The Happiest Speaker - Comedian's $11,000 gig

The Happiest Speaker - Comedian's $11,000 gig

The Happiest Speaker - Comedian's $11,000 gig

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Anh Do

High profile ... comedian Anh Doh's time is worth $ 11,000. Picture: The Daily Telegraph Source: The Daily Telegraph

  • Immigration Department forks out $ 11,000 for Anh Do gig
  • Comedian hired to motivate detention centre workers
  • Do speaks about best-selling book The Happiest Refugee

WHEN comedian Anh Do's family prepared to leave a Malaysian refugee camp bound for Australia, his father spent days running around to find as many warm clothes as he could.

"He thought we were going to Austria," Do said.

The popular funnyman rarely jokes about refugees but his thoughts on the subject are obviously worth a lot to the government. The Immigration Department has paid $ 11,000 to hire Do to motivate its detention centre workers.

Do gave a motivational speech in Melbourne to immigration workers drawn from 22 detention centres around the country.

He was hired to help staff deal with the plight of the overwhelming number of asylum seekers now coming through the detention centres.

Before his speech Do - an in-demand entertainer and speaker - said his talk would not be a comedy routine but an inspirational speech about his own life as a refugee.

He admitted he would add humour to the presentation "otherwise they would get bored", but said he agreed to do it to help immigration workers better understand the people they were dealing with.

"What I discovered was that a lot of people go into this profession coming from helping people in other fields, like homelessness, but when they come into the immigration detention centres they find it really tough," Do said.

"They asked me to share my story and brainstorm ideas to try and find some solutions to the difficulties."

The department admitted its payment on a government tender notice of $ 11,000 to A-1 Entertainment would have looked unorthodox.

But a department spokesman said it was hoped Do could provide valuable insights to staff.

"Mr Do has been engaged as an inspirational speaker. As a refugee and former boat arrival he can provide a valuable insight on refugee issues and how people are accepted into the Australian community," a spokesman said.

Do spent three months in a refugee camp in Malaysia as a child after fleeing Vietnam in 1980. His book The Happiest Refugee has sold 150,000 copies. Russell Crowe has bought the film rights.

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The buddhist nazi---- Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry Corps.wmv

The Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry Corps was a unit of about 5000 Kalmykian volunteers who chose to join the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) in 1942 rather than remain in Kalmykia as the German Army (Wehrmacht Heer) retreated before the Red Army. (In 1943 Stalin subsequently declared the Kalmykian population as a whole to be German collaborators and had them deported to Siberia suffering great loss of life.) When Erich von Manstein led the 16th Motorized Infantry Division into Kalmykia in early 1942 he already had some Kalmykian advisors from a committee drawn together by Goebbels for propaganda purposes. These were supplemented by other Kalmykians who had settled in Belgrade following their flight with White Russian emigres after the Russian October Revolution. Kalmyk Kavallerie Korps acted within German Wehrmacht as an independent allied force with all leadership positions taken by Kalmyks. Most of the officers were Kalmyks themselves, with previous Soviet military experience. A few Germans that were present within the corps performed only auxiliary and administrative functions. The Kalmykian Voluntary Cavalry Corps fought with the Nazi army behind the lines, especially around the Azov Sea. At the end of 1944, the surviving Kalmyk cavalry troops, together with their families, retreated with the German army. About 2000 went to Silesia, Poland and 1500 to Zagreb, Croatia, where they were reorganized to fight against the partisans. After the war, nearly all of the surviving ...

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GET A LIFE: On the wings of angels

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:46 PM PST

by Eckhart Tolle


Stress is a sign that Ego has returned as a negative reaction when we encounter obstacles

I KNOW of a cult that encourages their followers to wear jade. Jealousy, Anger, Desire (Greed) and Ego > JADE.

"Like the scarlet letter, let it remind us of our sinfulness," the leader explained.

Advertised by our sins? How disempowering. I choose to believe I'm an angel — a messenger of miracles. I like the energy this thought brings! See your wedding band? Let it symbolise eternity, or represent bondage. You're fully in control of the consequences.

Our meanings, perceptions, and attitudes work like filters. They are a way of looking at things that help us shape our experience. Given a choice, wouldn't you want to feel better instead of worse? Being happy over being right — this simple shift in intention. Choosing to respond from acceptance (You're probably right about that) instead of reacting from anger (If you don't_____ then I'll___) produces miracles.

Shifts I've made: [1] Instead of wanting to succeed in order to prove something, I choose to be of service. [2] Where there's fear, I choose to see opportunity. [3]

Instead of whining, "Why is this happening to me?" I choose to ask, "How does this benefit me?"


In my columns I've talked not so much about what we should think as much as I have illustrated HOW to think. I've worked hard to demonstrate that by changing the way we think greatly increases our power — over our experiences, hence over the quality and meaning of our life.

Eckhart Tolle says in his book A New Earth: "Struggle and stress is a sign that Ego has returned, as are negative reactions when we encounter obstacles." Ego says, "I am what I have. I am what I do. I am my reputation — I am what other people think of me. I am separate from other people."

It's not just lack, (how much is sufficient?) not having enough — money, authority, recognition, or exclusivity. We suffer because of what we've made this lack mean. Ego constantly works to compare.

"I'm not as wealthy or educated or well — connected, beautiful, respected, decorated — as others. Therefore, I'm lesser than, I'm not good enough, capable or worthwhile." So (mind thinks) I MUST submit to those with MORE — power, money, possessions.

When enslaved by Ego, we've succumbed to the law of the jungle. "Oogah Boogah. Tarzan need food, need shelter, need sex. Me want more. Gimme Gimme."


Quality, efficiency, creativity, wisdom, generosity, benevolence, justice, peace, and purity... are sought after by those more evolved. This is our higher purpose. This raises us to Source.

Tribes living at lower levels, forced to submit to warlords and power brokers to earn their "badges of approval"... can't comprehend these concepts! Their people suffer insecurity and unhappiness. Their society continues to spread disease, dread, and dysfunction. Ah... but the human spirit is meant to rise above and soar among the stars.

Happiness is our birthright. We're designed to transcend and transform. Life in our physical form... is for learning what it's like to be unique and to feel great about that. Engaging in Ego activity such as competing, comparing, isolating... keeps us low... keeps us in the realm of the material world.

We are heavenly beings! To find our wings, we have to slow down... slow wa — aaay down. We might even have to STOP. We must be willing to really look at ourselves and get rid of things, people and situations that are weighing us down. Ask yourself, "What's keeping me stuck? What's the payoff in remaining stuck?"

Allow yourself to choose something better. Realising that you don't have to stay in that suffocating relationship or that over-demanding career. Isn't it time to take your power back? Your self-confidence will go up 100 per cent if you look at the choices you're making today and realise that you have the power to make different ones anytime.

True empowerment is when you know that you alone are responsible for your life. Look at your life and say, "I created this."

It may sound obvious on one hand and scary on the other. There really is only one choice. If you want to live your best life, it's time to engage your executive powers and reset your orientation — to focus on optimism, possibility, collaboration, cohesion, and solutions. We only have one life.

I've chosen to live light, flying on the wings of angels. What about you?

Acing the competition

I WANT to start an online baking business. I plan to build my website and currently I'm working on the product presentation, pricing and market research. What's holding me back is marketing. There are hundreds of online bakeries. How do I stand out in a sea of competitors?

Tessie: What's more important — to start your business, or to stand out among other online bakery businesses? Where did you get this idea that you MUST or HAVE TO stand out in order to get started, or be successful? Do you apply this thinking to yourself as a person as well — that you MUST be special... better than others to be accepted and appreciated?

So if you must stand out, can you do it? How will you do it? As you have focused on "standing out", I will assume that other issues such as building your online trading platform and collecting monies isn't a problem for you. That's great news!

If marketing is your main challenge, then have you decided: (a) Who your ideal clients will be? (b) What your products and services will be? (What will you sell?) Considering that... two chefs can cook the same dish and they both can turn out differently... If two customers can eat the same food prepared by the same chef and take away a different sort of experience... What does "standing out" actually mean?

What does succeeding at this business mean to you? Have you found your passion with this? Will that passion come through in your food so much so that it would be felt, tasted, smelt or seen in your kitchen or in your products?

Life is tiring

I AM so lost. I feel tired all the time. It seems everything I do doesn't materialise into anything real. I don't know who I am anymore. How can I find some direction in my life? I just want peace.

Tessie: You're feeling lost, tired... what's the opposite of peace? Chaos, stress, tension? That's all coming from where... because you've tried and failed to produce anything. You were set on something "real," instead what you got wasn't real — so it was — false? Because the results have been (false or unreal), you've lost your sense of direction. You don't know whether you're coming or going, or who you are anymore.

How does this all sound to you? Is that about accurate? You say you want peace. Okay. When do you want peace, with whom, where? All the time? Does this mean you don't want any excitement or challenge at all? How realistic is that?

Peace is wonderful. So what are you doing to get peace? Obviously whatever you're doing isn't working, so what will you do differently to experience peace? You also want direction. You also want to know who you are. Okay, let's slow it down. Who are you? This translates into what you like, what you don't like, what you can and can't do, how you see yourself experiencing the world — in the long- and short-term. Once you know what you want, you'll have some kind of direction (where you are now and where you want to go).

Energy comes from intention and inspiration. Once these are set, then you'll gain a sense of purpose. Suddenly it will become clear where to focus your attention.

Don't be afraid to recognize life’s oportunities

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:44 PM PST

by Bob Denny

Published: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 5:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 3:32 p.m.

