Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing |
- Spiritual Healing
- Natural Acne Treatments - Is Stress Causing Your Breakouts?
- From here to serenity!
- About Meditation
- Stay Young And Fit With Yoga
- Flex Court Playing Surfaces Reduce Stress and Injury
- History of Yoga
- Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/25/2011
- Buddhist Strategy to Anger
- Benefits of meditation
- Five steps to spiritual growth through the practice of centering prayer
- Woods wears Buddhist bracelet
- Top Tips for Bonsai Care and Maintenance
- A New Way Of Life Using Subconscious Mind Power
- How to Improve the Mind Undertaking Regular Inner Reflection
- Yoga Types and Supplies
- Are rich people the happiest, or just the opposite?
- Buddhist Tour packages for Spiritual and religious harmony
- Happiest of holidays to all
- Kanji Tattoo Designs - Symbols Of Strength
- The Spencer Institute's Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living
- Four most sacred Buddhist destinations
- Is Mind Power An Art Or Science?
- Japanese Garden Landscaping
- Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Automatic Writing
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 01:00 PM PST Article by Jake Wright It can be used to clear blockages that occur in each of the spiritual bodies.Healers can channel the 'Chi' or 'Living light Energy' which flow continuously to the main organs of the body through the 12 meridians or channels, spoken of in traditional Chinese medicine. Egyptian healing rods can act as a tool through which 'prana', 'chi' or life energy is channelled. These rods are portrayed in sculptures and hieroglyphs of Pharaohs and were considered an important part of their rule and health. They are hollow cylindrical rods of copper or zinc, which are designed according to Egyptian sacred geometry and contain crystals which lend their energy to the magnetic power.These rods can also induce a higher state of meditation or consciousness and help to expand psychic awareness, and while they do not directly rid the body of disease, they have the ability to balance your energy and chakras and release negative vibrations. Although the rods can be shared between healings following a cleansing, they become attuned with your personal energy so that they vibrate in synchronicity with the atoms of your body.It's odd to think I'm about to quote Men in Black but the message rings true, "Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat... Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."We chose to listen to the radical thoughts of Galileo and it has changed mankind, but we have also discounted an entire civilisations radical, unbelievable and insightful knowledge. If you open your mind to even the minutest possibility that our knowledge of medicine at this moment in time is only a fraction of what it could be if we remembered the lessons learnt in Egypt, you would have grasped the infinite possibilities that await you.This healing is not an alternative to the secular forms of healing such as going to a doctor, psychiatrist or massage therapist but it can be used as a supplement to them. It has to do with harmonizing the human spiri! t by int roducing it to prayer and giving it positive affirmations so that it can heal and help the individual live their life fully.Spiritual healing involves praying, having strong faith and trusting in God. Energy is directed towards the unbalanced person by touching or mediating. If the person has physical sickness, he is instantly treated in addition to using the services of a doctor. Also, diseases of the mind can also use it as positive words are uttered by the sick individual and slowly but surely, the words lift him up and he becomes well. Spiritual healing gives one peace of mind since they have submitted all their worries and concerns to a higher power. After being treated spiritually, a person develops self-confidence as they know God created them and thus will provide for them. They are able to give and receive unconditional love as they have eradicated the negative energy inside and have no reason to hate anyone.Negativity, poor choice of food and associating with individuals who lower one's vibration can lead to an unhappy lifestyle. Still, spiritual healing cannot be forced on someone, the individual has to be willing and ready to accept the healing if it's going to work. About the Authorleader in personal prophetic counselingelijahlist need a prophetic wo, prophetic counseling counselor, prophetic counseling counselor OSHO: Bringing Up Children (Preview)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Natural Acne Treatments - Is Stress Causing Your Breakouts? Posted: 25 Dec 2011 12:00 PM PST Article by Adrianna Burgress As researchers continue to increase their knowledge on acne so do the potential reasons that can cause and make acne worse. Many believe that prolonged mental stress can make your acne condition worse. While it may not be the only factor affecting your acne, dealing with stress effectively is an important part of any effective acne treatment program. There are many ways to reduce and manage stress, here are a few listed below: Exercise: Performing regular exercise is a proven way to reduce stress. There are two types of exercises that one can do and they are aerobic or cardiovascular workouts and strength training. Both are important for multiple reasons including stress management as well as directly reducing acne since proper exercise has a cleansing effect on your system which can aid in the reduction of acne causing bacteria. Aerobic exercise should be done 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. It can be performed in many different ways, some simple aerobic exercise routines can include a light walk outside if the weather permits or indoors on a treadmill. You could also ride a bike instead of walking or use a stationary bike indoors. It is a good idea to vary your workouts to avoid boredom and increase the likelihood that you will stick with it. Weight training workouts should be done with sufficient breaks between workouts so as to avoid over training which can lead to other health problems. It is a good idea to get some training sessions with a personal trainer if you are new to lifting weights since you want to use proper form and technique so as not to injure yourself. Laughter: One of the best ways to melt stress away is through laughing. Be sure to watch a lot of comedies on television and when you go to the movies pick a funny movie whenever you can. Many clinics attribute great healing properties to laughter and even use it as therapy to help many patients get better. Meditation: Learning to silence the mind and eliminate ! turbulen ce is a key factor in reducing mental stress. Most meditation practices focus on helping to quiet the mind and attain a peaceful mental state. There are tons of different meditative practices so pick one you feel comfortable with and apply it on a regular basis to help manage stress and improve your mental wellbeing. Get A Pet: Taking care of a pet can offer great benefits including stress reduction. Dogs have been shown to be the best, they are indeed 'mans' best friend'. However be sure that you are financially ready to take on the extra expenses and also be sure that you are able to dedicate time since they are almost like having another family member. Think Positive: A lot of mental stress is caused by having a negative outlook on the situations that occur in your life. You do not have control over most of the events around you however you do have control over how you interpret them. You can choose to always get angry and upset or try to find a solution calmly. It is normal to get angry or upset every now and then but to always be in this state can be very harmful for your health and can make your acne worse due to all the extra mental stress. As hard as it may seem at times, try to see the glass as half full as often as you can. Use some these stress reduction strategies to help reduce your acne and give you clearer skin. About the AuthorAdrianna is a researcher and author. She is a regular contributor to a site on acne treatments. Be sure to visit and read our