Practice of Meditation Using Proper Meditation Techniques
Practice of Meditation Using Proper Meditation Techniques |
- Practice of Meditation Using Proper Meditation Techniques
- Yoga clothes and active wear
- The Healing of Your Mind through Affirmation
- Vajiradhammapadip Temple
- Twitter Reveals People Are Happiest in the Morning
- Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 2/19/2012
- Meditation Books Merely Open the Door to the Meditation Methods
- Eating Fewer Calories May Lower Risk of Asthma, Other Diseases
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Practice of Meditation Using Proper Meditation Techniques Posted: 19 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Lily Candice For those wishing to embrace meditation as a means of experiencing freedom of the mind, leading to overall healthy living and the ability to function optimally, practicing correct and appropriate meditation techniques is absolutely essential. To achieve inner peace within or selves and our environment will allow us to be freed from the tension and stress which characterizes living in the modern day world. The world is essentially not a peaceful place but we may be able to perform at high levels if we can bring about a transformation of our minds and allow the natural qualities we all have within to grow. This is done through the practice of meditation using proper meditation techniques. There are different meditation techniques ascribed to most cultures, meditation being basically a universal practice. However, in India, meditation techniques have taken a significant place in societal development such that the meditation techniques practiced their have been refined and documented, becoming a national heritage recognized all over the world.In India where there are several schools of meditation, Z Meditation stands out and apart in offering to the student of meditation, meditation techniques which are easily adopted and can be practiced on a daily basis without difficulty. These meditation techniques of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry an Radiant Mantras have been developed and refined by the experienced and established teachers at the Z Meditation center into a well documented program which can be learnt at the center through meditation retreats and courses as well as remotely through online courses and with the use of meditation books.An overall holistic health status is indeed possible, and it begins in the mind of the individual. We find that when the mind is free from clutter, unwanted baggage and other inhibitors to well being, the mind is able to function optimally to address and deal with the issues of life. When the mind is in such a state, it transcends to the body and soul as well. The body w! ill be f ree from common ailments, flexible and responsive; while the soul will be in tune with the Creator of all things. To achieve this state of mind through meditation, correct meditation techniques need to be applied on a consistent basis. Peace and serenity are achievable when the committed student applies herself to effective and proper meditation techniques.It is of the highest importance and also a basic requirement that the seeker of genuine freedom, peace and serenity - the individual who wishes to rise above the mundane cares of living, - needs to make the approach with an inner conviction that he has found the right path to reach his goals. Without this inner conviction, it is likely that the individual will merely be going through the motions and not correctly imbibing the fundamentals of correct meditation techniques. This should be avoided at all costs as it is a waste of the seekers' time and that of dedicated teachers whose aim it is to impart usable knowledge.Z Meditation offers short and long courses in meditation at their meditation center in the Himalayas of India at an affordable cost to just about anyone. Here you are assured that you will get to learn how to practice one of the best meditation techniques available. About the Author Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India | |||
Posted: 19 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST | |||
The Healing of Your Mind through Affirmation Posted: 19 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Franklin Esmur What is it that heals? Where is this healing power come from? The answer lies in the subconscious mind of every person. By practicing the correct affirmation, this healing power becomes stronger to the point that one can achieve perfect health. Healing During Ancient TimesIn the religions of antiquity priests in the ancient temples gave drugs to the patient and practiced hypnotic suggestions prior to the patient's sleep, telling him that the gods would visit him in his sleep and heal him. Many healings followed. Obviously, all this was the work of potent suggestions to the subconscious mind. After the performance of certain mysterious rites, the devotees of Hecate would see the goddess during sleep, provided that before going to sleep they had prayed to her according to weird and fantastic instructions. They were told to mix lizards with resin, frankincense, and myrrh, and pound all this together in the open air under the crescent moon. Healings were reported in many cases following this grotesque procedure. In all ages unofficial healers have obtained remarkable results in cases where authorized medical skill has failed. How do these healers in all parts of the world cure their patients? The answer to all these healings is due to the blind belief of the sick person, which released the healing power resident in his subconscious mind. Many of the remedies and methods employed were rather strange and fantastic which fired the imagination of the patients, causing an aroused emotional state. This state of mind facilitated the suggestion of health, and was accepted both by the conscious and subconscious mind of the sick. Healing Using Your MindNo mental or religious science practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor ever healed a patient. The psychologist or psychiatrist proceeds to remove the mental blocks in the patient so that the healing principle may be released, restoring the patient to health. Likewise, the surgeon removes the physica! l block enabling the healing currents to function normally. No physician, surgeon, or mental science practitioner claims, "He or she healed the patient." All the healings take place inside the mind. There is only one universal healing principle operating through everything--the cat, the dog, the tree, the grass, the wind, the earth--for everything is alive. This life principle operates through the animal and vegetable as instinct and the law of growth. Because humans are consciously aware of this life principle, and we can consciously direct it to bless ourselves in countless ways. If we affirm health to our conscious mind, we are enhancing the process of healing! The Principle of Healing through BeliefAll religions of the world represent forms of belief, and these beliefs are explained in many ways. The law of life is belief. What do you believe about yourself, life, and the universe? It is done unto you, as you believe. Let suppose that you decide to heal a certain difficulty. You are aware that your problem or sickness, whatever it may be, must be caused by negative thoughts charged with fear and lodged in your subconscious mind, and that if you can succeed in cleansing your mind of these thoughts, you will get a healing. You, therefore, turn to the healing power within your own subconscious mind and remind yourself of its infinite power and intelligence and its capacity to heal all conditions. As you dwell on these truths, your fear will begin to dissolve, and also corrects the erroneous beliefs. This attitude of mind brings about the harmonious union of the conscious and subconscious mind, which releases the healing power. Franklin EsmurSource: "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy About the AuthorWant to learn more about"> healing through affirmation? Check out my site at useful information on getting wealth, success, health, and ideal partner by tapping in the power of subconscious mind. | |||
Posted: 19 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai Vajiradhannnapadip Temple situated in West Bronx, New York City, was filed as a Not-for-Profit Organization under the Religious Cor-poration Law of the State of New York on July 22, 2518/1975. This founding date was both de facto and de jure. It now claims to be the first Thai Buddhist temple in the United States to be a full-fledged temple both legally and ecclesiastically, Legally, it is a legal organization established under local and national law of the country. Ecclesiastically, it conforms to the tradition of the Thai Sangha regarding the administration of monastic affairs. As prescribed in the bylaws of the Temple, the President and the Secretary of the Temple shall be its resident monks, putting executive power in the hands of the ecclesiastical section of its Board of Directors. The origin of the Vajiradhammapadip Temple can be traced to the Buddhist Study Center which was founded by a group of Thai and American Buddhists in New York and was granted legal status as an association in 2508/1965. At the end of 2516/1973, the Center invited a monk from the Thai Buddhist temple in London to come to advise it concerning the establishment of a Thai Buddhist temple in New York. After that, dating from the middle of 2517/1974, two monks were invited to come in succession to organize Thai Buddhist cultural ceremonies and services and to conduct other activities for the Center. This period of time witnessed increased participation in the Buddhist activities of the Center and may be regarded as the crucial part of the plan for, and a big step towards, the founding of the Temple. During the early period the invited monk had to stay at a Chinese temple called Cittabhavana Temple in New York City and all ceremonies and services were held there. On August 6, 2517/1974, the monk moved to a house at Anthony Avenue in West Bronx which was rented by the Buddhist Study Center for the monk's residence and the Center's office. This marked the informal founding of a Thai Buddhist temple in New York.! For a s hort while, this establishment adopted the temporary name of the Buddhist Temple of New York and it still had to hold its bigger ceremonies and celebrations at the above mentioned Chinese temple. On December 31, 2517/1974, the Buddhist Study Center was allowed to file, under the Religious Corporation Law, another separate nonprofit organization under the legal name of "Buddha-Sasana Temple Buddhist Study Center, Inc.", publicly called "Buddha-Sasana Temple", marking the official founding of the Temple. With funds collected from donations of the people, the Center purchased the rented house at Anthony Avenue at the price of ,373 and paid in full in February, 2518/1975. That house, as a property of the Buddhist Study Center, Inc., simultaneously became the office of the Center and the site of the Buddha-Sasana Temple. At this point, conflict and controversy developed among committee members of the establishment concerning the legal right of ownership over the house and other property, which was held by the Center, not by the Temple. The executive power was put in the hands of a lay executive director, not the resident monks, leading to widespread dissatisfaction and criticism among the people. The temple was temporarily closed for a short period from the end of March 1975 to the middle of May 1975, due to a leave of absence of the two resident monks; one returned to London and the other left for Los Angeles. A newly arrived monk invited from Thailand arrived together with the monk who returned from Los Angeles. During the very brief stay of the two monks, the conflict and controversy intensified to such a degree that activities could not continue. The monks had to leave and stay away from the Temple. Then, a number of committee members of the Temple, members of the Temple and representatives of Thai society and other Thai associations in New York gathered together and came to a conclusion: that a new Thai Temple had to be established in New York, a temple which they hoped they could trust! to be v iable both legally and ecclesiastically. About the AuthorPlease visit Thai boxing equipment guide Boxing punch bag Boxing gloves Boxing bag | |||