I was expecting another fastball, not that changeup slow pitch. Struck out again, darn it.

Shall I take that leap from the cliff with my friends? The water's deep enough; what can happen? (Ended up with two broken front teeth.)

Should I stay in this stressful job? The future is uncertain. (I stayed too long, but when I quit I found the career of my dreams.)

In spite of the unbroken centerline, do I have time to pass? (Some poor choices can be deadly!)

Shall I go back to school?

What choices do I see? I'll list choices, and the "pros" and "cons." Is there an escape button or an ejection seat? Can I change my mind, or is this a firm commitment? What if I'm wrong; shat are the consequences? What are my

responsibilities to others who care about me?

When you decide to take that other path, go for it. Then list some goal steps you need to take, and log them on your calendar.

What benefits can I expect? That depends on how well you made your choice. Were you motivated by the desire for happiness, fulfillment, success, purpose, and to do what's right? If you're driven by positive moral values, you're well on the road to a better life.

You can do it, it's time to get started. Watch for life's switches, signals, and sidetracks. You may find some great opportunities.

Bob Denny is a licensed mental health therapist in Florida, with years of working with troubled youth and families. He teaches psychology at Florida Gateway College.

It's easy to passively walk through life, not paying attention or recognizing the situation we're in. Or, we could become sensitive, and notice when we're given opportunities to make life-changing choices. If we can learn to identify situations early, and see them as "opportunities" instead of "problems," we've taken the first step in taking charge of our own lives and building the life we want for ourselves. I think it took me about half of my life to learn this principle.

How can we do that? Try seeing "problems" as "situations," and then as "opportunities." Then you can take advantage of these opportunities that life presents us with. It could help to ask some of these questions: Can I see my life as a story? What's my quest, or my destiny? Where can I go from here?

Am I missing some emotional signals that I'm at a crossroads? Do I feel any frustration, confusion, stress, impatience, anger, or fear? These feelings can alert me to a branch in the railroad of my life. Could I throw the switch, and choose a new direction?

Stress Reduction Techniques That Work

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST

Article by Steve Hill

Would you say that you stress more than the average person? Are you looking for techniques which will help you to reduce the amount you stress? If you have answered either of these two questions in the positive then this article may well be of interest to you.

I was always one of life's worriers; I worried about everything and anything. I would stress about what other people thought of me, I would worry about money, my love life or lack of it, my health and my work life.

The main reason for my negative attitude and stressful way of life was due to the fact that I had a stuttering problem. The stutter seemed to take over my life and caused me many an embarrassing moment. Inside of me I felt angry, why was I chosen to have this stutter?

As I became older I realised just how important it was to find a way to cure the stutter and to change my whole approach to life.

At the age of twenty-two I was more than fortunate to meet a very educated at the insurance company where I worked. He was instrumental in helping me to finally learn how to handle stress; his name was Ian.

Ian was in his fifties and made me see my problems in a whole different life. As an example the problems that I have, or think I have, are in fact very minor in comparison to the issues that other people have. As an example this week we have all seen on our television screens the scenes from the tidal wave tragedy in Burma. I am sure these poor, hungry people; many of them who have lost loved ones in the disaster would love to swap lives with me, stutter or no stutter.

I now appreciate what I have in life, rather than stressing about what I do not have, perhaps you should do the same.

About the Author

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:stuttering stuttering informationcheaper line rental

Take 5: The Forest Awakens - Nature Sounds for Stress Relief

Created by renowned nature photographer Craig Blacklock in collaboration with the Center for Spirituality & Healing, this unique video uses nature sounds to encourage stress reduction using the power of a northern Minnesota forest coming to life. In our daily lives, we often rush from meeting to meeting, appointment to appointment, class to class, with little opportunity to catch our breath! We want to encourage you to Take 5... In 5 minutes, you can experience a northern Minnesota forest as spring arrives. The snow and ice have thawed and the stream begins to flow. Take a closer look and you'll see that the forest floor has already come to life, carpeted with woodland flowers and even lady slippers - a sure sign that spring is here to stay. As the forest quietly awakens, let yourself relax and rejuvenate, while listening to the sounds of the forest. Five minutes may be all the time you have, and all the time you need, to bring the power of nature right to you!

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The Buddhist Revival in Burma

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

by timtak

Article by Arjanyai


Burma under British rule was not so much subject to religious suppression as Ceylon. Europeanization was not so great there as to affect much the cultural life of the Burmese, since the British administered Burma only as a part of India and the British colonial period there was much shorter than in Ceylon. There was little to be called a Buddhist revival directly resulting froth the reaction to the colonial rule. Still there was an identification between Buddhism and nationalism. This was caused by an attachment to and pride in the historical religion as the national heritage on the one hand, and by political advantages on the other. There were cultural conflicts with Europeans, especially the "no footwear controversy," which led Buddhist monks to more violent political actions. However, there was a division between the monks. It was the younger monks, not the older Sayadaws, who involved themselves in politics. These monks joined in the uprisings against British rule.

Burmese political leaders, meanwhile, relied heavily on Buddhism to support their leadership and unify the country. The people of Burma belong to many races and speak many languages. Besides the Burmans and the Mons, there were such sizable minorities as the Karens, the Chins, the Kachins and the Shans, who were largely mountain people and occupied fifty percent of the Burmese land. These minorities made up twenty-five percent of the population, while the Burmans who lived in the other fifty percent formed seventy-five percent. Political leaders had to find ways of telling the people that they were a nation. As 85 percent of the people were Buddhists, they found in Buddhism this unifying element.

In contrast to Ceylon, Christian missionary work in Burma not directly supported by the colonial power made considerable progress among animistic tribal peoples, especially among the Karens. The conversion of these peoples even more alienated them from the Burmese majority.! Postwar political events convinced the Burmese Buddhists that Christianity was a religion hostile to the Burmese state. They believed the religion brought with it foreign intervention and caused political and economic oppression. Marxism or Communism was also condemned as state capitalism which was far worse than ordinary capitalism. This led the leaders of the Burmese revolution to advance a form of Burmese state socialism based on the principles of Buddhism.

Though monks played a prominent part in the early days of the independence movement, later they faded into the background. On achieving independence in 2489/1946, the revolution leader even declared a policy of not mixing religion and politics. But in post-independence years the pongyis (monks) appeared again on the political scene as political leaders tried to win their support. By promising to amend the constitution to make Buddhism the state religion and with his programme of Buddhist socialism, U Nu saw a number of pongyis actively campaigning for him and he won a landslide victory in the election of 2503/1960.

U Nu's great contribution to the Buddhist revival in Burma was the holding of the Sixth Buddhist Council in Rangoon in 2497-2499/1954-61. The World Peace Pagoda called Kaba-Aye and the Great Cave called Mahaguha (as a reproduction of the Maha Pasanฺa Guha where the First Council met), capable of seating 10,000 people, were built along with the International Institute for Advanced Buddhist Studies2. a new library, a publishing house and other large buildings providing lodging for pilgrims and living quarters for researchers. Among the chief purposes of the Council were to provide for the recension of the Pali texts, to have them printed and put in worldwide distribution, and to encourage missionary work by establishing a worldwide Buddhist mission and directing the work particularly to Europe and America. After opening on May 17, 1954, the Council concluded on May 24, 1956, the full moon day of the 2500th anniversary of the Buddha'! s Great Decease. About 2,000 monks from various Buddhist countries came to attend this Council. The Council roused in Burmese Buddhists a new zeal for the restoration of religious glory and has achieved the publication in Burmese (Maramma) script of a complete set of the Pali Canon and the Commentaries, and a large number of other post-canonical works. The voluminous Pali-Burmese Dictionary, the biggest of the existing Pali dictionaries, is also a great achievement of the Burmese Sangha and it, too, is published by the Buddha Sasana Council at Kaba-Aye in Rangoon. Induced by the Council, some Burmese monks went to Thailand to preach the Abhidhamma and to teach some methods of meditation as practised in Burma, while a number of Thai monks and novices, mostly from Wat Mahadhatu, came to Burma to study and practise the same.

It should be noted that Burma has been famous for the study of the Abhidhamma. The tradition of Abhidhamma study still continues and all are encouraged to sit for government examinations in the Abhidhamma. Great emphasis has also been placed on the practice of meditation and many meditation centres for laymen have been set up, especially in Rangoon and Mandalay. Among the learned monks of Burma who have specialized in the Abhidhamma and meditation practice, the name of Ledi Sayadaw stands foremost.1 After him, Mahasi sayadaw (U Sobhana Mahathera) is an international figure, well known in the meditation circle, through whose efforts the Burmese method of insight meditation (Vipassana) has spread to Thailand (with a centre at Neat Mahadhatu) and Sri Lanka.

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Slide show Free album love

Tibetan Buddhist Monks - Meditation and Science

A clip taken from the History Channel documentary about a Buddhist monk of Tibet who some how mummiyfied himself through meditation and whos body has somehow been miraculously preserved without any external interferment. Scientist set out to discover whats happened. The clip shows monks preforming meditation under scientific test conditions, and talks about the results.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Mind Power: Capable of Brainwashing

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST

Article by Ewin Chia

Mind power is capable of brainwashing. Brainwash is an academia term for mind control. And it is referred to as the psychological coercive persuasion. Meaning, the mind has the capacity to force another person's mind to either resist or accept ideas. The mind also has the ability to instill beliefs in a person.Long ago Mind Control was used to manipulate and deceive the mind of people in order to benefit financially and politically. This was a system of deception way back.

