections through mosquito control, but no vaccine can prevent it.

Researchers at the University of Oxford caught international attention when they announced this month they developed a vaccine that could stop many strains of the deadliest malaria parasite, the P. falciparum parasite, in animal studies. They published the findings in the journal Nature Communications Dec. 20.

"There is no doubt that malaria has been an extraordinary challenge for vaccine creation," said Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, in Nashville, Tenn.

The key to the vaccine's success is that it targets a crucial stage of the parasite's development. When a mosquito bites a person (or an animal), the parasite travels through the blood to the liver, and then, in a new form, infects red blood cells, Schaffner said. There the parasite multiplies and changes into two new forms: one that attacks other red blood cells, and one that circulates in the bloodstream, ready to be picked up by another biting mosquito.

"You would think that anything that's that complicated couldn't possibly succeed as a parasite, but it is one of the most successful: The illness it creates is often mortal, if not debilitating," Schaffner said. As the parasite bursts out of blood cells, toxins escape that cause fever and chills. Enough red blood cell destruction causes anemia.  

However, the vaccine developed at Oxford interrupts the parasite's entry into red blood cells. "That is an absolute critical stage. If we can keep it out of the red blood cell, it can't make you sick," Schaffner said.  Still, he said he is wary of too much excitement, because several malaria vaccines with other tactics to attack the parasite failed in human studies.

Prediction 3: Millions will breathe easier, thanks to new regulations.

In December the Environmental Protection Agency announced new limits for mercury emissions and air toxins that it said will prevent 11,000 premature deaths and 4,700 heart attacks a year.

Coal industry groups criticized the new EPA rules. Steve Miller, chief executive of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, said in a press release, "This latest rule will destroy jobs, raise the cost of energy and could even make electricity less reliable."

But health groups such as the American Lung Association hailed the new rules. "It's going to have a huge benefit for a lot of different people," said Janice Nolan, an assistant ALA vice president. The new regulations curb carcinogens and pollutants that exacerbate asthma, Nolan said.

The new EPA regulations will limit the amount of mercury that power plants can release into the air, she explained. Mercury settles into water, where it is transformed into methyl-mercury and picked up by fish that people eat. The neurotoxin can injure people even before they are born, while in the womb.

The legislation also will cut levels of more than 60 air toxins, including heavy metals such as arsenic, chromium and nickel, and it targets the gases that contribute to fine-particle pollution.

Fine particles, some only a 30th as wide as a human hair, can lodge in lungs and travel to the heart, Nolan said. Reducing fine-particle pollution will "prevent thousands of premature deaths and tens of thousands of heart attacks, bronchitis cases and asthma episodes," the EPA said.

Nolan estimates more than 400 power plants in at least 40 states will be subject to the new rules, which set air-quality standards to match the clean-air performance of the top 12 percent of power plants in the country.

Prediction 4: Many crucial drugs will become cheaper.

Several top-selling brand-name drugs in the United States will be losing their patents in 2012. Makers of generic drugs will then have a chance to sell forms of the heart medicine Plavix, the diabetes drug Actos and the autoimmune disease drug Enbrel. Other blockbuster drugs losing their patents in 2012 include Viagra, Seroquel and Lexapro, according to the industry analyst firm EvaluatePharma.

Pharmaceutical companies are likely to lose billions of dollars in revenue, but the shift will lower health care costs for millions of heart, asthma, diabetes and pain patients in the U.S.

Pharmaceutical companies note that patents make it financially feasible for them to develop new treatments.

Dr. Elliott Antman, an associate dean at Harvard Medical School, discussed the costs of research, testing and manufacturing to bring a drug to market. "It used to take $ 800,000," he said. "Now it takes about a billion dollars because of the sample size of the trials."

As drugs become safer and more effective, Antman explained, studies to test a new drug against old ones can require tens of thousands of participants to find a statistical difference in effectiveness and side effects. Coordinating trials of that size, which is essential for a chance to gain FDA approval, is expensive.

"The reason they are doing this is if they know that they can get this drug to market, they will have patent protection," Antman said.

Antman said the push for generics from insurance companies can sometimes complicate getting patients the drugs they need. But for the most part, generic forms are equivalent to brand-name drugs.

"The advantage of generics to patients is that it's much less expensive, so it's highly desirable," Antman said.

Prediction 5: Legislation will make it easier to choose health insurance.

