Buddhist Followers Discover the Essence of Dharma

Buddhist Followers Discover the Essence of Dharma

Buddhist Followers Discover the Essence of Dharma

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Article by Nisha Khan

Smokers Who Quit Are Happier, Study Finds

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST

Broken Cigarette
CREDIT: Cigarette photo via Shutterstock

Smokers wary of attempting to quit may perhaps find motivation in new researchshowing that people who successfully quit smoking are more satisfied with their lives, and feel healthier than those who continue to smoke.

The researchers looked at 1,504 people who took part in a smoking cessation trial in the United States. The authors assessed each participant's smoking status and quality of life one year and three years after the smoking cessation trial.

"Our findings suggest that, over the long-term, individuals will be happier and more satisfied with their lives if they stop smoking than if they do not," the researchers wrote. "This research provides substantial evidence that quitting smoking benefits well-being, compared to continuing smoking."

The study's "quality of life" measures included the participant's health, self-regard, philosophy of life and personal relationships.         

"Smokers might believe that quitting will decrease life satisfaction or quality of life — because they believe it disrupts routines, interferes with relationships, leads to a loss of smoking-related pleasure, or because cessation deprives them of a coping strategy," the study authors wrote.

But despite such concerns, the researchers found that those who quit experienced no such deterioration due to quitting.

On the contrary, quitters scored higher on measures of overall quality of life, health-related quality of life and positive emotions, both one year and three years after cessation, compared with those who continued to smoke.

Successful quitters also reported that they felt they had fewer stressors by the third year, according to the study, which was published online in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine on Dec. 9.

The researchers noted that their findings could be used by clinicians to educate and motivate people to stop smoking by helping them focus on the positive experiences of quitting.

Pass it on: People who successfully quit smoking report that they are more satisfied with their lives, feel healthier and experience less stressors compared to those who continue to smoke.

Follow Remy Melina on Twitter @remymelina, and follow MyHealthNewsDaily @MyHealth_MHND. Like us on Facebook.

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History of Tea

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 12:02 PM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by FJ Calderon

The true origins of tea as a beverage are unknown, but it is believed that tea drinking began about 5,000 years ago in China, where the tea plant, Camellia sinensis, is native.

It is perhaps because of this lack of verifiable information on the beginning of tea and tea drinking that a number of legends have sprung up around the creation of tea as a beverage.

The World's First Tea Drinker?

One of the more popular legends of how tea drinking began center around Shennong, who was believed to be an ancient Chinese emperor, herbalist and farmer (in fact, his name means the Divine Farmer).

Shennong was fairly knowledgeable about science in his day and he believed water should be boiled in order to make it safe enough for drinking. While on a journey around 2737 B.C., he stopped briefly to rest. His servants gathered twigs, including those from a tea plant, to make a fire to boil his water in.

A few of the tea leaves from the burning tea twigs floated in the heat from the fire and landed into the pot of boiling water. His curiosity piqued by the discoloration of the boiling water caused by the tea leaves, Shennong decided to try the accidental brew. He apparently enjoyed it, and thus tea the beverage was born. No word on whether Shennong took his tea with sugar and milk, though.

Wan Tu Drink Some Tea?

A variation of the Shennong tea legend has an evil, cruel man by the name of Wan Tu as the discoverer of tea. The way this variation goes is that Wan Tu was banished to the southern areas of China because of his despotic temperament.

While there, he too falls prey to falling tea leaves in his pot of boiling water. Wan Tu drinks the tea and, as legend has it, he finds tea so refreshing he becomes a kinder, gentler man.

Instant Tea?

There is another Chinese legend on the discovery of tea, albeit with a twist of Buddhism. This particular legend has it that Bodhidharma, an Indian Buddhist monk famous as the founder of Zen Buddhis! m, trave lled to China. While there, he became so angry at his drowsiness during meditation, he cut off his eyelids and threw them to the ground. His eyelids sprang into tea bushes immediately, thus creating instant tea, in a manner of speaking.

About the Author

FJ Calderon is an avid tea drinker and manager of web publishing company curioZities, LLC. Learn more about the history of tea and herbal tea at Tea Herbal Tea.

David Spero - Descent Into The Heart

A clip of Spiritual Master-Avatar David Spero, whose teachings are inclusive of many spiritual approaches: Advaita Vedanta, Kundalini Shakti, Meditation, Divine Mother Kali.

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Ways of Stress Management

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST

Article by Stuart Gomes

Our life and health is highly influenced by stress. Stress leads to an overall imbalance of the human psychosomatic system. It can effect your health very badly as it may cause troubles ranging from headache to very serious heart attack.

Stress is actually associated with two factors, one is external and another is internal. Everything related to the world surrounding us can fall into the category of external factors, such as our jobs, relationships, home and family, social customs, diseases, etc. On the other hand the internal factors, as the name suggests, is connected to our physical or bodily functions. Since stress that keeps on increasing can have a dangerous effect so it is vitally important to go for stress reduction.

There are many stress management tools that focuses on the reduction in the external and internal factors that add up to stress. If used properly, these tools can effectively help you in reducing your stress thereby keeping all the stress related problems at bay. Some of these techniques are as follows:

- Exercise is a very good stress relief tool. Physical exercise makes us healthy both in physical as well as emotional terms. It helps us to maintain a healthy balance in the holistic sense. If you are physically fit and healthy, you feel better within yourself. This is good for your mind and helps in developing the strength your mind requires and eventually such mental confidence equips you to fight against stressful situations.- You need to do some relaxation in between your work schedule. A small nap in between your work is very good for stress reduction. Though, if you do not have that much of time to take a nap then just keep your eyes closed for some time. This will help you to be calm and stress free. You also want to make sure you are getting an appropriate amount of sleep at night. This is the time your body uses to recharge. - Meditation: Meditation is said to be the best stress management tool to get a total relaxation of both body and the mind. ! There ar e thousands of meditation techniques. You just need to practice any one of them to experience stress reduction.

Apart from the above-mentioned stress management tools there are many other informal ways of stress reduction. There are many who love to play out door games that help them in stress busting. Lots of people enjoy being with children after a stressful work day. Some feel that listening to soothing music or watching television for some time is a good stress relief tool.

About the Author

Stuart is a psychological counselor and is associated with a lot stress management activities. For more tips on stress management Stuart would like you to visit http://www.heartmath.org

Gaining Mind Mastery Through Subliminal Perceptions And Messages

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 10:02 AM PST

Article by Mhel De Guzman

The subliminal technology has always been very vital for the health of the human mind. When you succeed in locating the right subliminal resources, you're sure to gain perfect mind mastery in the process. In most cases, such resources showcase in forms of subliminal perceptions and messages including images. They are all designed to help you reprogram your mind for success in life.

It's very important to point out the fact that, subliminal messages are quite different from subliminal perception. You don't need to be confused about the two. Basically, Subliminal messages are designed to influence your subconscious mind to greater action while subliminal perception is the actual measure of how much of the messages you're able to perceive in your subconscious.