Twitter Reveals People Are Happiest in the Morning Posted: 19 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Home » Scientific American Mind » March 2012 Head Lines | Technology Twitter reveals daily emotional rhythms are consistent across cultures By Janelle Weaver | February 19, 2012
"Happy hour" is not when you might expect it to be, according to a new analysis of about half a billion Twitter messages from around the globe. On average, people are chipper when they wake up and become grouchy as the day wears on. This pattern holds true on weekends, too, but is delayed by about two hours—a trend confirmed in tweets from the United Arab Emirates, where the workweek is Sunday through Thursday. The data suggest that sleep schedules strongly influence mood cycles. The duo at Cornell University who carried out the research, published last September in Science, say that the rising popularity of online social media is allowing scientists to study human behavior in surprising new ways. This article was published in print as "Happy in the Morning." Buy This Issue If your institution has site license access, enter here. | |||
THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS, BIOLOGICAL LIFE AND DNA Posted: 19 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Sai Grafio THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS, BIOLOGICAL LIFE AND DNA According to the Vedas, the smallest unit of consciousness exists at the sub-quantum level as a "Bhutatma". So infinitesimally small are they; that it takes trillions of them to make up an electron. Spiritually, they quality as an elemental being. There is nothing that is not composed of them; ergo, there is nothing that is not alive. The mistake scientists make is in the fundamental assumption that only biological life is alive and so called inorganic matter is inert. For centuries, with the exception of Eastern thought, this fallacious thinking has ignored torsion energy, chi or the basic life force of creation and has wholly ignored the spiritual underpinning of all creation. A famous Carl Sagan quote is, "The sun is just a ball of gas" The sun is a being as is everthing else containing a body, mind and soul. The first law of the universe is that everything is entified. Do not be surprised if you spoke to your automobile in a nice way you could get better gas mileage. Why not? Luther Burbank told his roses that he would protect them if they shed their thorns and they did (Read Autobiography of a Yogi) by Paramahamsa Yogananda. Likewise, the people of Findhorn spoke to their vegetables and got amazing results. There is a one to one correspondence between consciousness and aliveness. If you are alive, you are conscious. There are many types of souls besides human ones. Metals get fatigued (tired), mountains are alive and the Earth is a living being just like you. Evolution is of the soul and not the material plane. Your physical body is an elemental and is not you (the soul) The concept of autopoiesis has long surpassed the domain of biology. Poiesis is a Greek word meaning production; the pre fix added means self production. This word first appeared in Global literature in 1974 in an article published by Varela, Maturanna, and Uribe in which living beings are seen as systems that produce themselves ceasesly. Autopoies! is as in DNA is self-referencing; that is, where it copies itself and makes proteins by means of RNA containing an ongoing information loop whereby it continues to copy itself. We have to rethink our paradigmatic way of viewing life. Not all living beings contain DNA but nevertheless function by autopoiesis. Prions evolve without the benefit of DNA. They are made of a protein that's normally produced by the brain. Somehow they induce other proteins around them to adopt the same structure creating a tangle fatal to brain cells. Most ontological definitions of selfhood ascribed a persona to a being. Unitas Personae or the notion of a legal definition of a person came from the Latin. The law interposed itself as the criteria for judging life even before the advent of science. Spiritually, the original all begetter of himself was the divine Hermaphrodite Phanes protogonos (light) emerging from chaos. Light informs all of life by ensoulment through consciousness. That life is conscious is a function of light. The light body is a blueprint for us here in the physical realms. Because of our current 2 strand DNA we cannot handle the influx of multi-dimensionality that is coming our way. Once the 12 strands are activated then you will begin to see and understand how the entire universe is alive sub-atomically and galactically. Now, going back to the sub-quantum entity, the bhutatma, we begin to understand how a primal entity goes to make up an electron by superimposition; that is, trillions of them aggregate to form the electron. The proto experience of observing an electron into one entity leads to non-specificity, ergo, the electron is non specific. That it has a spooky effect at a distance implies that a specific electron has this effect. An electron doesn't exist unless it is observed. One cannot begin to understand the mechanics of consciousness without understanding Sarva-Bhutatma- Bhutatma, "The Self who has become the Self of all beings. When you experience God within permeating All, you realize that the sa! me God d wells within you dwells in the bhutama. It is like trying to observe yourself. Any action we perform entails non-doership. It is the One Self doing everything. The one Self is in the biologic, non- biologic, lives as being and non-being. Scientists cannot abscond the definition of life and ascribed biological functions alone; the spiritual component must be added. The bhutatma has a material as well as a mental component. The mental component is called qualia. Take for instance our subjective concept of "redness". There is a bhutama for redness, greenness, etc. We are not used to thinking that inert things have qualia. We think that consciousness is a one way street. Phenomenologically, it is understanding that the idea of an outer universe is only a fact if there is awareness of that universe. Science, as of yet, has been unable to explain the qualitative dimension of that universe-the perception of color for example. Qualia science recognizes that, like energy, awareness itself has a field character. Like quanta, qualia has a wave and particle com- ponent; unlike quanta, qualia is qualitatively unique. It is a psychology that looks at the unique "soulness" of a thing and an ever changing field pattern or a gestalt of qualia. Qualia is the aware inwardness of energy in its sub-atomic, atomic, molecular and cellar configurations. When homeopathic essences are succussed in a centrifuge, the soul or gestalt pattern is what is recognized as the active agent and not the material aspect of that substance. This is why energy medicines are poorly recognized by materialistic science. That soul light is a blueprint for the physical body is not denied by Kirlian photography. Let's do some magical thinking for a moment: Everything in this world is connected by resonance of a universal "soul". Kirlian technology using electrical procedures for amplifying the living body's emission of light and for impressing sensitive paper, proves that "light trapped" information are everywhere within our body; cells, tissues,! organs, etc. This soul resonance is activated by high potency homeopathic remedies which holds memory or information fields. Let us think in biophotonic terms as we think of body, mind and soul relationships of light fields generated by biological and physiological activity. Radonics, laying on of hands and homeopathy could be labeled as magic medicine. If you had super-sensorial vision, you could witness healing taking place in all seven of our energy bodies at once. Perhaps this will occur for humanity in the coming activation of our DNA promulgating a multi- dimensional awareness of consciousness. @2010 Sai Grafio About the AuthorSai Grafio is a poet, writer and researcher. Visit his website at Read his articles at Ascension Network or DNA Monthly. The Secret of Secrets Carbon 666This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Early Morning Stress Reduction Inspiration - 2/19/2012 Posted: 19 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST ![]() "To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance." ~The Buddha Technorati Tags: Buddha Buddhist Buddhism Meditation Dharma | |||
Meditation Books Merely Open the Door to the Meditation Methods Posted: 19 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Lily Candice If you are curious, and really want to know about some subject or the other, one of the places to look is inside of a book. This is true as well about the practice of meditation with the wide availability of meditation books. Meditation is no longer an obscure and ancient practice as it has been developed and documented into easy to read meditation books by established and experienced meditation teachers. A large number of people are becoming aware of meditation and its benefits, while an even greater number are largely still in the exploratory stage. For this group of people, meditation books are an option through which they may learn much about the all round health benefits of practicing meditation, that is before embarking on more advanced searching by visiting a meditation retreat of center. Meditation books are available from the Z Meditation center and through online booksellers at affordable prices.Meditation can be said to be a personal practice through which the individual seeks to find peace and serenity in the mind. This leads to a healthier mind, allowing for a healthier body and a soul at peace with its Creator. Many of the physical and mental ailments that bother people seem to stem directly from a mind which is not at rest. By focusing on the mind then, holistic good health can be achieved. Meditation books take you through the processes that are required, though it should be emphasized that this is just a beginning stage. Meditation books merely open the door to the possibilities available, and some basic meditation methods. To get the full benefits of practicing meditation, one might have to go through a learning process in the hands of an experienced and established meditation teacher.Life and living can be