Entrepreneurs and two-income families have to choose between insurance plans. Wading through insurance coverage lingo can be confusing, and people may not realize what they will owe until they need services.

A provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that takes effect in 2012 aims to make understanding and comparing insurance coverage easier. As of March 23, group health plans nationwide must provide a uniform summary explanation of benefits and coverage. The standardized summary must be provided to people when they apply for coverage, and to policyholders when health insurance policies are issued.

As with uniform nutrition labeling, people will have side-by-side details that explain co-pays, prescription coverage, deductibles and other essential information to help them choose a health insurance policy.

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Zen Dogen the Zen Master 1

Dōgen Zenji (道元禅師; also Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, or Eihei Dōgen 永平道元, or Koso Joyo Daishi) (19 January 1200 -- 22 September 1253) was a Japanese Zen Mindfulness teacher born in Kyōto, and the founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan after travelling to China and training under the Chinese Caodong lineage there. Dōgen is known for his extensive writing including the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma or Shōbōgenzō, a collection of ninety-five fascicles concerning Mindfulness practice and enlightenment.

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Get Insight of Buddha Life with Buddhist Tours in India

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Article by Justin

India is popular worldwide for its architecture, culture, history and religion, thus making the marvellous land wealthy in heritage. It is the only land where distinct legends, warriors and great personalities took birth giving a unique feature to India's religious culture. India is the only country that has more then ten religion thrives in perfect harmony.

Among numerous religions, Buddhism is one such religion which originated in the fortunate and sacred land of India by Lord Gautam Buddha and is practiced in whole Asia. India has remained an important part in the life of Lord attracting pilgrims from all across the world who are enamoured by His Life and teaching. The popular Buddhist Tours will take you destinations of Buddha birth, lived, attained enlightenment, and died. Apart from the birth place of Lord Buddha i.e. Lumbini which is now situated in Nepal, all other Holy destination of Buddhists are situated in India like Bodhgaya, where he attained enlightenment. Situated in north east state of Arunachal Pradesh is Tawang monastery having superb collection of ancient scriptures, images, thangkas and an 8 m high gilded image of Lord Buddha. More than 500 monks lives here and practice Buddhism.

Another popular Buddhist Destination in India is Sarnath, situated near holy city Varanasi is also quite popular for the first sermons Gautam Buddha gave to his disciples. You can further visit to Kushinagar, which is last place where Buddha stayed and later entered mahaparnirvana. It is also one of the beautiful Holy destinations in India where magnificent golden statue of sleeping Lord Buddha is present. Moving towards south you will come across world famous Stupa of Sanchi, a lovely epitome of the early Buddhist stupa architecture. Here you can also witness monolithic Ashokan pillar, temples, monasteries and sculptural wealth, thus popular as UNESCO World heritage Site.

With Buddhist Pilgrimage Tours in India you can go deep inside the sects, rituals and customs followed by the! Buddhis m followers in earlier times. You can move to the world famous Ajanta & Ellora caves where you get to watch great paintings and art about Buddhism. The 29 caves of Ajanta are carved on the sides of hills and show finest specimens of cave temple architecture. The wall highlights the rich tales of several incarnations of the Buddha. Likewise the 34 caves of Ellora are adorned and dedicated to Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Buddhist Tours in short will take you close to Lord Buddha.

About the Author

Author is an eminent and experienced Content Writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. Author has written several articles on Buddhist Tours and Buddhist Destination in India etc. Currently, Author is rendering service for Go Heritage India Journeys.

Your true home: the everyday wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST

Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh is a prolific writer, with over seventy books to his name. 'Your True Home' is his latest: a compilation of 365 short teachings, one on each page.

The format means we can take the book's subtitle 'everyday wisdom' literally, and visit the book daily for a nugget of this much-loved Buddhist teacher's lore.

And nuggets they are, never taking up more than half a page in a book which has a short, chubby format to begin with (though too heavy to be pocket size – unless you have very big pockets).

The teachings fall into two broad categories: instructions and insights.

Day 144, for example, gives us a mindful breathing practice culminating in the lines, 'Breathing in, I am aware of my body. Breathing out, I smile to my whole body.'

There's an emphasis on positivity in Thich Nhat Hanh's instructions. Our natural state is joy, he suggests, and we'd save ourselves a lot of trouble if we could appreciate that.

