Eight Keys to Minimize Stress in a Fast World

Eight Keys to Minimize Stress in a Fast World

Eight Keys to Minimize Stress in a Fast World

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Lisa Rickwood, BFA, CTACC

It doesn't matter where you live, who you are or what you're doing, you'll encounter stress - that's life. And, it's not all bad. We all perceive things differently; some people see things as more negative while others are more positive about things.

Why do some of us thrive on stress and some of us buckle? It's in our perspective about stress. We do better when we choose to rise to challenges instead of fearing or fighting problems.

Positive stress helps you operate at your peak as it encompasses your 'fight or flight response' and gives you extra physical and emotional resources when you or someone you care about is in trouble.

Negative stress is simply stress that we perceive as 'bad' and this varies from person to person. Stress becomes bad when we react negatively and it affects our health and mental outlook. Over time it leads to immune disorders, strokes, heart problems, fatigue, hair loss and more.

In our fast-paced society that's always on, negative stress is epidemic.

According to research, stress hardiness is a life skill we can learn, not one we know at birth. Individuals who weather stress have many mindsets that help them cope and thrive. Here are some ideas:

1. Accept change. There's no getting around it, change is inevitable; it begins in the womb and continues as our bodies, minds and spirits change. The world around us does the same so if we accept change as a normal part of life, anxiety is reduced. When you know nothing stays the same, you can feel empowered and cope better.

2. Have strong bonds. Life can 'sock it to ya' and you'll thrive if you have strong relationships. Social support during stressful times is the key; women know this and are more likely to seek emotional help. It doesn't take fancy research to tell us that we feel better during times of stress when we phone our friends, go out with someone or 'vent.' We're not designed to bottle up our emotions - we need to know that our feelings are okay and that we c! an survi ve a situation and get help with our challenges.

3. Short-term goals. Although we say we hate stress, a certain amount is necessary to motivate us to get up in the morning, work, meet deadlines and more. This is good stress. We need a mission and when we don't have one, we wander aimlessly and waste precious time. Setting small daily, weekly or monthly goals help us feel more focused and less stressed.

4. Long-term goals. Most of us have a mission to finish something in one day, one week, even one month but do we know what we want to accomplish within five or 10 years? For a lot of us, thinking ahead like this is a challenge; we're lucky if we know what we're doing next week. However, you need to know what your purpose is - having a successful career, financial independence, spirituality or a plan to change something in the world. Long term goals give us clarity and vision - something that can buffer us from day-to-day stresses; when we know what our long term vision is, we can set up short-term goals that point us towards the larger goal.

5. Let it go. When we begin life as babies, we see the world through our eyes and feel as though the planet revolves around us. Sometime around early adulthood (or maybe later for some of us) we get a rude awakening; we're part of something much bigger that we can't control. We often fight this feeling because we want to be in control, but in reality, we can only control ourselves. (If we have a mental health issue, we may not be able to control ourselves) Once you understand this law, life will seem less like a struggle; you'll pay more attention to your reactions and stop controlling situations and people.

6. Silver linings. You've heard the quote, "Look on the bright side." For most of us, we believe this but some of us who suffer from depression, sadness or tragedy, this can seem preposterous. Instead of thinking negative, find something positive in a situation; you may not like the whole situation but if you chal! lenge yo ur thinking to, "What can I learn from this situation? What is the silver lining in this tragic storm?" If you find it a challenge to be an optimist, act like one. When something bad occurs, visualize a positive outcome instead of a disaster.

7. Say No. People get overwhelmed when they take on too many projects and stretch themselves thin. You need to focus your energy; when you do too much multitasking, you diminish your power and effectiveness. You also get resentful, angry and impatient when you have too much to do and too little time. Analyze what you do in a week and see where you're splitting your energy; if you eliminate a few things, you should feel less stressed.

8. Exercise. Nothing is better for stress reduction than exercise. We all know the benefits of being physical; exercise produces larger muscles, burns fat, adds to longevity and gives us more energy...the list is endless. If you think you're too busy to get physical, exercise for 10 minutes a day. Even 10 minutes makes a difference and after four or five weeks, you may see enough of a difference that you want to make more time to exercise.

Stress can give you energy and vision or it can wreak havoc on your health and looks. Once you realize it's an inevitable part of life, find ways to make it work for you.

About the Author

Lisa Rickwood, BFA, CTACC, is an artist, speaker, coach and author of the book, Escape The Pace and co-author of Power & Soul. Get your FREE report - 5 Critical Actions That Hurt Your Business and Add Stress to Your Life. Visit: http://www.escapethepace.com

Yoga Stress Management

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Stress Reduction
by Cea.

Article by Rene Graeber

There are several ways that one can do to fight stress. Most people go through stress management programs, while some opt to do the simpler "stress-reducer" strategies such as exercise, healthy activities, and enjoyable hobbies. One great way of managing stress is through the oldest distinct practice of "self development", Yoga.

Yoga involves classic methods of breathing controls, ethical disciplines, physical postures, and meditation. Originally an Eastern practice, yoga today is increasingly becoming well-liked in the West, especially with the seen benefits of healthier and more relaxed people who practice it. Yoga stress management is now becoming a brilliant and exceptional way for handling stress both physically and emotionally.

Yoga stress management has several benefits including lessened stress, lower blood pressure, sound sleep, reduced muscle and anxiety tension, increased flexibility and strength, helps smoking cessation, weight loss, and improved health conditions.

Compared to other stress reduction ways, yoga stress management combines a number of techniques used to reduce stress; it is said to provide the mixed benefits of fitness programs, stretching exercises, breathing exercise, guided imagery, and meditation practice all in one method. With those with physical limitations however, simply doing meditation, breathing exercises, or guided imagery is still a preferable option that provides the same benefits.

Yoga stretching exercisesSince a "stressed" individual generally has an increased muscle tone, the elaborate stretching exercises of yoga helps reduce the muscles tone thus enhancing an individual's ability to relax.

Yoga breathing exercisesComplex breathing-control techniques in yoga, called pranayamas, help "breathe awareness" in an individual oftentimes when one feels fear or anger, the breathing patterns change, making it rapid and shallow. Through breath awareness, one can influence the conscious mind positively, and reducing the stimulatio! n in the "autonomic nervous system" thus the person tends to relax.

Guided ImageryThe principle behind this practice for reducing stress is that one can use their imagination to enjoy and recreate a very relaxing situation. The more intense the relaxing image is imagined, the more the experience becomes relaxing.

MeditationMeditation affects the body oppositely to how stress affects the body. This practice restores the body to a state of calmness, helping it repair itself and prevent damage caused by the effects of stress.

Almost everybody can observe the physical benefits of yoga stress management; but also equally important to a lot of people, especially those who encounter overwhelming stress every day, are thankful to the psychological benefits that yoga provide, such as a good sense of well-being, peaceful mind, and feeling of lightness.

About the Author

If you want to get more information about stress and time management please visit my blog at http://my-personal-time-management.blogspot.com

Learn The Benefits Of Mindfulness Therapy

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Isaac Farin Therapy

Trying to relax when your mind is focused largely on past failures and future problems, is not an easy task. Mindfulness therapy, Fort Lauderdale professionals will tell you, is a counseling technique that helps clients learn to focus on the present while learning from the past, and thus it can ease stress and other issues.

Mindfulness therapy, Fort Lauderdale professionals often say, is a type of counseling that does not necessarily use medication, though it may be paired with medical treatment because it can be used in trying to make a medical diagnosis. Paired together, mindfulness and medical treatment may speed up recovery and help to eliminate problems at a more efficient rate than either technique alone.