daunting to the inexperienced, and even the experienced will encounter situations and circumstances that appear to be able to overwhelm. If the individual concerned is steeped in the practice of meditation, and has been able to achieve a level of peace and happiness within, c! oping wi th such difficulties will not be so troublesome. The solutions to immediate problems may not arise in a flash, but the peace within will enable the individual the capability to carefully and unhurriedly look for the ideal solution to the issue without getting into a fret. This approach has the effect that such an individual will not be stressed by problems, little or large, resulting from a calm mind. The unstressed mind will then not send dangerous chemicals into the body to begin a process of damage. The benefits accruable from beginning the journey into the practice of meditation by picking up and reading meditation books can be immense.Z Meditation has two basic techniques for practicing meditation: the Deep Deconditioning Inquiry; and Radiant Mantras. These techniques have been honed to a level where thousands of people have benefited and many more are still reaping the benefits of practicing these techniques which are also encapsulated in their meditation books. To get the most benefit from meditation, it is important that the student comes with a sincere belief that practicing meditation can really make a difference in her life. This commitment allows the student to be disciplined and diligent in her study, thus producing well ingrained knowledge which can be applied on a daily basis. All this can start by reading meditation books. About the Author Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India Daily Meditation.wmvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Eating Fewer Calories May Lower Risk of Asthma, Other Diseases Posted: 19 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST
VANCOUVER — People with asthma may one day receive an unconventional prescription for their condition: eat less. Known as caloric restriction, eating fewer calories than you need has been touted for many years as a way to increase lifespan. While this effect has been demonstrated in lab animals, whether caloric restriction makes people live longer is not clear. Nevertheless, scientists are exploring caloric restriction as a way to treat a host of conditions — including asthma, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and spinal cord injury — and so far, findings suggest a benefit. In addition, caloric restriction may have a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease and cancer, said Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore. Mattson, who himself practices caloric restriction, said he would currently recommend the practice only to people who are overweight or obese. More research is needed to determine whether benefits are seen in lean people. Mattson discussed his work here at the American Association of the Advancement of Science annual meeting. Caloric restriction as therapy In a study published last year in the International Journal of Obesity, Mattson and colleagues found caloric restriction reduced cancer risk factors among overweight women who had a family history of breast cancer. Women who ate 25 percent fewer calories than needed to sustain their weight for six months had reduced levels of hormones and inflammation associated with breast cancer risk. In a 2007 study, Mattson and colleagues placed 10 overweight participants with asthma on a calorie-restricted diet of 500 to 600 calories every other day. On the days they weren't dieting, particpants ate as they pleased. After eight weeks, participants said they were able breathe more easily, and had better control of their asthma symptoms compared with the beginning of the study, Mattson said. Research on animals also suggests caloric restriction reduces neurological damage after a stroke, but only on young or middle-aged animals. Older animals do not appear to benefit, indicating that caloric restriction may offer stroke benefits only at certain points in life, Mattson said. A 2008 study showed that rats that fasted every other day recovered better from a spinal cord injury. Preventing disease Caloric restriction may also help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Just as exercising benefits your muscles, "exercising your nerve cells does the same thing," Mattson said. Reducing daily calories puts stress on the brain cells that, in a sense, exercises them, Mattson said. In mice designed to develop Alzheimer's disease, those fed a calorie-restricted diet performed better on memory tests, and had reduced levels of amyloid beta protein in their brain compared with mice not fed a restricted diet. Amyloid beta aggregates in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease, and is thought contribute to disease onset. Caloric restriction has been showed to increase levels of a protein in the brain called BDNF. This protein is thought to be involved in the generation of new brain cells, Mattson said. Not all diseases show a benefit from caloric restriction. Studies suggest that for those with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, it may make the condition worse, Mattson said. Pass it on: Caloric restriction may be used as a therapy for a host of diseases, including asthma and stroke, research suggests. It may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily staff writer Rachael Rettner on Twitter @RachaelRettner. Find us on Facebook. VAJRASATTVA MEDITATION ❤☀ 100-SYLLABLE MANTRA-AYANG RINPOCHEThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Spiritual Quantum Physics and Heroes Posted: 19 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Ellis peterson QUANTUM PHYSICS AND HEROES In this new Age of Aquarius with its new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics we need to re-define most of our important words. We need to define them in terms of energy and function. This is an Age of Energy, of Function, of Mind. We have found out that everything that we see as physical is not. It is energy at different levels of consciousness. The Laws of what I like to call 'Spiritual Quantum Physics' has proven that there is no separateness. That everything is connected in a living matrix of energies. Every thought, action and emotion that any one individual soul expresses is felt by every other soul and effects the 'all' no matter how infinitesimally small. Drop one pebble in the ocean and the water level of all the oceans in the world rises even though we do not have the instruments to measure it. Therefore the word HERO, in a quantum expanded meaning of function, is not just a warrior or a soldier on the battlefield. Everyone of us who understands that his/her life is temporary and repeated is also a hero. These many lives of ours allow us to multiply and increase and get to better know ourselves and our souls. The true 'quantum hero' of today does not just strive for what is materialistic or presented by the five senses alone. We do not live for bread alone. Since we are all connected every soul must strive to make every deed and thought elevate all human existence beyond the necessities and money making. It is the Age of Cooperation not competition. Today's hero lives not only for himself but for every other soul that has blinked OUT of the quantum ocean, Mind of God. Who will these new heroes be? Every true artist, poet and man of God. A hero is the farmer who not only feeds his family but also as many other souls as possible. A hero is the builder of houses who causes dead stones and living wood to represent the spirit of man at a fair price. A hero is the mer! chant wh o beyond bare profits is the responsible middle man between manufacturer and consumer. Again at a fair price. A hero is the government clerk who helps with the physical and well being of all, always following the needs of those he works for. A hero is the craftsman who ennobles the quality of his work and products with quality control. A hero is the common worker who wishes for a better life for his family and his children. A hero is the teacher who leads and protects the children and gives them high goals to strive for. One who teaches them how to think and not what to think. A hero is the doctor who heals without pain and exorbitant fees. A hero is the factory owner who feels responsible for the well being of all the people working for him. He knows they depend on him and does not put his wants above their needs. He does not ship his work out to other countries for profits. A hero is the politician who has he courage in his heart to do the right thing, always and everywhere. People not party line. It is time for all of us to become heroes what ever our present duty or obligation. Only when the spiritual cooperating people become victorious over the greedy, controlling, competitive people will the world be a place of happy people. Spiritual Quantum physics leads to peace and freedom and cooperation. Scientific quantum physics leads to slavery, competition and war. About the AuthorRagnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator." He has written over 200 articles. See them on his websites: Reflections of LoveThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Refusing to climb the mountain Posted: 19 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Part of being a diehard materialist is to believe there is nothing beyond the scope of our sensory awareness. The psychophysical body is all there is. When it craps out—that's it. Being a diehard materialist also means to be overly skeptical of spiritual states, especially of reincarnation and transcendent states of consciousness which go beyond the body's senses. Borrowing a simile from the Dantabhumi Sutta (M. iii. 130–31) it is like two friends going up the slope of a mountain. Instead of both going to the top of the mountain one friend decides to stay at the foot of the mountain. When the other friend reaches the top the friend at the foots asks him what he sees. The friend at the top replies, "I see delightful parks, delightful woods, delightful stretches of level ground, delightful ponds." But then the friend at the foot of the mountain says this is impossible, it cannot be. So the friend at the top goes down to the foot of the mountains and drags his friend by the arm to the top so that he can see for himself. The friend, now at the top, admits his error because he was "hemmed in by this great mountain slope and thus could not see what was to be seen." Needless to say, a modern day materialist is not going to go up the mountain. He would close his eyes if he were forced to. I am certain, too, that a Stress Reduction who believes the Buddha denied the self (attâ/atman) is not going change no matter the evidence to the contrary. When Galileo invited some learned men to look through his telescope there were some who refused. They said that whatever they saw through this new instrument would be no doubt diabolical—a work of the devil. Why did the friend who decided to stay at the foot of the mountain not believe the report of his friend who was at the top? There is one thing for sure, the friend at the foot of the mountain deceived himself. The materialist also deceives himself by hanging onto the childish belief in naïve realism, that our sensory perception of the external world is a direct copy of it.