exposed acne treatment review to find out more about how to get clear skin. Historic Interview with Kevin Trudeau and Dr. Leonard Coldwell Part 3 of 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 11:00 AM PST |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 10:00 AM PST Article by Prabakar S Meditation is great for stress management. Remember stress occurs in your mind, that doesn't make it less real. It means your mind is the key to remove stress from your life. You will experience, relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, clarity and a sense of peace if meditation is practiced regularly. "Meditation is one of the most natural and yet most profoundly rewarding of all human activities. It connects you with your own inner powers of vitality, clarity, and love. When done deeply, it also connects you with God and His infinite joy." Put simply, meditation is the method of bringing a scattered, disorganised mind into a state of peace, quiet and tranquillity. The word meditation, is derived from two Latin words meditari and mederi (to heal). Its Sanskrit derivation 'medha' means wisdom. An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. A focus is used, such as a candle flame, a Manthra or the rhythm of the natural breath. The mind will go out again and again, but the meditator gently brings it back to the subject of concentration. Thus, Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath" is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation. Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means to join together or to yoke. It describes a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns. The observer realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one. There are many misconceptions concerning meditation, and few except serious yoga practitioners ever reach a state of true meditation. Meditation has three stages one, Concentration, two, Contemplation, and three, Meditation. For health purposes, it is enough to reach a state where the mind is quiet and steady, the respiration calm and balanced, and the feeling is that of de! ep peace . With regular practice, this may be achieved, greatly benefiting the overall mental and emotional state. For more details visit www.soundbodytrainer.com About the Author Representing About Meditation in the website www.soundbodytrainer.com MEDITATION-RELAXATION-Nature sounds-Native American music-tranquil images-By artist Johnnie LawsonThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 09:00 AM PST |
Flex Court Playing Surfaces Reduce Stress and Injury Posted: 25 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST Article by Jeff Ott While some sports-related injuries are random and cannot be attributed to a particular source or circumstance, many can be traced to the unforgiving nature of the court surfaces on which we pursue the games we love. At Flex Court Athletics, the idea of creating a surface built for optimum performance and minimum wear and tear is a dream whose time has come. From gym flooring and outdoor basketball courts to tennis courts, roller hockey rinks, badminton courts and more, Flex Court is bringing the inherent advantages of its custom designed low impact surface to neighborhoods, schools, gyms, and anywhere else games are played. Flex Court's basketball courts are custom designed using built-inflexion, an ingredient that is key in stress reduction. This falls in line with the entire concept of Flex Court's patented surface, which is a modular sports surface committed to orthopedic soundness, the reduction and absorption of impact, and a reduction in lateral and vertical stress. Of course it's one thing to say a surface will reduce stress, however, and another to be able to prove it. Studies have shown that stress on these surfaces can be reduced by as much as 60 percent, an especially important fact for young athletes whose bodies are still developing and may be more susceptible to sports related injuries. No matter what the sport, stress reduction is a recurring theme on all of our surfaces. The improved traction our surfaces provide result in optimum performance, and because the constant pounding takes less of a toll, the surface actively works to reduce fatigue as well. It all adds up to an environment where athletes of all ages and skill levels can work in improving their game in the comfort of their own backyard. A resilient athlete deserves a playing surface that is equally resilient, one that promotes health and optimum performance as only a Flex Court surface can. And when that surface is just a few steps out the back door then it's a win/win for the entire family. Learn more ! about th e healthiest and safest surfaces on which to enjoy the games you love. About the AuthorJeff Ott is the owner operator of Flex Court of St. Louis. They service Missouri and Illinois with sports courts including basketball courts and tennis courts for residential and commercial use. Historic Interview with Kevin Trudeau and Dr. Leonard Coldwell Part 2 of 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST Article by Ganesh Iyer A lot many people in today times practice yoga for their well being, but do not know the history of yoga. The people in the west feel that this technique is a mysterious act of the east. The people in the east ridicule this as a crazy act performed by their forefathers. Yoga has lot more than meets the eye. A great deal of thought and research has gone behind the creation of yoga techniques. Place of OriginThe Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj", meaning "to control", "to yoke" or "to unite. Translations include "joining", "uniting", "union", "conjunction", and "means. An alternate root from which the word yoga may be derived is "yujir samadhau", which means "contemplation" or "absorption.Yoga was founded by the Indus valley people in (3300- 1700 BC) as a physical and mental exercise. The people then followed this disciple to attain spiritual growth. These practices have been mentioned in the sacred texts of Upanishads. Yoga then encouraged the union of the external and internal self. Yogis usually think of God as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coexisting with all of reality. Yoga has its mention in the Bhagavad Gita ( The Sacred Text of the Hindus) where there is an entire chapter dedicated to the practices of yoga In these chapters yoga is divided into three types which are: 1) Karma Yoga - Yoga of Action2) Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of Spiritualism3) Gnana Yoga - Yoga of KnowledgeThe practices of yoga also find its mention in other traditions like Buddhism, Jainism and Islam. As its has been mentioned in such ancient text of the above mentioned religions, the practice has survived till date. Yoga TodayYoga practiced today s is very different from what it was practiced by the ancient people. Today yoga has not only become a thriving business but it has also become a fashion statement. Science has now proved that yoga can prevent and cure diseases and can help mankind lead a stress free life. Yoga is ancient practice. Find ! out more about the history of yoga at http://yogamatreview.net About the AuthorThe Author is an Advertising Professional with Leo Networks Anaahat Yoga In Hindi - VakrasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Early Morning Buddhist Inspiration - 12/25/2011 Posted: 25 Dec 2011 07:00 AM PST ![]() "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~Lao Tzu Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma Nourished by the Same River - Lasting FaithThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 06:00 AM PST Article by MissGabriel Unterreiner Tibetan Buddhist Monks-OM Mantra ChantThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 05:00 AM PST Article by herry willioms You must have heard that meditation provides you with a number of benefits. But are you aware of these benefits and what transformations can they bring about in your life? I would like to discuss benefits associated with meditation and its regular practice. There are a wide range of benefits that have been linked with the doing meditation in our day to day life. Meditation is capable of