There are many reasons to use mindfulness therapy. Fort Lauderdale professionals can typically offer you a list of good reasons. Aside from helping to relieve stress and anxiety, mindfulness therapy gives clients a chance to reduce or eliminate specific phobias, as well as increase the benefits of their overall lifestyle. When you have a counselor that has specialized in mindfulness therapy, Fort Lauderdale clients learn the skills they need in order to continue benefiting from mindfulness techniques even outside of the office.

Going to sessions involving mindfulness may be longer or shorter depending on the individual problems at hand. Some sessions may be very brief, and you may only need to meet with a counselor one or two times. Other sessions may last longer, while others may be spread out over several months. Even though counselors generally want to help you as quickly as possible, a deep set problem may take longer to sort through, but the end goal is to keep problems at bay in the long term, thus scoring a more effective therapy.

If you are thinking about mindfulness therapy, Fort Lauderdale has many professionals who can help. There are counselors in the area who are able to effectively apply the technique in order to help you improve your overall health. D! uring yo ur sessions, you can work on lessening painful stress and anxiety, and learn to feel better about your life as you live one moment at a time, instead of always worrying about the future or fretting over a past mistake.

Mindfulness therapy, Fort Lauderdale professionals will tell you, is a good way to lessen anxiety if you have the time and money, and you may be able to avoid taking medications that have harmful side effects and other problems. If nothing else, mindfulness may be paired with another therapy form in order to improve its effectiveness.

About the Author

For More Information Visit On Marriage and family counselor, Mindfulness Therapy Ft Lauderdale, Couples And Family Therapy

MEDWYN GOODALL - Orchid Potion (Music for Relaxation & Meditation)

                         ↑↑↑  Visit my channel for more videos!   ♪ Artist: Medwyn Goodall Album: Medicine Woman II, The Gift Song: Orchid Potion Genre: New Age Release: 1998 Other songs from this album:        Sacred Ground        Invocation 2        Celebration        www.youtube.com        Emerald - Mayan Relic        After the Rains        Jungle Heart        Talking to the Sun        The Gift The best selling sequel to Medicine Woman. Medwyn Goodall's Medicine Woman II revisits the inspiration behind Medwyn's original and highly-acclaimed Medicine Woman. The journey continues with a new album that echoes a land where the storms have passed with the gift of new life. Through Medwyn's music the Goddess shares her powers with us, evoking the Emerald's power and restoring the Earth to purity. Medwyn provides us with a beautiful and intimate performance on Spanish Guitar, Bamboo Flute, Mandolin, authentic South American drums and a host of other instruments. Recorded in Medwyn's own studio, Medicine Woman II takes Medwyn's music to new heights. A further installment of Mayan folk lore and south american styled music featuring spanish guitars, marimbas, panpipes, soft enya like voices and percussion. Relax, unwind and meditate with soothing, peaceful music. Music for the body, mind, soul and spirit. Music that can awaken us, change us and enlighten our world. Artist Biography ...

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Head of reclining Buddha, Aryaloka Stress Reduction Center

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

[Click on the image for a larger version.]

This Buddha statue reclines gracefully on the ledge of one of the windows in the "yoga room" (it's called that, although there's hardly ever any yoga done there) below the shrineroom at Aryaloka Stress Reduction Center in Newmarket, NH.

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Master Reiki Meditation Music, Calm Abiding Music Therapy, Out Of Body Experience

Join Artist "Gibi" www.facebook.com Original Music Composition - Hawaii Based Composer George "GiBi" del Barrio, www.georgedelbarrio.com - - Master Reiki Meditation Music, Calm Abiding Music Therapy, Out Of Body Experience - All internal bio rhythms are driven by a pulse of music. For achiving a meditative balance, "Padded" music as in this track sets the tone for a deep an calm abiding meditateve experience. Reiki (霊気 or レイキ?, English /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice[1] developed in 1922 by Japanese Stress Reduction Mikao Usui, and uses a technique commonly called palm healing as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).[2] Through the use of this technique, sometimes refereed to as "tenohira" (meaning "the palm" in Japanese), practitioners believe that they are transferring "healing energy" in the form of qi (or ki in Japanese) through the palms.[3][4] There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Reiki and Western Reiki. Within both Traditional and Westernised forms of Reiki, there are three forms of degrees, commonly refereed to as the First, Second, and Master/Teacher degree. According to Reiki practitioners and Masters, at First Degree, a Reiki practitioner is able to heal themselves and others, at Second Degree is able to heal others distantly (commonly called distant healing) with the use of specialized symbols, and at Master/Teacher level is able to teach and attune others to Reiki. Music therapy is both an allied health ...

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Achieve Serenity and Happiness - Buddhist Walking Meditation

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Spencer Isaac

If you want to experience serenity and happiness, Buddhist walking meditation is one path. It is achieved by bringing a moment to moment awareness (power of now) into your daily life. The walking meditation provides many benefits, takes only 15 to 20 minutes per day and is an easy 5-step process.

Benefits of walking meditation:

* Feeling sense of serenity and happiness * Achieving a deeply relaxed state * Naturally "letting go of thoughts" (of the past or future)* Experiencing Law of Impermanence (all things rise and pass away - nothing permanent - (Anicca or Anitya in Sanskrit) * Feeling compassion and loving-kindness for all sentient beings

Walking meditation instruction: General note: Wear comfortable clothing and choose a location (a seashore, a park, a quite neighborhood, your backyard, etc. Allow about 15 - 20 minutes for walking meditation.)

1. Keep your eyes open and start 'conscious breathing' by breathing in through your nose and breathing out through you mouth. Be sure to make the breathing audible.

2. Start walking at your normal pace (you can walk in a circle - no beginning and ending or you can walk forward and come back). After a while you might naturally walk slowly. NOTE: There is no destination only the journey.

3. Observe your breathing and allow all thoughts to come about. You might notice how your mind takes you to the past (by remembering something from the past or by trying to re-write 'history') or takes to the future (planning something in the future, imagining, day dreaming, etc). It is important that you do not try to get rid of all your thoughts. Letting go is a natural process that occurs by simply bringing awareness to your breathing, and thus into the present moment. You might experience both thoughts and your breathing, and so you are in the present and observing your mind at work.

4. After you finish you walking meditation you can sta! y still or even sit down on a bench and close your eyes.

5. As you feel deeply relaxed, conclude your meditation with the loving-kindness mantra - Metta in Sanskrit. This should be done from the depths of your heart.

Loving-kindness Mantra (Metta as shared by Lama Surya Das) May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled, May all beings be healed and whole, May all beings have whatever they want and need May all beings be protected from harm and free from fear, May all beings be awakened, liberated and free, May there be peace on earth and the entire universe.

As you continue doing walking meditation daily, you will achieve serenity and happiness by bringing yourself to the present moment (power of now). By using loving-kindness mantra (Metta), you will start cultivating compassion towards all sentient beings. The 5 step processes will make a profound difference in your life.

May you be happy! About the Author

Spencer Isaac - is a Buddhist Meditator, Massage Therapist and 4th generation Shamanic Healer,. Spencer was initiated by Spiritual Elders in Kazakhstan and receives guidance through his Spirit Guides. He uses 41 Kumalak (Ancient Kazakhstan Shamanic Divination oracle) to provide accurate insights and guidance for your questions including relationships, health, career, and business affairs. His websites: http://omanamassage.com http://41kumalak.ca

Floating Buddhist Monk Woman of Kanchanaburi, ,Thailand

It is told by Buddhist monks that these women can walk on water. In The mountains of Kanchanaburi Thailand a Buddhist woman monk is Floating in fresh water Buddhist Monk Woman of Kanchanaburi, Thailand

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How to Avoid a Sugar Addiction

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

banana, yogurt, dessert, sweet, food, nutrition,
CREDIT: Banana dessert photo via Shutterstock
nutrition tips, deborah enos, certified nutritionist,

Although I make an effort to eat healthy every day, there are times when I just crave something sweet (and less-than healthy). Normally, I would go for a nutritious homemade frozen yogurt pop, but when I'm out and about, I don't have that option.