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Posted: 19 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST | |||
Stress Relief Via Yoga Relaxation Techniques Posted: 19 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Dan Vervondel The stress is interconnected to health and many people find instantaneous stress reduction by laughing or going on some leisure action or practising some hobby. Yoga relaxation techniques considers anxiety as discrepancy and this is misery as the physical and mental levels are at disproportionate pace. The prolonged state of pressure turns to become alarming and they become very restless. The activities of man have gained so much force that the system is incapable to cope with it and is making the person emotionally hypersensitive. The modern man attempts to resolve and reduce his tension by resorting to drinking, smoking, drugs or sex. He tries to hold on to such ways of resolving strain. To a great extent this is often leading to disasters and the amount of break ups is frequently cumulative. In fact, it is proven that great personalities who have high expectations face more anxiety. A lot of people prefer doing yoga to maintain a good and healthy life.Fitness is important in doing yoga. Yoga techniques are helpful in maintaining good organs and other parts of the body such as the muscles, joints, glands, tissues and vital organs. These are the main focus of setting yoga techniques.Here are some yoga techniques that you can practice during your yoga session. Despite your busy schedule or the crowed place you stay at, keeping up with these yoga techniques will help you go through it.The five yoga techniques include: posture, relaxation, meditation, deep breathing and movement of joints. Each technique has its own role and function. The movement of joints is called the 'sandhichalana'. This is one of the yoga techniques that focus on the joints. The joints undergo full movements which include the movement of the hands, movement of the neck and the movement of the lower limb.In relaxation, there are some yoga techniques that will deepen your concentration and prevent your attention to be drawn easily. Yoga relaxation is the best way to reduce stress and being the oldest ! ways of reducing pressure, it is widely accepted. Yoga and strain reduction work good in association.Regular training of Yoga teaches you to stay calm and to look things in a different angle. As your mind becomes calm, the muscles, joints and bones are tranquil. This relaxed state of mind helps in accomplishing you work without problems. People doing Yoga are good in work implementation and produce improved quality. Each human being who undergoes stress has to concentrate and has to assign some time for repose so that he is able to reduce tension and function normally. About the AuthorStress relief and relaxation meditation as key to a happy lifestyle via happythoughtlifestyles.comThis resource of useful tips and articles from Dan Brussels assists you in achieving a better healthier lifestyle for you and your family.Another fitness oriented blog of Dan Brussesl to Shilpa Yoga - Shilpa Yoga - Ardha ShalabhasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
10 things science (and Buddhism) says will make you happy Posted: 19 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST
So I thought it would be interesting to take the main points of the article and flesh them out with a little Buddhism. 1. Be generous And in fact Buddhism has always emphasized the practice of dana, or giving. Giving hasn't been seen purely as the exchange of material possessions, however; giving in Meditation terms includes non-tangibles such as education, confidence, and wisdom.
2. Savor everyday moments This of course is an example of another fundamental Meditation practice — mindfulness. When we're mindful we stay in the present moment, and really pay attention to our experience. Walking meditation, and even eating, can be ways of savoring everyday moments. In being present, we dwell in the present without obsessing about the past or future, and this brings radiant happiness:
3. Avoid comparisons Buddhists are advised to avoid "conceit." Now in the west we think of conceit as a sense of superiority, but in Buddhism conceit includes thinking you're inferior to others, AND it includes thinking that you're equal to others! What's left? Just not thinking in terms of self and other at all. The ideal in Buddhism is a kind of "flow" state in which we un-selfconsciously respond to others without any conceptualization of there being a self or an other.
4. Put money low on the list "The more we seek satisfactions in material goods, the less we find them there," [researcher Richard] Ryan says. "The satisfaction has a short half-life—it's very fleeting." People who put money high on their priority list are more at risk for depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Despite western preconceptions to the contrary, the Buddha wasn't against people making money. In fact he encouraged it! Money's useful to the extent that it supports our physical needs, allows us to make others happy, and — most importantly — to the extent that we use it to support genuine spiritual practice. In Meditation terms we validate our wealth creation by giving our money away to support what's really important in life, which is the pursuit of wellbeing, truth, and goodness. The idea that materialism can bring us genuine happiness is what Buddhism calls a "false refuge."
5. Have meaningful goals The Buddha's last words were "with mindfulness, strive." The whole point of being a Meditation is in order to attain spiritual awakening — which means to maximize our compassion and mindfulness. What could be more meaningful than that?
6. Take initiative at work The Meditation teaching on work is called the practice of Right Livelihood. And the Buddha saw work as being a way to show initiative and intelligence:
7. Make friends, treasure family To the Buddha, spiritual friendship was "the whole of the spiritual life." And even though people tend to think about monks and nuns leaving home, for those who embraced the household life, close and loving relationships with others was highly recommended. "Generosity, kind words, beneficial help, and consistency in the face of events" are the things that hold a family together, according to the Buddha.