Actually, the perception occurs when you're not even aware of it. It comes through the messages you've been listening to. It enters as pieces of information into your subconscious. You keep on perceiving without ever knowing that some processes are going on. This is because of the fact that the perception occurs in your subconscious mind. This is the seat of various activities in the mental system of the human person. If your unconscious mind is thoroughly impacted through the right subliminal messages, your conscious mind is sure to be affected in the process. Before you know it, you've started to gain perfect mastery over your entire mind.

There's the need to make sure that the subliminal messages you perceive are loaded with the right kind of information. Quality types are known to be loaded with lots of positive affirmations. The positive words contained in such messages can create lots of positive impacts in your subconscious if you continue to listen to them. On the other hand, if the messages contain negative affirmations, your subconscious will also be affected for the bad. This is the main reason why you need to guard what enters your mind jealously. The journey to mind mastery and self development begins with what g! oes on i n your subconscious and conscious mind. If you're thinking of succeeding in any venture in life, the journey begins with your mind set. You really need to guard what enters your mind in form of pieces of information if you really want to succeed.

Gaining mind mastery through subliminal perceptions and messages is never automatic. You have to work it out. There's needed to keep on listening to quality messages in order to succeed in the process. You can program yourself on how you can be listening to such messages. The perception can occur when you least expect it since it happens in the subconscious mind. Hence, there's every need for you to go for subliminal messages that are well packaged with positive affirmations. They showcase in form of CDs, DVDs and MP3s. You can be listening to them on daily basis. As you go ahead to do so, the perception will begin to occur in your subconscious. Before you know it, you've already begun to gain perfect mind mastery.

About the Author

Click Here to get your Free "Success Accelerator" Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Go claim your Free Cd today!

Luoyang of Henan

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:06 AM PST

Zen Buddhism
by araki

Article by sinnyliaoyan

Located in the west of Henan Province in central plain of China, Luoyang City is the pivot of the Chinese economic strategy that connects the East and the West. As the gateway for entering China's Mid-West, it faces the Yellow River in the north and backs against onto Luoshui River in the south. With a history of nearly 5,000 years, Luoyang is one of the first batches of historical cultural cities in China, as well as an emerging industrialized city with rich resources, advanced culture, convenient transportation and competitive technological strength. It now governs one city, eight counties and six districts, with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers, including an urban area of 544 square kilometers. It has a population of 6,150,000, of which 140,000 live in the city.

Luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. It is in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and is encircled by mountains and plains. To its east and west are the Hu Lao Pass and Han Gu Pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. To its north, Mengjin County was an important ferry crossing of the Yellow River. Thus, Luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century BC) in the 21st century BC. In the period following the Han Dynasty (206BC-220), and particularly during the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time.

This city was the starting point of the famous Silk Road during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Luoyang is one of China's seven ancient capital cities and is noted for its places of historical interest such as the Luoyang Museum, White Horse Temple, the Shaolin Monastery and Longmen Caves. The Luoyang Peony - the national flower of China, emphasizes the city's importance, while the Shaolin Martial Arts have inspired people world wide, something that should not be missed during your ! Luoyang trip.

Its long history endows Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. The city is the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood and the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Establishing the Nation. The city is also famed as the 'Poets Capital' as poets and literates of ancient China often gathered there and left grand works, including "Book of Wisdom" ("Daode Jing"), "Han History" ("Han Shu") and "Administrative Theory of Admonishing Official" ("Zi Zhi Tong Jian"). Religious culture once thrived here. Taoism originated there and the first Buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. Luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient China, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass.

Luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. The Longmen Grottoes are one of China's three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures and inscriptions. The White Horse Temple is the first Buddhist temple and is honored as the "Cradle of Buddhism in China". Mt. Mangshan is where ancient tombs of emperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. The Luoyang Ancient Tombs Museum is the world's first example of the kind and presents thousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. Shaolin Temple is the place of origin for Chinese Zen Buddhism and the cradle of Chinese Martial Art. Landscapes in Luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. White Cloud Mountain, Funiu Mountain, Long Yu Wan National Forest Park, Ji Guan Limestone Cave and the Yellow River Xiaolangdi Scenic Area are all worth a visit. Additionally, Luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. Every year in April, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world.

Dining in Luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. Various kinds of local dishes, including Water Feast, Yan Cai and others which use the famous Yellow River carps as an ingredient, toge! ther wit h the uniquely flavored soups, will greatly satisfy your taste buds. Luoyang's local specialties such as Palace Lanterns, bronze vessels and Tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delight your eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs.

Luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and the primitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guests from all over the world. Putting the city into the list of your exploration in China, you will get far more than what you expect.

About the Author

I am a sunny Chinese Girl,sinnyliaoyan, studying in Guangxi Normal University.I like travel, reading and writing. My email is: sinny_@126.com or sinny1012@live.cn.

Get more information about China guide at http://www.visitourchina.com.

Zen Monk from the Documentary "Baraka" (1991)

A Zen monk walks the streets of, presumably, Tokyo as he is oblivious and, yet, completely aware of his contrasting surroundings.

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Challenge The Mind With Flash Games

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

Article by Bulan Versluis

The net gaming industry is buzzing with job with an exhaustive spectrum of game genres being hosted by means of more than a few websites. Every of those websites are subscribed via more than one million subscribers from all over the place the world. Each number of sport has its own share of takers. While certain video games are performed simply to let out anger and frustration, different video games be offering a possibility to reinforce your abilities, along side leisure and relaxation. Fixing free puzzles on-line is one such genre of games, introduced by way of the online gaming industry.

Puzzle games be offering to render the mind sharper and quicker. These games are again highly regarded for those that do not like too much motion or violence. Puzzle games are cherished by means of all ages. In fact there is no age workforce for puzzle games.

Considering that the online video games had been perceived as destructive and alleged as addictive in nature, some great benefits of the games a ways outweigh the negatives, in positive circumstances at least. And Puzzle video games are one of the a good idea games. The puzzle games provide quality leisure to the gamers of the sport, whilst unfailingly guidance them into general involvement in solving the search within a timebound framework. The problem to the thoughts is perceived as a problem to ones overall skills and intelligence, that is exciting for the thoughts and results in feel of success upon success of the function successfully. The feeling of achievement, in turn renders the participant feeling good about himself/ herself. The avid gamers usually love the speculation of conquering a challenge, which obviously drives them into enjoying the sport again and again to accomplish all ranges of various difficulty.

Similar to actual-lifestyles puzzles, online puzzles are an workout for the thoughts and eyes. The participant continually has to pay attention even as making use of his thoughts, the usage of eyes & hand operating in! full co ordination and brain visualising a course of action every moment to deliver the puzzle solved on the earliest. The workout of mind, eyes, hand, and utilisation of ones logical and analytical talents, render the participant subtle in the same respects.

Topics comparable to Operations Research require superior logical and analytical abilities. The web puzzles allow the student to explore and groom the talents in abundance. A student's mathematical skills are also stepped forward with a large number of game playing. Regardless that the video games don't seem to be actually issues from an arithmetic text guide, the games toughen the psychological colleges which can be required for prime mathematical competence, together with sharpened thoughts and focus power.