There are times when I succumb to my temptation and enjoy a decadent dessert. I don't bother feeling guilty about it, but I do know I have to work extra hard in the days to come. Not only will I have extra calories to work off, but I have to be careful not to fall victim to a sugar addiction.

According to a 2002 study by Princeton University researchers, sugar may actually be addicting. Researchers studied rats that were allowed to binge on sugar. After the sugar was taken away, the rats showed signs of withdrawal, including "the shakes," and changes in brain chemistry. Although they would have seen more pronounced effects from addicting drugs, the withdrawal symptoms were the same, according to the study.

That may very well be why it's so hard to stick to your diet after "treating yourself" to a sugary treat. If you want to stick to your diet, it's better to avoid the sweets in the first place.

 Here are a few low-sugar snacks to help ward off addiction, and keep your diet on track:

  1. Bananas and peanut butter:  Bananas are sweet, so they can satisfy your craving, but this snack doesn't have any added sugar. It's a quick and fiber-rich snack that will keep you feeling full and satisfied.
  2. Yogurt: You can make your own frozen yogurt bars by simply freezing the yogurt in a popsicle tray. Add fresh berries for a little more natural sweetness.
  3. Hummus and vegetables: Keep some hummus and veggies in the fridge for when the snack cravings arrive. Baby carrots and celery work well.
  4. No-sugar-added fruit popsicles: Fruit is rather sweet on its own, so you won't miss the added sugar. And, these will satisfy your craving for something sweet.
  5. Baked apples and cinnamon: Cut apples into slices and put them on a baking sheet with some cinnamon. Bake at 375 degrees for about  half an hour, and you'll have a sweet and healthy dessert.
  6. Cheese and crackers: Because cheese is high in cholesterol, you should make this an occasional treat, but it's one that will feel indulgent.
  7. Apple and almonds: If you're going to be running errands all day, bring these snacks along with you, so you don't have to go looking for something to satisfy your hunger cravings.

Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry!

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Om Mane Padme Hum

devotional Stress Reduction Chants taken from Songs of Kuan Yin - Various Artists In the legend of Kuan Yin, the ascended bodhisattva turns away from the gates of Nirvana in order to stay in the world until all sentient beings are free from suffering.. With Songs of Kuan Yin, a gathering of some of todays most passionate and talented female performers bring you music inspired by this beloved deity - 10 devotional offerings to immerse you in the cool, cleansing waters of Kuan Yins compassion...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Forget standing in the cold waiting for a New Year taxi – relax and enjoy the fireworks!

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Alan Trotter

The things that come to mind for most people when you mention going out to enjoy yourself on New Year's Eve are long queues for taxis, impossibly expensive drinks and packed dance floors where people spill their beer over you all evening. It's not that surprising then that so many wonder why they should bother going out at all to celebrate the New Year. In fact these days a lot of people looking to save money because of the recession decide to either stay at home or go around to friends' houses.

If you do fancy a change of scenery however, there is another option, and you won't need to start looking for a taxi! If you're in the mood to party but don't fancy traipsing around a city centre, then why not consider heading to one of the UK's leading seaside resorts for the New Year. Not only are you guaranteed to find stunning scenery, you'll also be treated to wonderful food, a huge range of activities to keep you entertained and a New Year's Eve party that can't be beat.

If it is a family-friendly party you are looking for then look no further than the UK's leading holiday parks. You can relax in complete comfort during the day and then get your glad rags on for a wonderful evening's entertainment, capped off with a huge confettiblast at midnight and a fireworks display to welcome in the New Year.

You won't be short of things to do before or after the New Year celebrations either. For children, there will be everything from fun swimming sessions to messy time events and shows featuring favourites such as Thomas the Tank Engine and Fireman Sam. Older children might want to try their hand at activities such as fencing or spend time at the funfair, while older teens might want to dance away the night at a silent disco or hear X Factor finalist Stacey Solomon in concert.

Understandably you will want to make sure you get the cheapest possible price when booking a holiday over the Christmas break and that is why it makes the most sense to go onto the internet and find the best dea! ls. Why not have a browse today and see if spending this New Year at a leading UK resort will put a smile on the faces of your close and most dearly beloved family members.

About the Author

Go online today and find the cheapest New Years Eve breaks at leading UK holiday parks and ensure you welcome in 2012 in style.

Stomach Acid Drugs Increase Risk of Bacterial Infections, FDA Warns

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may affect up to 20 percent of American adults, though an exact cause is unknown. New research suggests psychological trauma, such as death of a loved one, may be a culprit. CREDIT: Piotr Marcinski | Shutterstock

The Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers that certain stomach acid drugs may increase the risk of a serious intestinal bacteria infection.

The drugs, including Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid, Zegerid and others, fall into a category called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They are prescribed to treat acid reflux, stomach ulcers and other conditions, and work by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach.

The bacterial illness is called Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea (CDAD), and its main symptom is diarrhea that does not improve, according to an FDA statement. The bacteria are commonly referred to as "C. diff."

"Stomach acid is a very important defense mechanism against pathogens. It kills them," said Dr. Edith R. Lederman, who authored a study published in October on C. diff infections linked to stomach acid drugs, in an interview with MyHealthDaily at the time.

Patients taking PPIs who develop diarrhea that does not improve may have CDAD, according to the FDA. The agency is working with manufacturers to include information about the increased risk with use of PPIs in the drug labels.

Lederman's study, published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, showed nearly half of 485 patients hospitalized at a medical center over a four-year period who had C. difficile infections had previously been prescribed an acid suppressing drug, most of which were either proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as Prilosec and Prevacid, or histamine-2 antagonists, such as Tagamet and Zantac.

The FDA is also reviewing the risk of CDAD in users of histamine H2 receptor blockers. 

The elderly, and people with certain medical problems, generally have the greatest chance of developing C. diff infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The infection can spread in hospitals, because C. diff spores can live outside the human body for a very long time and may be found on items such as bed linens, bed rails, bathroom fixtures and medical equipment.

There are antibiotics that can be used to treat C. dif., according to the CDC, but in some severe cases, a surgery to remove the infected part of the intestines may be needed.

Hand washing, alcohol-based sanitizers, and only taking antibiotics that are prescribed by a doctor can lower a person's risk of getting or spreading C. diff, according to the CDC.  

Pass it on: People taking drugs that suppress stomach acid production may be at an increased risk for intestinal bacteria infections.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

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Waking Up

Tibetan Spiritual Consciousness nun Ven. Tenzin Palmo explains that, although we desperately want happiness, we are undermined by a society that rewards greed, aggression and egotism. She asserts these causes of suffering are ultimately based on a misconception of who we really are. With heartfelt passion for human potential, Tenzin Palmo asks, "How can we collectively wake up?"

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Perfect headache relief using the power of mind

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by The Silva Method

Human brain is highly complex and it also includes superb powers as well which can allow an individual to attain top notch control on his behaviors, body, thoughts, moods and emotions as well. Mind can even play a vital role in getting you out of various complications and it can even drag you to complications if it is not improvised as it is required to do so. Positive thoughts are highly required and the power of imagination is another great asset of human mind. This particular power can allow an individual to think in a positive way and thoughts can surely be altered about a particular perspective with the assistance of this special power.

One can even attain headache relief using the power of mind and there will be great results for him. First you need to know the actual reason behind headache and in most of the cases, stress is the major reason. If you are also going through stress and there is a very bad headache then there is just no need to worry as headache relief using the power of mind is there for you to improvise. You need to get into Alpha brainwave state of mind which really is very powerful state of mind and it will give you great control on your thoughts and can also boost the level of your positive energy.