8. Look on the bright side Buddhism doesn't encourage us to have a false sense of positivity, but neither are these researchers. They're suggesting that we find the good in any situation we find ourselves in. Buddhism encourages positivity through practices such as affectionate and helpful speech, where we consciously look for the good in ourselves and others. The strongest expression of this is where we're told to maintain compassionate thoughts even toward those who are sadistically cruel toward us:
9. Say thank you like you mean it The Buddha said that gratitude, among other qualities, was the "highest protection," meaning that it protects us against unhappiness. And:
Gratitude in Buddhism helps us to align our being with the good (kusala) so that we're more likely to live in a way that leads to happiness and wellbeing. 10. Get out and exercise And the Buddha said — well, I don't think he said much about exercise! In a culture like the Buddha's where most people worked manually, and where walking was the main form of transportation, there wasn't much need to emphasize exercise as a thing in itself. It's only in sedentary cultures like ours where people have to make a special trip to the gym to exercise (although they usually park as close to the entrance as possible to minimize the amount of exercise they have to do in order to get to the exercise machines!). But walking meditation was, and is, a key practice in Buddhism, even though it's sometimes done very slowly. However the Meditation scriptures commonly mention that such-and-such a person was "walking and wandering up and down beside the river for exercise," suggesting that monks, with their own form of semi-sedentary lifestyle, needed to set aside special time to get their bodies moving. Read More @ Source | |||
Most stressed out in U.S.? Not me anymore. Posted: 19 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Walter Rice Who's the most stressed out in U.S.? Well I thought it was me but according to ABC News a lady named Debbie Watkins is. Recent findings from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index report that females 45 to 65 are the most stressed and have the lowest sense of well-being of any surveyed group in America. You would think law enforcement officers, surgeons or airline pilots would fit the criteria but apparently not. According to ABC News Debbie Watkins and woman like her suffers from having to deal the stresses of work, caring for an elderly mother, kids who still live at home and a husband who needs more of her time than her job. The women in this group are literally a walking "Recipe for Metabolic Disaster", says Dr. Holly Thacker, director of specialized women's health at the Cleveland clinic. Lack of sleep, poor diet lack of exercise and elevated cortisol levels now have experts predicting that this may be the first generation of women who may not out live their male counterparts. Mentally they are trapped between perception and guilt that keeps them wondering if they are doing enough for the ones they love. However there seems to be no healthy mothers little helper (pill) when it comes to finding relief from this never ending catch 22. Breaking this cycle is hard because it becomes a naturally produced addictive behavior which if not careful can easily lead to other forms of self medication or prescription dependency. Even most stress reduction methods which include exercise and better food selection provides more mental stress as time is diverted away from other stress inducing activities such as care giving and work which then creates more guilt and stress. The hormone cortisol which is a natural hormone designed to provide the flight or flight trigger in humans does not seem to turn it self off as we age and ends up leading to chronic stress syndrome which then leads to a host of other potentially chronic and even fatal deceases. Modern western diets fail to provide the ne! cessary levels of nutrition and amino acids which help keep cortisol production in check. Elevated cortisol levels also elevate glucose in the blood which also promotes weight gain or prevents weight loss. So the more stress the more weight, is it no wonder we as Americans have a major obesity problem. So if status in America was measured by ones stress level, then Doctors, Lawyers and Pilots move over for middle aged working wives, mothers and elderly care givers. They now have moved up the status ladder as being the most stressed out group in America. About the AuthorWalt is here to help you replace reduced and lost income with solid and proven offline and online methods. For a real Income at home visit my site @ Lesson 8c - STRESS PATTERNS - English PronunciationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
How to Access Your Subconscious Mind Posted: 19 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Franklin Esmur Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why is one man a great success and another an abject failure? Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn't? Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated? The answer to these above questions lies in the working of your subconscious mind. Knowing how to access the subconscious mind will give you a different look at the world and draw you toward success, prosperity and peace. Your mind contains infinite riches. There is a storehouse within you from which you can extract everything you need to live gloriously, joyously, and abundantly. To gain them, all you have to do is open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. Most of the great scientists, artists, poets, singers, writers, and inventors have a deep understanding of the workings of the minds. The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their sub conscious mind. You can do the same. Once you learn to access and release the hidden power of your mind, you can bring to your life more wealth, more health, more happiness and more joy. Through the wisdom of your mind you can attract the ideal companion, as well as the right business associate or partner. It can find the right buyer for your home, and provide you with all the money you need, and the financial freedom to be, to do, and to go, as your heart desires. Your mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you. Never use the terms, "I can't afford it" or "I can't do this." Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what yo! u want t o do. Affirm, "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind." To connect and access to your subconscious mind, there are several effective methods such as visualization technique, affirmation technique, the argumentative technique, the absolute technique, and some other techniques. However, the key principle is entering the quiet sate where your conscious mind has little or no interference with your subconscious mind. Then tell your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and trust about what you really want, your desires, and goals. Your subconscious mind will answer, and you will get the result. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect. Therefore, change your thoughts, and you change your destiny. About the AuthorWant to learn more about accessing your subconscious mind? Check out my site at useful information on getting wealth, success, health, and ideal partner by tapping in the power of subconscious mind. A Walk On The Beach : Guided Meditation With Lori GrangerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
A Look at Using Herbal Remedies For Stress Relief Posted: 19 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Steinharter Bierly Stress, as well as other conditions, has been treated by herbs for hundreds of years. Herbs are a hot topic now since they are a great alternative to regular medications. There will be a few side effects with many types of herbs, but nothing too serious. In this article, we'll be exploring the uses of herbs to reduce the effects of stress in our lives. One of these herbs is Siberian ginseng, which is said to promote mental alertness. Experts in this field say that it can fight fatigue and help boost your energy level. It is said to restore the adrenal glands. Studies have shown that Siberian ginseng raises the activity of immune cells, which is an important aspect of combating stress. It's even helpful at reducing cholesterol and blood pressure in heart patients. There are several types of ginseng, all of which have healing properties, but Siberian ginseng is especially recommended for stress related ailments. Chamomile may be the most commonly known herb for stress reduction. It comes in many forms but is commonly used in teas and/or tinctures. The use of chamomile as a medicinal herb goes back to ancient Egypt, and it's been used in many cultures since that time. It's true that there aren't any side effects that are known for taking chamomile but it should not interact with blood thinners. Individuals, of course, may have allergies to an herb, including chamomile. You don't have to go out of your way to make changes. Drinking one glass of tea daily can help you begin to relieve the stress in your life right away. Aromatherapy is becoming a widely used therapy for relieving stress. Many herbs are used to create the herbal mixtures used in the process. Many people are surprised by exactly how effective, and how quickly effective, fragrance can be for relieving stress. Just remember that it does take a while to find the perfect mixture and concentration of essential oils to get instant success with aromatherapy. Mix and match until you find the right herbal combination to ! cure you r stress. Try a few different methods of bringing these oils and herbs into the air around you. Your stress relief can be better managed with the help of herbal remedies. You may have some side effects from certain herbs, so take the time to do a little homework. Take the time to read about any precautions you need to take with herbs and then start to see your stress melt away. About the AuthorThere is more content available on seo las vegas there's loads of points not detailed on this page, go to Author's website to locate more. HOPEThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Is Spirituality a Sanctimonious Form of Self-Centeredness? Not! Posted: 19 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Charles Louis Let me preface this piece by saying that even though I'm about to strongly disagree with him, I do in fact appreciate the intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness of writers such as John Horgan. Who is John Horgan? He's an author and journalist whose specialty is reporting on the science scene. But he also has a side interest in cutting-edge spirituality. His knowledge of the subject is