Solving puzzles is an age old game. The orthodox sport of fixing puzzles has been animated to render on-line puzzle games. Therefore the adaptation is only that you are stored from looking down books, magazines and newspapers, and as a substitute take a look at a web page providing loose online video games of the particular genre.

Puzzles related to use of alphanumeric letters are an incredible way to a sharpened skill of considering in a child. Whats more, it is highly engaging for the child. It has been noticed that children like fixing puzzles on account of the suspense component involved. If truth be told, kids as young as toddlers are introduced to puzzles to offer exercise to their psychological colleges and increase them effectively hence. So, on-line puzzle games are mere on-line translations of strange puzzle video games that can be noticed in the same light and value.

About the Author

For facts with respect to free online games, swing by Lennie K Storrs's website without delay.

55 Can you imagine? music by Paul Collier, Theta binaural tones included

Download "Can you Imagine" from iTunes and support Paul...itunes.apple.com Enjoy smooth relaxing beautiful music, no words, a gentle instrumental, Take a break from your busy life Can you Imagine? by Paul Collier (C) 2010 (includes embedded Theta binaural tones) NEW!!! mp3 Download NOW OUT only from... www.PaulFromStokeUK.com This music contains brainwave entrainment technology, for more information on this cllick here... http Did you know you can only feel one emotion at a time, did you know that you can only think of one thing at a time? and more importantly do you know what this means in terms of achieving a healthy mind and maintainging a healthy mind? If you have negative thoughts that you cannot seem to shake, if you are reliving the emotions of a past event you cannot think these away. What you can do is imagine something new, look at this fantastic picture for instance, See yourself there, breathe in the mountain clear air, feel the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze. Take yourself for a virtual walk around the place, through the fields, maybe even climb the mountain. The main thing is this...Distract yourself, do this long enough (research says at least 15 minutes, so perhaps play this twice) and your previous persistant negative thoughts will have been replaced. You may think that doing this would result in the negative thoughts coming straight back, but, you will find that very often they do not for a period of time, that gets longer and longer the more you ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Baby-Mother Bonds Affect Future Adult Relationships, Study Finds

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST

CREDIT: Alexander Raths | Dreamstime

A mother lode of bonding – or a lack thereof – between moms and young children can predict kids' behavior in romantic relationships decades later, a new study suggests.

Adding to evidence that even preverbal memories are firmly imprinted on young psyches, researchers found that children who had been more securely attached to their mothers, now grown, did better at resolving relationship conflicts, recovering from those conflicts and enjoying stable, satisfying ties with their romantic partners in early adulthood.

"It's often very difficult to find the lingering effects of early life being related to adult behavior, because life circumstances change," said study author Jeffry A. Simpson, a professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota. "People change, but there's a kernel of stability from early experience in a lot of people."

Simpson and his colleagues reviewed data from 75 children born in 1976 and 1977 as part of the Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation, whose mothers received free prenatal care. These firstborn children were assessed at regular intervals with interviews, questionnaires, teachers' and parents' ratings and other observations, culminating with their relationships with their romantic partners at ages 20 and 21.

Measuring the mother-child bond

When the children were 12 and 18 months old, they were videotaped in a stressful lab procedure called "Strange Situation," in which the children were separated and reunited with their mothers. Those who were deemed to have an insecure attachment with their mothers – meaning they remained distressed throughout the experiment – reported more negative emotions when trying to resolve major relationship conflicts with their romantic partners two decades later.

Simpson noted, however, that these results were affected by factors such as the children's social skills in elementary school (as rated by teachers) and the strength of their relationships with their best friend at age 16, which had also been monitored.

"We also found that if you were insecurely attached to your mother as a child, but had a really committed partner as an adult, that partner basically protected you from showing dysfunctional behavior in your relationship 20 years later," Simpson said. "It's not like you're destined to be insecure your entire life."

For example, those who had been insecurely attached as infants were more likely to still be with their partners two years later, at age 23, if their partners displayed better "conflict recovery" at 20 or 21, the study said.

The finding that certain relationship patterns can be overcome under the right circumstances, such as with a well-adjusted partner, also depends on the degree of trauma suffered by the child, and his or her overall resilience, said Dr. Victor Fornari, director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the North Shore-LIJ Health System in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

"It's not just the quality of caretaking and the child's innate temperament, as well as what his biological predispositions are," Fornari said. "Certainly all of this begins in early childhood, but it's not just the quality of the mother-infant relationship that determines the outcome."

Can patterns be changed?

Adults who remember having a poor relationship with their mothers early in life – whether or not that pattern continued, may want to speak with a therapist to maximize their chances of happy, successful romantic relationships, Simpson suggested.

"Often, identifying the sorts of patterns you may not be able to articulate, can (help) you find someone who is not going to reinforce the way you used to be treated, or the way you used to view the world," Simpson said.

But he added, "It's really important not to blame parents. Usually when there's a negative pattern of behavior with a mother and child, the mother is under financial or emotional stress . . . They're often doing the best they can given their life circumstances."

The study is published in the December issue of the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science.

Pass it on: An infant's bond with mom may affect his relationships later in life, though other factors also have influence.

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Chinese Kung Fu Tour in Shaolin Temple

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:07 AM PST

Article by Eric Xu

1 0f 6 Clergy Misconduct a Talk By Jan Chozen Bays Roshi At Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Clergy Misconduct a Talk By Jan Chozen Bays Roshi At Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple In this Talk Chozen discusses the causes and consequences of clergy misconduct. She also speaks about dynamics of power, professional vs. persona relationships, and sexual energy. Please don't miss this vital topic on an issue so vital to American Zen today. This talk was given to the Sangha at Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple in Portland, OR part of The Zen Community of Oregon. Jan Chozen Bays Roshi is the author of two books. Mindful Eating and Training a Wild Elephant & Other Adventures in Mindfulness. She is co-abbot of Great Vow Zen Monastery in Clatskanie Oregon and leads the Zen Community of Oregon with her husband Hogen Bays. They are both students of Shodo Harada Roshi. relatedtopics: Clergy Misconduct Talk By Jan Chozen Bays Roshi At Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple Genpo Merzel Scandal Big Mind Edo Shimano Kanzeon Center Sex and the Spiritual Teacher White Plum Asanga Sangha abuse Maezumi scandal bigmind why it happens dennis heart affair controversy soto zen buddhist association szba azta american teachers sweeping master sweepingzen disrobes bigmind.org GVZM ZCO great vow monastery community oregon portland dharma hogen zazen buddhist study society zcla los angelos mitsoyu safe

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Are You Making These 7 Productivity Mistakes?

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:05 AM PST

You want to get things done. You're keen to be efficient and effective. "Productivity" is your favorite word – and you're working really hard at it. The problem is, if you're going about being productive the wrong way, you might just be setting yourself up to fail.

These are seven common mistakes that people make when they're trying to be more productive. Do any of them sound familiar?