facilitating healing of both your body as well as mind by using deliberation of thought and contemplation. There are a variety of physical benefits that can be witnessed by adopting meditation as a routine activity of your daily life. Some key physical benefits of meditation consists of a positive and healthy decline in blood pressure and an enhanced breathing due to the rise in the flow of air or oxygen that gets into the lungs. All those people who perform meditation on regular basis notice that their heart rate is lower than before, which relieves their heart of unnecessary stress and pressure. Chemicals in the body, those are linked with stress and are known for causing anxiety also reduces, as a result of regular meditation. Meditation also provides you with glowing skin and a youthful appearance. The best thing about meditation is that it involves deep breathing which provides us with adequate oxygen which is necessary for generating ample amount of energy in our body. Thus, by practicing meditation early in the morning we can be more lively and full of energy all through the day.Meditation is a technique which offers you not just health benefits, but also psychological benefits. Arriving at a state of rumination through meditation has wonderful effects on the soul or spirit of the person in question. One can get closer to his soul as meditation involves looking within oneself rather than the external world. Our soul resides within our body, right between our eyes. During your meditation session you are suppose to focus at the center of your eyes. Relaxation and a fall in stress level are rather under! standabl e benefits, but most people fail to realize that meditation can also perk up moods and memory and reduces moodiness as well as depression. Meditation has more to offer than you might have thought, for, mediation can also improve the life of the person with whom you are living; providing them with similar physical and emotional benefits that will transform your life in very positive manner. So start practicing meditation today and change your life forever.For contact us - vishal@spiritualuniv.org For more information visit -http://www.spiritualuniv.org About the AuthorHarry is the author of the website http://www.spiritualuniv.org and provides information about Osho, Meditation, Spirituality Crystal Voices - Chakra Meditation {Guided}This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Five steps to spiritual growth through the practice of centering prayer Posted: 25 Dec 2011 04:01 AM PST Article by Jason Barr Centering prayer is a form of contemplative prayer that has been explored ever since the beginnings of the church. Its purpose is to allow us to reach a deeper level of communion with God, as well as let God speak into our hearts. Through centering prayer we can find rest for our souls, not merely our bodies, and let God to build us into new people with new hearts. The focus is changed from prayer as talking to God to listening for God's voice. This could be different from how you're used to praying, so do not worry if this feels strange in the beginning. Centering prayer emphasizes the private relationship with God, going beyond conversion to intimacy with God. The vital thing you should know about centering prayer is the fact that it's definitely not an event. It is a discipline, and a lifetime practice. It is impossible to experience the benefits of centering prayer by only trying it once. You should try it for at least a month before you decide whether it helps you. Step 1: wear loose clothing and find a location where you can be relaxed To prepare yourself for centering prayer, you need to be able to relax and focus. Find or create a space where you can sit in silence comfortably for at least 15 minutes. When you get more comfortable with it you can go longer, but 15 minutes is a good goal for beginners. Perhaps the best thing you can do is wear comfortable clothing. I prefer either sweat- or knit pants that don't bunch up when I sit. I also have a firm pillow to sit on. I prefer to spend my prayer time sitting on the floor, though sitting in a chair is acceptable. Sitting on the floor doesn't make you more or less spiritual than someone who uses a chair. It's mostly a matter of preference. Some people may be unable to sit on the floor for health reasons, and that's totally ok. What really matters is being able to sit in a way that allows you to be relaxed and comfortable, but also alert. It is important that you be able to make your spa! ce as qu iet as possible and minimize potentially-distracting sense input. I live in an inner-city neighborhood and have two cats, so I understand that can sometimes be difficult. Just do the best you can. A lightly-scented candle may help create a helpful atmosphere. If it helps with your focus then go for it. Sometimes it helps me; sometimes it doesn?t. Step 2: find a comfortable position to sit, shut your eyes, and focus on breathing smoothly I like to sit on the floor, legs crossed. I'm a bit too stiff to try the lotus position, though if you're able you can feel free to sit that way. Keep your back straight but not rigid, and make sure your hips and shoulders are lined up straight. If you sit in a chair, put your feet flat on the floor. Don't worry about your breathing too much. As you become more relaxed and focused your breathing will naturally get deeper. How exactly you breathe is up to you. I like to breathe in and out through my nose and mouth at the same time. Step 3: choose a short phrase or word to use as a focus You should pick a word or short phrase to repeat in your mind as your breathing begins to deepen. This can be from scripture, or perhaps something that helps you think of God being close to you. Many choose to repeat the word Abba, but the specific word or phrase doesn't matter as long as it helps you center yourself and recognize the presence of God about, around, and within you. Eventually you will no longer need to consciously speak the word in your mind; you will have internalized it. At that point, you can invite God to search your heart and begin the work of healing. When you find yourself distracted, take up your word again to find your bearings and return to your internal place of peace. Step 4: repeat this for 15 minutes or more Don't get upset if you have trouble with focus. Eventually it will happen. Don't struggle against your thoughts or try to fight them. Continue breathing and saying your focus! phrase. If thoughts enter your mind, allow them to come and go without a fight. If something comes to your mind that makes you feel frustrated or attacked, remember God is will you. Perhaps God is showing you something through your mind. Let your thoughts be, accept that they exist, and ask God to work on your inner self. Step 5: get ready to go back into the world After your allotted time has ended, open your eyes and become accustomed to the world around you again. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the room, and recognize God's presense still with you. Know that God is present wherever you are. Let thoughts come back without fighting against them, and begin to transition into whatever you need to do next. You might want to say another prayer to wrap up the time, such as the Lord's Prayer or a personal prayer. Conclusion: centering prayer and the contemplative life There are several kinds of contemplative prayer. Centering prayer is only one kind, but it is both one of the simplest for beginners and most profound. You will experience God in ways you may not have thought possible. Centering prayer can be practiced as its own meditation, or as the introduction to another, such as the Ignatian Examen. My hope is that centering prayer will be a liberating experience for you that helps you in your spiritual growth. About the AuthorJason Barr is a writer, musician, and web designer/developer from South Bend, Indiana, and a graduate student in the MA: Theological Studies program at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (concentration in theology and ethics). If you're interested in reading more about spirituality for men, check out Manly Theology and his other writings on manliness. |