There are ways to control the mind and it is correlated to hypnosis. Learning these things can be either harmful or beneficial. One effective scheme to control the mind is through repetitive sounds, visuals, and verbal drills that are known to be suggestibility-increasing schemes. In that way the mind is prepared to change. Another scheme used by some psychologists is the rewards system where the mind is easily converted due to the reinforcement of the rewards. In addition, giving Rules and Regulations in some ways control the mind. With the existence of rules, the mind will be very careful and picky in acquiring new ideas. Nonphysical punishments can also be use to control the mind. These are intense humiliation, social isolation, guilt, anxiety, manipulation that greatly affects the emotion which in turn controls the mind. Magicians' mind power is one best example in terms of mind control. Just take a look at how they trick and manipulate our perceptions.

To control one person's mind, there are pointers because it's quite a task to begin. First you have to know and analyze the subject, if he or she can easily give in to your suggestions. To be able to find out you need to ask the subject to look at the end of the horizon. If the iris isn't visible at all then the subject's mind can be controlled. If it is, the subject can't be swayed. Another, the place you're going to perform the brainwash should be quiet and calm. There should be no distractions at all; a place free from noise. Then ask the subject to close th! eir eyes and let them relax completely before beginning talking to them in a slow gentle reassuring manner. Start controlling their mind by asking them to do small movements first. From smaller movements, you can start asking the subject do larger movements. That's the way you control one person's mind, that easy and that tricky. And it can be fun at some point.

Mind power has its awesome functions. Controlling one's mind or a particular subject's mind is one obvious wonders of how dominant and controlling a human mind can be. You only need to learn the processes and tricks. In real life mind control seems to be very complicated and paranormal, but it's as easy as a one to three steps.

About the Author

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know

Kushinagar Lumbini Buddhist Tours India

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Ronald Abs

Want to grasp the zing of vibrant colors and multitudes of religion India is ultimate terrain for you. India is that land serenity meant for tranquil vacation for global pilgrims. Buddhism was the dominant religion and flourishing in all the corners of the state from 17 centuries, starting from the 5th century BC to 12th century AD. Festooned with monasteries, Shrines and Stupas, Buddhism in India is synonymous to Removal from the adversities of life. Meant for harmony, serenity and peace Buddhism is mainly to know more about you and your existence. Buddhist Pilgrimage started after the death of Lord Buddha when disciples started to visit the places associated with the facets of Lord's life.

Began with the life of Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 563-483 B.C.), a prince from the small Shakya Kingdom, Lord Buddha was the originator of Buddhism. Lord Buddha left all the comforts of life in search of truth and renowned as the religious beggar. Lord Buddha decided to turn to a milder style of renunciation and concentrated on advanced meditation techniques. Eventually, in the forests of Gaya (in modern Bihar), under a tree he stooped to stir no farther until he had solved the mystery of existence of life. Buddhism in India is a celebrated practice for which travelers are abundantly making their way. Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, and Kushinagar are four sacred Buddhist pilgrimage sites known for complete India Buddhist Tour.

Tranquility, Serenity and stillness are all offered in India to your Buddhist India Pilgrimage Tour. A large number of tourists are specially stepping to India for exploring countries glamour. The wandering prince Siddhartha came to India and started meditating under a Bodhi tree, around 500 BC. After three days he became a legend and renowned as Lord Buddha after attaining enlightenment. The Mahabodhi tree and the Mahabodhi temple are the major attraction of the complex, a prominent Buddhist Pilgrimage Destination. The complex received extensive damage from the Turkish invaders! in the 13th century, but renovated again to open its door for worldwide pilgrims. At the age of eighty, the Lord Buddha attained his final passing away (Parinirvana), leaving a thriving monastic order and a devoted place neighborhood to continue his work.

Lumbini- the birth place of Lord Buddha is now placed in Nepal contributes significantly in field of Buddhist Tourism in the world. Sarnath is located near Varanasi is the splendid halt of Dhamek stupa, the most high-flying Buddhist Monuments in India. Your Buddhist India Tour will mingle with a successful note after turning into the famous Ashokan pillar. Sanchi, Ajanta and Ellora are rich with Buddhist dignity and treasure. Buddhist tours in India are thus considered as the ideal way to walk around the places associated with the birth and growth of Buddhism.

Buddhist Tours India | Lumbini Tours | Kushinagar Tours

About the Author

Buddism is the dominant religion in India and offered several significant Monasteries, Stupa's and Shines to the global visitors. It's the sacrifice and devotion of Lord Buddha that bound abundant of visitors to obey the path of truth, reality and divinity.

Christian Martial Arts: Here Is What You Need To Know

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by Terry Marchio

Are you interested in Christian martial arts? If so, this article was composed for you. It might seem to the outsider that the fundamental values of martial artists are securely grounded in Eastern religion. Religions such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism tend to be what immediately comes to mind if we think of martial arts. This might be accurate, but that doesn't mean that Christians cannot take part in martial arts. To the contrary, it's our viewpoint that it's a terrific idea for well-informed Christians to ready themselves for any contingency in life. This groundwork includes understanding martial arts skills.

The Benefits of Christian Martial Arts

The first question to be answered for any Christian when analyzing a potentially troublesome concept is this: is it biblical?

Regarding Christian martial arts, we have found no proof that it's un-biblical. There are many Bible passages that lead us to believe in the advantages of Christian martial arts instruction (specifically Matthew 24, verse 43). It actually depends upon the mindset of the Christian martial arts student. If they're focused on the wholesome aspects and the self-defense advantages, then a Christian martial arts program is a good thing for them.

The Potential Drawbacks of Christian Martial Arts

As mentioned above, the key to the value of a Christian martial arts system lies in its emphasis. Health and defense are good elements to concentrate on. On the other hand, if the pupil set out on a Christian martial arts program planning to carry out bodily harm to someone else, then it's a bad thing. The feelings involved with vengeance and rage are to be eliminated from the Christian lifestyle whenever feasible, and the same can be said for a Christian martial arts program. The plan should invariably be this: fight only when required, and retreat when the opportunity arises. Another potential drawback is the perception of martial arts to be a Eastern religion offshoot. Although it is accurate that most martial ar! tists ar e involved in religions such as Zen Buddhism, it doesn't preclude Christians from also learning the basic concepts. As mentioned above, Jesus himself urged his followers to protect themselves and their loved ones.


It's not uncommon for Christians to feel fairly uncomfortable at the beginning of a Christian martial arts program. They may feel as if their Christian beliefs may be endangered by this type of instruction. However, it doesn't have to be the case. Our guidance to all Christians thinking about enhancing their protection program is to search for like-minded Christian trainers and enroll in a good Christian martial arts program.

You can find virtually hundreds of content articles, videos, etc to assist you to discover how to better defend yourself located here: Self Defense Moves

About the Author

To get a more comprehensive picture, please click here: Christian Martial Arts. And here: <a href="<">Self Defense Moves. You will find literally 100s of articles, videos, etc to allow you to improve your skills, and help make you significantly better at defending yourself!

Ben's Zen

Ben reflects on his time on at Zen Buddhist retreat in North Carolina and how it changed his life.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Spiritual Energy of Money

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 07:01 AM PST

Article by Lisa Haisha

One of the biggest and most important issues facing everyone right now is the state of their financial health. Let's face it, money matters. Financial stress is the number one killer of relationships. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that suicide rates in the U.S. tend to rise during recessions and fall amid economic booms. So money is obviously important to people. But what is money? Most people don't know. Either they think it's esoteric--a piece of paper or a coin to purchase something--or they have never even thought about it. But the fact is that is money is something. It has energy, and it has an energy exchange. The energy of earning manifests itself in the money, and the energy is exchanged through spending. Therefore, it's important that we not only make money, but that we spend it as well. Anything that is static will never reproduce, and that includes money.

Your Relationship with Money We are all intimately connected to money. Whether we're spending it or making it, money is a part of our lives. How you perceive money has much to do with how much you have and are able to create. While it's not healthy to be preoccupied with money or to lust after it, it is important to appreciate its value and the positive things money can do for your life. And, like anything, the more you appreciate something, the more you invite it into your life. For example, if you express appreciation and gratitude toward love, health, and money, you'll attract more of those things into your life. Likewise, if you have a negative attitude toward such things, you'll attract less of them into your life. Therefore, if you're constantly worrying about a lack of money, then you'll constantly have money woes, even if you earn a good income. The key is to be conscious of your thoughts toward money. Do you feel like you deserve to have money? How were you raised to deal with money? Were you always told to save and never spend? Were you always told there was never enough? Alt! hough th e rich, the powerful, and the accumulation of wealth are often demonized in our society, the truth is that money is and can be a tremendous force for good in the world. Take Warren Buffett, for example. Buffett is the third richest person in the world. His personal fortune measures over billion. What is he doing with all that money? He is giving 85 percent of it away to charity. That means he's giving away over billion dollars. How many schools could you build with billion? How many mosquito nets and clean water wells could you create with billion? How many immunizations and life-saving medicines could you buy for one-third of planet earth that, according to the World Bank, lives on less than a day?The answer is a lot. And that's why your mindset about money is so vital. If you harbor all sorts of negative, unfair stereotypes about money and those who've made it, that negative energy will prevent money from flowing to you. Are there some people with money who are greedy and heartless? Sure. Are there some poor people who are equally mean-spirited? Yes. That's the point: it's all about your mindset and the way you see finances.