Mistake #1: Cutting Back on Sleep
When you need an extra hour or two in the day, it's very tempting to simply cut back on sleep. You'll even hear productivity gurus advising that you "get up half an hour early" in order to create some extra time.

The problem is, skimping on sleep is going to decrease your productivity. In the short-term, you'll find yourself struggling to focus. You'll work more slowly than usual. In the longer-term, you could end up getting ill more often.

Mistake #2: Multi-Tasking

Although multi-tasking sounds good, it rarely works. You can multi-task if you're combining a physical task with a mental one (e.g. you listen to audio books while doing the ironing) – but you can't multi-task by reading emails while working on your big report.

When you try to tackle several work tasks simultaneously, you're really just switching your focus constantly from one to another. This breaks your flow, slows you down, and leaves you more susceptible to distractions.

Mistake #3: Doing Everything Yourself
Perhaps you believe that if you want a job done well, do it yourself. Instead of delegating tasks to other people (at work and at! home), you simply get on with them. Some of the tasks aren't exactly challenging – like data entry, or doing laundry – but you want them done to your high standards.

This isn't just bad for your productivity, it's bad for the people around you. If you try to do every little thing yourself, you're going to be using up time that would be better spent on more high-powered activities. And if you never give your subordinates (or your kids) a chance to tackle something new, you're stopping them from growing.

Mistake #4: Focusing Solely on Numbers

It's often useful to track particular metrics: how many miles you ran this week, or how many new leads you got from a particular business conference. But just focusing on numbers can be counter-productive – you'll miss all the important things that can't be easily quantified.

There's often not an obvious ROI to be found – especially in areas like relationship-building. You may need to invest time without any immediate results, but the network you create around yourself could be invaluable in the future.

Mistake #5: Eating at Your Desk
When you're busy, it's tempting to skip a lunch break in favor of carrying on with work. You grab a sandwich at your desk, munching away while reading emails. Once in a while, you might genuinely be so rushed that you have to do this – but if it's happening every day, you need to reassess things.

Taking a proper break helps refresh you for the afternoon ahead. Even getting out of the office and walking around for 15 minutes is valuable. And if you can eat lunch somewhere other than your desk, you'll probably enjoy the meal more – and digest it better.

Mistake #6: Checking Email Frequently
Unless your whole job is about answering emails (e.g. you're in tec! h suppor t), you almost certainly don't need to check email every ten minutes. You don't need to have a notification pop up on your screen with every new message, either.

All too often, we check email when we're not too sure what we should be doing – or when we're putting off a more important task. If you're genuinely worried about missing an urgent message, use a service like AwayFind to make sure that you're alerted about emails from your boss / client / child-minder.

Mistake #7: Pushing Yourself Hard

In the quest for productivity, you may find yourself trying to squeeze more and more into your days. Perhaps you're working full time and running a business on the side – while writing a novel and redecorating the spare bedroom. If your days, evenings and weekends are all packed full, something's eventually going to give.

In many cases, that may be your health. Mental and physical health issues can be caused by stress and overwork – and the time you'll lose to ill health can add up to far more than the extra few hours you gained.

Of course, it's good to be productive – to achieve things in both professional and personal life. But don't try to be productive at the expense of all else, and don't adopt measures for short-term gain that are going to cause problems over the long-term.

If you've got a productivity tip to share – or a mistake to warn us about! – then leave a comment below...

Written on 12/19/2011 by Ali Luke. Ali writes a blog, Aliventures, about leading a productive and purposeful life (get the RSS feed here). As well as blogging, she writes fiction, and is studying for an MA in Creative Writing.Photo Credit: MrVJTod

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5 Easy Ways to Reduce your Stress Today

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 07:11 AM PST

Article by Destin Lucas

Stress Inc. 6, Stress & How The Endocrine System Works

Stress Inc. 6, Stress & How The Endocrine System Works Chapter 4, Part 2 In this series Peter McCarthy, ND discusses his up coming book Stress, Inc. which discusses the effects of stress on both the individual, corporations and American workforce. What is the relationship between stress and raising health care cost and what effect do these factors have on the US economy? Is America doomed to be a stressed out nation? In future videos Peter will discuss; stress, signs of stress, stress management, symptoms of stress, stress test, pain and stress reduction, the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress, what the definition of stress is, stress reduction and stress reduction techniques, causes of stress and stress management anxiety reduction. Peter is theChief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Partners, Inc. and holds the degree of Doctor of Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health. He is a Nationally Board Certified Traditional Naturopath and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the American Naturopathic Certification Board. Visit Peter McCarthy's website www.lifeenergyholisticcenter.com This video was produced by Psychetruth www.myspace.com www.youtube.com psychetruth.blogspot.com © Copyright 2008 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Bodh gaya: The Center of Buddhist Pilgrimage

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:02 AM PST

Article by Aman Sharma

Kung Fu Hustle: Buddhist Palm HD

When faced with near death, Sing's inner Master blossoms, and the style "Buddhist Palm" is unleashed on The Beast

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So far we only see the problem

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:01 AM PST

That we see only phenomena and not the noumenon or substance (tathata) from which they (phenomena) are composed (samskrita) demands some elaboration. Let me start by asking the reader of this blog, first of all, to imagine they are standing in a beautiful forest.  How about Yosemite valley? (Okay, make it any place you wish.)  What you are seeing is only phenomena—not for a split second the substance or tathata.  

Now imagine that you are doing zazen in a place free of large black or red ants, in this beautiful forest.  Do you really believe the minute that you sit in zazen you will suddenly behold the true substance of reality from which phenomena are fashioned?  Of course you won't.  Whether you sit or stand, you are thoroughly bound up with phenomena by habit and ignorance (avidya). It takes an extraordinary amount of spiritual work to uncover the true substance of reality.  Sorry, but sitting in zazen might be relaxing and might even help you to get through the day, but it will not open the proper door to wisdom.  Back to our forest.

Everything that you see in this beautiful forest is a composition of a mysterious substance which you cannot yet see.  Yes, a Buddha and an advanced Bodhisattva can see it—but you can't.  You're still too intoxicated by phenomena.

"A man accustomed to pungent and bitter flavors all his life cannot think of, or assess, or believe in the sweet taste of honey or sugar" (Sandhinirmochana Sutra).

How one goes about seeing this substance (their true nature) is rather difficult to explain.  Suffice it to say, no one can see it by going the way of phenomena; being counseled by the senses.  Nor is there a phenomenal practice such as practicing zazen, for example, that can lead us to the noumenon.  By such a physical practice we will only arrive at where we are right now—again and again—where there is no enlightenment.  

"If ultimate truth and practices had no difference at all, everyone would already see the truth, and everyone would already have attained the highest expedient, tranquil nirvana, or they would have already attained supreme perfect enlightenment" (Sandhinirmochana Sutra). 


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Chinese Buddhist Spirituality Evening Bell Verses 暮叩鐘偈(1)

The last ceremony ending a day in the monastery is the ringing of the bell as verses praying for world peace and the Buddhas' names are sung. This is at Da-Bei Monastery in Liaoning, China. 遼寧海城大悲寺: 暮叩鐘偈

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Early Morning Spiritual Consciousness Inspiration - 12/19/2011

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:06 AM PST

"Good to forgive, the best is to forget."