This is the perfect state of mind where you will be in complete control of your mind and you can alter your thoughts with ease. First you have to realize that what kind of complication you are going through in this particular state. You need to tell your mind that you are having headache and this is such a feeling which you are not willing to get. You need to reprogram your mind in Alpha brainwave state and you need to make sure that you are going to state your goal as you just don't want headache and you are interested in headache relief instantly. One you have stated your major goal then you have to capitalize on it and you need to follow the reprogrammed commands of your mind.

The next step is to establish a proper plan which will allow you to get rid of! such ba d feel. You can surely get rid of it with just a few counts and once you are going to start counting then there will be a continuous decrease in headache as reprogramming is in the process. Start counting and your mind will get rid of headache with each and every count and there will be a level where you will be able to get complete headache relief. This is a very simple 5 step process of getting rid of headache with the power of your mind. There are various other methods as well which can be improvised to attain same sorts of results with your mind and for this particular purpose, you have to get more knowledge.

About the Author

Learn various other methods of headache relief and get rid of organic and migraine headaches with ease.

How to deal with trolls like ‘Ahcee Flores’

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

If "Achee Flores" has become the most hated man or woman on the web today, thanks to the comment on a Yahoo! story saying he/she wished a tsunami would wipe out the people in the Visayas, then haters have made "Achee" the happiest person on the planet.

That's because "Achee Flores" is a troll.

Trolls, say Wiki, are people who post "inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages…with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response." Someone else called them "spineless commentators desperate for attention would never say in person that which they type in anonymity."

According to Maribeth Oliver of Web Safety PH site, a partner of Yahoo! Safely, trolls also like to:
•    Spread rumors (for example, a noted person dying)
•    Gossip about celebrities (celebrity A is gay or having an affair)
•    Assume the identity of other users
•    Attack people and entities under the guise of their "right to free speech"
•    Bully people who can't fight back including celebrities, politicians and other prominent people who know it's self-defeating to engage in a cyberwar with a troll

Types of trolls

Says Oliver, "When a troll's account has been blocked, they'll make another one. There is one reputed Twitter troll who made a total of 300 Twitter accounts after being blocked every time by users. Most of these trolls do not care about good reputation for themselves. All they are after is to stir some intrigue so they gain publicity as trouble-makers in the net."

Today, because the Internet has exploded, the troll has become the cyberbully, the stalker and haters of all stripes. Cyberbullies have pushed teens to suicide. Stalkers and haters have inspired the addition of "Report Abuse," "Block" and "Unfriend" buttons.

A few news sites like The Huffington Post have employed "community managers" to moderate comments.  T! hey allo w readers to comment freely but delete four-letter words and racist and sexist attacks, according to a recent report.

How to protect yourself from trolls
Here are Oliver's tips on protecting yourself from trolls like "Achee."
•    Do Not FEED the troll. Keep cool. Don't reply.
•    Ask your friends not to reply to a troll.
•    Block a troll, flag the offensive comment or report him or her to the site administrator. If the troll shows up under another account name, block him again
•    On your social account or your blog, adjust privacy settings moderate comments, or disallow comments, to keep them out.

For more information on Internet safety, visit Yahoo! Safely.

Read Yahoo! News on your mobile. Click here!

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Penis Enlargment Excercise Spirituality And Same Sex Relationship

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by rochelrisner

So you want to know how to get a bigger penis and in the quickest time possible. Well today I wish to introduce to an ancient penis male enlargement exercise that was originally used by the Kings and rulers of many of the Middle Eastern Countries. The exercise is known as the jelq or jelqing. You may well of heard of this before but if not don't worry - all will be revealed. You also do not need to worry about being royalty or a King to perform this fantastic exercise!

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

See results in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here to start TODAY >> No waiting and fast results are guaranteed >>

Using only your hands you can increase the size of your manhood permanently by inches. There is nothing else that works to increase the structural size of the penis besides a medical procedure.

If you are suffering from erectile male dysfunction or want a harder erection then you can get one by taking a combination of natural herbs and here we will look at how and why they work. Before we look at the herbs lets look at some common problems that cause low libido and poor erectile function.

Well here is something that will generate interest in the minds of the males browsing this website. Enlargement of the penis - the subject has been the core discussion of many groups since time immemorial. Looking back into the history of humankind one will be able to study that men had always sought out manners and methods with the aid of which he could 'grow' his sexual organ. While some of them led to completed destruction of the penis certain people proved that it is possible to enlarge the size and girth of the organ by practicing certain aspects.

What makes a man attractive to women? Is it his looks his physique his wallet his job his car? I'm afraid it's! none of these! Rather it's what he's got in his pants. That's why a lot of men are conscious about the size of their penis. And from a psychological point of view this can have consequences for a man's confidence level.

Honestly penis pumping looked like one of the weirdest things I'd ever seen when I first came across some websites offering various products for penis male enlargement. However the promises that these sites made were enticing and I decided to give a couple of them a try. In this article I'm going to outline the basic premise of penis pumping then explore just how effective they are (or aren't).

There just has to be a way to make your penis longer without putting it into a stupid penis pump or taking some kind of pill with unapproved ingredients that could be dangerous! And what if you need to increase your penis girth just to keep your woman satisfied? Is there any way to get a long thick penis naturally without gadgets or pills? This article will try and point you in the right direction!

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Foods That Improve Erection Firmness Pros And Cons Of Penis Enlargement Techniques

741 Hz Frequency Awakening Intuition

These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part theyve played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity. The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: UT 396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change MI 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships SOL 741 Hz Awakening Intuition LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! Music composed by Jandy AKA JezebelDecibel

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Retreat opportunity with Bodhipaksa: “Becoming a Spiritual Rebel”

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

What are we looking for? What gives our lives a sense of meaning? How can we find a sense of confidence in a world marked by change? In the Noble Quest sutta from the Middle Length Sayings, the Buddha offers a first-person guide to the pursuit of a meaningful life. Drawing on his own life story, he beautifully outlines the creative spiritual restlessness that drove him to reject any goal short of complete awakening.

On this weekend led by Bodhipaksa, through study, discussion, personal exploration, and meditation, we'll explore the Buddha's teaching on attaining the sorrowless state and get in touch with the spiritual rebel within.

Bodhipaksa has been a member of the Triratna Spiritual Consciousness Spirituality Order since 1993 and a practicing Spiritual Consciousness Spirituality since 1982.

Where? Aryaloka Spiritual Consciousness Spirituality Center, Newmarket NH 03857
When? 7PM Friday, March 30, 2012 — 2PM Sunday, April 1, 2012
How to book? Visit the registration page for the event.
Why? Because you want to take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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God Realization is One - Acharya Shree Yogeesh on Self / God Realization (Enlightenment)

yogeeshashram.org http siddhalishree.com Acharya Shree Yogeesh gives a spiritual discourse on God. Many wonder if the Realized God of the past Enlightened Masters is the same God which many believe in today. Acharya Shree says there is only one God Realization. God is not a man, or a person in the sky. According to Acharya Shree, the closest way to describe God is like a shining light that can only be realized. http siddhayatan.org http siddhayatan.org http siddhayatan.org siddhayatan.org siddhalishree.com

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Yoga Meditation Based On Faith -- Secret Strategy To Explain Based

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by GS Virk



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Inherent dangers

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Trying to make Buddhism palatable or agreeable to our modern secular culture is, for the most part, what characterizes pop Buddhism.  But there are inherent dangers in doing this which ultimately threatens Buddhism's future.  