Posted: 25 Dec 2011 03:00 AM PST |
Top Tips for Bonsai Care and Maintenance Posted: 25 Dec 2011 02:00 AM PST Article by Gareth Hoyle Bonsai is a Japanese natural art form that has been around for over a thousand years.Bonsai has its roots in the spiritual path of Zen Buddhism. The goal is to create a miniature depicture of nature in its most perfect forms by using careful techniques of pruning and wiring. The interesting thing about Bonsai is that these are not specially created dwarf plants. You can actually use any tree species to create Bonsai art.There are of course some species that are more popular for Bonsai such as fir maple, birch and cedar. Caring For Bonsai Trees Many people are put off taking up Bonsai because they think it's going to be time consuming and difficult.In reality caring for Bonsai trees can be very easy. As long as you following some basic guidelines on fertilising, watering and positioning your Bonsai you should be able to achieve healthy, attractive growth. Bonsai trees are quite delicate compared to other house plants so you will need to careful with them.Here are some tips for basic care: Watering - this will depend very much on the species of tree, its size and also the climate. In most cases you will not have to water your Bonsai every day. Instead all you need to do it monitor the soil and water only when it gets slightly dry. Don't let the soil dry out completely for the best Bonsai health. Position - you will need to place your Bonsai in a position that offers it the best conditions for growth and health. Each species of tree will prefer different conditions so make sure you research this carefully.In general most Bonsai trees will prefer a bright spot with some sunlight and away from any cold drafts.Fertilizer - because you will be growing your trees in pots fertilizer is very important.This will replace nutrients that have been used up in the soil and keep your trees healthy. You can buy specialist Bonsai fertilizers but also any garden fertilizer can be effective if you use the right quantities.Pests and Diseases Bonsai trees can be vulnerable to pests a! nd disea ses like any other plant. You will need to be vigilant for these problems so you can treat them quickly before they can damage your trees. Common pests can include caterpillars, aphids, mites and slugs. You can treat these using special pesticides (follow the instructions carefully). These can be bought from garden centres and you can also order them online from Bonsai suppliers. Common diseases include infections from fungus. This can cause problems such as a discoloured leaves and poor general health in trees. It is important to move the infected tree away from any other Bonsai or house plants to avoid the fungus spreading. You can then treat your Bonsai with fungicides and remove any infected or dead parts from the tree. About the AuthorGrowing Bonsai trees can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. These compact trees can be easy to care for if you take the time to follow the basic guidelines. Zen Master Dae Kwang - Middleway (#2 Talk, Part 4 of 7)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
A New Way Of Life Using Subconscious Mind Power Posted: 25 Dec 2011 01:00 AM PST Article by Charles Mentreut We all remember the movie Fields of Dreams, with the 'If you build it they will come.' Consider your subconscious mind as your field of dreams where if you THINK it, it will come. Asking yourself 'what will come?' The answer is, whatever you want to come. Basically, if you can conceive it in your subconscious mind, it can come true. The power of the mind is a beautiful thing, honestly. The mind has the power to heal us, to transcend us. to make us feel good or make us feel bad. The subconscious mind power that each of us have is enough to completely change the world. if we all would only take control of that power. Lets look at a few examples of subconscious mind power at work. One of the best examples is well known by most people already. This example is offered because the results have been documented so many times. It is of course the Placebo Effect. The placebo effect is where a study occurs with two different groups. One group receives the medication that is 'the real deal,' while the other is simply a placebo. Both of the groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do. Neither of them know if they are getting the real medication or the placebo. Subconscious mind power comes into play here and in many studies, both groups of participants will report almost exactly the same effects. Simply, these patients believed they had gotten the medication, so their subconscious minds produced the medication's effects to at least some degree. Or, let's take another example. Perhaps you've gone to the doctor to get a medication for something that's wrong with you. You may have noticed that although a doctor will tell you what the side effects are, he or she will usually minimize them to at least some extent. Doctors don't want to throw out all the negative aspects of taking a pill. Doing so will leave you either not wanting to take it, or ending up with the side effects even if they are unbelievably rare due to your mind acting on the! informa tion. What do these two examples above prove? That the power of suggestion AND the power of the subconscious mind will give you a very powerful results. Seriously, if we already see it work on a medical standpoint, it needs to be used in everyday life. Is it possible? Of course it is, which is why you see so many people strutting their stuff down the street and enjoying their successes. While focusing on your positive thoughts of the inner mind is a good approach, others tend to take a different route. In today's world it seems that most people turn to using visualization to alter the way their mind sees things. This is can either be done by closing your eyes and picturing it, or see it in the flesh. Now an alternative way is to actually create a physical picture. Find a photo or picture of the new house or car or whatever you want. Hang that picture up where you can see it every day. The more you see it, the more you will imprint that vision of yourself with the car you want in your subconscious mind. And because your subconscious mind is so powerful, it will eventually make that become a reality. This has been common knowledge for years, but we're just now starting to put it into action. Well, some of us anyways, others have already utilized their secret potential hidden within the subconscious mind. As physicists know, at its essence all matter is made of pure energy and there is evidence which suggests that our minds may be able to influence this energy. There is an idea which comes from quantum physics that says that matter isn't set into a particular state unless or until there is an observer there to see it. So matter/energy only exists because it is being observed; in other words it is the mind which is responsible for the matter existing - not the other way around. So mind power is what creates everything! It is not as we have always believed that our thoughts are created by energy and matter. There is a huge difference there as y! ou can s ee and it's what makes the power of your subconscious mind so wonderful. The person who thinks positive is focusing on the big picture as opposed to the 'right now.' However, this is just a small indention of how helpful this can be to changing your life for the better. There is so much out there that we've missed as a society that was practiced thousands of years ago. What it comes down to is figuring out whether or not it's for you. If you could change your life by thinking about it, wouldn't you at least try it? Just try it out for the next week by simply using the affirmations process. Start by using visualization techniques and affirmations to focus your mind on your life goals. Start small; as you develop your subconscious mind power, you'll be able to achieve ever greater things in your life. About the AuthorFind out about the exciting world of mindpower with the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Discover for yourself about mindpower. Find information on increase mind