actually quite extensive, and many of his views quite incisive. Consequently, his opinions deserve some respect. That being said, I recently read a John Horgan quote that expresses an opinion I very much do not respect. In an article about his personal exploration of Buddhism Mr. Horgan wrote, "All religions, including Buddhism, stem from our narcissistic wish to believe that the universe was created for our benefit, as a stage for our spiritual quests." Man's religions and spiritualities, in this view, are merely his spiritualized narcissism. Merely made-up mythologies that pander to our species' delusions of its cosmic grandeur. Nothing more than elaborate theological stories in which human beings get to be the main characters. According to this kind of psychologizing thinking, religious worldviews can easily be written off as arrogant fictions that we embrace because they give the human race a nice ego-boost.Wow! Is that all religion turns out to be? Do we sometimes concoct beliefs because they make us feel special? Sure we do. But is that the whole, disappointing truth of human spirituality? I, for one, beg to answer NO! I take the less psychological, and admittedly more mystical view that religions embody our self-awareness at its deepest, transpersonal, and least narcissistic level. The level where we intuit that we are not just the puny, spiritually isolated egos we normally assume ourselves to be. A level of awareness at which we actually transcend all our various forms of self-centeredness. Including our preoccupation with the whole human comedy. Many saints and holy men demonstrate! that eg ocentric, ethnocentric, and anthropocentric mindsets all get annihilated when human beings immerse themselves deeply enough in "religious" consciousness. Our human hubris at last goes by the cosmic wayside.When human consciousness reaches the profoundest level of religious sensibility and perception we're actually quite beyond the sort of collective narcissism that Mr. Horgan unjustly finds religious and spiritual folks guilty of! But enough of my lofty monologing on the transcendental nature of spiritual intuition. Let's briefly glance here at the status accorded to human beings in some major religious traditions, and then revisit the question of whether religions are really just in the business of feeding our egos. Is the view of man held by the world's religions really all that exalted? Do religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam excessively puff up our pride in being human? Let's start with Buddhism. According to Buddhist metaphysics we don't even have permanent and centralized selves to be self-centered about. And the goal of Buddhist practice is to realize this, and to liberate oneself from any kind of egoism. Perhaps being a human being at the top of the enlightenment food chain does give some Buddhists a sense of superiority. But Buddhism does not encourage such spiritual smugness. On the contrary, Buddhism holds that any such sense of superiority is yet another form of egoism that we need to liberate ourselves from.But does Buddhism's very focus on our liberation make us the center of existence? Is that the implication? It can be, but it's by no means a necessary or unavoidable implication. Buddhists don't have to embrace the "anthropic" attitude that the entire universe is just a stage for man's spiritual quest. And judging by how they live, most devout Buddhists have definitely not embraced an arrogant attitude about their role on the cosmic stage. As for the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, God, not man, is always firmly fixed at the heart of its worldview. Yes, man! is supp osed to be special to God, and even made in God's image. But this specialness is balanced with an emphasis on such things as man's moral weakness, and his subservient relationship to God. Man never actually succeeds in upstaging God on the cosmic stage.In the case of Taoism, man must adjust himself to the Tao, not vice versa. The universe and the Tao certainly don't revolve around us. And in Hinduism, atman is really Brahman. Once again, we don't even actually have a separate human self to be self-centered and anthropocentric about in the first place. On close examination, Mr. Horgan's seemingly logical concern that religion makes human beings arrogant about their place in the scheme of things turns out to be completely unfounded. Although they may understand transcendence differently, all religions seem to have a mystical feeling for a ground of reality that transcends the stature and vanity of human beings. Religions insightfully fathom that everything in the world is part and particle of this ultimate reality. That human beings are not ultimately special. And that it's spiritually counterproductive foolishness to get caught up in our human egos. For this reason the wisdom traditions of the major faiths work to educate spiritual people against becoming too chauvinistic about the magnificence of being homo sapiens, and against falling into the error of thinking that the universe is just a stage for our spiritual adventures. So, in the final analysis, is the view of man in our religions the height of human pride, or does it represent the depth of our spiritual humility? I must disagree with the viewpoint argued by Mr. Horgan, and affirm that religion does in fact redeem itself by promoting an impressively humble attitude toward the sublimity and mystery of existence. About the AuthorThe author of this article is the founder of the website Realityhead is simply our original term for a spiritual seeker, i.e., someone who's committedly, passionately, and joyfully engaged in exploring the inner reality of him/herself and the universe. If you're a realityhead (and if you don't like our term you're of course free to substitute any adjective more to your liking), visit our site,, and see if we have anything to offer your spirituality. Returning To Now ☼This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
The Millionaire Mind â Can You Think and Grow Rich!? Posted: 19 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Keelan Cunningham You know, being a millionaire and creating wealth is not the be all and end all. But having a millionaire mind and financial independence is a helluva lot more fun than having a poverty mindset and being broke! And it will give you the freedom to live the life you want to live...on your terms! Can you do so without money? Maybe! But it's gonna be a heck of a lot more difficult, if not impossible, and you'll end up compromising! So, read on to find out how you too can develop the millionaire mind.Every successful person in life knows this one important lesson: You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to. Conforming to other peoples' expectations is in a nutshell a recipe for a humdrum, boring and mediocre life. In order to become a millionaire you must have developed 'the millionaire mind' and this means thinking and behaving in a way that's good for you! So, expect to upset some family, so-called friends and even a few institutions along the way!"There is Science to Getting RichIn the book, 'The Science of Getting Rich' by Wallace D. Wattles, the central argument is that it's not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless you are rich. The idea being that you can't unfold your true potential and experience all that life has to offer if you are poor. Well, you have to ask yourself 'Do you agree with this idea'? If you don't, then you are, regrettably, destined never to fulfil your potential and always be poor! Why? Because you will unconsciously be accepting people, ideas, and circumstances into your life that will take you off the road to wealth and fulfilment. Don't get me wrong, you can still lead a good life if you are not rich. However, there's no nobility in poverty. When you are rich you can help those who are less fortunate; by being a source of inspiration and giving opportunity. Change Your Thinking, Change Your LifeWealth is a result...and more than any other thing it is a result of your mindset. Having the right mindset is the key to developing! the mil lionaire mind. Unfortunately, conventional systems and institutions unwittingly teach us to go to school, then university, get a job, and get married, etc., without ever showing us how to develop our minds to their full potential. If you merely follow the system you will unlikely have developed the right mindset to achieve your full potential and create lasting wealth. Your inner world creates your outer world. Creating wealth is firstly an inner game played on the playing fields of your unconscious mind. Some people are already programmed for success early in life. This can be because of their background, their parents, their education or even some life-changing event. But, if you're not yet a successful millionaire (and it's a good guess you're not yet if you're reading this) then you literally need to re-program your mind for success. How? Read onâ¦Mind RehearsalIn much the same way as you'd rehearse for a sales presentation or a concert you take the same approach with your mind. You practice until your new way of thinking becomes automatic i.e. the successful outcome is imprinted on your unconscious mind so strongly that your conscious thoughts are programmed for success. You basically visualise and rehearse circumstances, feelings, places etc., in your mind in order for them to manifest. This 'mind rehearsal' is in my opinion the most important thing you will do in your life. You see, people think they make decisions consciously. But they don't really. Most of the time, it is the unconscious mind that is driving our lives, controlling the so-called 'decisions' we make consciously. So, it's really important that we are visualising wealth and feeling wealthy all the time in order for us to become so.So yes, you can literally think and get rich; so long as these thoughts are imprinted on your unconscious mind and you act accordingly. There's a lot more on this subject than can be covered here. But if there was one 'take home' from this, then it's to fully understand that decisions in our lives are ! largely made at an unconscious level. These thoughts lead to feelings, these feelings lead to actions, and these actions lead to results! About the AuthorYou can discover how to program your mind for success and begin using millionaire mind strategies. Sign up right now for Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE, you'll get instant access to insider secrets about the Millionaire Mind! - | |||