That emphasis isn't there as strongly in his insight teachings. For example, on day 173: 'When conditions are sufficient, something manifests. That is what we call a 'formation'. The flower is a formation, and so are the clouds and the sun. I am a formation, and you are a formation.'

Similarly, on Day 62, he compares life to a kaleidoscope of changing patterns. 'Should we cry every time one of these manifestations comes to an end?'

Core Buddhist tenets are being emphasised here: that life is contained in the present moment, and that the material world is constantly changing and unstable.

These truths may strike the reader as stark, presented as they are without back-up explanation. It makes the book an interesting mixture of comfort and challenge. Perhaps this reflects the two main practices within Buddhist meditation, Samatha (calming) and Vipassana (insight).

Editor Melvin McLeod is at pains to point out that the insight teachings are not 'mere aphorisms to cheer us up or inspire us (though they do both). They are transformative insights and instructions, and we need to let them seep below the surface level of our intellect into our heart and guts, where wisdom gestates and real change happens.'

That would obviously be a fantastic outcome, but I'm not sure that reading this book on its own is enough to make it happen.

Having said that, who knows? Even if this is the only Buddhist book you ever read, bite-sized wisdom is a lot better that no wisdom at all. And even if we do take the teachings as aphorisms, at least they are thought-provoking ones.

Thich Nhat Hanh is sometimes criticised for endlessly presenting old teachings in new formats (and it's possible to see this latest offering in that light, too).

But different formats undeniably make Buddhist teachings available and acceptable for the first time to a wider variety of people. Furthermore, re-presenting old ideas in new contexts can also be very powerful for those who are already familiar with them.

And so it is with 'Your true home.' While the meditation suggestions calm and focus us, the insight pages exert a 'drip-drip' effect. One day next year or in years to come (unlike a calendar, the pages are not dated, just tactfully numbered), we may read the right words at the right time and suddenly and unexpectedly recognize the living truth they are pointing to.

In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, 'When conditions are sufficient, something manifests.' Putting the word out there in different ways is one method of helping establish them.

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How To Master The Powers of Your Subconscious Mind (Instead of Being Its Slave)

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Mike Gruber

The Benefits of Meditation - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Find out more at whatmeditationreallyis.com Jon Kabat-Zinn, a pioneer of scientific research on meditation, lists the positive effects that meditation can have on the mind and body.

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The Art Of Buddhist Meditation

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Sandra M Markcrow

The objective of Buddhist Meditation is to remove from our minds our desires and cravings. To seek the truth, not just from an intellectual point of view but to pursue a holistic concept of life and death. To remove the veil of delusion and ignorance thus allowing us to truly see the nature of all things. The experience of having incredible visions, seeing spectacular light shows or feeling ecstasy during the meditation is considered common by Buddhist meditators. It is not the object of the meditation and should not be considered as being the outcome of a successful meditation session.

Buddhist's incorporate meditative states in all aspects of their lives. One can meditate by observing how his or her body moves during the day or observe how our mood changes from one moment to the next. Buddhist meditation is the act of mindfulness, paying attention to our subtle natures, being an observer. Looking at ourselves from one moment to the next from an objective point of view without being critical. By practicing daily mindfulness, we come to understand the true nature of ourselves.

Practicing mindfulness, one comes to realize that often our states of being are not due to internal bodily functions but are affected by external influences. The external factors should be considered as existing as a stand alone phenomena of their own, separate to our true identity. By practicing mindfulness of our bodies and mind, we begin to break down the illusion of ourselves and come to understand the true nature of the self. By paying attention, we begin to break the cycle of desire and craving also.

Man is judged by his actions. Our selfishness and egotistic natures play a major role in how we are identified by others and how we interact with our environments. By practicing mindful meditation, observing our actions with others and our environments, we begin to breakdown the vicious cycle of selfishness and egotism. Buddhist Meditation is being attentive in all our daily interactions.

Our min! ds are o ften scattered. We move from one thought to the next, often very quickly. By practicing mindfulness, observing your nature increases your ability to concentrate and stay attentive to the given situation you may be facing. With practice, you become a master of your own mind rather than a mind that seems to often work independently of ourselves. The untrained mind could be considered as being a wild animal, just waiting for you to tame it.

Learning to stay detached from any given situation is liberating for the mind. You no longer have expectations of outcomes. You feel the same about life and death, success and failure, praise or blame. There is no fear associated with any of these aspects of life. The feeling about each is neutral. Mindfulness teaches that everything has cause and effect. In Buddhism, it is called Karma and through meditation we can be observers of this cycle. Much is learnt by observing our thought patterns and positive change is possible.