power. Visit here and get your FREE DVD audio and ebook Package. Mental Health DBT skills - Core Mindfulness.wmvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How to Improve the Mind Undertaking Regular Inner Reflection Posted: 25 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST Article by Jamie Starr Performing a regular inner reflection does what physical exercise brings into the body. It helps in releasing the stress from the body and maintains the body in a prime condition. This article will uncover how meditation improves mental capacity and promotes concentration too. Meditation is done in an uncomplicated and ordinary way; it keeps the mind in balanced state, free of any worry or problem. When you are meditating, mental capabilities is enhanced and concentration is developed. During meditation, you can concentrate on the things occurring within your body. There is a union between your mind and your body, presenting how the mind affects the body and how the body influences the mind. Through proper observation and interpretation of the linkage between the mind and the body, one can easily alter his bad habit and transform into a better human being. It is not sufficient that one is undertaking a regular physical exercise but it is more advisable if one can practice meditation. If the body has a usual physical workout then the mind must have its own adaptation too. You see the significant association between the mind and the body when you are meditating. It makes the mind serene, free from worries and finds repose. Your mind has the ability to imagine many different possibilities; it can travel to the past, think of the present or even take a trip to the future. The mind is sometimes pessimistic and it can be optimistic during some other times. Moreover, it can think of the different colors, it can envision black and sometimes it thinks of white. When a person is happy, the mind sees the blissful moments or when someone is sad it visualizes depressing instances. When you meditate, make it sure that you are at your present situation to guarantee a balanced mind. Meditation works best when the mind is at a balanced state. Meditation allows the mind to concentrate and sharpens the mental capabilities. It lessens the possibility of being forgetful of a person and promotes opti! mism too . It makes the mind to turn out to be brawny and on top form to go with any sort of dilemma in life. Meditation is a holistic answer to general problem in your life because it gives the mind enough strength to counter one's inconveniences. People who habitually practices meditation become more creative in dealing in life's various situations. Meditation permits your mind to act in a guarded method, making you think first before you respond to the situation. It is beneficial for those who are impulsive when making decisions. Moreover, it promotes self-discipline as it controls the body from making unwanted actions when necessary. It develops concentration and helps the person when dealing with personal and social problems. Meditation is one of the several effective ways how to improve the mind and it brings in a number of advantages to a person. Being able to improve one's life by transforming into a more well-organized and fruitful person is considered to be the best benefit it offers. About the AuthorJamie Starr is a memory improvement expert. To know more about memory foods, visit http://www.improveyourmemoryinformation.com/. Marsha Linehan - Mindfulness Skills & DBT VThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST Article by oklared One of the oldest practice of self development known would be yoga. Yoga started about 500 years ago in India. By using yoga the right way one can gain knowledge, on their physical, emotional and spiritual well being. By practicing yoga in the proper manner one can hone in on their capabilities and self awareness.Yoga has several different levels. Physical posture would be one. Learning to control your breathing would be another one. As well as meditation. They say that only a handful of people get deeply involved, with pure meditation and reflection. These individuals would most likely preform the yoga Azana's.Yoga is a never ending involving process. They say that the time the ones who truly practice yoga are plans and aware of his being. In turn yoga gives them a different outlook on life.In yoga one must be dedicated enough to practice the control breathing and self control of his body. They must be able to have the capabilities to reach out and control and direct their mind to interact with the object that they are concentrating on.With millions of people around the world practicing yoga. You can find different groups in different classes in various towns throughout the world. Hatha yoga is one of the most common types. This type of yoga involves body control and proper breathing. They say blood circulation can be improved by physical exercise, and proper yoga breathing.To increase one's strength, vitality and flexibility, hatha yoga is one of the best ways to achieve this goal.Hatha yoga is just one form of Yoga. There are very many other types of yoga. Some include a fast aerobic workout. This is geared toward fitness conscious individuals. While others prefer the gentle and more focused on healing.One thing nice about yoga is that it has no boundaries on lifestyles or age. Yoga can be self taught. But most people prefer in the beginning to be around others who are also involved in yoga. But if you prefer to teach yourself at home. There are quite a large selection of yoga books, DVDs and ! video pr ograms to show you the proper way to practice yoga.When purchasing supplies to practice your yoga. You can just type in yoga supplies on Google and just see how many dealers for yoga equipment there are. By doing this you will find all the equipment that you will possibly need and more. You will find your mats, yoga straps, blocks and many many other types of equipment and accessories.Just remember that you will also need some clothing that will help you move freely in all of your position,s poses an exercise. This will help you be able to optimize your stretching and your flexibility skills. About the AuthorOklared has been writing articles for just a short time. Come visit my latest website over at href="http://yogaequipmentandaccessories.com/">Yoga Equipment And Accessorieswhich helps people find the best Yoga Equipment And Accessories. Dilbert Animated Cartoons - Brain Power, Yoga Prodigy, and AmoebaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Are rich people the happiest, or just the opposite? Posted: 24 Dec 2011 11:00 PM PST As joyous as the Christmas season is, there is a great deal of sadness to it when you look beyond your own family and see the difficulties others have. In the Ozarks, I think folks do a very good job of helping others during this time we set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ. There aren't many who do not remember what Christmas is all about and make an attempt to help others less fortunate. In the town nearby, there were many businesses and banks and restaurants where the first names of children hung from Christmas trees, with a short list of simple things they would like for Christmas. Trouble is, there are so many of them, and most of us have too little set aside to help. That's what bothers you — there are so many in need, and our resources to help are so limited. If only more of us could be rich. But then you think about that meal told about in the Bible, when a limited amount of bread and fish fed a multitude. Really, the greatest amount of help comes from ordinary people who are not rich, but just working from week to week to pay the bills and get by. If everyone gives a little, if a small bit of help comes from all of us ordinary people, there are so many of us it does a tremendous amount of good. Last year in March, we held a "grizzled old outdoorsman's swap meet" with the help of a big church at Brighton, Mo., which allowed us to use the gymnasium. We had a grand time, and hundreds of people showed up. We put out a jar for donations and the vendors and visitors together filled it with money, $ 526. When you