Fear of Losing What You Have One of our biggest fears is losing what we have. It's healthy when fear of loss helps you take steps to protect what you have worked hard to attain, but it is unhealthy to continue to fear something you can't do anything about. Focusing your energy on fear can actually create what scares you, and holding tightly to what you have creates stagnation and loss. Since the only things you can really control are your thoughts and responses, gaining proper perspective may be key to conquering such fears. When you understand that your "things" only represent energy exchange at work in your life, you can shift your attention and creativity to more positive thoughts like love, peace, and action. Like any blessing, wealth is merely an instrument of purpose that can be used both constructively and destructively. To attain a balanced and rational comprehe! nsion of money, as well as a fairer perspective of wealth, you need to recognize that outward manifestations of wealth tell you little about the individuals enjoying those blessings. When you feel the finger of jealousy prompting you to draw unflattering conclusions about people whose lives seem more financially secure than your own, you need to remind yourself that there are many elements of their circumstances you cannot see. Their wealth may be the result of long hours of taxing labor, they may donate a large percentage of their resources to charitable causes, or their bounty may be an incidental aspect of a life spent doing what they love. And it's really none of your business. When you're judging someone else for making money or attracting money, you're actually judging yourself. It's one of your Impostors, most likely your Wounded Inner Child, trying to save face. Instead, focus on figuring out why your Inner Impostor doesn't feel worthy.

Your Recipe for Financial Success If you take a moment to consider you own feelings regarding money and wealth, you may discover that you equate financial prosperity with happiness, power, security, independence, or self-indulgence. Money itself, however, is none of these things. You can begin developing a healthier view of wealth by simply accepting that while some possess great wealth and others do not, we all have the potential to create lives of beauty, substance, and wisdom using the resources we have been granted.Here is my five-step "recipe" for attracting wealth:1. Be the best at what you do. Remember Preparation + Opportunity = LUCK2. Have a plan. Know why you want the money. For example, "I need to earn 0,000 a year so I can live in a nice house, afford to put my two children in private schools, and tithe 5 percent of my salary to the poor."3. Do the internal work. Be open to receiving and/or creating an opportunity--keep everything open. 4. Make sure it's for your highest good--that you're not doing something that goes against your morals or ethics.5. Enj! oy your wealth. No guilt. No negative associations.

Take a moment to figure out how you feel about money. Do you have an Impostor running your financial life? Are you making what you're worth? If not, what is standing in your way? What would make you both happy and wealthy?Remember, just having a big bank account does not make for a wealthy soul, just a big bank account. Having an abundance of energy, good health, and love in your life is ultimate wealth and the cornerstone to attracting money into your life.

About the Author

As a life coach, soul blazer, emotional healer, author, and dynamic speaker with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, Lisa's goal is to help you compose the life you always imagined having.

In a complicated world, it's no wonder that many people live in dissonance. They feel frustrated, lost, and are often unaware of the emotional armor they have built for themselves. While this armor may protect their souls from temporary hurt, it often comes at the tragic expense of their lifelong dreams.

Lisa helps her clients shatter this armor so they can compose a life that resonates in perfect harmony.

She specializes in:

1. Artists who are in the process of developing their true voice and have a strong desire to self-actualize.2. Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to start or grow their businesses.3. People in transition who are searching for a "midlife purpose" after years of parenting or ageism.

With her unique insight, compassion, and skill, Lisa has helped hundreds of people compose their lives by releasing the true potential that lies within.

Lisa Haisha is a life coach and the creator of Soul Blazing. She is the author of several books and a regular contributor to magazine and radio shows discussing the spiritual questions -- "Why are we here?" and "What are we supposed to be doing?"

Lisa has also put her creativity into writing screenplays. She wrote and directed two films - one short and one feature film.

Lenon Honor The Workings of Evil 7 of 21 What is Rihannas song Umbrella about? Is it about a device that protects us from the rain? Is it about a young womans love for a man? Is it about a young womans vagina; her umbrella which opens when rain falls, when it is wet? Building upon the spiritual concepts revealed in The Creator, the gods, Evil, and the Manipulation of Humanity, this documentary elaborates further on the demonic manipulation technology called possession. This documentary is the third in a series of films by Lenon Honor.

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The Scientific Sense and Theory of Body Mind Healing

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Article by Karan Naidoo

Body mind healing rests on two paradigms, which psychologists use to explain the relationship of body and mind. One paradigm is the biological. The biological paradigm asserts that biological conditions and events determines your state of mind.

For example, when you sustain a wound, this causes your mind to take a defensive attitude towards your environment, arouses fear, and causes the mind to assess its alternatives - the flight or fight response. Reducing all mind states to biological conditions is counter-intuitive. There are certainly times when your body is perfectly at ease, pulsating with health and vigor, yet your mind is distressed, hurt or even anguished. You can see that the biological paradigm is not sufficient to explain our states of mind.

The other paradigm established in psychology is called the psychological paradigm. This perspective takes up where the biological perspective falls short. States of mind, from the psychological perspective, are dependent on other factors besides biology, factors such as consciousness, thinking, memory, emotions and imagination. The psychological perspective finds causes for states of mind within the mind itself.

In addition, this perspective suggests that certain behavior patterns often follow from states of mind rather than from biological factors. Such behavior may impact the body in a positive or negative way. The psychological perspective recognizes that your mind may impact your body's health, not only by how it directs your behavior in the world, but also, by how your state of mind may affect your body's chemistry.

Body mind healing accepts both paradigms implicitly. The body may indeed be sick because of biological factors alone. A hurricane comes along and you break your leg. Your body's innate 'wisdom' begins to mend the bones, sending a variety of cells and protective resources. Medical healing is effective here.

In this case, the biological perspective must always be considered first. Before you employ ! the mind to heal a wound, you must employ microbiological information on germs and take the necessary steps to avoid infection. Whatever medical help can be applied to a health problem should be considered and, when medically reasonable, applied.

Body mind healing accepts and uses the body's own mechanism for healing itself. Since the mind can affect the body, as, for example, when the mind judges something to be frightening and that judgment causes your adrenaline to flow, the body mind healing perspective asserts that the mind has the ability to either inhibit or encourage the body to heal itself. Body mind healing is a healing method that enlists the mind in the biological healing process.

Many body mind healers hold that by concentrating consciousness on the disease or condition, your body is thus directed to focus its healing energies on that disease or condition. Others hold that your mind is capable of visualizing a vital force that enlivens your body, and that this visualized vital force can be directed, by your will, to the affected area, where its healing power may take effect.

Extreme body mind healing holds that your mind, by use of one of these techniques, will alone, heal most diseases. Whether this is true or not, we cannot deny that the mind can substantially affect your body's state through awareness, thought, feeling and imagination. The concept of body mind healing does makes some scientific sense.

About the Author

Karan has been involved with internet marketing for nearly 4 years and is an avid writer who writes on various subjects. Come visit his latest website at which helps people find the best Golf Carry Bag for their needs.

Donald Altman author of One-Minute Mindfulness

Donald Altman author of ONE-MINUTE MINDFULNESS explains how a simple task like washing the dishes is a wonderful opportunity to practice mindfulness on this AM Northwest interview in Portland, OR.

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Getting rid of our preconceptions

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST

Our preconceptions about Buddhism, which are often coupled with our emotions, are our biggest obstacle in trying to fully understand what the Buddha actually taught.  It is important to get rid of these obstacles.  To be sure, this is not an easy task for anyone.  There are a lot of preconceived ideas to jettison including the emotions connected with them.  

Also consider that the human mind always looks towards the unknown through past experiences which are familiar to it.  Said another way, when we read the Buddha's words our brain attempts to explain his words by using what is stored in the memory which is inadequate to the task. 

As mentioned earlier, those who really what to see what the Buddha saw first have to shed all of their preconceived notions about Buddhism if only for a minute (as in my case in 1969).  In other words, one has to make a leap into the abyss, so to speak, where there is nothing familiar in front of us to leap into.  In this task, the present world cannot help us make such a leap since it deprecates the spiritual nature of man.  

By the way, this is not a leap of faith, which is a disaster but, instead, a leap that leaves even faith behind.  If we take this leap to be a matter of recognizing our true nature, it doesn't require faith.  It is more of a leap that suddenly finds us awake to a reality that never left us—it was just more subtle and purer that we ever imagined it to be.  That is why we never realized it.  Our preconceived ideas, in other words, plastered over the obvious.


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Om Namah Shivaya - Music for a Peaceful Planet

This is the beautiful traditional chant, Om Namah Shivaya, from the new album from IndiaJiva, "Om Spiritus - Music for a Peaceful Planet'. Visuals by Vicki Hansen, photographs by Ulli Hansen.

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Learning Meditation Guide

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST

Article by Sal Pou

Deep Theta Audio Meditation - Receive a free, powerful meditation audio and 12-week PDF course on the Neuroscience of Meditation. Visit and "Like" our Facebook page: Due to the way in which the iNET process interacts with the human biofield, you will feel the effects of this video long after having watched it. So pay close attention to how you feel after watching this video, and return as often as you like to enjoy its uplifting benefits. This video features the transformative iNET process. iNET, which stands for Integrated Neural Entrainment Technology, features eight powerful entrainment and energy psychology methodologies, which form a synergistic whole. The eight technologies include: 1) EXHAUSTIVE BINAURAL ENCODING - Every sound IN the recording--not just the binaural tones that are typically added TO the soundtrack--is spatially juxtaposed to create exhaustive binauralization of the entire soundtrack. 2) EXCLUSIVE TRINAURAL SPATIAL PANNING - iNET uses a brand new and exclusive form of creating binaural signals that combines the power of binaural entrainment and isochronic entrainment into a unified signal. This method produces a much more persuasive entrainment signal. 3) HARMONIC BINAURAL LAYERING - Multiple binaural signals are harmonically layered to create a more ffective entrainment stimulus. 4) RHYTHMIC PANNING ENTRAINMENT - By modulating a panning action from the left stereo channel to the right stereo channel and back again, iNET adds ...