The late Ven. Chögyam Trungpa found a way to make Buddhism palatable with Shambhala training programs which was a secular approach.  Many other teachers, over the years, have found clever ways of making Buddhism palatable by eliminating a great deal of Buddhist terminology.  This involves shifting, in some instances, to the terminology of pop psychology, all of which is agreeable to a particular type of person looking into Buddhism as a possible answer to life's problems.

The problem with doing Buddhism this way should be obvious but sometimes it isn't.  Back in the 1980s I can remember telling Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche that if you advertise your retreat center in the language of gangsters the only people who will show up are gangsters.  A surprise to me, the Rinpoche started laughing—almost uncontrobly—because the thought seemed so funny, i.e., gangsters with machine guns showing up.  Several weeks later Gyatrul had the ad posters changed.  Four hundred people showed up at the next event.  The numbers were astonishing.  All this happened because he marketed Tibetan Buddhism as Tibetan Buddhism—and everyone liked it.

The message I think is clear:  how Buddhism is presented is critically important.   It can't be dumbed down or secularized too much; nor can teaching Buddhism from the Sutras and the Pali discourses (Sutta) be neglected.  As one might expect, a lot of time needs to be spent with important subjects like nirvana which, incidentally, is almost ignored in Dharma centers.  If this is not done what we have called "Buddhism" is not  Buddhism at all.  It is a counterfeit Buddhism.  By it, all are deceived.


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The Mantra of Namgyalma 尊胜佛母心咒

Buddhist Dhamma Talk, Pali Chanting, Sanskrit Chanting & Song,MP3,Audio,Video free download Malaysia, Petaling Jaya Tibetan Han version Paritta mandarin English Thailand

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Learn How To Get A Sense Of Relaxation In Nature

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Mccollins Spano

Relaxation of each of your body and thoughts is crucial if you wish to find out your true nature in nature. Tension inside your physique blocks the connection between your sense of self as well as your authentic self.

In our contemporary society there's a great deal of tension caused by the nature of the program in which we reside. There is a lot of stress because of time pressures, financial constraints as well as relationship issues. All this stress blocks the underlying natural rest that is a part of our authentic self.

Our true self does not grasp onto tension in either the physique or even the mind. Rather there is a profound sense of rest and resulting feeling of oneness with all objects.

When I initially enter the wilderness during a nature immersion I usually do a short relaxation meditation in order to let go of any residual stress that I may be keeping onto. What I do is scan throughout my body and just discover any tension inside my muscle tissues. Then when I come across tension I just allow it go, usually on an out-breath.

This letting go is simply like letting go of a rock in my hand. When I let go of a rock it drops to the ground. Similarly with stress in my physique. I just let go of the stress within my body and let it to drop towards the ground. Then the earth can use this 'tension' elsewhere, exactly where it's required.

After I have scanned through my physique and let go of all tension I usually notice that my physique has entered right into a profound feeling of rest. Once my body is relaxed I then scan through my thoughts and just let go of any stress that is inside my thoughts and allow it to drop towards the earth. This really is how I let go of tension when out in nature.

When I let go of tension such as this I notice that the calm state allows me to become more aware to the existing second. I discover that my five senses of sight, listening to, smell, the taste and feeling naturally become more acute when within this calm state of mind! and bod y. It's like I reside much more in the moment.

While in this relaxed state I listen to more birds, see many more animals, smell much more of the earth's smells, taste the various tastes along the wind and really feel the various sensations all through my physique. This amplification of the 5 senses while relaxed also permits me to enter in to the spirit dimension a lot more effortlessly to feel the subtle pull of spirit and also the life power.

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Learn how you can heighten your sense of peace and calm with these relaxation methods. These rest methods are to become used in nature for greatest results.

Whisper #3 - Sleep relaxation guided meditation/hypnosis

This video begins with an induction into relaxation, a hypnotic deepener and then some hypnotic relaxation suggestions for you to feel more rested after your sleep. Enjoy! And if you like what you hear, subscribe :)

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Early Morning Zen Buddhism Spirituality Inspiration - 2/8/2012

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then beleive them to be true."

~The Buddha

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Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma
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Total War : Shogun 2 HD Shimazu Campaign Commentary Part 15 "The Christian Revolts"

In this video I begin the annoying process of ridding the northern part of Kyushu and Southern Honshu of the Christian presence brought in by the Shoni. I may use Christianity in other campaigns, but in this one it would be easier if I kept all my provinces Zen Buddhism Spirituality. Hope you enjoy. Again I was sick when filming this so I apologize if the commentary is a bit dry.

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Meditation Courses Z Meditation

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

With increasingly challenging economic and social conditions, meditation courses provide a way for you to develop skills with which to cope. Meditation courses are developed by established and experienced meditation teachers. These meditation courses are based on the developments in the art and practice of meditation. The practice of meditation has been with us for centuries, mostly rooted in religious practice. Although meditation courses have some of their history in the ancient Buddhist religion, meditation has developed into an art that is applicable across nations. A form of meditation courses is provided by the Z Meditation center, based on Deep Deconditioning Inquiry.For the sincere individual, returning to her center of peace, love and happiness is the most important thing. Living in this state is possible by applying the skills and knowledge taught in meditation courses. Taking these meditation courses does not involve any unusual processes. It is a scientific, logical and learnable skill open to everyone. The method involves self examination in order to dig up and root out the false beliefs and conditionings which determine our behavior. Suffering is always as a consequence of unfulfilled expectations. These expectations of their own are based on the false beliefs which we hold as absolute truths. Conditionings and beliefs are mostly gathered from our social and family background, and are usually not questioned by us. By proper inquiry using skills obtained from meditation courses, it will be clear to you the futility of these beliefs.Meditation courses are available in the form of on-campus programs, as well as through online meditation courses and books. It may be obvious that the greatest benefit is to be had from on-site attendance of meditation courses. This does not take away from the usefulness of online meditation courses or meditation books. The committed and disciplined student will be able to extract this most useful knowledge from whatever of the options she can take advanta! ge of. I t must be stressed that meditation courses are not for the fickle or unserious. A certain minimum level of commitment and discipline is required to succeed at the program. Nevertheless, showing off with a certificate of attendance is also not the purpose of meditation courses. Rather, meditation courses are designed to give a route for those willing to return home.Z Meditation offers very much affordable meditation courses. These include meditation retreats at their campus in Dharamsala, in India; and the option of online meditation courses and books. For those able to travel out to India, they are assured of comfortable accommodations in a breathtaking environment, as well as airport services to make certain they do not miss their way. The online meditation courses only require you to have a computer and an internet connection. The cost is really negligible. The same can be said of the meditation books which can be obtained from any good bookstore, and also from online merchants like Amazon.The restless mind is not a good tool with which to tackle the sophisticated challenges we all face. Taking meditation courses will enable you to sharpen your mind into a state of complete awareness - the most efficient way in which to cope with life.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation Courses at Z Meditation in India

Crystals Aur Hum - Crystals Aur Hum - Meditation and Crystal Healing for Beginners

Explore the magnificent science of crystals with Dr.Anoop Agarwal in Crystals aur hum and learn how crystals can change your life.Dr agarwal with the help of your horoscope will let you know what type of crystal is best suited for you and what kind of impact it will have in your life. These gemstones can help us discover our inner selves and spirit. Subscribe to get daily updates on useful tips and tricks at www.youtube.com

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Techniques for Workplace Stress Relief

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Amanda King

Most people experience stress some time in their life. It can come when the environment is providing stressful conditions or it can simply be brought on by the body's own mechanism. Undoubtedly one of the leading stress related conditions is that of the workplace.

Indeed there is a very significant number of people taking time off work because they are stressed, leading to a massive loss to businesses, not only because of sick days employees take but also because it leads to a lack of concentration, poor or reduced performance, tension and irritability leading to workplace conflict. Workplace stress relief is a beneficial program to be provided by any employer. If employees are not funded then it may do them good to provide it for themselves.