added in a percentage of books and magazines that we sold that day, the total neared a thousand dollars. Part of that was used to buy some little gifts for needy kids at Christmas, and some of it remains to be used for helping needy children in some local schools. By March it will all be gone, and we will start over with another swap meet and raise some more money for such causes. If you were there last March, be aware that you helped. I know! it isn� ��t much money when you consider the need, but it does a great deal more than the dollar amount looks to be when it is written down on paper. It is the result of believing in the things the baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago taught us as he became a man, in three years of teaching mankind that life is better when it is lived for others. I have often told God that he made a mistake in not making me a millionaire, so that I could do so much more than I can do. But if I had indeed become a millionaire, I might have succumbed to the greed you see in those who can never quite accumulate enough wealth. In reality, I do not believe the happiest men are the richest. It may be just the opposite. Great things are done more often by the masses who are not at all wealthy, but work together with what little they have to create an ocean with just a few glasses of water from each. Trouble is, we too often forget that the Christ whose birthdate is called Christmas, intended for us to never stop celebrating that season of sacrifice and giving. We need to keep on finding the places where our small gifts can make big differences in the lives of the few we can help. Our bank accounts should mean less to us than those around us who need help. As easy as it is for me to say that, it is hard for me to do. For some strange reason, as a younger man, I was always too worried about making ends meet to help others much. As I grow older it dawns on me that the more I can do for others, the less I have to worry about what I need to take care of myself. If you don't understand what I am saying, don't worry; you may not be old enough yet. You will understand it eventually. And I am not saying that it is always money that is most important. All year long we can celebrate Christmas in little ways, as my uncle use to do by giving away much of his garden produce to neighbors in need. Hundreds of other Ozark gardeners do the same thing each summer. In the spring when you are catching fish, celebrat! e Christ mas by finding those who seldom get to eat fresh fish, and giving away half of what you catch. When April's blossoms are fresh and October's foliage is bright, find those who like to eat wild turkey and deer, and see to it that much of what you put in your freezer finds its way onto the table of those who are less fortunate. I will celebrate Christmas when morel mushrooms are popping up, by eating fewer of them I find and giving away more. I will celebrate Christmas by cleaning a big catfish in August and giving it to some elderly folks who do not get to have it at all, but remember how good it tasted when they shared their catch years and years ago. I'll celebrate Christmas by sharing not what I do not want, but what I treasure. You get the picture. If you aren't rich, like I am not, help me celebrate Christmas in other ways right through the year, 'til it comes again as the new year ahead comes to its end. There's a million ways to give, and that makes all of us ordinary people potentially "millionaires." As a postscript to this, I am hunting deer this week with my muzzle-loader, with a message in mind that I received from a lady a few weeks ago that read: "I figured you might know someone that would like to donate some deer meat. I would greatly appreciate you considering me, if this opportunity arises. I am disabled (but can get around) and the mother of three boys, still at home. My twins are disabled, and their brother has a different disorder. We all love deer meat. I don't get food stamps or housing stuff though we do get Social Security and Medicaid. I try to get us through as best I can because I think others could use that assistance more. "We are still warm, covered, and fed. But we haven't had much meat to eat, except chicken, this year. Deer meat would be a grateful and much-needed addition. So, I just thought I would write you, just in case you run into someone that has extra. If someone has deer from last year that they'd be throwing! out to make room for this year's meat, we can use the older meat. We don't mind. I can make even freezer burned meat taste great. Haha I can,truly. I know this is a strange request but I just thought I'd ask that you might at least consider us, if you hear of something." I will be glad to pass along the lady's address to anyone who might like to donate some deer meat to her along with me. Merry Christmas — and don't be surprised if I wish you Merry Christmas in the spring and summer and fall, just to remind you — there are lots of gifts to give when you are an outdoorsman, hunter and fisherman, even if you aren't rich. But really I never knew someone blessed with a life close to the outdoors and God's greatest creations, who didn't feel as if they were. |
Buddhist Tour packages for Spiritual and religious harmony Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 10:00 PM PST Augusta The 30-plus members of the Interfaith Fellowship of Augusta are professional and lay leaders from Christian, Muslim, Judaic, Stress Reduction and Unitarian Universalist faith communities in the CSRA. We wish our fellow community members the happiest of holidays. Since many holidays – Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Day, Solstice – are celebrated at this time of year, we can all share our good wishes with one another. The IFFA does not ignore our differences, which are real and important. However, we know that we share many of the same most basic values, which can provide the basis for working and celebrating together. We wish people the hope embodied in a newborn baby: unlimited potential to bring more justice, equity and compassion to our relationships and our world. Hope is what keeps us working to achieve these goals even when their attainment seems so distant. We wish people lives filled with joy, the outward manifestation of gratitude for the manifold gifts of life that we do not earn. We wish people the peace that comes from accepting our flawed as well as our good tendencies, and not projecting only the bad parts onto others. Recognizing that others are just like us keeps us from thinking they are evil. It lets us work together to build our society on justice, equity and compassion, because if one is lacking there will be no true peace. Finally, we wish people love, starting with ourselves then extending to family, friends, co-workers, and even those we do not know. All of our religions are based on and teach the kind of love expressed in that religion's version of the Golden Rule. So, at this time of celebration and festivities, the members of the IFFA wish everyone lives filled with hope, joy, peace and love. Andy C. Reese Augusta (The writer is planning committee chairman of the IFFA.) |