The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in U.S.A. Posted: 19 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST Article by Arjanyai In June 2519/1976, chief monks and representatives from the five Thai Buddhist temples in the United States came to Denver and held a general meeting at Wat Buddhawararam, having the intention to set up the means of effectively maintaining the unity and uniformity of monastic life and practices of Thai Buddhist monks amidst different environments in different parts of the United Sates; to exchange knowledge and ideas; and to achieve cooperation among themselves in the performance of Buddhist activities and their religious duties. At that meeting a resolution was passed approving the establishment of a Buddhist organization called 'The Council of Thai Bhikkhus in the U.S.A., Inc.', which became incorporated under the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act on October 21, 1976. According to the Bylaws and Constitution of the Council, all Bhikkhus present in the United States for religious duties with the approval of the Buddhist Order of Thailand shall be members of the Council, and a general meeting shall be held-annually in June. At present, the office of the Council is located at Wat Buddhawararam of Denver. The Council serves as a liaison between all Thai Buddhist Bhikkhus in the United States. Among its objectives are to establish policy; to further promote, amend and improve the religious and propagation practices of Thai Bhikkhus in the United States; to be a center for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and cooperation among Thai Bhikkhus in the United States and between the Thai Bhikkhus in the United States and the Buddhist Order of Thailand; and to assist and promote activities of the Thai temples in the United States of America. At present (2527/1984), there are 12 Thai Buddhist temples in the United States that send their representatives to attend the annual meeting of the Council. Listed here are the names of monks in charge of these temples, their positions and the addresses of the temples, namely, 1. Ven. Phra ThepsophonAbbot and PresidentWat Thai of Los Angeles12909 Cant! ara Stre etNorth Hollywood, CA 81605 2. Ven. Phra Maha Surasak ThammaratAbbotWat Thai of Washington, D.C.9033 Georgia AvenueSilver Spring, MD 20910 3. Ven. Phra SudhiratanapornAbbot and PresidentWat Dhammaram7059 West 75th St.Harlem, Chicago, IL 60638 4. Ven. Phra VisuddhisombodhiAbbot and PresidentVajiradhammapadip Temple75 California RoadMount Vernon, N.Y. 10552 5. Ven. Dr. Phra VivekanandaAbbot and PresidentWat Buddhawararam4801 Julian StreetDenver, CO 80221 6. Ven. Phra MongkolrajmuniAbbot and PresidentWat Mongkolratanaram794 Grand AvenueSouth San Francisco, CA 94080 7. Ven. Phra Maha Prayong DhammasiriAbbotWat Dhammakunaram of Utah2636 Van Buren AvenueOgden, UT 84401 8. Ven. Phra MongkolrajmuniPresidentWat Mongkolratanaram of Florida5306 Palm River RoadTampa, FL 33619 9. Ven. Phra SudhiratanapornPresidentWat Buddhavas of Houston6007 Spindle DriveHouston, TX 77086 10 Ven. Phra SudhiratanapornPresidentWat Buddharangsri8004 S.W. 96 AvenueMiami, FL 33173 11. Ven. Phra Maha Prasert KavissaroAbbotWat Buddhanusorn1016 Daisy CourtSunnyvale, CA 94086 12. Ven. Phra MongkolrajmuniPresidentWat Phrasriratanaram8463 San RafealSt. Louis, MO 63114 Special thank and the book we can find more infomation Bapat, P.V., ed. 2500 Years of Buddhism. New Delhi: The Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India,1956; reprinted 1959.Benz, Ernst. Buddhism or Communism: Which Holds the Future of Asia? Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1966. Buddhadasa, Bhikkhu. Toward the Truth. Edited by Donald K. Swearer. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1971. Chou Hsiang-Kuang. T'ai Hsu: His Life and Teachings. Allahabad-2, U.P., India: Indo-Chinese Literature Publications, 1957. Conze, Edward. Buddhism and Its Development. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1975. Doumolin, Heinrich, and Maraldo, John C., eds. Buddhism in the Modern World. New York: Collier B! ooks, 19 76. Hanayama, Shinsho. A History of Japanese Buddhism. Translated and edited by Kosho Yamamoto. Tokyo: The CIIB, 1960. Humphreys, Christmas, ed. A Buddhist Students' Manual. London: The Buddhist Society, 1956. Karuna Kusalasaya. Buddhism in Thailand: Its Past and Present. Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1965. Layman, Emma McCloy. Buddhism in America. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1976. Ling, Trevor. The Buddha. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973. Morgan, Kenneth W., ed. The Path of the Buddha: Buddhism Interpreted by Buddhists. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1956. Needleman, Jacob. The New Religions. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970. Nehru, Jawaharlal. Glimpses of World History. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 2nd ed., 1962. _____.The Discovery of India. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1961; reprinted1974. Oliver, Ian P. Buddhism in Britain. London: Rider & Company, 1979. Perera, H.R. Buddhism in Ceylon: Its Past and Present. Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1966. Prebish, Charles S. Buddhism: A Modern Perspective. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975. About the AuthorPlease visit West end mortgage Kids make a website Singles cruises | |||
Your Spiritual Journey - Planets 5 & 6 Posted: 19 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Norma Hickox When the twin is found, you plus your twin spark, plus all the learning of each one's former incarnations, progress to the fifth plane for healing and preparation for the rest of the journey. When you move on from earth's plane to the next, you will be in a loving, protected atmosphere of healing and learning. This fifth planet is a very restful, peaceful, healing group experience. All twin sparks have been found and the sparks are united again, not only with each other, but with all other sparks. (This is the planet [plane] that would come the closest to what humanity thinks of as "heaven," as the rejoining your maker, etc.) It is truly a healing and joyous time, but is certainly not the end of the line, by no means. The journey has just started. Planet (Plane)FivePlanet five is a beautiful plane. All are together, and experience a terrific feeling of well-being and wholeness. Each divine spark is in thought-form. There is much work on individual attitudes and why they had thought that being separated from each other would be a good experience and finding out that it wasn't and that they were very happy to be rejoined with each other. There is no pain or illness or frustration and no ego problems or timid souls. All are equal in a way they never can be at all on earth. There is no difference in sexes. As you climb the twelve divisions of level five, you come more in tune with your twin and eventually join in soul and body cooperation. Your twin, your guide, is inside you; it is your higher mind which you reach at level five consciousness. It begins to be able to influence your daily life with good, positive thoughts. You then merge with the Oversoul (which is the mind of the Creator) on the true fifth dimension, the ethereal realm of five, for a healing. This healing manifests itself on the earth plane as a happy, loving part of the all, a feeling of being one with the Creator and loving everyone and everything. This is where most people stop their growth. They believe they have perf! ected th emselves and quit. This is the "heaven" that the churches teach is our goal. Also, from level one of planet five on you can reach records of other incarnations that you have had. Even though the last time you were there was from a less evolved pass of the Oversoul, you can still tap into the records. For instance, if you had been an artist, you'll suddenly find the doodling you do while talking on the phone becoming very good drawings, much to your surprise. Your guide, your twin will encourage you to explore this area a little further. Or perhaps you had been a lumberjack and had been killed by a falling tree. You might also tap into this memory, but your guide will try to steer you away from this unless he thinks that reliving this experience will help you in some way this time. When each divine spark feels rested and happy and healed and feels it has really accomplished something, looking back over its long term on earth, it begins to get bored and that same old thought strikes. "There must be more to life than all this happiness and well-being." This boredom drives it from its safe, restful haven of the fifth planet and sends it to the sixth. The evolutionary stay on the fifth planet is not as long as on others. Planet (Plane) SixIf one perseveres he will then enter the sixth plane. This is usually caused by frustration after realizing that the feeling of oneness on plane five wasn't quite as fulfilling as you thought. The sixth planet is a very necessary splintering classroom again, probably the next most difficult after planet earth. You find yourself going off alone, leaving those with whom shortly before you felt so much communion with, be it study groups, cults, churches or whatever, and exploring all kinds of ideas that are new for you. You don't need to have anyone else because you and your twin are one by this time and you feel very whole when alone and very secure in your spiritual understanding. The sixth planet is very beautiful, but all are alone. They cannot see ! or sense each other; they are totally alone. They have a beautiful environment, but no one to talk to about it. They have plenty of food which they partake of alone. They, if they could see themselves, are in beautiful etheric bodies, but it makes no difference as there is no one to see them. Their seedcore knows by instinct and intuition that there is no joy if it cannot be shared with others. If they thought they were lonely on earth, they did not know what loneliness was. This is loneliness. Even though the twin sparks are not separated here, they realize that having each other and being whole that way is not enough. They, the whole divine spark, male and female together, realize they want others around to share this beauty and abundance. The foliage is lush and green. Although the climate is very hot, one can cool off under the shade of the trees by a beautiful waterfall. There are huge vines with big clumps of fruit, delicious to eat, but there seems to be nothing to do, no purpose, no pain, no goals. They begin to feel, "What am I doing here? Is this all there is, this paradise with nothing to do but sit around in beauty all day? There must be more!" They, as a whole being and by now a very intelligent, thinking and reasoning being, begin to wonder if this or if that were to take place what would the result be. They then begin to plan what they would do if only there were others around to do it with. They think, "If only I could try this experiment or bounce this idea off someone else. I wonder if it would work." They experiment, refine, plan and suddenly they need to discuss these ideas with others and find themselves wanting to share what they have learned. They plan the next stage of lessons and things they want to accomplish. As they continue and move on to planet seven, they realize they need to do something to help others. They set the goals they want to try to help universal life be improved. All this is done, has to be done, before the whole spark can move on to planet seven. ! p> To relate this to earth plane life perhaps you decide you want to return to college or something. Each one will have their turn at the fountain inside them. What they do with it is what determines the growth period for that lifetime. Their turn at the fountain, this contact with the inner plane guides and teachers, will last for a period of years. The entity will become stabilized, will become loving and will become a server of humanity. About the AuthorThis article is from The New Millennium Notebooks by Norma Hickox. Find Books by NormaNorma is a musician. She plays & teaches 6 instruments, composes music, does painting, writing & theater.Join Norma on her social networkContact Norma Space Meditation Video - Colonies - Spiritual MusicThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