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Early Morning Mindfulness Inspiration - 12/14/2011

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

"Education is a guide, knowledge is a key."

~Buddhist Quote

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How to become a Mindfulness

How does one become a Mindfulness? Find out here! I forgot to mention that while you do this to please be sincere and make a heartfelt effort when you take refuge. Please don't just "become a buddhist" because it is interesting and you want to rebel or whatever the cause maybe.

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Mind Tricks: Tapping Into the Subconscious Mind

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 04:00 AM PST

Article by Jim Cassa

Did you know there is a lot to Mind Tricks and how to tap into the subconscious mind? Did you know that every human being has VAST inner potential and immense capacity for self growth and personal development?

If you want to know more about the metaphysical aspects of the mind and the spirit energy of the subconscious then read on!

We all have vast potential in our mind. More specifically in our subconscious minds. By tapping into our deep inner mind many things become possible. What seems like tricks before become realities. The ideal becomes real.

Mind AwarenessElectricity was an undiscovered power until someone smart enough harnessed it for our use and application. Its was present for thousands of years but untapped.

To use more of our mind the first step is to become aware of our inner mind power. Awareness means knowing of its presence. When we know about something we can apply it to solve our problems. Eastern techniques like martial arts, meditation, and spirit practices develop this capacity to a higher energy.

Using our Inner PowerDo you wish to wake up tomorrow at a certain time? Command your mind to take action and awaken at the appointed hour. The subconscious mind, the deep inner mind, takes orders and listens to the outer conscious mind.

The outer conscious mind can instruct the subconscious mind on many things. You can even ask it to solve problems and give you answers. The use of the subconscious mind is the pathway to real genuine spirit power.

The Law of Attraction and Mind ReachingThe law of attraction is governed by our minds. The deep inner beliefs that we have can repel or bring things to us. It pays to do some inner mind work in the form of self examination and what our core belief system is.

How to block and release negative energy is achieved by self examination and looking within. This reveals energy blockages in the form of trapped energy caused by negative experiences.

If we do not like our c! urrent b elief system we can change it. Much of our belief system was laid down by the time we reached 12 years of age.

Nevertheless if we did not get the wisdom we were after as children it is never too late. Let us get it now as grown ups! We can become self empowered whenever we make up our minds.

Subconscious WisdomYou can learn to work with the deep inner mind we call the subconscious. The inner mind has much energy and power.

If we are ignorant of its use we limit its effectiveness. Use of the subconscious mind allows us to master life and circumstances. It is much better to become a master of destiny than a victim of circumstance. Tapping into the subconscious mind empowers any individual that follows this path.Click here to get your FREE Mind Tricks Subconscious Mind Newsletter!

About the Author

Click here for your free psychic reading Newsletter! Allow reader Jim Cassa to do a genuine accurate psychic medium reading for you. Jim is a caring and compassionate psychic who respects the divine energy within you!

Mindful way Part 2

Buddhist monk strive hard to realise Nirvana. They diligently dicipline their own mind, and watch how desires, emotions come and go, without clinging to them. The impermanence of all forms is a key point in Buddha's Great teachings. Buddhism is the only religion which explains how mind works. If one is to take control of ones mind should he worry about external (non-existing) Gods anymore??

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Benefits of Taking a Vacation at Meditation Centers in India

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

Meditation centers are a feature which have become very popular in the country of India, having mushroomed all over the country in recent years. These meditation centers are usually developed, coordinated and run by experienced teachers - individuals who have a thorough knowledge of the practice of meditation. There are several types or schools of meditation as practiced at these meditation centers which are spread around India, taking their roots mostly from the age old Buddhist practices which have endured for centuries.

Meditation centers are basically a place set out for learning about the art and practice of meditation, meditation being the way and manner in which the individual seeks to attain a calmness of the mind, leading to freedom to live in love, peace and happiness with and within her surroundings.

The benefits of attending any of several meditation centers are quite numerous. For one, leaving your normal environment to another area of cultural differences has its natural benefits. But this is only the most basic of the benefits. The student who prepares himself and learns the processes involved in the practice of meditation, such as the processes of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry and Radiant mantras taught at the Z Meditation Center, will acquire a proper understanding of himself after successfully freeing himself from decades of preconceived ideas and notions that have been clouding his thinking, resulting in poor judgment calls and tainted information for decision making. As the mind is freed, so is the soul, which becomes more attuned to the nature of God and can thus relate to the concepts of good and evil more easily. Last but not the least, the body, a source of pain and discomfort to many, will begin to heal itself as the mind is elevated. The cause of most of our bodily ailments can be traced to an unsteady, disturbed mind.

Thus meditation centers approach the human being in a holistic manner, treating the mind to take care of our souls and bodies as well.


Apart from these most wholesome benefits, meditation centers may be seen as an alternative form of vacation. And meditation centers in India have become a major vacation destination. Most, if not all, of these meditation centers are located in peaceful, quiet and relaxed areas. The Z Meditation Centers are actually located in a small town in the popular Himalayas with an unadulterated peace and breathtaking views. As a vacation destination, meditation centers also have the advantage of being pocket friendly, costing a fraction of what most traditional vacations would require.

There is however a single caveat. The vacationer or student to meditation centers needs to be a sincere seeker of the true knowledge. Without this sincerity and focus of purpose, it would be difficult for him to develop the discipline and concentration needed to learn and ultimately reap the benefits of taking a vacation at meditation centers in India. With the conviction by the individual that she is ready and willing to do away with wrong teachings, usually gathered unconsciously, she may then be able to properly benefit from the teachings at meditation centers of the true knowledge, to rise to heights hitherto not experienced.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Meditation Music

Meditation Music. Welcome to don't miss this treasure!

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Can a Master Mind Program Help Your Business? How to Find the Right One

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST

Article by Kendall SummerHawk

When I'm asked about the one thing I did to leap my business from frustrating five figures to over a million dollars in just three short years, my answer is always, "I joined a Master Mind!"

Reason is, before I was in a Master Mind I let myself get bogged down with the details of running my business, I didn't have any accountability which made it easy to let myself slide on deadlines, and I often found myself caught in a cycle of self-doubt or confusion because I didn't have an outside perspective.

Turns out, my experience is not uncommon. As women entrepreneurs, when we're working by ourselves, from home, it's easy to feel busy without actually making progress. Or to get distracted with laundry, Twitter or answering email even though those aren't the tasks that will help us leap our business forward.

Now, I can credit being in the right Master Mind with my most successful program and product launches, plus with helping me leap ahead emotionally into the type of business woman I always dreamed of being.

But, here's the rub, lots of people talk about the value of Master Minds but joining the wrong Master Mind can be a disappointing mistake.

To reap the benefits of being in a Master Mind, and avoid common mistakes, here are five insider's secrets that will help you choose the right Master Mind, even if you're on a budget.

Master Mind Tip #1: Forget Bartering

Here's why: there's no way you'll take yourself seriously or get the high quality help you need if you're not willing to invest in yourself. Trying to barter Master Mind support typically attracts others who are at your same level (or lower), which won't help you leap forward, thus costing you tons of time, energy and wasted opportunity.

While I could get on quite a rant about bartering, let me just say here that bartering denies a basic principle of money, which is that money needs to flow. The energy of bartering is of lack and limitation. Instead, when you step up and invest in expert help you! open yo urself up to the ideas and input of the Master Mind group, as well as taking action faster, easier and with greater confidence.

Master Mind Tip #2: Choose A Mentor Who's Accomplished What YOU Want

There are many great mentors available these days, making it even more important that you chose the person who's experienced in areas you want specific help with.

For example, in my Master Mind programs members receive specific mentoring on how to turn one idea into multiple streams of income, how to streamline their business, hire the right team and launch their business online. Knowing that I've already created a seven-figure business due to expertise in these areas gives them peace of mind and assurance they're making the right choice.

Master Mind Tip #3: Be Mindful Of What Happens Behind The Scenes

A colleague of mine, currently in a Master Mind program, is reporting back chaotic scheduling, uncertain program benefits, even unclarity as to who else is in the group with her! All of this speaks to the lack of organization of the Master Mind leader.

While the start of any Master Mind program can often have a few hiccups, when choosing a program be sure to first get a sense of how well the mentor's business is organized and run so that you don't find yourself in for any unpleasant surprises.

Master Mind Tip #4: How Much You Should Budget

I've always invested more than I thought I could afford in a Master Mind program and it's always paid off multiple times over. By investing more I stopped making excuses or procrastinating. Instead, I got into action, implemented and as a result, increased my business by over 10 times in just the past three years.

Was it scary to commit to such a large investment each time? Yes! But I've never regretted it, and, somehow, each time I found the money. The way I look at it is this: If I make this investment, will it help me make at least 3x as much in return?If the answer is an instant "Yes!" That's how you know it's the righ! t progra m.

Master Mind Tip #5: Be Ready For Powerful Emotional Shifts At Your Soul Level

When you step up and join a professionally run Master Mind program you'll instantly find yourself experiencing major emotional and spiritual shifts. Everything from fear, excitement, doubt and confidence will flow through you like an electric current.