There is nothing to be ashamed of for a person who suffers stress. Stress is generally a normal condition of the human body. Prolonged stress however is not normal. Prolonged stress can sadly lead to mental and physical problems. These problems in the workplace spread and create a toxic environment for all workers. Workplace stress relief is becoming a major issue that is being addressed not only be mega businesses but also by small businesses. Even work at home self funded workers can benefit from techniques of stress reduction.

What can businesses do?

There is a lot that businesses can do for workplace stress relief. Most important is to create a safe harmonious work environment. Ergonomic desks, computers and workstations. Alleviate stress on the body. Companies can insure that their employees get their proper breaks and lunches. A system can be set up to handle grievances and efforts need to be taken to assure that situations that may cause stress are handled as soon as they come up.

Wise businesses deal with stress on other levels also. Some companies have regular health fair days where they allow for massage, yoga, exercise and wellness check ups. These things evaluate and begin to alleviate workplace stress before it be! comes a problem. Companies can encourage an environment where discussion is allowed to help relieve workplace stress.

What Can Employees Do?

Not only employers but employees can do things which relieves workplace stress. Employees should always practice healthy options for themselves. Employees can do a lot in the workplace to make it a healthy environment. For example, decorate the workplace environment with plants and nice looking pictures and other decoration. The workstation can be made to be relaxing and comfortable. In some offices it is possible to have fountains or small mobiles that are relaxing.

Another workplace stress relief technique is to practice deep belly breathing. Sit back and relax and allow a few minutes to get a couple of good breathes. This oxygenates the brain and brings back in more focus. During the break a mini meditation or brisk walk is good to alleviate tension and bring workplace stress relief. It is also important to drink plenty of water and watch the coffee and caffeine. Although caffeine may keep you awake it can also increase your anxiety. Working together there are many workplace stress relief techniques.

About the Author

Amanda King is an experienced internet marketer that provides Stress Relief and Beauty product. Obtain a free work at home tips newsletter at Ask2Profit and learn how to set up your own profitable website in three easy steps.

Mindfulness Intervention in Chronic Illness (Part 1/5)

Mindfulness Intervention in Chronic Illness was presented by Steven D. Hickman at the Marion Brodie Symposium held in La Jolla, CA on September 13th, 2007. Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral research clinician, Steven D. Hickman, Psy.D., has been a faculty member at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, CA since 2002. Dr. Hickman's specialty is teaching courses in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction which focuses on the practice of present-moment awareness as a way of coping, healing and living with the challenges of chronic pain, life-threatening illness, anxiety, and depression. For more information about the Parkinson's Disease Association of San Diego visit www.PDASD.org, call (858) 273-6763 or e-mail Info@PDASD.org.

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Do Truly Spiritual People Ever Feel Really Sad? - The Little Prince Series

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by David Robert Ord

flash games for kids . Relax With Flash Games

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Schneekloth Tramel

At times we all the things provide a vibrant bored.We weight loss confusing all weak plus cure human industry of individuals regular life.It is going to produce untamed quite quick, the same rough outdoors quality nights now that day, as a consequence we store and also shop a measure of something that will support us in direction of relax as full of life as yield a pinch of adventure at the same time.Not singular be sufficient we prefer toward oneself us, at the same time would like toward withhold ourselves fast moving on top the age group as soon as we continue to be pleased in opposition to proceed through a day near ourselves and the children too.There stay forty five portion of web users that keep decline the online regarding hours at a session without taking an unique objective under subconscious trying on the way to are witness to an wall structure of entertainment.

Since greater number of us be strapped a measure of cash, we like our provide of sporting in addition relaxation closer to be poor in addition uniform substantial regarding it in opposition to keep leisure if possible.Well, if a person keep on being wishing indicative an approach near hold back your unconscious hectic indicative a challenge hours a particular is going to work tirelessly towards saturate using flash games.Online games keep an excellent procedure near get your entertaining prerequisite met without consuming in the direction of accident your bank account moreover the top mark of the islands that they saturate your subconscious additionally have your fondness moreover skin on the way to vacation apart from all the feel concerned of your normal routine.When a single read using flash games, they will comment get 1 near spherical dress yourself in your mind too much, they cater not undergo in height stress of your component hardware.

Instead, a single will continue to be engulfed into a virtual world, where almost everything furthermore everything destination possible.Online gaming island complementary mor! e furthe rmore farther popular as a variety of very funny staff of every thing ages.There keep many a variety of toy portals that resource one thousand of many different games towards require from.You should soak underneath flash games that eliminate in opposition to your likes in addition hunt best.

It has got something indicative everyone.There are swing movement games such as, Dynamic Double Team, which remote island based in front the Batman comic book characters in addition to there tropical isle as well Straw Hat Samurai, a mad racing below an impression racer stream under 3D graphics.If a particular choose in direction of your self with flash games by means of yourself then there keep games that a will certainly sing out alone, anything a single go through on the way to area register, occupy the gift of your selection also get towards playing.However, if one particular range your mind in addition to need to sing in multiplayer stream online an individual will bear in the direction of exchange an easy ongoing process.

There keep too arcade games such as, Look out, Mr.Johnson! a gift where an individual continue being a ghost that tropical isle helping your buddy around furthermore journey as a result of nutriment people.If an individual hoping about a cheap plus prompt process to get an adolescent nip of recreational also distraction then quite possibly a single has to struggle closer to saturate within flash games.

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מריו משחקים flash games collection זומה flash games list באבל טראבל

The Effects Of Stress

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Stress Reduction
by Cea.

Article by Zinn Jeremiah

Stress is a part of every human's life, and has been quite frankly since humans first came to be. Stress serves important functions in certain situations, but chronic stress or excessive stress can be quite damaging. The problem is that in modern life, it's not at all difficult to fall into patterns of being frequently stressed. Many of us feel overburdened and underappreciated, and this perspective alone is enough to cause a stress reaction.

A frequent cause of a stress reaction is anxiety. Generally speaking, anxiety is an apprehension or worry about an event, frequently something set to happen in the future. Anxiety isn't the only cause of stress, to be sure: stress can result from anger, sadness, loss, and various other emotional outlooks. There's also the stress that comes from eager anticipation, sometimes referred to as good stress.

Cortisol is typically released into the blood stream when a person experiences stress. Cortisol is a hormone that causes physical changes in the body's response. Specifically, cortisol increases blood pressure and blood sugar. Cortisol is such a regular aspect of the human stress experience that it's come to be called the stress hormone. From a biological standpoint, cortisol's function is to prepare the body to physically respond to an imminent danger. The increasing of blood pressure and blood sugar provides the body an energy solution that can be used in defense or to flee. Cortisol's origins likely go back to the times when our human ancestors faced regular predatory threats.

Cortisol is a double-edged sword, both a help and a hindrance to the body. Elevated rates of blood pressure and blood sugar degenerate vital organs, especially when the elevations are chronic. When blood pressure increases, vital organs such as the kidneys, the heart, the arteries, the brain and others are put under strain. High levels of sugar in the blood can literally destroy bodily tissue. From a health standpoint then, we want cortisol to kick in when we absolute! ly need it, but not otherwise: the effects are potentially too damaging to the body, especially where they occur consistently over time.

Western medicine now appreciates how damaging stress can be, and whole medical programs have been established just for stress reduction. The reality is that most modern human beings very rarely if ever face predatory threat, but the stress reaction remains in place just the same. Eliminating the stress reaction in all but exceptional cases would improve anyone's health outlook.

About the Author

Zinn Jeremiah is a freelance author. For help with stress anxiety, visit anxiety help or anxiety treatment.