Kanji Tattoo Designs - Symbols Of Strength Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:00 PM PST Article by William Burnell A basic rule of the Samurai was to act with courage and honor. The code they lived by has permeated Japanese society, so that the people follow much of that philosophy today. We saw this in the way they conducted themselves in the face of the devastation left by the tsunami. There were no gangs of looters on the streets; there was no civil disorder. They trusted each other and they trusted their civil authorities. They waited in line for food supplies with patience and civility This code of conduct was intrinsic to the Samurai way of life, which had a significant impact on Japanese society. A Kanji tattoo can connect you to that Samurai code of honor. A samurai was trained to act with courage, to never flinch in the face of danger and to give his life rather than lose honor. He aspired to fight with courage and honor. This honor was passed onto his family so that their honor and reputation grew because of his deeds. On the other hand, a family could suffer lasting shame and loss of honor and reputation, if a warrior valued his own life above honor and did not fight and die with courage. Not many of us have to make the dramatic choices that faced the Samurai warrior, but life is about strength and courage. Sometimes the challenges we have to face on a daily basis are the ones that take their toll. It might be that we feel intimidated by some people or situations. It might be we are holding ourselves back in our job or in our life by not acting positively or not asserting ourselves. It might be we do not feel in control of some parts of our life and we need the strength to change them. Sometimes it is dealing with a situation we cannot change but need the strength to endure it. Each of us has to find our own way to develop the inner strength we need. The Samurai practiced Zen Buddhism, which gave them inner peace and inspired them to strive to be better people. They were expected to act with integrity, loyalty and compassion and, above all, with courage and honor. ! Your Kan ji tattoo symbol can remind you of these aspirations and help you find the inner strength that was so much a part of the Samurai. A Kanji tattoo that stands for honor, courage or Samurai can connect you to this strength. Any one of these can be your Kanji symbol of strength. About the AuthorFinding your special Kanji symbol of strength tattoo will be a lot easier when you visit http://www.squidoo.com/strength-tattoos William Burnell enjoys sharing his interest in the art, designs and history of tattoos and in helping others in their quest for their unique symbol of self-expression. Interview with Zen Master Bon SoengThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 08:00 PM PST Article by Donald Hood (1888PressRelease) Recognizing that the mind and the body work better when they're in harmony, The Spencer Institute now offers an online Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program for coaches, trainers, yoga instructors and more. The self-paced program offers insight on mind-body training and exercises that can be used to boost and enhance performance. "If you believe it, you can achieve." "What you think, you become." "Mind over matter." All of these aphorisms point to one important thing - the mind and body are inextricably linked, and the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. In recognition of the importance of the mind and body connection, The Spencer Institute now offers a 100 percent online Mindy Body Fitness Coach Certification Program. The only online mind-body fitness training available, this self-paced program is designed for fitness professionals, body workers, massage therapists, life coaches, physical and athletic trainers, gym owners and others interested in enhancing clients' health, reducing stress and giving clients the tools they need for a healthier life. "More and more, we come to understand how much our minds and bodies are linked, and how one can profoundly affect the other, which gives us the ability to harness the dual powers of the mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness," said Dr. John Spencer Ellis, CEO and president of The Spencer Institute and creator of the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program. "Anyone who loves yoga, who loves running, who loves eating and living well likely understands how amazing life can be when the mind and body work in harmony for holistic health." The online certification includes digital manuals, video and audio PowerPoint lectures and an online exam. The Mind Body Fitness Coach online training program qualifies for continuing education credits (CEUs) for ISSA, the Spencer Institute and NESTA and does not have any prerequisites. The certification is valid for two years. ! Topics c overed included scientific mind-body practices to enhance health, tips on coaching clients, a variety of perspectives on mind-body fitness, details on yoga, meditation, bodywork and more. "A Mind Body Fitness Coach is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers I can think of. It combines science with practical application, movement with breathing, not to mention helping clients find more joy, connection and fitness from the inside out," Ellis added. About the Spencer InstituteFounded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis, an international leader in wellness coaching, personal development and fitness, The Spencer Institute offers life coaching, holistic education, nutrition coaching, sports psychology and wellness training certification programs delivered in online and distance learning formats that are designed to provide a step-by-step blueprint to success. The programs were developed to help people find the career of their dreams while helping others live better lives. For more information about the Spencer Institute or the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification Program, please visit http://spencerinstitute.com/mind-body-fitness-coach-certification/ http://www.spencerinstitute.com Source:http://www.1888pressrelease.com/the-spencer-institute-s-online-mind-body-fitness-certificati-pr-344815.html About the Authorhttp://www.spencerinstitute.com/ Mindfulness Throughout the DayThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Four most sacred Buddhist destinations Posted: 24 Dec 2011 07:00 PM PST |
Is Mind Power An Art Or Science? Posted: 24 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST Article by Gerome Macincre Minds are like magnets, and yours is a powerful one. What it thinks and sees, it will eventually attract; this relationship between the mind and reality is called the Law of Attraction, and it's one of the greatest manifestations in the world of the mind altering reality. You can use the Law of Attraction to change your personal fortune, and your relationship with money. The law of attraction is about believing so strongly that something will happen that it does end up happening. This means that you can have the most amazing life if you just put your mind to it. It may take time, but with practice you can have what you want. Your mind is amazing and powerful. Mind power is something each of us has. Most of us lack the centralized realization that that power is under our own control. Researchers have shown that we only use about 10% of our brain's capabilities for conscious thought, and that applies to our intellectual capabilities as well. We go for the simplest things possible because they require the least overall effort. And what that can mean is that we have trouble in life that we simply think 'just is.' We think negatively because we don't think that what we want can truly be ours. So basically, we begin to think that the negative circumstances we now attract are simply all there is. However, if we only understood that we're attracting what we're experiencing, we would see our own thoughts happening before our eyes. But here's the simple truth. Reality first happens within your mind. Everything you've gotten to this point has been as a result of how you think. And while it's been said that everyone has some extra sensory skill or power, or that they are 'psychic,' in fact, these people really only practice an ability we have, too, which is using their advanced subconscious mind power capabilities. If you want something in life, you have to think it and believe it's going to be true. However, if you think the worst is going to happen - well, it probably will. Ther e are some things you can begin to do today to use your mind power more fully. One way to do this is through visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that can have a noticeable impact on your day to day life. In the process it will expand your mind power and enhance your ability to bring the things you want into your life. When you visualize, simply sit down and create pictures and images in your mind's eye. This can help you a manifest these images in reality. First, though, you have to start with your subconscious. The subconscious mind is the most powerful tool you have, and bring what is in your subconscious mind into reality the way nothing else can. The subconscious