Keep this in mind: The fear and doubt are the old you, fighting to maintain control. The excitement and confidence are the new you, ready and eager to be given a chance to expand. What's cool is that the new you are the feelings that will stick with you for the rest of your life, leaving you more authentically and more powerfully you.

The Question Isn't Whether Or Not To BE In A Master Mind, But Which ONE You'll Choose...

Imagine this, one-year from now you're celebrating having launched new products and programs, having broken through barriers of fear or doubt and having increased your income. Pretty awesome vision, isn't it?

A Master Mind program makes this possible for you. So, chose one that's right for you and get ready to experience a real miracle happening for you in your life and your business.

About the Author

Kendall SummerHawk, the Million Dollar Marketing Coach, is an expert at helping entrepreneurs at all levels design a business they love and charge what they're worth and get it. Kendall delivers simple ways entrepreneurs can quickly move away from 'dollars-for-hours work' and create more money, time, and freedom in their business. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for a free subscription to Kendall's Money, Marketing and Soul weekly articles visit

Judaism and the Cultivation of Mindfulness in the Everyday

Michael Fishbane discusses the role of spiritual practices in Judaism, through ritual and meditation, which cultivate different types of consciousness and awareness. He considers diverse examples from the full range of Jewish religious history, including related topics from his recent book "Sacred Attunement: A Jewish Theology". Series: Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies [7/2010] [Humanities] [Show ID: 19392]

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Guided Meditations as Stress Relief Techniques

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST

Article by Thord Hall

Life can often be overwhelming and quite stressful. Stress can be harmful to the body and relieving that stress is not only important for your emotional well being, but even more so for your physical health. One of the most readily available and easy to implement stress relief techniques is meditation. Easy to use forms of meditations known as guided meditations are quite effective and have helped people find strength and inner peace for centuries.

Guided meditations are nothing more than meditation with instructions. We all probably have friends or people that we know who meditate. Someone may have even suggested meditation to you at one time, but you may have thought that it was a little too different or it would be too difficult to perform. Although meditation has been around for quite awhile, it has not always been considered an exercise for everyone. The increasing popularity of meditation and guided meditations can be attributed to the fact that people are curious. This curiosity has shown us that meditation is not really all that foreign, and it is one of the stress relief techniques that is quite easy to master. Not to mention the incredible number of benefits one can derive from meditating.

Meditation is relaxation. It is a simple relaxation technique that you consciously trigger to develop a natural state of mind and body that makes you feel better. Daily use will quickly bring harmony and peace to your life. When you meditate daily, you begin to understand the power of your mind of guided meditations is to develop a relationship between your mind and body that allows them to work together in harmony. This balance will reform your overall perception and response to stress. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easily you will be able to develop stress relief techniques to cope with the everyday situations that, up to this point, drove you to distraction.

A good thing about meditation is that you do not need any equipment. You only need enough space for you. The main ! objectiv e is to where you can get into a comfortable position. Avoid laying down, you may fall asleep. Once you are comfortable, take some time and feel the areas affected by stress and tension, breathe deeply and relax. You have just found one of the best stress relief techniques known and have also taken your first step in meditation.

If you are a beginner looking for stress relief techniques and considering meditation then guided meditations are the way to go. The key word being "guided", because when starting anything new, we need to be shown. The guidance can be in various forms like, instructional CD's, videos, books or even personal trainers. Learning to meditate is not difficult. You should be able to, with a little instruction, begin to meditate effectively within 3 to 10 minutes. The cost of these programs is not much at all, and the benefits are enormous. Try it and see for yourself.

There are many sources of information online, and a good place to look is a review site like Guided Meditations. Visit the site and look around, there are some great and affordable programs that will suit just about anyone's needs.

About the Author

Thord Hall is a business consultant specializing in personal services and online ventures.

AUM Meditation for Opening Third Eye Chaka Point (free article with full details). AUM Mantra Meditation Video demonstrating the use of this powerful technique for opening and activating the Third Eye Chakra Point (Ajna Chakra).

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Surgical Centers Warned Against False Advertising of Lap-Band

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:41 PM PST

CREDIT: Dreamstime

Several surgical centers in California were issued warning letters by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today for featuring misleading advertisements for the Lap-Band, a weight-loss device.

Among the offending advertisements: billboards that do not list the device's risks and side effects.

"The FDA takes seriously its responsibility to protect consumers from products promoted without adequate warnings," Steve Silverman, director of the Office of Compliance in the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in a statement. "It's particularly troublesome when advertisements don't communicate the serious risks associated with medical devices."

In the letters, the FDA warns that the billboards and advertising inserts used by the offending companies promote the Lap-Band procedure without providing required risk information, including warnings, precautions, possible side effects and contraindications. The agency also said it was concerned that the information related to risks is printed on the advertising inserts in a font size too small to be read by consumers.

The organizations that received letters were: Bakersfield Surgery Institute Inc.; Beverly Hills Surgery Center; Palmdale Ambulatory Center; Valley Surgical Center; Top Surgeons LLC; Valencia Ambulatory Center LLC; Cosmopolitan Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; San Diego Ambulatory Center LLC; and 1-800-GET-THIN.

If the affected companies do not change the advertising-and-promotion strategies to address the concerns raised by the FDA, the agency said it is prepared to take further action, which could include product seizure or civil money penalties.

The Lap-Band is a gastric band, a device implanted surgically that restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold. Patients eligible for the procedure are obese adults who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 to 40, with one or more obesity-related medical conditions (such as Type 2 diabetes and hypertension). Patients with a BMI of 40 or over with or without an obesity-related medical condition can also receive the device.

Gastric banding is used when nonsurgical weight-loss methods (such as supervised diet, exercise and behavior modification) have not been successful, the FDA says. Patients considering gastric banding must be willing to make major changes in their eating habits and lifestyle.

"It is important for the patient to fully understand both the risks and the benefits of the procedure and for the health-care provider to be sure the procedure is appropriate for the patient," said Dr. Kimber Richter, deputy director for medical affairs in the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

Complications after gastric-banding surgery include: difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, leaking of the gastric band, erosion of the band through the stomach wall and a shift in orientation of the band, which requires additional surgery to reposition, according to the FDA.

Health-care providers who choose to promote the gastric-banding procedure are required to educate patients about the risks involved, which must also be included in any advertising and promotional materials, the FDA says. Patients considering the surgery should read the patient information provided by their doctor and should ask any questions they have about gastric banding before having surgery.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

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Rest In Natural Great Peace by Tibetan Stress Reduction Monks

In memory of Marek Gold - Relaxation and meditation audio recording of Stress Reduction Monks singing with spoken text and music (sorry we don't know who) as it was a gift. Images from some special off the beaten track beach spaces near Byron Bay Australia. (All Rights Reserved)

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Know About Meditation Centers in India

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

by kahala

Article by Lily Candice

To live a life without being unnecessarily hassled by trouble, one needs to be balanced. A balanced mind is characterized by feelings of joy, peace and happiness, no matter the circumstances. The skills you require to live in this state are what can be obtained at meditation centers. Meditation Centers are places of learning of the art and practice of meditation. Meditation itself is a set of techniques with which you can develop a sense of equanimity with which to tackle the issues of life. There is no avoiding the problems of living. What we can do is to embrace the learnable methods by which the situations we are bound to face can be managed.Z Meditation runs meditation centers in Dharamsala, in India, where willing and sincere students are taken through the logical processes of reaching a state of complete awareness. The unaware are usually troubled by their expectations. These expectations are as a consequence of beliefs and conditionings, which are taken to be absolute truths. When your expectations are not met, the result is restlessness, a state of mind in which one cannot handle even the simplest problem. A molehill then becomes a mountain. Ridding oneself of these harmful mental formations is at the root of the teachings at meditation centers.Meditation centers, including that of Z Meditation, are usually located within serene, pleasant and hospitable surroundings. This is not just by coincidence. This ambient state allows the student to be easily receptive to the teachings that will be imparted onto her. After leaving meditation centers, the adherent will then be able to be balanced in any surrounding situation, however chaotic it may be.Being a holistic health solution, meditation as taught at meditation centers is meant to cater to every aspect of your being. When the mind of an individual is well balanced, it will be difficult for physical ailments to take root in such a person. This then means that the very core of your being, your soul, will be well nourished.At the programs run b! y Z Medi tation in their meditation centers, the focus of the teaching is on Deep Deconditioning Inquiry. This is a system developed by the founders in which the individual seeks to dig up and root out those false beliefs and conditionings which result in robotic responses to situations and events. By systematically delving within, you can be able to determine what is right for you and how to be detached in all circumstances. This state then allows you to handle any situation or crises with a sense of equanimity; not trying to pre-determine the outcomes.Meditation centers are mostly on campus affairs. However, the possibility of holding meditation programs from meditation centers exist where there is a minimum guaranteed attendance and the availability of facilities. Meditation centers like that of Z Meditation also make available meditation online courses, and meditation books. These books may be obtained via the internet from reputable online bookstores, the regular booksellers, and other merchants.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Centers at Z Meditation in India

Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age

The next step in today's 'spiritual revolution' is putting the gains of personal development to work for the world, says Benjamin Creme, author of 12 books on practical spirituality and life ahead in the new millennium. In a new, expanded 5th edition of his book, Transmission-A Meditation for the New Age, Creme explains that the time is past to focus on one's own spiritual progress without engaging in some form of service. Transmission Meditation, he says, is the simplest way to do both--at the same time. Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet, focused by the Masters of Wisdom--our 'Elder Brothers'. This process, which makes the energies more useful to humanity, is like that of electrical transformers, stepping down the power between generators and ordinary outlets. These transformed spiritual energies, Creme explains, are gradually uplifting all life forms and changing our world for the better. "What is unique about this work," says Creme, "is its simplicity. It is a perfect vehicle for the aspirations of very busy people. It is safe, highly scientific, non-denominational, free of any charge, and unbelievably potent. It is a service in which we can involve ourselves for the rest of our lives and know that we are helping in the great transformation to a more just and compassionate world. At the same time I know of no other form of service which makes for such far reaching and fast spiritual growth." The preface includes Creme's extraordinary account of his 40-year collaboration with a Master of Wisdom, and how it led to his primary work of preparing the way for Maitreya, World Teacher for the coming age.