Buddhist meditation in conclusion is the art of observing your mind and body and hence coming to understand the true nature of the self and the true nature of life. Practicing this discipline you will become a master of your own mind and with much practice, release yourself from the cycle of karma. You do not need to sit quietly to practice Buddhist meditation. It is the act of observing your actions, moods and reactions as you participate in your daily life. It is meditation in motion.

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I have been meditating for 20 years and have learnt many techniques for achieving the greatest success in your meditation journey.If you would like to learn more about Meditation techniques, aids to meditation and share in my knowledge and experience. Please visit my blog at http://astralflyer-zenmeditation.blogspot.com/

ॐ 大日如来。 Vairocana Buddha 。毗卢遮那佛咒。Buddhist Mantra ॐ

大日如来。 Vairocana Buddha 。毗卢遮那佛咒。Buddhist Mantra 。 Om Namo Bhagavate Sarvate Gate, Varsuddhani Rajaya, Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Arahate Sam Yak Sam Buddhaya, Ta Dya Tha Om Sodhani Sodhani Sarva Papam, Vishodani Suddhe Visuddhe, Sarwa Karma Avarana Visudhani Ya Soha [ 毗卢遮那佛咒] 嗡南谟巴噶瓦帝, 桑尔瓦多尔嘎德, 牟尼素怛呢闰恩杂雅, 怛阿陀噶打雅, 阿尔哈德,桑恩雅桑布达雅, 怛雅他嗡殊达呢, 殊达呢, 萨尔瓦阿巴阿瓦, 波殊达呢素底,叭素底,萨尔瓦嘎尔嘛,阿瓦忍恩纳,叭殊达呢, 耶娑诃ღೋღॐॐॐღೋღॐॐॐღೋღॐॐॐღೋღ Hello! This is my 100th public video. I purposely chose this, another beloved Buddhist Mantra that I listen to a lot, to bless my channel and all who passes through. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of my Friends for all your support of me and my video creations; and wish us all, me included, -^^- a good journey as we meet our very own Present with every sunrise. Talk soon! As Always HeartHugs M ichiko Vairocana Buddha is sometimes called the primordial Buddha or supreme Buddha. He represents the wisdom of shunyata, "Emptiness." He is considered a personification of the Dharmakaya, Everything, unmanifested, free of characteristics and distinctions. When the Dhyani Buddhas are pictured together in a mandala, Vairocana is at the center. Vairocana is white, representing all colors, and his symbol is the Dharma wheel. His hand mudra represents the turning of the wheel. He is associated with the first skandha, form. Meditation on ...

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Practice Meditation Techniques for Stress to Have Dreamless Nights

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Jonsonmak

Simple Meditation ~ Full Lesson

Free Download and DVD here: yogayak.com Direct Click for DVD - bit.ly 18 Classes on 1 disk for .95 This basic meditation is also one of the most powerful ways of attaining inner peace, as well as learning techniques that you can carry into any meditation practice. Keep in mind that simple does not mean inferior, merely uncomplicated and accessible. Contraindications: If you are being treated for any form of depression or mental illness consult your healthcare practitioner before beginning any form of meditation. Teacher: Kavita Maharaj

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How to Escape Stress with Yoga? What is Yoga?

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Lana Waterfall

Stress Balls - What is the best way to take Advantage of Promotional Stress Balls?

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 02:01 AM PST

Article by Harry Randhawa

How many times did you come to wring their hands, drum your fingers or bite their fists, tightly you will make your body indentations with your nails? And I bet you feel the stress at the time! You're not alone.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, hand and fingers are connected to all the vital parts of the body. Times of stress these points may be the easiest way to stress relief, if done correctly.

Stress balls are designed to reduce stress in your hands and fingers. They are small balls of thin, generally between 7cms to 10cm in diameter, making them the perfect size to be considered in one hand easily. Proper use of rhythmic solo stress ball under pressure. You may find it easiest to do with your dominant hand (right handed people and right-left left-handed folk). This is because you usually have the most stress in your dominant hand.

You can experiment with different strokes and speeds, but most people believe that the slow rhythmic pulse, with or without Stop Pause completely squeezed out what works best. However, others believe that a short fast pulses with the stress ball almost completely collapsed in the work of the best.