~Buddhist Quote
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What is a Spiritual Consciousness parent's best approach to Christmas?

From a question and answer session with Spiritual Consciousness parents in London in 1994.

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The Great Swordsmen of Japan part 2

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:01 AM PST

Article by Robert Miller

Muneyoshi was born Yagyu Shinsuke in 1529 in Yagyu Village in Yamato Province. His father, Ietoshi, was a minor landed lord. When Muneyoshi was 12, Ietoshi joined a general named Kisawa Nagamasa in contesting the growing power of the warlord Miyoshi Chokei. However, Kisawa was killed in battle, and the Yagyu found themselves on the defensive. With over half of Yamato Province under his control, Miyoshi left the rest of the conquest to his lieutenant, Tsutsui Junsho.The Tsutsui and the Yagyu had feuded previously, and Junsho wasted no time. In 1544 he attacked the Yagyu at Koyagyu Castle with about 10,000 men. According to the Tamon-in Nikki, a chronicle of the Kofuku-ji temple, at first the Yagyu were caught by surprise, but Ietoshi rallied his troops for a defensive battle. Muneyoshi, a young man of 15, successfuly led a small troop of his own. The Tsutsui troops surrounded the castle, burned the surrounding houses and villages, took control of the outer castle and cut off the water supply, but the main castle still held out. The Yagyu held out for three days, but they were greatly outnumbered, and had no choice but to capitulate, and submit to the Tsutsui.The Yagyu served the Tsutsui for eight years. Muneyoshi studied the martial and liberal arts, becoming proficient with the spear and sword, as well as studying Confucianism, Zen Buddhism, and Shingon Buddhism. Muneyoshi soon gained notice as an able warrior and commander, and as many of orders were sent by Tsutsui to him, a young man in his 20s, as were sent to his father, still an active lord in his 50s. One message sent by Junsho's son Fujikatsu to Ietoshi singles out Muneyoshi in particular for praise.In 1559, the warlord Matsunaga Hisahide decided to attack the Tsutsui and take control of Yamato Province. He sent a message to Muneyoshi promising to restore their old lands and position to the Yagyu in exchange for their service. The Tsutsui were overthrown, and the Yagyu grew prominent under Matsunaga. In particular, Matsunaga gave Muneyosh! i a cita tion for valor for his performance in a battle at To'unomine. Matsunaga's attempt to take the mountain was repulsed, and Muneyoshi fought in the rearguard as the army retreated. He was wounded, but fighting with a spear he killed several of the enemy. Muneyoshi almost did not survive the battle, but a retainer named Matsuda Muneshige sacrificed his life to save Munetoshi's. Muneyoshi would later make mention of his extreme gratitude when he gave a Shinkage-ryu license to Muneshige's son Genjiro.It is not entirely clear what school of combat Muneyoshi studied, or who his teachers were. An Owari Yagyu family record suggests that he studied Shinto-ryu under a man named Kantori Shinjuro But "Kantori" may simply be a misreading of kanji meant to read "Katori", thus signifying "Katori Shinto-ryu". An Edo Yagyu family record suggests that he studied Toda-ryu, a branch of Chujoryu All family records and Muneyoshi's own surviving writings suggest that he was an enthusiastic student of the military arts from a young age, before he met Kamiizumi Hidetsune.Muneyoshi served Matsunaga with distinction. The battle at To'unomine, for which Muneyoshi received a citation of valor, was either just before his encounter with Hidetsuna or shortly after. In 1568, Oda Nobunaga entered Yamato Province with overwhelming force and subjugated the Matsunaga and Tsutsui, ending their skirmishing. It is likely that around this time Ietoshi retired, and passed on the leadership of the Yagyu to Muneyoshi. Nobunaga ordered Muneyoshi to go to Kyoto and attend to the new Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki.With the passing of a few years, however, Yoshiaki began forming alliances to overthrow Nobunaga, among them the Yagyu's old lord and present commander Matsunaga Hisahide and the warlord Takeda Shingen. In 1571, attempting to secure control once more over Yamato Province, Matsunaga sent the Yagyu in an attack against Tsutsui Junkei at Tatsuichi, a town in Nara. The attack was a total failure, and in the course of the battle Muneyoshi's oldest son, ! Toshikat su, was shot in the hip. This compounded an earlier injury he had received in his first battle, and made him an invalid for life.Yoshiaki's coalition made its move against Nobunaga in 1573, but despite early success the death of Takeda Shingen weakened it. Nobunaga drove Yoshiaki out of Kyoto in August, and Matsunaga rejoined Nobunaga to fight the other members of the coalition. It is likely that Muneyoshi took part in these battles. However, by 1577 Matsunaga again turned on Nobunaga, who then finally defeated his wayward vassal. It is not clear when, but around this time Muneyoshi withdrew from the world of battle, and secluded himself in Yagyu Village.When you read Yagus's Heiho Kaden Sho, you can get an idea of his fighting style. Often it would appear that he devised counters for favorite techniques of other martial arts schools in his lifetime. The amount of study you needed to do this was great. One of the special techniques of the Yagyu ryu is muto, or no sword. With these techniques, it is possible for an unarmed man to defeat an opponent armed with a sword. This is a very good indication of Yagtu's skills since the level of this training is very high.


About the Author

I am a father of 3, a student of the martial arts,and a construction worker. I have found that the honor, loyalty, and dedication to training to be an inspiration in all aspects of my life and am passing that knowledge and wisdom onto my children.

Alan Watts - Teachings on Meditation - Zen Laughing [10/10]

A clearing house of speeches, readings, audio recordings of one Alan Watts and his ideas, views, understandings. [orig. sound source: lordtarantula]

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Features of Qualitative and Affordable Buddhist Tour Packages

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 04:01 AM PST

Article by Harry Carlin

Buddhism and Sects by Ajahn Brahm

Ajahn Brahm talks about different sects of Buddhism, how it all came to be this way and what it means. Ultimately it's all the same cake, just different icing on top.