List Price: $ 16.00 Price: $ 13.25

Grocery Store or Doctor's Office: Does It Matter Where You Get Your Flu Shot?

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 12:41 PM PST

vaccination, vaccine, needle, doctor
CREDIT: Vaccine photo via Shutterstock

Bread, milk, flu shot: Taking care of all your necessities with one-stop shopping is enticing. So it may seem like a boon to the road-weary that pharmacies and grocery stores increasingly offer flu shots within view of the deli or dairy case.

But is there a difference between rolling up your sleeve at the doctor's office — which may be bursting with sick people — and getting a flu shot in the middle of the cough syrup aisle?

Influenza vaccinations must still be administered by licensed health-care professionals – typically nurses or pharmacists. But where they do the deed apparently isn't nearly as important as simply getting it done, experts say.

"It's a good idea, obviously with the proviso that it's done according [to] a standard of practice," said Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group. "It's convenient, it makes it easier for whole families to come in, and in the context of a trip to the grocery store, they can have this done."

Poland participated in a panel that advised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last year to recommend that all Americans over 6 months of age receive the flu vaccine. That amounts to 296 million people, and he said he has few qualms about where people are immunized. The long list of chains now offering flu shots include Walgreens, Target and CVS, where the vaccinations typically cost between $ 20 and $ 30.

Between 5 percent and 20 percent of people who aren't vaccinated will develop flu infections, Poland said.

Rising rate of drugstore vaccinations

About 129 million doses of vaccine have been distributed this season, according to the CDC, and there is plenty of time to jump on the bandwagon: Flu season typically peaks in January and February. This year's vaccine protects against three different strains, including H1N1 (also known as the swine flu), the emergence of which spurred a national panic two years ago.

In fact, the 2009 H1N1 epidemic spurred customers turning to drugstores, which often had vaccines left after doctors' offices had depleted their supplies, according to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores.

While medical settings such as doctors' offices account for about 55 percent of all flu shots given this season, according to the CDC, about 21 percent have been administered at commercial locations such as pharmacies, grocery stores and other stores — a jump of 3 percent since last year. Other locations include workplaces and schools.

"The upside of having the shot available in more places is it increases vaccine-administration rates," said Dr. Joel Mendelson, director of allergy and immunology at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, in New Jersey.

"I really can't think of a significant downside," Mendelson said. "And pharmacies are a natural place, because these are some of the places the high-risk people come — diabetics come there for insulin, asthmatics come for inhalers."

It seems a win-win for pharmacies and supermarkets to offer vaccines: While analysts have debated just how profitable the practice itself is, there's no question that it increases sales of other items to customers who consolidate their errands. Some insurance plans pay for immunizations -- which are listed as "preventive care" -- no matter where they are received, while others stipulate the shots must be given in a medical setting. But if an office co-pay must be met, it may be cheaper and easier (no appointment required) to get a flu shot while you're picking up dinner fixings.

A standard protocol for administering the injection is observed no matter where flu shots are offered, Poland and Mendelson said. All who seek the vaccination (or, for children, their guardians) must first fill out a questionnaire that, among other things, explains who should not receive the shot – namely, people severely allergic to eggs (in which the vaccine is grown).

Because the flu vaccine is overwhelmingly safe, Poland said, the protocol of having a questionnaire negates most potential problems. That said, "I would have more concern about the place where infants receive vaccines," he said, "primarily because if something did happen, almost nobody in that [supermarket] setting is prepared to treat or resuscitate an infant."

Bad reactions

Mendelson noted that the rate of "immediate reactions," in which a person suffers a negative medical reaction just after a shot is administered -- including potentially fatal anaphylactic shock — is "exceedingly low," happening only once in every 1.5 million vaccinations.

"Pharmacists dispense drugs every day that have much higher reaction rates when people take them home – like antibiotics," he added.

But one of the tradeoffs of getting a flu shot outside of the doctor's office is that it can disrupt the doctor-patient relationship, Poland said, causing doctors to miss the chance to intervene on other medical matters while giving simple immunizations.

"If you go to the grocery store and get a flu vaccine, that's great," Poland said. "But they're not saying to you, 'You need to lose weight . . . you also need the pneumococcal and pertussis vaccines . . . you haven't had your screening for colon cancer or your mammogram.' There's always that."

Pass it on: It's generally safe for most people to get their flu shot at a pharmacy or grocery store, though experts say infants should be not immunized in such settings.

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Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy Buddhist roshi Joan Halifax works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row). She shares what she's learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at http

Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

The ancient Vedic art and philosophy, yoga, is all about experiencing the oneness with the God. It is also the way of finding peace of mind and controlling the mind all by ownself. Be it Hatha yoga or Ashtanga yoga or Kundalini yoga - Yoga enriches the life with divine tranquility and takes one to a higher level of spiritualism. Yoga is a blessing for all, criss-crossing age or sex. This ancient art is very much popular among all for its beneficial and life-enriching qualities. Women find it truly helpful in the most important phase of their life i.e. during pregnancy. For ages yoga has been practiced by pregnant women to avoid any kind of complications during pregnancy. Prenatal yoga ensures pain-free and smooth delivery. And if some soothing yoga music can be included in yoga practicing, it delivers better result.Apart from being in shape and staying healthy, yoga has lot more to offer to the expecting mothers in their most crucial as well as vulnerable stage of life. Many and many women are opting for prenatal yoga for a relaxed and comfortable birthing. It gives protection to both the mother and the baby. By practicing yoga the mother-to-be can learn to rediscover her own inner strength as well as how to ensure herself and her baby's overall well being. It is very normal for women to experience fear of pregnancy which sometimes leads to a serious problem. Yoga practiced with meditation music, is also beneficial to overcome this fear of pregnancy. For those expecting mothers who cannot join a yoga class, various prenatal yoga DVDs available at Spirit Voyage, can be of great help.Meditation is a part of yoga. Meditation is the way to develop a favorable mindset which is very much necessary in this period. Because the happiness of the mother-to-be has great influence in the positive growth of the fetus. So, yoga or meditation helps to develop a positive attitude by controlling any kind of mood-swings and thus it creates a balance in the mind. Yoga music plays a very important role here. The soot! hing tun es of the spiritual music fills up the mind with divine purity. Regular meditation makes the woman ready for the childbirth. Whereas the breathing exercises provide more oxygen to the baby in the womb. And above all, the sacred tunes of meditation music will shower the divine blessing to the mother and her child.Practicing yoga during pregnancy promises two vital task, natural child birth and minimal pain during delivery. It also ensures some post-delivery benefits like getting into the right shape, maintaining the proper body weight and strengthening both the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. Yoga helps to get a flexible body which will be able to adjust the changes during pregnancy and post-pregnancy. So, weave the sweet memories of tension-free pregnancy with the yoga DVDs and books offered by Spirit Voyage. Birth Without Violence by Frederick Leboyer, The Awakening by Donna Amrita Davidge, Yoga Para Despues del Embarazo / Postnatal Yoga DVD by Natalie Stawsky, Postnatal Kundalini Yoga for New Mothers DVD by Gurmukh, Baby and Mom Pre Natal Yoga DVD by Gurmukh etc. are some of the yoga CDs and DVDs which are perfect for pregnant women. Apart from these prenatal and post-natal DVDs, Spirit Voyage also has a huge collection of spiritual music CDs and DVDs. A huge number of CDs, DVDs and books are available on every form of yoga, be it Kundalini yoga or Hatha yoga. The renowned spiritual singers like Deva Premal, Snatam Kaur, Wah!, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh have lent their pure soulful voices in these albums.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Do yoga to relieve back pain

Doing two yoga asanas can relieve you of back pain, but do consult your doctor before trying the asans.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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"How to Die in Oregon" made me less afraid of death

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

I'm going to die eventually. And I live in Oregon. So it figures that the award-winning 2011 documentary "How to Die in Oregon" would be of considerable interest to me. 

In 1997 Oregon became the first state to allow terminally-ill people to end their lives through self-administered lethal medications if a physician certified they had six months or less to live. It's officially called the Death With Dignity Act, but often is midleadingly referred to as physician-assisted suicide.

The movie shows that suicide isn't what terminally-ill people are doing when they choose to control the time and place of their death, rather than being subject to the vicissitudes of a painful, debilitating fatal disease.

They're doing just what the name of the Oregon Act says: dying with dignity

I recorded "How to Die In Oregon" months ago when it was first shown on HBO. Since, until a few days ago, it's sat on our DVR, passed over for other programs when we wanted to watch something -- mostly because of me.

My wife would say, "Why don't we watch How to Die in Oregon tonight?" I'd tell her, "Please, let's not. Too depressing." 

I was wrong. Very wrong.

I was deeply moved by the movie in some highly positive ways. If you're like me, scared to death of, well, death, you've got to find a way to see "How to Die in Oregon." (It'll probably be available on Netflix eventually.)