You can also use a stress ball in both hands together just a medical arms around him and squeezing them together. Whether you choose one hand or two hands method, can be alternately his approach to ensure that you get the most stress.

And remember that you are aiming to reduce the stress of large hand-made! Take your time to create a stress-relieving speed. If you squeeze the ball too quickly, can cause lactic acid build your arm muscles. It can make you quit before you can access them from any lack of proper stress relief. Conversely, if you squeeze too slow, you can hardly benefit from any one!

Stress balls are easy to use, safe and effective in stress reduction. Then be used as part of their daily routine to reduce stress and you get the benefits! For more information about stress balls or other stress reduction techniques, ple! ase clic k on the link below.

Lighting: Apples are often associated with education. Many stories have been illustrated for students, the apple of your favorite teachers. If you are trying to teach your audience something that Apple Stress balls can be a good way to show them. Who apple shape, you are using is up to you. Your information, but standard apple shape is the best seller, but the desktop Apple phone users are also very popular.

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Four Benefits of Yoga

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Jordan Glenn

Yoga is one of the best ways to keep yourself looking and feeling great. There are a number of Manhattan yoga centers available for you to take part in a yoga class. You can find personalized and attentive service, and even one on one sessions if you prefer. Manhattan yoga centers offer locations throughout the entire city, from Times Square to the SoHo District. No matter where you are in the city, yoga is just right around the corner!

People choose to participate in yoga for a variety of reasons. It is quick and fun to do, and can take as little as 5 to 10 minutes each day! While it is hard to sum up all of the benefits of yoga, here are the top 4 reasons Manhattan residents love to take yoga!

Yoga has a calming effect and help relieve stress. Yoga uses a special breathing technique that times breaths to flow smoothly. Smooth breathing leads to intense relaxation and improved stamina. As you continue to practice yoga breathing techniques, your mind and body will become more relaxed, offering less stress and an overall calmness. This alone is a reason for Manhattan residents to practice it!

You've probably heard someone mention yoga Manhattan is good for your health. It's not just talk. Studies have shown that yoga can offer a great deal of improvement to your health. Benefits of yoga include relief from lower back pain, lowering your blood pressure, regulating asthma, and even a great way to maintain a healthy weight. Those who practice yoga are also shown to have more energy.

Yoga can be a challenge, but it is also very rewarding and one of the best ways to exercise the body, without causing it added stress. Yoga Manhattan routines can improve your posture, tone your muscles, and help you shed excess weight, all with a few minutes of devotion each day. The weight is lost naturally which means a better looking body. You can also greatly improve your flexibility doing yoga! Yoga postures require using all parts of the body and stretching them, offering this great flexib! ility. < /p>

Another excellent benefit of yoga is what it can do for the mind. Yoga has many spiritual benefits, but that's not all. Practicing yoga can offer mental clarity and stability, and can help you to think clearer. Yoga has shown to improve serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a decrease in depression.

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About the Author

I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.

Yoga and Weight Loss

Bryan once weighed 250 pounds. Hear his story of discovering yoga and how it helps him remember the purpose of the body and mind. If you have any questions for Bryan, please post in the comments section and we'll answer them in a future video.

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Guiyuan Buddhist Temple Spring Festival closing order is responsible or cold?