mind will then bring them into the world. Hold positive images in your mind and you will have positive results; hold negative images and you will have negative results. Plan ahead what you want to do before you begin your visualization practice. Write things down like a story on a piece of paper. Use your goals to help your create your visions and guide you on what to write. Your goals should be the basis for your visualization. Write things down until what you write starts to become reality. You can also do this with affirmations. Affirmations are simply little statements of encouragement you give yourself throughout the day. It can be about anything. For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, you can say, 'I'm going to successfully and easily lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.' Keep reminding yourself that you are losing this weight effortlessly and easily, and recent, you'll see the weight simply start to drop off. You can just tell yourself or say aloud whatever it is that you want. Use affirmations to switch yourself into thinking positively and positive things will start to happen. You will probably feel awkward at first, but keep it doing it for 28 days and it will become a habit. You can develop more mind power through something called brainwave entertainment. Brainwave synchro! nization is how it is done, which is through different frequencies through audio technology. The brain has the natural ability to do many things. One such thing is how it can heal itself. This ability can be enhanced through brainwave entertainment. Other things consist of the ability to enhance memory and bring into effect our already existing psychic powers. Different frequencies can do a whole lot concerning mind power. This is a very advanced type of procedure, but it works wonders. Hypnosis, too, can be used to tap into your subconscious mind. For example, hypnosis has worked wonders for those who want to quit smoking. These people simply are able to go into a session whereby they use the services of a trained hypnotist, and then they are slowly led to the suggestion that they don't want to smoke anymore, that it tastes bad, it's not something they desire, and so on. After several sessions, many smokers do indeed quit and they don't have the desire to do so anymore. Hypnosis led the person who didn't believe in themselves to become sure that they could quit smoking. As can be seen, everyone has mind power. It's a matter of belief in what one can do, with their own abilities and positive affirmations. You can use this ability to change your circumstances and rewrite your future to one you want to see happen. It won't happen over night, and it takes some repetition to make it all work, but the effort pays off in the end. It all begins within the subconscious mind. How much mind power do you have? About the AuthorDiscover the amazing experience of using your mind power from the popular http://www.mindpower-info.com site. Find details to develop mind power with a subconscious mind power FREE DVD Package when you visit here. CJ Stone feat. Lyck - Mindful Thinking (Re-Fuge & CJ Stone Mix)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:00 PM PST |
Spiritual Expansion â Divine Guidance through Automatic Writing Posted: 24 Dec 2011 04:00 PM PST Article by Terrie Marie The Angel Lady Automatic writing is a form of communication which is intuitively received or channeled through you from the Realm of Spirit into physical form. It is receiving information or messages without editing your thoughts, without judging what comes through you. In the beginning it may be difficult for you to set your ego mind aside enabling you to accept all that is being gifted through you. If you are willing to be completely open to Angelic Guidance, Divine Source Energy, you will want to practice as often as possible setting aside doubt, fear, feelings of unworthiness, wondering what others might say if they only knew you true aspirations for a more Spiritual life. It is more than possible to gain insight from within, getting out of your own way, clearing your mind to receiving inner wisdom, answers from thee Angelic Realm. Before you begin, it is essential to protect yourself by surrounding you and the area in which you choose to practice receiving Divine Guidance in white light. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you from all that is not of love and light. Know it is done in the moment of the asking, do not doubt there is only love, only light coming through you as you have requested. To practice, find a quiet, comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Supplies you will need are: a solid surface to write upon, paper, pencil or pen, perhaps soft soothing music, light a white or rose candle. If this is your first attempt at automatic writing, it is suggested you explore what is being offered to you rather than using your computer. Sit in a comfortable position, feet flat on the ground, your writing hand lightly resting on the sheet of paper before you. Allow your mind to drift, to float among the clouds, or focus on the music in the background. You may write out one or two questions for your conscious mind to focus upon. In the beginning your hand may simply be guided in what appears to be child-like doodling. The most important thing is y! our comm itment to being open, allowing Spiritual energy to flow through you easily, empting your mind, focusing on nothingness. Ask Archangel Gabriel, whose name means, Messenger of God, to assist you in allowing Divine Guidance to flow through you. Archangel Gabriel is thee Angel of Communication and will, when asked, encourage you to speak your truth accepting yourself, wholly and completely in love and light. It is not necessary to speak your truth aloud to others. Accepting who you are is essential as you travel the path before you in integrity, radiating the light of the Creator of All There Is. A Message from Archangel GabrielSeek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and the door shall be opened before you. All is gifted in the moment of the asking. Only through your willingness to become an open receptacle, a conduit for all that is already manifested in the Realm of Spirit shall it then be made manifest into physical form. The answers, guidance you seek is already within. Allow my brethren and me to assist you along the path before you. You are not alone; you have the knowledge, the answers to your many questions. Contemplate all that is given through you. Seek not to question, seek only to receive. Seek peace and harmony shall be yours. Seek forgiveness and release from all that has come before shall be gifted to you. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and the way shall be made clear before you. It is highly possible you may not remember anything or you may remember very little of what comes through you. This is one sign of validation that which you have received came through you not from you. Be patient as you practice the Ancient Art of automatic writing, allowing your physical self, your ego chatter mind to surrender its need to control every aspect of your life. You might choose to keep a small notebook with you as you may begin to receive insight more frequently. Once given, if not written it may be forever lost. Connect! with An gels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide About the AuthorHello, my name is Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady. My life's purpose is to share thee Angels' messages, their energy with you. I am gifted with being able to communicate with Angels by sensing their energy, receiving messages and guidance intuitively. The way in which thee Angels' channel their loving healing energy through me for you is by conducting workshops and seminars, Angel Readings and Energy Healing. Thee Angels' have and continue to gift me with unique Essential Oil Blends enabling everyone to work directly with Angels. Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Channeling - Study Group Session 1 Pt 1: Via Deep Trance Channel April CrawfordThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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