After the movie ended my wife said to me, "I'm surprised you liked it so much, given how you feel about dying." She probably was thinking of how, when we sat down with an attorney to discuss our wills/living trusts, I insisted that the attorney say "gerbils" instead of "dies" when she was referring to my eventual demise.

So rather than say "When Brian dies..." our attorney would say "When Brian gerbils..." This made the discussion easier for me to handle, though my alternative word demand must have confused any of her colleagues who overheard us talking.

The older I get (I'm 63 now), the easier it is for me to envision my death. Or rather, dying, because my bet is that after I die my consciousness will be as dead as my body, so I won't be aware that death has happened. 

"How to Die in Oregon" made me feel even better about dying.

From the opening scene to the final credits, I was mesmerized as I watched the movie, fascinated by how positive, upbeat, humorous, and courageous the people were who took advantage of Oregon's Death With Dignity law.

Even as they were drinking the liquid mixture of barbituates that would put them into a coma, and then cause them to die.

A review by Ebert at the Movies mentions how the first man shown looks into the camera and says, "Tell the next person this stuff tastes woody!" He's marvelously alert, aware, and blunt as he thanks the voters of Oregon for giving him this option to end his life on his own terms, not that of his disease.

(Watch the review to see some moving scenes from the movie; also, watch the trailer, where the above-mentioned man is shown at the beginning saying he knows what the medications will do: "It will kill me and make me happy.")

"How to Die in Oregon" shows how people act when they know this is the last day, hour, or minute they'll be alive. It's incredibly moving to share these moments. I'm grateful they and their families were so welcoming of the camera crew.

What a gift. The movie is transforming. At least, it was for me. I'll never look upon dying in the same way again. Or living.

Because the terminally ill people shown in "How to Die in Oregon" teach us how to make the most of our last moments. Which could come upon us at any moment, given that death usually can't be predicted.

There were a few allusions to an afterlife in the movie, but I can't recall any explicit displays of religiosity from those who chose the death with dignity option. Of course, most people who choose to die at a time and place of their own choosing likely aren't highly religious.

Mostly, the movie shows them living their last moments honestly, bravely, light-heartedly, warmly. They were supported by friends and family. They were sustained by nature (gardening, walks in a park). They trusted that when it was the right time to die, they'd know it.

I've struggled with a fear of death for much of my life. "How to Die in Oregon" taught me that there's a simple way to deal with that fear: don't be afraid. I realize those three words may not make much sense to someone who hasn't seen the movie.

If so, see it.

This film is like no other. It looks straight into the eyes of death, a subject that most of us dance around rather than embrace. (The Ebert video review says that at the Sundance Film Festival showing, the theatre was half empty; people wrongly thought the movie would be a downer.)

After watching the movie, my wife and I can't understand how anyone could argue that death with dignity shouldn't be an option for everybody. Every state in this country, and every country in the world, needs to pass similar laws.

When death is inevitable -- and even when it isn't -- people who aren't seriously depressed or mentally ill should be able to decide whether they want to keep on living. Why should anyone else be able to make that choice for someone? 

God almost certainly is an illusion. Death is real. The main objection to death with dignity is religious, which makes no sense. Illusions can't be allowed to overrule reality.

(Here's a good review of the movie.)

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"You Can Never Leave the Now"

William Nyogen Yeo Roshi takes the mystery out of the practice of Buddhism and explains how brain science and quantum theory confirm some of the basic teachings of the Buddha.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Five Simple Stress Reduction Methods

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Mark Baybayan

Stress is the most common problem that is constantly punishing the vitality of a person. It is also the root of various physical and mental predicaments that are sweeping the world with its damaging ways. Stress can take away the smile from your face and bring you mental anguish at a young age.

Overcoming stress has been the chief goal of many people who want to a live longer, more intelligent and more productive life. How to do it can be clear if a person is truly unfaltering and does his maximum effort in getting out of the situation.

1.Smile more and be positive. Appreciate life to the fullest; do not frown much over things. Rejoice over small things in life and you will get the best kind of things you have in life. When you do smile, tightness and pressure will be released out of your body and you will release the harmful toxins that are killing your immune system.

2.Talk more. Human beings are made to talk. If you will talk with your friends, you will be able to alleviate what is on your mind and in return get back additional ideas that may be able to assist you get a better perspective of the way you look at life.

3.Eat well. Hunger can cause stress. It can make the body not function suitably, making it evolve into a machine that is not fit to move with the right kind of momentum. You need food and subsistence to help you do the things that you are doing.

4.Exercise. Our body demands a way to release the stress we have built up during the day. Stretching your body a little will assist the muscles, taking away the results of stress to the nerves.

5.Try to relax. Do not anguish over things. Do not be worried about every little thing in life. Take some time to see the wonders of the day and enjoy.

About the Author

To receive our FREE newsletter that's filled with great tips on how todeal with Stress and Anxiety "Click Here"

Author: Mark Baybayan

Sacred Chants for Stress Relief - Vaidhyanathashtakam

A song by Uma Mohan & G. Gayatri Devi. Dim the lights, sit back and enjoy the song :-) Video clips downloaded from links below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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"How to Die in Oregon" made me less afraid of death

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

I'm going to die eventually. And I live in Oregon. So it figures that the award-winning 2011 documentary "How to Die in Oregon" would be of considerable interest to me. 

In 1997 Oregon became the first state to allow terminally-ill people to end their lives through self-administered lethal medications if a physician certified they had six months or less to live. It's officially called the Death With Dignity Act, but often is midleadingly referred to as physician-assisted suicide.

The movie shows that suicide isn't what terminally-ill people are doing when they choose to control the time and place of their death, rather than being subject to the vicissitudes of a painful, debilitating fatal disease.

They're doing just what the name of the Oregon Act says: dying with dignity

I recorded "How to Die In Oregon" months ago when it was first shown on HBO. Since, until a few days ago, it's sat on our DVR, passed over for other programs when we wanted to watch something -- mostly because of me.

My wife would say, "Why don't we watch How to Die in Oregon tonight?" I'd tell her, "Please, let's not. Too depressing." 

I was wrong. Very wrong.

I was deeply moved by the movie in some highly positive ways. If you're like me, scared to death of, well, death, you've got to find a way to see "How to Die in Oregon." (It'll probably be available on Netflix eventually.)

After the movie ended my wife said to me, "I'm surprised you liked it so much, given how you feel about dying." She probably was thinking of how, when we sat down with an attorney to discuss our wills/living trusts, I insisted that the attorney say "gerbils" instead of "dies" when she was referring to my eventual demise.

So rather than say "When Brian dies..." our attorney would say "When Brian gerbils..." This made the discussion easier for me to handle, though my alternative word demand must have confused any of her colleagues who overheard us talking.

The older I get (I'm 63 now), the easier it is for me to envision my death. Or rather, dying, because my bet is that after I die my consciousness will be as dead as my body, so I won't be aware that death has happened. 

"How to Die in Oregon" made me feel even better about dying.

From the opening scene to the final credits, I was mesmerized as I watched the movie, fascinated by how positive, upbeat, humorous, and courageous the people were who took advantage of Oregon's Death With Dignity law.

Even as they were drinking the liquid mixture of barbituates that would put them into a coma, and then cause them to die.

A review by Ebert at the Movies mentions how the first man shown looks into the camera and says, "Tell the next person this stuff tastes woody!" He's marvelously alert, aware, and blunt as he thanks the voters of Oregon for giving him this option to end his life on his own terms, not that of his disease.

(Watch the review to see some moving scenes from the movie; also, watch the trailer, where the above-mentioned man is shown at the beginning saying he knows what the medications will do: "It will kill me and make me happy.")

"How to Die in Oregon" shows how people act when they know this is the last day, hour, or minute they'll be alive. It's incredibly moving to share these moments. I'm grateful they and their families were so welcoming of the camera crew.

What a gift. The movie is transforming. At least, it was for me. I'll never look upon dying in the same way again. Or living.

Because the terminally ill people shown in "How to Die in Oregon" teach us how to make the most of our last moments. Which could come upon us at any moment, given that death usually can't be predicted.

There were a few allusions to an afterlife in the movie, but I can't recall any explicit displays of religiosity from those who chose the death with dignity option. Of course, most people who choose to die at a time and place of their own choosing likely aren't highly religious.

Mostly, the movie shows them living their last moments honestly, bravely, light-heartedly, warmly. They were supported by friends and family. They were sustained by nature (gardening, walks in a park). They trusted that when it was the right time to die, they'd know it.

I've struggled with a fear of death for much of my life. "How to Die in Oregon" taught me that there's a simple way to deal with that fear: don't be afraid. I realize those three words may not make much sense to someone who hasn't seen the movie.

If so, see it.

This film is like no other. It looks straight into the eyes of death, a subject that most of us dance around rather than embrace. (The Ebert video review says that at the Sundance Film Festival showing, the theatre was half empty; people wrongly thought the movie would be a downer.)

After watching the movie, my wife and I can't understand how anyone could argue that death with dignity shouldn't be an option for everybody. Every state in this country, and every country in the world, needs to pass similar laws.

When death is inevitable -- and even when it isn't -- people who aren't seriously depressed or mentally ill should be able to decide whether they want to keep on living. Why should anyone else be able to make that choice for someone? 

God almost certainly is an illusion. Death is real. The main objection to death with dignity is religious, which makes no sense. Illusions can't be allowed to overrule reality.

(Here's a good review of the movie.)

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Buddhist: Dancing with Shadows -- Part 1

Part 1

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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