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Discover Private Yoga Lessons in Berkeley

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST

Article by Sydney Kirk

Several Hatha Yoga variations give a simple framework for yoga instructor teaching, which indicates that a instructor complete a minimal of 200 hours of teaching. The coaching ought to be built up of several hours, invested in observation, composing, exploring, and other activities. Beyond this minimal, teachers could be licensed at higher levels (this sort of as the 500 hour certification) and in specialties, like as prenatal yoga or children's yoga. Yoga teacher schooling plans made available via several establishments for 200 several hours of instruction often final about three months.Comparable to martial arts and several types of choice therapeutic yoga is a unique area with numerous factors. For the most piece, there is no mandate for lecturers to have the pupil track record suggested by some of the ashrams and certifying bodies. Anybody learning yoga may well decide on at any time to begin teaching. Online programs and other correspondence courses of yoga instructor schooling, offer curriculum enduring an ordinary of a few months to a year.If you wish to become an teacher in a specialized subset of yoga, this sort of as a warm or strength fashion, training is often proprietary. Bikram teaching must be dealt with straight by means of Bikram's Yoga College of India, which owns the trademarked name. Like schooling is nine weeks prolonged and made available all more than the entire world.Other people learning yoga choose to obtain training in India, where lots of colleges cater to English-speaking yoga instructor trainees. Coaching at a yoga middle in India lasts from a person to 4 months on normal. Although the plane ticket could be prohibitively high-priced, the education itself is pretty cost-effective, with some programs costing as tiny as an on the internet yoga teacher certification course.Homework numerous alternatives, since extremely handful of training products will teach you how to come across a yoga teacher placement or how to begin your personal enterprise. Whilst a stable foundat! ion in y oga, and how to instruct, can start you on your job path for several years to arrive it is crucial for instructor trainees to know the place the employment are and how to get them.Typical practice of yoga can result in long lasting and fantastic effects, which you can see instantaneously. If you practice Hatha Yoga (the type of Yoga that deals particularly with the system), you could very first recognize an advancement in your versatility, muscle tone, and all round fitness. Certainly, expect to feel much better. Numerous other positive aspects of yoga practices will come along as you practice often by going deeper into yoga.You have each individual cause to commence with self esteem!1. Yoga practice to manage, recuperate and increase overall health ailmentYoga is an astonishing worry buster. When you take into account that most of the folks who check out doctors are connected to anxiety linked difficulties, yoga practices develop into the wise choice for far better nicely-remaining. By way of its leisure, postural, breathing, and meditation exercises as effectively as dietary policies, Yoga can correctly lower your degree of pressure and nervousness. Consequently, these practices guide to create and enhance your immune process, maintaining absent conditions and building the self-physical therapeutic practice in scenario of diseases. Exploration demonstrates that yoga is the finest process to treat various health circumstances these kinds of as rest disturbances, persistent headache, back discomfort, diabetes, hypertension and respiratory ailments like asthma.

About the Author

Sydney Kirk loves Yoga. She has been practicing yoga for more than 15 years. For more info, check out: Located Yoga Workshops in Oakl, Discover

Learn Meditation: The Techniques

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 02:01 AM PST

Article by Kenny Wheeler

Meditation brings a person inner peace, relaxation, increased awareness and mental focus. All these can be achieved by learning meditation. There are numerous techniques as to how to attain the inner peace that you have long been wanting. Meditation is easier than you might imagine. It is important to learn the following techniques when doing your meditation routines to become more calmed and focus:1. It is important to Choose a time in your daily routine when you are the least likely to be disturbed. Try to start meditating for a period of 15-45 minutes to see the full benefits of meditation. 2. As you learn to meditate, it is important that you practice it in a calm and relaxed environment. Try to avoid as much distractions if possible. Switch off the TV, phone, etc. as they might distract you right in the middle of meditation. Meditating at an outside place can be helpful, provided that it is not noisy. As much as possible pick a place that has sufficient circulation of fresh air. This will bring you to a more meditative state faster. 3. Have a meditation posture. Ideally meditation is done in a sitting position with pillows to make the meditation comfortable. When in a sitting position make sure that the spine is erect and straight. Meditating in an erect posture is very conducive and helpful in achieving high states of awareness and concentration for long duration of time. 4. Try to have a mantra when doing your meditation routine. A Mantra is a group if sound vibrations which affects the mental state of a person. An important criterion for mantra selection is that it must appeal to the mind fully when spoken verbally. Mantras do not have any specific meaning. Their power lies not in the meaning of the word but through the vibratory effects of the sound that they produced when spoken verbally or mentally.Learn these simple mediation techniques to achieve that highest state of calmness and peace inside of you that you want to experience. Live with a healthy mind and body. Learn to meditate.To! know mo re about meditation and its amazing benefits, or if you want to learn how to meditate - you can visit http://www.meditate.com.

About the Author

The author loves to create posts about alternate medicine especially meditation physical exercises and practices.deep guided meditation, deep guided meditation, meditation exercises and practices,

OSHO: What Is Meditation?

Did you ever wonder what indeed people 'do' when they meditate? Osho responds to the question "What Is Meditation? -- giving you an 'insiders' view. "To say something about meditation is a contradiction in terms. It is something which you can have, which you can be, but by its very nature you cannot say what it is. Still, efforts have been made to convey it in some way. Even if only a fragmentary, partial understanding arises out of it, that is more than one can expect. But even that partial understanding of meditation can become a seed. Much depends on how you listen. If you only hear, then even a fragment cannot be conveyed to you, but if you listen.... " Join the OSHO Talks Video Translation Project: www.oshotalks.info Osho International Foundation - http

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Customize a personalized gift on behalf of your personality mind

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 01:03 AM PST

Article by Ediy2011

What is a DIY design? Literally not difficult to understand, design it yourself is that you want to design your own patterns. This is now also known as personalized custom gift industry, to customize according to your personality are your design. Now we are busy at this time, and sometimes it is necessary to stop down to design their own memories. Have thought hat, slippers, aprons, T-shirts can design their own patterns and text you want to do? None of this is just think about it, or really can do. EDIY provide you with a strong DIY design software, super and more waiting for you to find the template!

Personalized custom hats, duckbill cap has always been the darling of the fashion industry, is the dress with the bright spot, it announced to the outside of your personal ideas, interpretation of your fashion attitude. The impact of its dazzling color, personalized graphic design, user-friendly design of the cap, is not only easy to wear with comfort and breathability. Now custom personalized hats from the start, Fun DIY! But also to avoid bumping hat, my personality that I call the shots on, waiting for? A friend is a personalized gift on behalf of a mind of your personality.

Personalized custom home cloth slippers, simple, lightweight, convenient, comfortable home is to choose the most important considerations when slippers, slippers, simple and elegant style of this design, coupled with personalized DIY elements, coupled with casual wear or Ju Jiafu for the family atmosphere is more relaxed, warm! Design with your interpretation of the love of home, family pair of human feet DIY, absolute influx of people home, how can one admire it! Imagine his personality at home wearing slippers, the feeling is indescribable, as a gift for a friend's home is also very good, there are couples who never thought to wear this with a very warm slippers, cooking together and cleaning, not just a good memory, but also to achieve a happy life you desire.

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Sarah's Hypnosis and relaxation to conquer anything

www.sarahlabrie.com hypnosis and relaxation video (ps. SO SORRY for my cold. I hope you dont notice) More at www.sarahlabrie.com

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Reducing The Stress Of Disease On The Body

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST

Article by Brittney Foster

All you have to do is read a newspaper or spend some time flipping around the news channels right now to see that Stress Reduction and other Alternative or Complimentary Medicine Therapies are emerging into mainstream medicine more everyday. It seems that a growing number of Healthcare Centers and Hospitals are seeing the benefit of integrating these non-traditional modalities into their standard treatment regimens. Stress Reduction is one of the most used Complimentary Therapies and it can be found in many forms: massage, reflexology, music therapy, meditation, biofeedback, yoga, among many more. It is thought that patients who engage in some form of Stress Reduction tend to be able to handle the side effects of their treatment better and have quicker recovery times.