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

by timtak

Article by biyaner

Xinhua News Agency reported, Wuhan temple Guiyuan Buddhist Temple in the New Year's Eve 19:00 to 6:00 pm first day and the beginning of Thursday night from 7 am to 6 pm, the fifth day off during the two periods temple, stop people Rusi Buddha, this daily news on the eve of Spring Festival in Wuhan, the city's taxi scrolling electronic display on the broadcast. It was noted that the two periods million people are expected to enter the Temple incense to Buddha, far exceeding the capacity of the temple site, taking into account public safety, the relevant departments to "closed" arrangement. However, the road closed so that, although reducing the relevant departments can make a lot of pressure, a lot of work to do less, have made the annual festival was originally looking at a really good time on a stick of incense to the temple, but also a willing, pray for the coming year, Ping An Health Temple million Hong popularity developed greatly disappointed sigh. To ensure public safety is important to meet people's desire to do would not matter? Departments are well thought out, sure they are fish and can not have both? Or ignore the wishes million worshipers, but administrative considerations for risk reduction?In recent years, the annual Lunar New Year's Eve to the famous temple on top of local stick of incense, in the Great Wall and the river north and south become common practice, Hong Kong's Wong Tai Sin Temple, Suzhou, Cold Mountain Temple and other famous temples, worshipers at home and abroad every year, regardless of long-distance journey, came the arrival of a stick of incense burning, thanks to a prayer on. During the Spring Festival hundreds of thousands of millions of worshipers packed venue explosion forced a security threat, certainly more than a Wuhan Guiyuan Buddhist Temple, why open the door to greet pilgrims temples elsewhere, is the most secure site Guiyuan Buddhist Temple of the most dangerous? Looking around the country 1.3 billion people, although not to all the people believed in B! uddhism, but Buddhism surely be China's largest religion, it is an indisputable fact that the number of people praying to the temple to the Spring Festival almighty salvation of Sakyamuni Buddha, to Daiji Bodhisattva Compassion's top stick of incense? Guiyuan Buddhist Temple next to the closed orders officials to understand: During the Spring Festival temple can not just shut it off, this is not a safety issue, this is a political issue, stupid Danjia!And Guiyuan Buddhist Temple with the "closed" flow pressure response echoes the approach is that the authorities of "restriction" to deal with traffic jams, with the "no buy" to curb property speculation. Once upon a time, the Government also to a variety of incentives to encourage people to buy a car buy property to boost domestic demand and lift the local and national GDP figures too! Off, ban, limit, the mainland has become the implementation of some government officials governing the Three Character Classic, do not crash into the pursuit of an officer's greatest achievements. However, the lessons of history, especially the reform and opening up 30 years of experience has shown that: off, ban, limit is easy, but a temporary solution, or press the float gourd ladle, transfer the contradictions it, only reform and opening to fundamentally solve the problem Of course, any time of reform and opening should take some risks. If even open the Guiyuan Buddhist Temple gate during the Spring Festival, to meet the millions of people into the temple incense blessing would also like to harvest millions of happy and peaceful dare take the risk, Wuhan responsible authorities have the nerve to say, also called the people to govern it? .

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Stress - The Silent Killer. Part 1

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Ron Goodwsen - Imagine Me Media

Learn to recognise the signs before you end up in a crumpled heap!

Stress - it's part of life isn't it? Stress is good!

We subject ourselves to stress all the time, we need some stress, at work and in our daily lives. Without pressure and stress we would simply get nothing done, we wouldn't achieve anything! Stress is a positive force when it invigorates your life and enables you to realise your dreams. So, the more, the better then?

Well, think about it for a moment and be careful what you wish for. Just as we need oxygen in the air that we breathe to survive, pure oxygen will kill us. So it is with stress, we need some, but at what point does stress then becomes counter productive and a destructive force in our lives?

How do YOU perceive stress?

Do you need the "Buzz" of that last minute deadline?Do you get a "Rush" from the responsibilities of a high-pressure situation?Do you get a "High" by creating a situation that produces anger or fear?Do you say to your workmates "I thrive on stress"?Do you "live in fear" for your job?Do you "Worry" constantly about your abilities at work?Do you "Fear" competition at work?Do you "Change" behind the wheel of your car?

Our physiological response to stress manifests itself in our bodies, by producing stimulants and other stress hormones, which act as mood altering devices, so we become much less conscious of pain, both physical and mental. We can set ourselves a dangerous precedent here, if we choose to ignore the signs that our bodies use to warn us that we are making ourselves vunerable to breakdown. Ignore this advice at your peril!

A common symptom of stress is a persons lack of respect for and enjoyment of, eating. The stimulants and other stress hormones which makes us tired, irritable and angry, totally disrupts our digestive function. We also tend to make poor choices about eating when we're stressed either through time constraints or a desire to eat comfort food. According to your disposition this will eithe! r cause a loss of appetite, depleting your body of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, leading to weight loss and poor health, or weight gain, through a diet of junk food eaten in a rush, leading to digestive disorders and other weight-related problems. Poor nutrition will further weaken your resistance to illness and allow other symptoms of stress to develop. It's a downward spiral.

Stress hormones are immensely powerful and have side effects that can quite literally kill you. Stress becomes a bad thing when it reaches a level beyond which you feel in control any longer, when you find yourself feeling tense, tired and uncomfortable.It's not just the guy that seems most likely to drop dead from a stroke or a heart attack that's at risk here. Stress hormones can contribute to ulcers and other severe gastro-intestinal problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. These chemicals are also causal factors in a host of psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. It can also weaken the immune system, which makes you more susceptible to illness and affects the body's ability to heal.