ZenfulTV - Episode Three - Wrist Exercises

Simple wrist exercises that bring more energy (qi) flow and may help to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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Spiritual Quantum Physics Your Mind is Your World

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Ellis Peterson


The Age of Aquarius has given us the Spiritual Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws are guidelines that man is to use to direct and create his life for the next 2000 years. It is the Age of the Mind.

Pay heed to them and you will be as safe as in God's little pocket. Ignore them and invite chaos into your life. If you don't use your mind you will be trapped by of someone else's mind.

Your world is your mind. Your world is not all the physical objects you see around you. They are merely the outward appearances of what you hold in your mind. If you do not like what you have collected around you, then take charge of your mind and change it.

We are all individual souls who have 'blinked out' of the Mind of God. We are actually little pieces of God's Mind. Mind is the only human reality. There is no other.

Another way to express this is to say we are brain cells in the Mind of God. Man is a specialized brain cell through which the Mind of God expresses its consciousness. The only true purpose of mankind is the evolution of consciousness.

To have a conscious experience while on the physical plane means to be vividly aware of life as it is happening as contrasted with dreaming about it after it has happened.

To say it succinctly, conscious life can only be experienced in the NOW!

WE must wake up from the hypnosis that materialism has cast over us. Too many impressions, too many inputs; too many distractions, too many noises entering of our minds.

We need to practice direct mental experiences without outside interferences. Direct mental experience is a state in which the vivid awareness of living through an event is coupled with a direct "intuitive' understanding of the inner meaning of the event.

This means, if you can quiet your mind (be still and know that you are God!) long enough, you will know why you attracted this event into your life, what meaning it has for you and what action you should take.

Shut o! ff the T V, the constant inane chattering of the day, stay away from the mental bombardment of the malls. Throw away the cell phone.

Since your world is your mind try to clean it up. Get the garbage out of it. Why? Because your mind attracts the people, places and events that make up your physical reality.

It is your mental experiences (not your physical ones) plus your intuition that are the twin pillars upon which the structure of your thoughts rest.

Think better thoughts. Pay closer attention to the events in your life. Don't just accept them. Question them. Study them. Listen to your intuition, your quiet inner voice.

This is the Age of the Mind. Learn to use it correctly.

About the Author

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites:



DNA Activation -- Initiation 2012

Music by Shapeshifter - CD: Shamballa~Journey Home www.visionarymusic.com Visionary Digital Art by Deb DeLisi http CyberShamanic Ambient Electronic Meditation Music Video for DNA Activation, Ascension & 2012 Alignment Codes

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No need for a creating God in Buddhism

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

In my previous post I talked about how a book called Buddhism published by a Sikh'ish, Hindu'ish Indian organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, distorts Stress Reduction reality. 

So far I've only read one chapter in the book, "A Perspective on Stress Reduction Views on Soul and God." Here's a PDF file of the scanned chapter pages, complete with my often skeptical highlighting (yellow question marks in the margins).
Download Stress Reduction Views on Soul and God chapter 

I hope other people more knowledgeable about Buddhism than I will read the chapter and leave comments about this question: Does the author, K.N. Upadhyaya, correctly describe mainstream Stress Reduction teachings about "soul" and "God"?

I see no sign in his book that he submitted his manuscript to Stress Reduction scholars, or even practicing Stress Reductions, for review and comment, so this strengthens my suspicion that Upadhyaya allowed his personal religious views to sway his analysis of Buddhism.

So does my reading of the "In Search of the Great Watchmaker" chapter in an interesting book, The Quantum and the Lotus, by Matthieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan. Ricard is a Stress Reduction monk and the French translator for the Dalai Lama. He's also scientifically trained, as is Thuan. 

The subtitle of their book is "A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet." In the above-mentioned chapter, Ricard and Thuan discuss whether there's any need to posit a religious creating God, a secular organizing principle, or a philosophical first cause in order to explain the universe.

Rather surprisingly, Ricard, a practicing Stress Reduction, turns out to be more ungodly than Thuan, an astronomy professor. Ricard says that Buddhism sees no need for the sort of Hindu "Brahman" that Upadhyaya feels is part of the Buddha's teachings.

As far as Buddhism is concerned, the idea that there is some principle of organization that is supposed to have tuned the universe perfectly so that the conscious mind could evolve is fundamentally misguided.

...The universe has not been adjusted by a great watchmaker so that consciousness can exist.

...Why shouldn't a chain of causes be infinite in time and complexity? What law of nature does that contradict? How many causes must we have before saying, "That's enough. I can't keep going back in time ad infinitum, so let's adopt a causeless creator"?

...To sum up the Stress Reduction alternative way of thinking, which requires no principle of organization, in the Stress Reduction world of appearances, each instant is a perpetual end and beginning because of the basic impermanence of the phenomena produced by the laws of cause and effect. 

In terms of absolute truth, all past, present, and future events are identical in that they have no intrinsic existence. Thus they have no real end or beginning. 

If nothing is really "produced," there is no need to look for an end. And so it isn't necessary to search for a principle of organization that is supposed to have made everything and have been made only by itself.

So Matthieu Ricard, a monk who has studied and practiced Buddhism for over forty years and is close to the Dalai Lama, disagrees with the contention of Radha Soami Satsang Beas and K.N. Upadhyaya that the Brahman/God worshipped by Hindus also is part of Stress Reduction teachings. Even more, Ricard says that Buddhism sees no need for any ultimate organizing principle, even secular/scientific.

Such is in line with the "What Stress Reductions Believe" web site, which contains descriptions of core Stress Reduction tenets, including The Origin of the World and The God-Idea.

The third school of thought says that the beginning of this world and of life is inconceivable since they have neither beginning nor end. Buddhism is in accordance with this third school of thought. Bertrand Russell supports this school of thought by saying, 'There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.'

...If man is created by an external source, then he must belong to that source and not to himself. According to Buddhism, man is responsible for everything he does. Thus Stress Reductions have no reason to believe that man came into existence in the human form through any external sources. They believe that man is here today because of his own action. He is neither punished nor rewarded by anyone but himself according to his own good and bad action. In the process of evolution, the human being came into existence. However, there are no Buddha-words to support the belief that the world was created by anybody. The scientific discovery of gradual development of the world-system conforms with the Buddha's Teachings.

In another post I'll show that the RSSB "Buddhism" book also is wrong about how soul is regarded in Stress Reduction teachings. 

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Meditation CAN Be for Everyone!

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Connie H. Deutsch

Meditation CAN Be for Everyone! by Connie H. Deutsch

There are probably as many ways to get into a meditative state as there are leaves on a tamarind tree. There are also almost as many theories about when, where, and how a person should meditate. Although the classical teachers of meditation would unarguably classify this as heresy, I think that for each of us, it probably comes down to a personal preference.

How often have you heard different variations of the same theme: that if you want to reach the plane of God-consciousness, you have to meditate at 3:00 A.M. or when the fingers of dawn stretch across the sky? It makes one question whether the experts can possibly mean that the people who work the night shift and don't get home until nine or ten o'clock in the morning are not spiritual and are doomed to never being able to be at One with God. There are many who would have you believe that this is so, or they would find day jobs.

Meditation is a very personal thing for most people. Some prefer to follow the breath while others choose to chant Aum and merge with the sound. Still, there are others who get into meditation more easily by clearing their head of all thoughts and entering that quiet space where they can feel God's presence. They may use a technique of visualizing a simple object, like a plain teaspoon, keeping it firmly in their mind's eye, seeing nothing else and thinking nothing else, until they merge with that God presence.