5 Ways To Make the Best Out of Your Yoga Session With Superfoods Posted: 18 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Paul Fitzgerald Want to be fit and healthy? Then why not try doing Yoga. Yoga according to Wikipedia, is a healing system that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. Yoga is a combination of breathing exercises, physical posture and meditation. It is a mind-body intervention that reduces the health effects of generalized stress. Though Yoga is a spiritual practice that evolved in Hinduism, the Western world has created a purely physical exercise known as Asana. From a survey that was released in May 2004 by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Yoga is the 5th most commonly used complementary and alternative medicine therapy in the united States during 2002. In the Yoga Journal magazine in February 2005, they have revealed that there are already 16.5 million Americans who spend as nearly as billion yearly on classes and Yoga related products. So if you want to join those 16.5 million Americans then here are some tips on how to prepare for Yoga. First we talk abut your attire. In Yoga it is advisable that you wear discreet clothing which you can move easily in. Examples of these would be bike shorts, footless tights, T-shirts and importantly, a clean bare feet. Before that though, you need to inform your teacher if you are pregnant, menstruating, have other physical problems and medical conditions so that the type of Yoga given to you would be adjusted. In Yoga sessions, you can bring your own Yoga mat which needs to have your name on it. Other equipment though is already provided by the instructors. You should also arrive at classes 10 minutes before. Then to avoid any disruptions during the sessions, you are supposed to turn off mobile phones since a simple ring or vibration can distract your concentration and others. You are also to keep casual conversations during class into a minimum. It is also advised that you are not to eat a meal any closer than the three hours before classes but a light snack one hour before is okay. A good light snack wou! ld be th e raw organic superfoods Raw Cacao Powder. This raw organic superfood helps the body give fuel and is perfect for Yoga, Tai Chi and other competitive sports. Raw Cacao Powder can be blended with shakes, coffee, tea and fruits. What makes Raw Cacao Powder perfect for Yoga practitioners is that it contains rare key nutrients that enhance the physical and mental well-being. This raw organic superfood also contains more antioxidant flavanoids than Red wine, Green Tea and Blueberries. It also has essential minerals such as Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Sulfur and Potassium. Hope the information here has helped you prepare for your Yoga classes. Good Luck and stay fit and healthy! About the AuthorCome learn about the greatest selection of Superfoods on The Planet. Please visit our site at Superfood living and learn about Raw Chocolate CocaoNoni, Goji Berries, Maca, Phytoplankton, Sacred Chocolate, and more.... Barely Political Guys Attempt Yoga With Tara StilesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Introduction to Yoga for Fitness Posted: 18 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Zima Tarimo A body-mind-spirit harmony is what yoga means to achieve so it means a lot more than just meditation. In all probability, this is the oldest personal development holistic system known to man. There's a holistic approach to this ancient science and it involves healing the body mind and soul and making them grow stronger. Yogi and Yogini refer to male and female practitioners of yoga respectively. Indian philosophy has six orthodox systems, of which this is one and is considered an applied science of the body and the mind. Comprehending the philosophy of it is a lifetime pursuit and it is just not about squatting in lotus position and chanting. Practicing Yoga is one of the most effective ways of handling stress and it also effective in treating back problems that result due to postural defects. People who have cancer practice this in addition to other therapies as it makes them feel good. This can be practiced in the morning before breakfast which is the best time. There are many types of this ancient practice, a few of them are stated below: The practice of this yoga is meditation and methods that help in controlling the body, mind, energy and the senses. Kundalini Yoga - This is very popular and is a safe and unstressed practice, providing quick results. Hatha Yoga is combined set of postures known as asanas and breath control known as pranayama and it is the foundation for modern postures or asanas. Sahaja Yoga - This is a unique meditation based method for self realization, Kundalini awakening. Moksha Hot Yoga - This is another form of yoga performed in a heated room, combining the foundation of traditional yoga with the precision of therapeutic yoga. Yoga is getting famous nowadays and is being practiced by both the young as well as the old people as it is good for people of all ages. This may be due to the fact that yoga is something one has to do and not something done to or on one. You build flexibility and endurance and it is gentle on the body. Yoga ! is becom ing popular among soldiers who are keen in working on their stamina, mental focus and flexibility as per Fit Yoga and the Associated Press. The practice should not only be taken as an exercise but should also be accepted as a method to develop happiness and harmony from within. About the AuthorYou can visit: Introduction to yoga for fitness and yoga huntington new york for more information. | |||
How To Work Your Conscious Mind And Subconscious Mind Posted: 18 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Sanmay Patel DMT - A Connection to the Universe!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | |||
Spirit Voyage Music promises to make your spiritual life dynamic Posted: 18 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Shirin Joshi Spirit Voyage is an online music company which offers a huge as well as appreciable collection of spiritual music CDs and DVDs. This collection of spiritual music can help people in practicing yoga and meditation. Yoga is an ancient Vedic art of controlling human mind, body and soul through regular practice of some physical exercises. Music and yoga have a long heritage of creating magic together. The calm and the healing sounds of spiritual music, specially yoga music, penetrates the whole being of an individual and makes it pure as crystal. Such kind of music acts as accelerator or concentrator of mind. As the loud sound and noise tends to distract and disturb the mind, light soothing sound effects positively by helping the mind to relax. Meditation music is also another kind of soothing music which fills up the mind with divine serenity. Music is an important part of the yogic or spiritual life of a human being. The yoga music offered at Spirit Voyage is vast and varied in range. From drum music and high energy yoga grooves for a high energy yoga session to a calm and soothing yoga music, from Kundalini yoga music and Sanskrit mantras to soulful instrumental music and downtempo and chill music, it's all here. One just needs to browse through all the music categories and pick the perfect one. The music CDs and DVDs offered here are aimed to enhance the yoga and meditation practice of an individual. Composed and sung by experts like Snatam Kaur, WAH!, Donna De Lory, Gurmukh and many more, this collection is sure to set the right mood for yoga practicing. In ancient times, various musical instruments were used in yoga ashrams in yoga training. Vedic chants and mantras were used which were believed to create a flow of melody, thus, induce the concentration of the mind. This powerful ground of spiritual music set up an ambiance for a successful sadhana. Spiritual music like meditation music helps to penetrate into the deeper level of self-awareness and ultimately the practitioner reach! es the e xtreme point to merge with the Primordial vibration. Nowadays, music is used in yoga sessions for relaxation and ensuring a guided meditations. People even use such kind of soothing devotional music as background sound for practicing various forms of yoga such as Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga, asanas and pranayama etc. Each yoga DVD, CD and MP3 collection available at Spirit Voyage tends to invoke strong mood and influence the subtle energy fields within. It will direct our consciousness to achieve the higher realms of spirituality. Beat, Breath and Mantra by Dharam, Deliverance by Shimshai, Japa by Dave Stringer, Into Grace by Guru Shabad Singh, Nirvana Groove by David and Steve Gordon, Beautiful Day: The Aquarian Sadhana by Sat Purkh Kaur Khalsa are few from the collection. With the extensive collection of Spirit Voyage Yoga DVDs and CDS, practicing any yoga forms - Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga yoga is made much more easier. Pick the best yoga DVD and delve into that deeper level of spirituality where the human soul reunites with the Omnipotent soul. About the AuthorThe author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music.The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. |
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