Ask yourself - am I stressed or am I in denial?How much stress is too much stress?

Well, we're all unique, and everyone experiences stress differently.

So how do we go about recognising the signs before it becomes a serious problem?First, check the following lists and be honest with yourself. If you start to exhibit some of these symptoms, they may be warning signs that your stress levels are becoming a cause for concern. Your body and your emotions are attempting to give you a "wake-up" call. Listen to what your body is telling you.

- Upset stomach- Stomach pains- Loss of appetite- Severe headaches- Dizziness- Irritability- Nervous Tick or Blinking- Insomnia- Chronic fatigue- Pain in the neck and shoulders and back- Stiff neck and shoulders or back- Teeth Grinding- Poor focus and memory

How you feel can indicate signs of stress too, look for the following:- Anxious- Depressed- Frust! rated- H ustled- Overloaded- Pressured- Tense- Worried

Identifying stress at the early stages makes it so much easier to treat. Good habits can be adopted to ensure that you have a good work/life balance and stress reduction becomes a manageable exercise.

Learn to recognise the signs that stress is starting to build up and be prepared to act quickly on the problems causing this, because problems seem to grow in intensity if they are not dealt with. The relief will be instant and you'll be glad that you did.It's important to realise that you always have choices and learning how to properly manage stress will make you a happier person and really will improve your life.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can recognise the signs that stress is reaching an abnormal level, but of course it's different for everyone. The situation can become more serious when the sufferer is in denial of the obvious, when stress levels can then reach intolerable levels before the sufferer has a serious, sometimes catastrophic health crisis.

Stress can cause serious illness and even if it doesn't go on to do that; it can make you thoroughly miserable in the meantime. This article isn't supposed to scare, but to make you aware and to inspire you to take preventative action before it's too late.

In Part 2 of this article we'll look at stress reduction and explore lots of simple ideas that you can apply, which are sure-fire stress busters that will help you clear the clutter and return the sparkle to your mind.

About the Author

Authors - Ron Goodswen, partner at Imagine Me Media - the Hypnotherapy DVD Company. Roderick Piggott - Hypnotherapist with over 20 years of clinical experience. Imagine Me - The Hypnotherapy DVD Company

All about yoga

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Denis


www.empoweryourbody.com Yoga

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Stress, Wellness and the Relaxation Response

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST

Article by Dr Vic Kalman

Yoga Teacher Training – Become A Yoga Instructor

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Daveopton

If you love yoga and want to help keep this very old tradition alive in contemporary cultures, you may need Yoga Teacher Training and become yoga instructor.

To become a good Instructor, you may need professional Yoga Instructor Training. There are lots of different Yoga Teacher Training courses are available for you, many of them are free and some are paid. Yoga is an activity alike which anyone can explore it at any time. You can change your student's lives with getting help from your local training centers.

Yoga is an art. Before going to become a yoga instructor, you need to gain whole knowledge of yoga. Yoga Instructor Training gives you a full understanding of yoga as an art which is required for a yoga instructor. You need to learn the different positions as well as the history of it. With the help of yoga workshop you may become a good yoga instructor in quick time.

If you shows interest on it, than Yoga Teacher Training can be easy for you but if you show no interest it can be difficult. The Training is made so that you can learn how to teach and train others. Keep one thing in your mind learn everything from these training courses from every angle so that you can teach and help your students after the coirse. You need to learn deeply about all the positions. You must be reacting as an instructor in all the difficult positions. For this you may also learn how to master these positions.

We can search many of courses provided by different institutes. We can take the help of web also to find best courses for training. There are several of web portal available those facilitate the services of free training courses as well as paid. But we need to do proper research before to join any of the workshop for training.

A good Yoga Teacher Training courses includes Yoga Videos, Yoga Music and Yoga EBooks for their students. Students can also get help from it. These things can be helpful for students at the time of finishing their Training courses.

At last, not f! orget to take a Yoga Certificate from your training center. Every Center provides a Yoga Certification to their students after completing their courses. Certification is must required for a instructor, especially at the time when you decide to start your own Yoga Workshop.

About the Author

If you are looking for Yoga Teacher Training, than go with Atma Yoga workshop. They offer a professional Yoga Instructor Training, which makes you to become an expert in all Yoga techniques. Yoga Certification is also provided them to the students.

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