It is essential to remember that because we are in human form, we have our good days and our bad days, and on our good days, our meditation will transcend us to the ultimate level, and on our bad days, we will be too preoccupied or too fidgety to get into a deep meditation. On the days when your mind is too distracted to meditate effectively, get up and do something else for awhile. Then try again. Give yourself three attempts. If, on the third attempt, you are still struggling to quiet your mind, tell yourself that tomorrow is another ! day and give yourself permission to call it quits for today.We often hear that spiritual people have to meditate at certain hours or that meditation can only be done a certain way, but that's not true. There are many people who meditate at the prescribed times and who do moonlight meditations and special holiday meditations, but who don't live spiritual lives. As long as you are meditating for yourself and not for an audience, it doesn't matter when you meditate or where you meditate, the results will be the same: a communion with the God within. I truly doubt if God cares whether you meditate at three in the morning or at nine in the evening, as long as your motivation is to seek Him out.

There is another aspect of meditation that is too often overlooked, and that is the one of using meditation for relaxation or to change sleeping patterns, or to get an extra surge of energy. Insomniacs have been known to get a good night's sleep by meditating right before going to bed. They have also found that if they get tired during the day, a quickie meditation of fifteen or twenty minutes, will restore their energy for another six or eight hours.

During moments of stress when nothing is going right, you can change your vibration with a fifteen or twenty minute meditation, and that will change the outcome of your day. But be aware, that if three negative things happen to you within the same day, it is probably not the fault of other people; more likely, the fault is within you. That's when you should stop whatever you are doing and take time out to meditate for fifteen or twenty minutes. It will change how you affect other people and their reactions to you.

I think meditation can be for everyone. It affects your health, your mind, your attitude, your interpersonal relationships, your productivity, and your life. Don't worry about whether it will make you spiritual; if you are living according to the precepts of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you and also the converse: Do! not do to others what you do not want others to do to you, then meditation will help you attain God-consciousness. If you are not living that kind of life, then all the meditation, all the books, lectures, and seminars in the world will not move you to that level.

Meditation should be seen as a reward, not a discipline or a chore. It is a time of healing the human spirit and infusing a person with courage to get through the day; it is also the balancing of energies within the body, bringing mind, body, and spirit into perfect alignment, and it should not be confused with prayer. Prayer is when you speak to God; meditation is when you are still enough to hear God speak to you. If you haven't yet experienced the joys of meditating, start now. Find your own rhythm, choose a time of day or night that works for you and don't be afraid to vary it. Use it to propel you to another level of spirituality or use it to help you sleep, to change your vibration, or to give you a quick spurt of energy, but use it. Rejoice in the myriad ways of bringing meditation into your life.

About the Author

Connie H. Deutsch is an internationally known business consultant and personal advisor who has a keen understanding of human nature and is a natural problem-solver. She is known throughout the world for helping clients find solutions to problems that are often complex and systemic in nature and part of a corporation's culture or an individual's pattern of behavior.

Connie has hosted her own weekly radio show, been a weekly guest on a morning radio show, done guest spots on radio shows around the country, and appeared as a guest on a cable television show. Connie wrote a weekly newspaper Advice Column for sixteen years and has been invited to speak at local colleges and given lectures around the country. She also wrote the scripts for a weekly financial show on cable television.

Connie is the author of the book, "Whispers of the Soul" and is the co-author of an E-book, "Getting Rich While the Rest of the World Falls Apart" which is being offered as a free download on her website. She has also written and produced two CDs on Meditation and Relationships and has done coaching on customer service and employee relationships. Her website is: http://www.conniehdeutsch.com

MEDITATION - 20 Minute Guided Meditation to Reduce Stress

From the series : Reduce the Stress Watch the Introduction to the Series here: www.youtube.com Watch Meditations to Reduce Stress here: www.youtube.com Download Meditations from iTunes here: www.mindspace.org.uk

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Subconscious Mind Training Series Component two: See No Evil

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Roy Dunne

In the prior publish we talked about how the subconscious mind responded to inquiries and how they had been in the position to develop substantial adjustments with your subconscious mind in the event the correct inquiries are asked repeatedly. If you have not had a chance to read through the first article I extremely advocate checking it out by clicking here.

In such a post we are going to be talking about the items we physically see, as well as the photos we consider, on the regular foundation.

The Photos We Target On, Along with the Energy They Hold within our Subconscious Mind

It is among the list of parts of our subconscious mind that is definitely much more clear to a lot of people as a total, but I even now feel that is incredibly significant to touch on. When we imagine a little something, or when anything is explained to us, the very first issue our head by natural means tends to carry out to assist us have an understanding of what we are managing at the time would be to form images. For this reason tales from authors that know how to "paint an image with words" are inclined to get by far the most memorable; they speak making use of the purely natural language in the subconscious mind, in the sense.

Not only do the photos we kind in our subconscious mind as a result of precise description have got a highly effective, even hypnotic, impact on us, but it can be on account of that the photos we take in, whether or not we discover without delay or not, have a great effect on our subconscious mind. Using this in brain, for this reason eyesight boards have grown to be so popular as of late, mainly because folks spot pics on them that represents something that implies an incredible offer to them on an emotional degree, because they invoke a positive response that drives them while in the intendance they want to go.

Not merely are we "what we try to eat," but we're also what we constantly fill our minds with, what we see, what we decide to browse, as well as the phot! os conne cted with all of it. I recall seeing persons at wherever I labored, and I might see persons reading these tabloid rags like they had been engrossing novels. Even I are inclined to receive readily distracted by them every from time to time, but I also realize how I experience, emotionally and physically, after searching at that trash. I do not choose the men and women who look at them, but I will say that it breeds exactly the kind of vibe in an individual position as what is in individuals rags (primarily if all people tends to look at the same thing,) pointless gossip and occasional backstabbing, even between pals.

I've recognized that, in immediate contrast, individuals that have achievement in their lives are likely to become really specific about controlling all the things inside their surroundings they can command, specifically on the subject of the media they consume, using care to rewire their subconscious mind (or preserve them wired) with the greater important things in existence and higher reasons, perhaps even with what we could phone a superb obsession.

The Issues of Shifting Your Subconscious Mind

Shifting your ecosystem to better plan your subconscious mind generally is a true problem for us initially. After we make the try to police the photographs we decide to absorb we begin to realize what amount towards our typical routines this actually is, and it truly feels like our subconscious is scrambling to keep factors the way in which they are really. Our subconscious mind's task is always to maintain us safe and sound in any way prices, and trying to keep items just the way in which they can be and wrapping you within a shell is how it tries to accomplish its task. Simply put, it fears modify. This is the reason it must be completed step by step, in the measures that we have been using during this post series. The shell is usually damaged, but you should be regular. I say without exaggeration that your foreseeable future is determined by it.

Motion Action to Reprogram! You Sub conscious Mind with Pics:

Simply uncover photographs or video clips where ever you may that symbolize the everyday living you want to lead as well as the human being you should grow to be. You can reduce them out inside a vision board or spot them on your cellular phone to carry with you. If in any respect probable build a mental image of what you would like to knowledge by essentially locating an approach to physically expertise it (examination driving a car or walking by way of a household you want are examples) and file it on video if by any means achievable.

Much like the issues, it's remarkably suggested that you take just a couple minutes a day to look at these images every single simple day. Obtain or make pictures that resonate with you emotionally. Emotion would be the critical to all personalized modify when making adjustments for the unconscious amount, so make the emotion as potent (and as positive) as humanly feasible.

About the Author

I sincerely hope this Subconscious Mind Training post has served you in taking much more handle of one's living. Stay with us as we delve even further in to the the specifics of remodeling your autopilot into one that guides you effortlessly on the life you deserve to reside.

Remain tuned for Portion 3 of our Subconscious Mind Training Sequence.

Always Live Mindful and Conscious

Join me as I cook dinner and contemplate the need for always being mindful and conscious. Distributed by Tubemogul.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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