The basis for this belief is found in the philosophy that a body at ease, with proper channels through which to expel tension and stress, can heal more efficiently and will maintain greater health. This idea can be applied to the lifestyle of anyone, not just those that are receiving treatment for pain, addiction, or a chronic illness or infection, but for those facing a serious condition, the addition of a Complimentary Stress Reduction Therapy can mean the difference between life and death.

But before we move on to the benefits of Stress Reduction, let's first discuss a new way to view illness or Dis-ease. The practice of spelling Dis-ease with a hyphen is to act as a sharp reminder that any Dis-ease is the result of an imbalance in the system, a failing in the ease of systemic function. This imbalance is typically caused by blockages, toxins, weaknesses in specific organs, or is the result of poor diet and little exercise among other reasons. This description is not intended to minimize the life-changing effects of Dis-ease, but to point out that in most cases, some attention must be given to the cause of these imbalances in order to truly cure the Dis-ease or even to lessen it's symptoms. If that dysfunction is ignor! ed what can happen is a reoccurrence of the Dis-ease or it can manifest elsewhere in the body until the true cause is taken care of. This is why an addition of Stress Reduction Therapy can be so helpful in the healing process. By giving the body a proper way to cope with and expel the stresses it creates and absorbs every single day, blockages can be lessened, organs can be strengthened and the body, as a whole, will begin to function more effectively thus increasing immunity.

As stated earlier, there are many modalities of Stress Reduction that can be added to the treatment plan of almost all patients with only a few having contra-indications that warn against mixing specific treatment styles. One of the most powerful is Quantum Biofeedback. This is a method of assessing and then applying therapy to the many stresses that can plague us day and day out. It's goal is to "teach" the body how to naturally handle the stresses that effect it while also making the client more aware of those stresses so they can eliminate them in their life. This assessment is done in a short 3-4 minute test in the office of a Certified Biofeedback Specialist by way of a sophisticated device called the EPFX/SCIO. This device was developed along with the Quantum Biofeedback computer program as a means to help identify and then reduce the stress we run into everyday relating to things like our emotions, the environment, and physical illness. The therapy delivered by the EPFX/SCIO is assimilated into the body at a cellular level by using the specially decoded frequencies of over 10,000 items found in the world around us from specific herbal remedies to nutritional items and even pathogens and Dis-eases. The device measures the body's reaction to these items and then a Certified Biofeedback Specialist works to analyze the results and administer the energetic therapies created to counteract those stresses that resonate with the client. It's that ability to home in on the specific stresses of each client that makes this modality so pow! erful.

Quantum Biofeedback and the EPFX/SCIO are currently being integrated into Dr's offices and Hospitals around the United States now because of the benefits the therapy has in the treatment plans of so many facing very serious illnesses. It's a step in a very positive direction to creating and maintaining a generation focused more on becoming empowered, aware, and in charge of their health and less susceptible to stress and the effects of Dis-ease.

About the Author

Drug and radiation therapy are not the only options.Alternative therapy has always been a popular method for healing. By using Quantum Biofeedback you can heal your body from within!

4 Ways to Deal with Stress...

For more Sean videos go to: www.moreseanvideos.com

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Reduce Stress with Meditation

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST

Article by Crizza Reyes

Prior to the last year, it is hard for me to see myself meditating. I'm the type that you might call a woman of action. At all times I was on the go. It would hardly for me to stop for even a few seconds in the daily routine of my life. Every split seconds of my life would be filled with activities I get involve. When I stop working, it was racquetball. When it wasn't racquetball, I was use to go out with my friends as a habit. Stress reduction meditation never been entered in my mind. I have hectic schedule that I didn't even know that I was stressed.

Subsequently, it strikes me unexpectedly. I had experienced a breakdown to myself easily like that. And there's nothing had ever happened to me quickly. There's nothing good happened to me at that moment. I was lying on the ground sobbing. My superior in the office gave me a couple of week's vacations to set myself relax and I decided to find a treatment for myself. She said that I was well-adjusted, but that I was keen to keeping busy. I try to find some mindfulness stress reduction meditation. At first, my idea she was a fake. I told myself I don't need meditation stress reduction. I just needed a week or two off at least that is what my boss told me. She said that it wasn't that simple. Without stress reduction meditation, still I continue to feel the same inner tensions. And I would stay stressed until I recover this for the second time.

Experiences during meditation probably vary significantly from one individual to another, or at least if different techniques are involved. Relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus and clarity, and a sense of peace are the most common by-products of meditation.

Indeed I don't want that kind. One breakdown was uneasy enough for me. I tried Reduce Stress meditation CDs. Primarily, I don't even get myself to acquire it sincerely. I put on stress reduction CDs, heard the relaxing tone and the chimes, and split into laughter. Behind that, I realized that I was just wasting my time. And come! into my mind if I had to acquire the stress reduction meditation sincerely or I should give it up altogether. And I preferred to give it up. In a week I did stress reduction meditation every morning. Everyday my meditation worked wonders. After one week, I felt much at ease. I could relax and take it easy without worrying. I did not need to always be panic around. It successfully changed my life!

Even if you don't live a busy life like I do, stress reduction meditation can be helpful in a daily basis of our life. Whether you take a stress reduction meditation course, or used CDs like I did, it can change your life. Even if you only have 30 minutes a day, it can be greatly enough have an effect on the way you see the world. Mindfulness meditation is a powerful and helpful tool.

CrizzaReduce Stress

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My Stress Management Secret Part 1

Learn how to feel better immediately using about the "Power Pause" and "Creating Your Space:" The most powerful tool in the world for immediate stress reduction.

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Guangzhou Sightseeing - an enriching experience

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST

Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe

Guangzhou is an amazing city that belongs to the Democratic Republic of China which is steeped in culture and blessed with natural beauty. In order to get a comprehensive understanding of what gives this city its incomparable charm and to know what drives the local community you have to take a moment to look back at the rich historical background that empowers the city and all its inhabitants. In addition to being one of Chinas most sought after tourist destinations, Guangzhou was also the capital of this country during three ancient dynasties. Another part of this wondrous city that you have to see is the dining options. Fancy restaurants and local food stalls are almost everywhere so when you're out in the city, grabbing a bite to eat won't be a hassle but something you dearly look forward to.

Built by the inhabitants of 72 villages in 1894, the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall is a school where the philosophical teachings of the great Confucius are taught and is also known to have been an ancestral shrine. With priceless exhibits that date back centuries, the Guangzhou City Museum houses a number of ancient artifacts which tells their own story about the history of this great city. This museum also has a separate section which is reserved to showcase the time where foreign invaders ruled the land.

Explore the holy grounds where the great Bodhidarma taught his humble followers the ways of Zen Buddhism. The Guangxiao Temple is also known to be a very powerful place of worship. The Temple of the Five Immortals is another holy site you should not miss if you're interested in learning about the story behind the creation and the religious background of the local ancestors. The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees is where Buddhist relics that were brought down from India now rests and awaits the arrival of thousands of devoted believers of Buddhism.

Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou offers comfortable accommodation options where the discerning traveller can enjoy a care free vacation. When it comes to! high cl ass luxury hotels Guangzhou, few others match in comparison to the outstanding facilities offered at this exquisite rest. This elegantly appointed Guangzhou hotel is sure to surprise you with the variety of amenities it offers its guests.

About the Author

Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.

Stress in Children: Help Your Child Overcome Stress and Enjoy Their Childhood

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 09:02 PM PST

Article by Emily Watson

Childhood should not be stressful but in today's culture, stress in children is becoming more and more frequent. With the pressures of school, sports, and all that the media throws at our children, it's pretty clear how a child can quickly feel overwhelmed!

As parents, we need to be aware of what our children are feeling. We need to be connected and spend enough time with our child in order to see the signs of stress in our kids. If you believe your child could be experiencing stress, consider the following:

What are some sources of stress in children?

Changes and situations in family dynamics, school, friends, an overabundance of activities, not enough down-time or creative outlets, too much TV, social pressures, low self-esteem, separation from parents, or other sources unique to your child.

What are some symptoms of stress in children?

While it may be difficult to recognize symptoms of stress in children, below are some symptoms that may alert you to stress: mood swings, sleep patterns changes, acting out, bedwetting, frequent stomachaches and headaches, trouble concentrating, incomplete schoolwork, a change in academic performance, and/or withdrawing or isolating oneself. Some children may start lying, defying authority, or bullying other children while others may suffer from nightmares, clinginess to their parents, or overreacting to what are simply small problems. Very young children may begin new habits such as hair twirling, picking their nose, sucking their thumb, or other regressive behaviors.

Helping to Reduce Stress in Children

Stress Reduction Tip #1: To start, proper nutrition and enough sleep must be ensured. The child will be unable to handle life's daily stresses if they do not have enough sleep or proper nutrients.

Stress Reduction Tip #2: Spending time with your child without distractions can help your child to open up and discuss what could be bothering them.

Stress Reduction Tip #3: Be willing to listen to your child's fea! rs and o ffer loving and gentle guidance.

Stress Reduction Tip #4: Exercise can help burn off extra steam, so get your child moving. Take a walk together or play an active game to help encourage exercise and provide an environment where your child can feel secure enough to open-up to you.

Stress Reduction Tip #5: Encouraging your child to keep a journal to jot down their thoughts and feelings can help the child experiencing stress to become aware of what they're feeling and give them another outlet.

Stress Reduction Tip #6: If you know of a potentially stressful situation coming up like a doctor's appointment, give your child plenty of notice so it's not sprung on them. Be careful, though, of too much information as it can actually cause more stress. Be "matter of fact" and be available if your child needs to discuss what they are fearing.

Stress Reduction Tip #7: Let your child know that some level of stress is normal. It's OK to feel anxious or stressed and that other people feel the same feelings, too.

With some gentle guidance and loving support, your child can get through their stressful situation. Parental support and love is vital to a child struggling.

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Get Your Free Report On 16 Proven Ways To Motivate Your Child To Do Better In School...Plus, receive a "Live Demonstration Inside Our Unique 1 On 1 Online Classroom." Go to http://www.tutorfi.com/parents/

How Does Stress Affect Your Health?

stresshowto.com The effects that stress has on your body and brain. Part 3 of a series and part of a free course on stress management techniques. Please comment, rate & share - thanks!

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Oils To Pamper Your Body And Mind

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST

Article by Sanjay Kumar

Body and mind fatigue is very common now-a-days. It is due to our hectic daily life schedules. Gradually, it is becoming a difficult heath problem to combat. As such, many doctors today suggest oil massage for body. This natural treatment has astounding effects on our mind and body.

It helps to relax and rapid energy gain. In the other words, it lessens body ache and relaxes our mind to withstand our day to day businesses efficiently. We get a number of essential oils & pure essential oils in the market. These are easily available from any pharmacy & cosmetics' shop.

These natural oils are manufactured in bulk quantity using certified processing methods in several industries today. Raw materials used in them are procured from trusted and reputed vendors worldwide. All these natural essential oils or pure essential oils are checked for quality at each production level till their final dispatch. These are in huge demand for manufacturing pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetics and various other products in many industries all over the world.

Also, the entire range with high chemical and physical properties are best body toners and perfume ingredients ever developed in essential oils industry.

Quality AssuranceOptimum processing methods are used for formulating highly effective natural essential oils in the manufacturing units. Right kind of basic materials are utilized in the  preparation of the products. For this, manufacturers make certain that these materials are obtained only from the trusted vendors and are checked for quality before being forwarded to other processes.

Moreover, Research & Development department strive hard to provide innovative & competitive range of pure essential oils keeping the naturalness of products intact. Stringent quality control procedures are adopted to maintain overall efficacy of the products manufactured. These quality control procedures primarily are same in almost every industry of the same domain that include- Inspect! ing farm s & distilleries for cleanliness - Matching varied botanical plants before processing them- Checking the authenticity of various processes used in distillation- Verifying the aromatic compound visually for perfect distillation- Checking the characteristics of natural extracts through odor- Testing the purity of natural extracts through GC/MS or GC technologies

All these procedures help in delivering high efficacy natural essential oils for personal care and several industrial applications.

Product RangeA wide range of natural essential oils are provided for aromatherapy, fragrances & pharmaceutical products manufacturing companies worldwide. Most used or demanded products in this range consists of Floral Absolutes, Pure Floral Waters and Carrier Oils. While Attars, Spice & Spice Oleoresin, Peppermint products, Special Range Of Products, Natural Food Colors and many more are also available in this range.

The entire lot of products are provided in different suitable packaging options to meet the varied requirements of the clients in the best possible manner. These products are made cost effective to serve several industries that manufacture skin care, pharma or medical products and perfumes. These are considered highly effective aromatherapy oils. All of them are checked for quality throughout the production for optimum utility. So whenever you are out to buy such products then first check their labels for ingredients, packing & expiry dates to escape unwanted side effects.

For more details, please visit us at: http://www.naturalfragrances.net/

About the Author

The writer is famous for writing business articles. All his write up are informative and influential. This very article on essential oils or natural essential oils is very popular among the readers and young entrepreneurs.

For Success in the New Year Try Mind Mapping

Posted: 18 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST

by RubyJi

Article by Susan Dunn


*Footage from Awakening To Mindfulness - Seattle, Oct 2009 presented by FACES Conferences. This workshop will delve into the potential ways of integrating mindfulness and meditation into psychotherapy and the helping professions. Through didactic presentation, meditation practices and small group activities we will explore ways of applying mindfulness personally and professionally to cultivate greater happiness, health and freedom. For more information about Mindfulness Conferences or DVDs visit www.facesconferences.com. Speaker Shauna Shapiro, Ph.D. Professor of Counseling Psychology, Santa Clara University Co-author, The Art & Science of Mindfulness, 2009 Previously Adjunct Professor, Andrew Weil's Integrated Medicine Program, University of Arizona

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